It's called advertising. Manupilative marketing. Shiny things. The same things that get people addicted to gambling at casinos, which is why I use the metaphor. Like yeah, they aren't holding a gun to your head or anything but these games are designed to get vulnerable people hooked and pumping all their cash into a large corporation's pockets. They know these kinds of people exist and are actively targeting them. And you're gonna say it's their fault that they were manipulated into throwing away all their cash by friggin King? And it's not like the games industry was stagnant before micro transactions were invented. Heck, DLC is still a perfectly fine way to monetize extra content.
Bottom line is, if you fall victim to a company actively targeting people who have problems with impulsivity and gambling addiction prone behaviors (things people see therapy for because they are legitimate mental conditions and not people being irresponsible or stupid. I TAKE MEDICATION FOR IT!), and loose all of your money to them it is their fault for doing the targeting. Just because some people aren't effected by it doesn't mean we shouldn't protect those that do. And here's the thing. If the majority of people were able to control themselves and their money then IT WOULDN'T BE PROFITABLE AND THEY WOULD STOP DOING IT!
God, I can't believe I'm actually here arguing that micro transactions are bad. What's next, am I gonna have to prove the nazi's were bad too? Oh wait....
Not at all what I said, and hyperbolic comparison to nazis is waaaay over the top, but alrighty then.
Last thing I'm sayin' on this topic (because I can already see where this is headed) is this: I'm not defending those who abuse this system. What I am saying, is not every usage of it is some evil plot. MTs aren't some inherent evil.
Games that encourage pay to win mechanics or substantial content through a blind box system (especially if said games has a PVP community) is inherently not a good practice IMO.
HOWEVER, is selling some cosmetics, or selling content through regular seasonal passes bad? No. Not at all, in my opinion: In fact, it's a system I wish was adopted more, because when done right, it has more inherent value compared to traditional MTs and helps lengthen a game's life. Cosmetics should be the only kinds of things locked behind a MT system, while important things like gameplay changes should, at most, be behind a DLC expansion.
Either way, one thing that's different between the games of yesteryear and today: Is that they last a heck of a lot longer with their content. Games can't survive on one and done purchases anymore: They're expensive to make, servers are expensive to keep up, and constant maintenance and future development add on top of that.
If you want more of a thing, you gotta spend money on the thing.
As for those who companies prey upon? No, I'm not victim blaming: That's an entirely different set of circumstances, that yes, should have something done about. However, I'm not qualified to say what that resolution is. I think there's a much, much better one than tying government restrictions onto it, because as soon as you let that happen, hoooooo boy, it ain't gonna stop there.