Ramen Tengoku
YouTube recommendations are simultaneously a blessing and a curse
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when is Sakurai streaming FortniteView attachment 359748
YouTube recommendations are simultaneously a blessing and a curse
Reveal them all GameFreakIf the leakers aren't full of hot air, it is looking like the new Pokémon count in Scarlet and Violet could be 105.
1,010 is a nice rounded number.
The first gen to introduce more than 100 Pokemon in 12 years.If the leakers aren't full of hot air, it is looking like the new Pokémon count in Scarlet and Violet could be 105.
1,010 is a nice rounded number.
Still looking for feedback on this. Thanks for the likes It's gotten so far!Alright. Here is my current roster for Pokemon Champions. Would like feedback. For context, it's basically KoF mixed with Pokken. Each team is meant to represent a trainer's team from the main series of Pokemon games, even if there are a few minor changes or substitutions. Each trainer has 3 main fighter Pokemon and 3 support Pokemon.
- Red
- Fighters: Charizard, Pikachu, Machamp
- Supports: Lapras, Snorlax, Psyduck
- Blue
- Fighters: Blastoise, Eevee, Alakazam
- Supports: Arcanine, Pidgeot, Exeggutor
- Leaf
- Fighters: Venusaur, Gengar, Jigglypuff
- Supports: Clefable, Ninetales, Butterfree
- Giovanni
- Fighters: Mewtwo, Rhydon, Nidoqueen/Nidoking
- Supports: Onix, Persian, Dugtrio
- Koichi
- Fighters: Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop
- Supports: Poliwrath, Primeape, Heracross
- Kris
- Fighters: Suicune, Typhlosion, Ampharos
- Supports: Wobbuffet, Celebi, Togepi
- Silver
- Fighters: Feraligatr, Tyranitar, Marill
- Supports: Ho-Oh, Houndour, Mismagius
- Lance
- Fighters: Dragonite, Aerodactyl, Gyrados
- Supports: Noiverne, Kingdra, Flygon
- Brendan
- Fighters: Sceptile, Medicham, Deoxys
- Supports: Ludicolo, Altaria, Exploud
- May
- Fighters: Blaziken, Breloom, Hariyama
- Supports: Walrein, Jirachi, Castform
- Steven Stone
- Fighters: Metagross, Aggron, Bisharp
- Supports: Skarmory, Cradily, Armaldo
- Lucas
- Fighters: Empoleon, Croagunk, Mega Lopunny
- Supports: Rotom, Froslass, Bidoof
- Cynthia
- Fighters: Garchomp, Lucario, Roserade
- Supports: Spiritomb, Milotic, Gastrodon
- Cyrus
- Fighters: Weavile, Giratina, Darkrai
- Supports: Crobat, Honchkrow, Dusknoir
- Hilda
- Fighters: Serperior, Genesect, Meloetta
- Supports: Reshiram, Darmanitan, Chandelure
- N
- Fighters: Zoroark, Zekrom, Krookodile
- Supports: Gigalith, Vanilluxe, Klinklang
- Iris
- Fighters: Haxorus, Hydreigon, Druddigon
- Supports: Archeops, Salamance, Volcarona
- Calem
- Fighters: Greninja, Pangoro, Trevenant
- Supports: Aegislash, Diance, Malamar
- Diantha
- Fighters: Delphox, Goodra, Gardevoir
- Supports: Gourgeist, Tyrantrum, Aurorus
- Elio
- Fighters: Decidueye, Salazzle, Zeraora
- Supports: Poipole, Solgaleo, Oranguru
- The Masked Royal (Professor Kukui)
- Fighters: Incineroar, Hawlucha, Buzzwole
- Supports: Lycanroc, Toucannon, Oricorio
- Guzma
- Fighters: Golisopod, Scizor, Pheromosa
- Supports: Ariados, Ribombee, Vikavolt
- Lusamine
- Fighters: Nihilego, Kartana, Beware
- Supports: Tsareena, Pyukumuku, Blacephalon
- Marnie
- Fighters: Obstagoon, Toxtricity, Grimmsnarl
- Supports: Morpeko, Cramorant, Hatterene
- Mustard
- Fighters: Urshifu, Mienshao, Sirfetch’d
- Supports: Corviknight, Luxray, Dragapult
- Rei
- Fighters: Ursaluna, Sneasler, Kleavor
- Supports: Wyrdeer, Basculegion, Braviary
- Fighters: TBD
- Supports: TBD
Don't worry, they'll all be leaked two weeks before release.Reveal them all GameFreak
I mean, Galar had over 100 if you count regional variants and G-Max Evolutions (which I kind of do, a new space on the regional dex isn't the only thing that constitutes a new Pokemon).The first gen to introduce more than 100 Pokemon in 12 years.
I just wish they would reveal more of the Pokemon officially ahead of time.Don't worry, they'll all be leaked two weeks before release.
Super Robot Wars.I need to work on my birthday wishlist, hit me with some game suggestions-
I half-count regionals, but I don't count super forms. If it's a temporary change, it doesn't count to me.I mean, Galar had over 100 if you count regional variants and G-Max Evolutions (which I kind of do, a new space on the regional dex isn't the only thing that constitutes a new Pokemon).
Is that actually you or are you just doing a little trolling?Last pic is me btw
I just read this and then imagined all of the Digimon getting super sad.If it's a temporary change, it doesn't count to me.
But yeah, that's pretty cool. I imagine the new production pipeline they talked about in that interview is going to help a lot in having just a higher Pokemon count then SwSh did. I'm not expecting a natdex but a pretty big regional dex would be cool.I half-count regionals, but I don't count super forms. If it's a temporary change, it doesn't count to me.
But still, over totally 100 unique designs for the first time since gen 5. That's nothing to scoff at.
Paldean formthat’s an oil lamp
where electric
Little TrollingIs that actually you or are you just doing a little trolling?
when are they giving me Wario he’s my fav ‘MonPaldean form
Goat Mon
No, this is the goat Mon.Goat Mon
Who do you think Pokémon 1000 is?when are they giving me Wario he’s my fav ‘Mon
The SwitchImagine if ScarViol actually brought back the National dex.
They're saving it for gen 10's EVERYONE IS HERE moment.Imagine if ScarViol actually brought back the National dex.
I hate Skitty and I hate cats
ha ha yes![]()
69 Your Mom streetha ha yes
where is your current location, we should discuss this further![]()
now see i know that’s a lie, ‘cause I live inside your walls and know for a fact the real address is 420 Joe Street69 Your Mom street
now see i know that’s a lie, ‘cause I live inside your walls and know for a fact the real address is 420 Joe Street
it’s in the mail![]()
For a guy who lives in my walls you've been real dodgy with the rent
My assit’s in the mail
hey man mail moves slow it’ll turn up next weekMy ass
it’s in the mail
now see i know that’s a lie, ‘cause I live inside your walls and know for a fact the real address is 420 Joe Street
I'm just joking! I know you are joking around actually, so I had to do this.![]()
For a guy who lives in my walls you've been real dodgy with the rent
my bad sending it nowView attachment 359755
I checked the mail, and all I found was a pipe bomb.
Pay up by the first of the month, or you’re gonna have to find some new walls pal.