Would a human do it again? lol, very likely so!
Machine learning already exists, in limited forms. The thing is, we don't understand how WE work, so it's very difficult to make a machine that works like us.
One of the most popular theories is that all intelligence is based off of symbol manipulation. That's all it is. This comes from two areas: Computer Science and Psychology. The Computer Science end of it is very easy to understand. A Turing machine is a theoretical machine which essentially just manipulates symbols. It moves them around and performs computations. And it can be proven that a Turing machine is what is called "Turing Complete", which means that it is capable of solving any problem which is able to be solved.
The standpoint from Psychology says that there is strong evidence that humans think by manipulating abstract symbols. (I'm not a psychology expert. I know only what I know from my AI courses!) We break down our thoughts into small chunks and learn new things by combining these parts in new ways.
So what exactly is learning? We already have machines that can "learn". Learning is trivial, in a well defined problem. The hard part is a general purpose learning algorithm.
What you want is a machine that given any problem or situation can learn how to solve it. That's a hard problem indeed! In fact, I can't think of a harder one!
You see, we as humans routinely do things we take for granted, like "solve" unsolvable problems! For instance, the standard example of an unsolvable problem (referred to as "undecidable") is "The Halting Problem". Essentially, it is the problem of figuring out whether or not any given program has entered an infinite loop and will never end.
We as humans can easily say "Well, it's been a long time, and it should have finished by now" and can tell (with high accuracy) whether or not the program is still actually running or if it's crashed. But in general, this is impossible.
Now, try thinking up a way for a computer to solve ANY unsolvable problem! This is why AI research is so slow moving.