Sonic Twitter is still at it with Colors.
What the heck is happening, why did everyone wake up one morning and choose violence when they thought of Colors? I knew the narrative was shifting towards the negative, but hot dang it's gone into hyperdrive. The Unleashed and Forces kids have made an alliance, it seems.
I understand it not being everyone's cup of tea, but dude, people are treating it like it's bottom 5 Sonic material without even explaining why. I'm confused, I don't follow the train of thought. If Colors is trash, what's a
good Sonic?
you're gonna type 'none' aren't y'all
really gotta play Unleashed again to see what all the hubbub is about. Like, I enjoyed the Wii version as a kid 'cause I liked anything that was Sonic, but...It wasn't like, franchise defining to me? IDK, as I said, I gotta revisit this one. Maybe I'm missing something when it's getting stanned this hard.
I funnily enough regularly play Forces for its mods, though, so I don't need to revisit that to safely say game is the textbook definition of mid (IMO) and these Forces kids starting fights over it? I don't believe their takes are genuine, I honest to goodness think peeps are just trying to start drama 'cause they're bored lol.