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The Testimony of A Underground Smasher- Ignore Me No More


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
Link to original post: [drupal=919]The Testimony of A Underground Smasher- Ignore Me No More[/drupal]

Oh yes, I might drop a few names or so (Maybe not alot) but then again they're probably used to it.

Ever since the first time Sonic was announced for Brawl, I vowed to make him one of my characters in some way. Before I entered the scene, I asked myself will I be a follower or will I be a leader? Will I be one of the Brawl players who sets an example,go to the top and be feared or will I remain lost in obscurity forever? I decided to actually do something useful for myself for a change and go to my first smashfest in Brooklyn, it was during the time when everyone was importing Brawl. Needless to say, I didn't do as good as I hoped (I did OK, seeing that I couldn't get Brawl until the U.S. release date). I used only Sonic that day, I fought Ninjalink that day too (and got ***** by the way). I despaired and called Sonic a low tier character and was about to give up. The only thing he told me was "It's because you make him look like a low tier". Those words ringed in my head for a good minute, so I stepped my Sonic up even further ever since that day. I didn't have alot of money, so I couldn't go to tourneys. I was limited to Smashfest, so I worked with that (and get owned by Silven until I got better).

In the summer, I went to a smashfest in the Bronx. This one had alot more players and I did a better job. At the time I also picked up on ICs. I knew that ICs weren't popular (Chaingrab lolz) but I stuck to them anyway sinced I liked them and were my previous characters from Melee. I wanted to join a random Brawl crew battle but I was pretty much ignored. During my convo with Jash (He was a Y.Link player in Melee and is now a Toon Link)I spoke about my gripes about being left out. He told me that I should put myself out there a bit more (Which is true, I mean you gotta place good in tourneys right?)so I got over it and continued on my merry way. I sorta made a name for myself, I didn't even know people knew about me, it made me feel like I at least accomplished something like putting my name out there for a bit. I did some online stuff too, though I wasn't too fond of Brawl's laggy WiFi. Despite that, I wasn't even payed attention to online, and even though I won some tourneys online, I was given quite a hard time due to IC chaingrabs or other stuff I did that fell into the spam category with other characters >_> (Then again, WiFi doesn't count so i didn't bother me)

Now recently I won an offline tourney, it was a decent size and it was a good start at least. I recently heard of MalcolmM's exploits with Sonic, although I did get jealous because I couldn't go to said tourneys and it was my starting dream when I went to Brawl. Though seeing Sonic starting to get respect does put a smile on my face. I m writing this because, I'm just sick of being ignored. I keep hearing about the same people over and over. So I'm leaving one chapter behind and now I embark on a new mission. I don't know what's in store for me or whether I'll be known for Sonic or another character. I was once told that I would actually get far, so let's put those words to the test. I know that I sound sarcastic when it come's to top players (For instance in my convo in AiB, I was real unentusiastic about Atomsk and man I never heard the end of it, I was actually called ignorant even though I never once said I was better). Don't get me wrong I show my respects and I like new friends, but let me make this clear. I'm nobody's fanboy (Well just a friendly face but still), if you cross my path, I will take you down. I refuse to accept mediocrity and stay where everyone is. I'm going to take my rightful place as one of the higher players that get respected.

Heed my words, I will not be denied. Starting now, I will not run away. This time, I'll fight no matter what.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Good for you. I'm not really that much into the Smash -- especially Brawl -- competitive community myself, but I really think it's great that you want to put yourself out there and get recognized. Just keep working at it. I can't guarantee you'll wind up at the top for sure, but if you work at it hard enough I think your efforts will not go unnoticed or unrewarded.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
ahahah you silly Sonic fanboy. :laugh:

jk <3

I don't play online tourneys, and even though I placed first in the two offline tourneys (ergh, one of them was a 16 man with like, 1 good player and 2 decent ones; the other was a 30+ tourney where I got a $30 gift card to Gamestop + a copy of Spore lol, with 1 amazing player and tier junkies all over the place) - neither of them were SWF-hosted, so I didn't really make a difference.

But people apparently think I have a good Sonic, on SWF and off. And even if not, apparently, people have heard of me.

Because I contribute online lolol.

- side-B/down-B thread
- kill%s
- Destroyed Sonic's D-throw (and rebuilding it/finding good uses for it the next day)

I cheated.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
I think as men we all want to be recognized some way or another for our awesomeness contributions to the smash community. Good luck on your mission dude.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
I wish you luck in achieving what you want to achieve.

This made me laugh though: "so I stepped my Sonic up"

Come on, step it up!



Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
That's good to hear. I need to do the same, not that I'm particularly great, but I know I can do a lot better, and even being decent with wiichuck will make me seem good :laugh: Best of luck to ya. And, for the record, Atomsk is a good guy, but it really does seem like people enjoy putting him on a pedestal on AiB.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Having high hopes will only shatter your dreams even deeper bro.

'tis too bad that you set your sight on Brawl/Sonic. :D


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
^ From the guy using Falcon in Brawl lol. Not going to deny what he's saying, but you never know if you don't try.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2005
Small hole, looks nice though~
i wish i could say stuff like that,i always feel like i either
sucks at this game and always will
gets good but everyone else is always better.

good for you though...


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2007
Good luck, man. I wish I could have some of your fighting spirit, but mine's been shot down a lot recently, lol. Though I can't help but respect your determination and I wish you the best with that.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
Good luck, man. I wish I could have some of your fighting spirit, but mine's been shot down a lot recently, lol. Though I can't help but respect your determination and I wish you the best with that.

Right now, I'm just taking tiny steps. Y'know, finding a main and figuring out what I can do to make myself... uh, well, viable for anything PERIOD.

Anyway, good luck with your mission. I guess the only miracle I've accomplished (that I really don't recognize that much even though I should) is that I'm a somewhat civil 08er on Smashboards.
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