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Social The Social Thread 3.2.2 - Switch 2 Hype Time!


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Alright. Here is my current roster for Pokemon Champions. Would like feedback. For context, it's basically KoF mixed with Pokken. Each team is meant to represent a trainer's team from the main series of Pokemon games, even if there are a few minor changes or substitutions. Each trainer has 3 main fighter Pokemon and 3 support Pokemon.
  • Red
    • Fighters: Charizard, Pikachu, Machamp
    • Supports: Lapras, Snorlax, Psyduck
  • Blue
    • Fighters: Blastoise, Eevee, Alakazam
    • Supports: Arcanine, Pidgeot, Exeggutor
  • Leaf
    • Fighters: Venusaur, Gengar, Jigglypuff
    • Supports: Clefable, Ninetales, Butterfree
  • Giovanni
    • Fighters: Mewtwo, Rhydon, Nidoqueen/Nidoking
    • Supports: Onix, Persian, Dugtrio
  • Koichi
    • Fighters: Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop
    • Supports: Poliwrath, Primeape, Heracross
  • Kris
    • Fighters: Suicune, Typhlosion, Ampharos
    • Supports: Wobbuffet, Celebi, Togepi
  • Silver
    • Fighters: Feraligatr, Tyranitar, Marill
    • Supports: Ho-Oh, Houndour, Mismagius
  • Lance
    • Fighters: Dragonite, Aerodactyl, Gyrados
    • Supports: Noiverne, Kingdra, Flygon
  • Brendan
    • Fighters: Sceptile, Medicham, Deoxys
    • Supports: Ludicolo, Altaria, Exploud
  • May
    • Fighters: Blaziken, Breloom, Hariyama
    • Supports: Walrein, Jirachi, Castform
  • Steven Stone
    • Fighters: Metagross, Aggron, Bisharp
    • Supports: Skarmory, Cradily, Armaldo
  • Lucas
    • Fighters: Empoleon, Croagunk, Mega Lopunny
    • Supports: Rotom, Froslass, Bidoof
  • Cynthia
    • Fighters: Garchomp, Lucario, Roserade
    • Supports: Spiritomb, Milotic, Gastrodon
  • Cyrus
    • Fighters: Weavile, Giratina, Darkrai
    • Supports: Crobat, Honchkrow, Dusknoir
  • Hilda
    • Fighters: Serperior, Genesect, Meloetta
    • Supports: Reshiram, Darmanitan, Chandelure
  • N
    • Fighters: Zoroark, Zekrom, Krookodile
    • Supports: Gigalith, Vanilluxe, Klinklang
  • Iris
    • Fighters: Haxorus, Hydreigon, Druddigon
    • Supports: Archeops, Salamance, Volcarona
  • Calem
    • Fighters: Greninja, Pangoro, Trevenant
    • Supports: Aegislash, Diance, Malamar
  • Diantha
    • Fighters: Delphox, Goodra, Gardevoir
    • Supports: Gourgeist, Tyrantrum, Aurorus
  • Elio
    • Fighters: Decidueye, Salazzle, Zeraora
    • Supports: Poipole, Solgaleo, Oranguru
  • The Masked Royal (Professor Kukui)
    • Fighters: Incineroar, Hawlucha, Buzzwole
    • Supports: Lycanroc, Toucannon, Oricorio
  • Guzma
    • Fighters: Golisopod, Scizor, Pheromosa
    • Supports: Ariados, Ribombee, Vikavolt
  • Lusamine
    • Fighters: Nihilego, Kartana, Beware
    • Supports: Tsareena, Pyukumuku, Blacephalon
  • Marnie
    • Fighters: Obstagoon, Toxtricity, Grimmsnarl
    • Supports: Morpeko, Cramorant, Hatterene
  • Mustard
    • Fighters: Urshifu, Mienshao, Sirfetch’d
    • Supports: Corviknight, Luxray, Dragapult
  • Rei
    • Fighters: Ursaluna, Sneasler, Kleavor
    • Supports: Wyrdeer, Basculegion, Braviary
  • TBD
    • Fighters: TBD
    • Supports: TBD
Still looking for feedback on this. Thanks for the likes It's gotten so far!


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
The first gen to introduce more than 100 Pokemon in 12 years.

Wild :pikachu:
I mean, Galar had over 100 if you count regional variants and G-Max Evolutions (which I kind of do, a new space on the regional dex isn't the only thing that constitutes a new Pokemon).
Don't worry, they'll all be leaked two weeks before release.
I just wish they would reveal more of the Pokemon officially ahead of time.


Jun 19, 2018
Hotel Z
I mean, Galar had over 100 if you count regional variants and G-Max Evolutions (which I kind of do, a new space on the regional dex isn't the only thing that constitutes a new Pokemon).
I half-count regionals, but I don't count super forms. If it's a temporary change, it doesn't count to me.

But still, over totally 100 unique designs for the first time since gen 5. That's nothing to scoff at.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
If it's a temporary change, it doesn't count to me.
I just read this and then imagined all of the Digimon getting super sad.
I half-count regionals, but I don't count super forms. If it's a temporary change, it doesn't count to me.

But still, over totally 100 unique designs for the first time since gen 5. That's nothing to scoff at.
But yeah, that's pretty cool. I imagine the new production pipeline they talked about in that interview is going to help a lot in having just a higher Pokemon count then SwSh did. I'm not expecting a natdex but a pretty big regional dex would be cool.

Almost makes me wish I could have backup Pokemon like in the Digimon games, where they're not on my party but they're still being carried around with me and not in my box. Like in my bag or something.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Just saw Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

That was great, I was worried about the animation but I was proven wrong and I loved the and action and the characters, I need Gamma 1 and 2 in a fighting game. The performances were also great, Zeno Robinson has quickly become one of my Favorite VAs. I would put it below super broly but this is definitely in the top tier of Dragon Ball movies.
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