Pink Yoshi
Smash Master
I always feel like I should like the Electric type more than I do.
By itself it's a very cool type, but I've never really been attached to its roster that much. There's some cool **** in there like Electrabuzz, Ampharos, Manectric, Eelektross and Toxtricity, but outside of my boy Pachirisu there's never been a Pokemon in the type I've been that attached to in the same way types like Normal, Grass, Bug and the like have given me.
By itself it's a very cool type, but I've never really been attached to its roster that much. There's some cool **** in there like Electrabuzz, Ampharos, Manectric, Eelektross and Toxtricity, but outside of my boy Pachirisu there's never been a Pokemon in the type I've been that attached to in the same way types like Normal, Grass, Bug and the like have given me.