I'm sorry but if you're in anyway involved in the nuking of a city and deaths of 11 million you deserve no redemption and only thing deserved is being put on the electric chair especially when its comparable to what Hitler committed and did it just for ***** and giggles. There is also the fact she has a daughter which she doesn't deserve and should be taken away from her by child services or her and Harley's sister cutting off ties with and disown her which they should but nope its family no matter how awful the atrocity committed you still love them. This was the biggest act of terrorism and she gets the free pass while Batman thinks Superman beyond any redemption which speaking of which. Let me list the things that egotistical narcissist hypocrite did.
- Attempts to stop the transfer of Arkham inmates to a more secure prison mere weeks after one of its most frequent escapees detonated a ******* nuke in Metropolis.
- Is revealed to have snuck a secret virus into Cyborg's body a week after they first met and never removed it after he'd proven himself to be a loyal hero.
- Alienates the other Leaguers and builds up a secret cabal instead of trying to sway the League away from starting a regime.
- Only reveals his identity to his comrades after Huntress urges him to, while he'd already set up files on them and their backgrounds.
- Escalates the conflict with the League by kidnapping and detaining Hawkgirl while having the Martian Manhunter pose as her and spy on them. He also doesn't inform any of his team aside from Catwoman or MM that Hawkgirl was being held captive.
- Sends out his comrades (the majority of whom are street-level characters) on a sucide mission against an alien invasion without support from the League's heavy hitters.
- Declares Clark beyond redemption after he saved countless people because apparently the lives of Parademons (who have about as much moral fibre as the Orcs from LOTR) should be considered as important as human life.
- Distracts the League (together with the President) by having US warships invade Korean waters which could have started a war on the peninsula.
- Creates this distraction to steal Super-pills without concern for the possibility that criminals could get their hands on it (like the main universe's Joker did in the actual game).
- Collaborates with the predominantly alien Green Lantern Corps to take control of Earth from the League. Because it's not like the Guardians have a history of bad decisions or anything.
- Takes multiple League members hostage and allows the Flash to be strapped down and subjected to electro-shock torture for months.
- Allows John Constantine to hijack the entire conflict to settle a score with Trigon, nearly making the conflict a thousand times worse by dragging interdimensional demons into the mix.
- Joins forces with the Greek Gods to depose the Regime only for them to demand total worship from the people of Earth.
I'll say this again. Had Batman just realized not everyone is mentally as strong as him, and didn't kept shaming and antagonizing him for killing his husbando Joker and instead got Clark the help and therapy he needed being the friend there for him then he wouldnt have gone down the dark path he did. This is all Batman's doing, he's the reason this all happened to begin with. So tell me whose the actual villain now?
Also regarding Black Canary. She and Green Arrow chose to join Batman trying to inflatuate Superman's home. Had they stayed out of this Green Arrow never would have died.
So now do you see why I choose to ignore the comics? It's full of bad writing comparable to One More Day and all the characters are major hypocrites especially Batman as well as trying to make you like and feel for a terrorist (Harley Quinn), the fact she gets off scotfree without any form of punishment pisses me off.