I've been quiet on the whole Chuggaconroy thing because I hate Youtuber drama and I tend to try and wait things out to see what happens before forming an opinion, but after what I just read...
That mf was my childhood. I loved his videos, I've watched all his let's plays for a decade. I always knew he was awkward and cringy, but **** so am I. It made me feel not so alone as a socially inept Pokemon obsessed kid. I truly thought that at the end of the day he was just a cool guy.
But now...
The moral of the story here, kids, is that you can never trust anybody. Everyone is secretly evil and if you develop any respect for a prominent figure, be it a legitimate celebrity or just a funny Youtuber, you're a goddamn moron.
My faith in humanity is destroyed and my day is ruined. Now if you'll excuse me I have some moving traffic to jump into.