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The Smash Affiliates - Making appearances here and there since 2006


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2005
I cant hold the meeting at my place because I cant make the meeting lol. My friend is leaving next week to the Navy and were having a going away party for him on Sunday.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
woot sensei = too good XD i wanna play u guys more :) hope u guys go to smashacre so i can play u guys more :)

doyoung - :( i havent played u in so long :( i am so sad you should come play us again

Deleted member

hmm chansey can only get seismis toss in RSE that I know of, so I can't breed it onto her =/

I do have them w/ aromatherapy though. shiny magnemite is a weakness of mine.

I think me and ultimascout are going to double team NYC for pokemon heh.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
That's something that we're supposed to do in advanced.

I don't have a cell phone, so I can't contact AngelCX, who happens to be in Japan, and Scarpo doesn't come in on Sundays.

I suppose I can call the store and see if I can arrange something, but I wouldn't be able to get home until 4 or 5 in the afternoon, so unless someone else can't do it, it's going to be tough to get in touch. Most of our meetings are usually home based anyway.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
What's going on guys? I just got home to find out nothing ever happened from when I made that post in the morning until now.

I called CCX moments ago to find out none of you were there.

Frankly, I feel a little disappointed and disrespected. I know I usually arrange everything for you, but I had asked for some favors since I was gone for the weekend and it didn't happen. Muz isn't around to arrange it when I can't anymore since his job is keeping him busy. We need to pick up the slack a bit because of that, and I try to do as much as I can without him, so help me out a bit if I can't get around to it.

We still need a meeting before this coming weekend. I'll arrange for something during the weekday as someone suggested it to me earlier.

Step it up, TSA.

Edit: How's Wednesday night for everyone? We can probably hold it at the CCX.


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2005
noo... i didnt get to play sensei at that weekly all you nj ppl went to :( only played you guys in teams.... oh well till next time. perhaps at zenith.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
hey TSA :) actually i was wondering if anyone was going to smashacre and would end up passing by my area (the area around crismas) AND can pick me up (im so needy lol)

if anyone is willing to help me + vanz out i would appreciate it i asked eggm already and the only thing holding him back is the amount of people that might go with him so i wanna know if anyone is able to

Thanks guys and sorry to ask u something like this out of the blue


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Meeting on Wed? ...epp weekdays ish bad for me =/ well especially this wednesday lol. I'll be at smashacre of course and will bring a gamecube + smash if you need to know that :D

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
Yeah, the problem with weekdays is that we can't stay past closing, as far as I know. Don't worry about coming if you're going to come that late, doyoung. Pocky, probably around 6 o'clock.

No, you guys aren't failures. Just give me some communication on what's happening. It's a lot tougher without a cell phone, with which I'd just call people up and go from there, so give me some posts in the TSA thread.

Teczero, we'll see if we can find someone for you.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
It got stolen sometime two Friday's ago. I've been meaning to get a new one, but I haven't had much time for it.

By the way, in case you need to contact me by phone, my office # is (908) 810-8102, EXT 119. My home # is (908) 810-6369.

I'm usually on the office all day anyhow and don't get home til late. As an independent contractor, though, I can create my own hours so I can leave whenever I want unless I scheduled some appointments.

Tell your friends I'm a Realtor! >_>

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
In other news, I'm now part of the TV-Nihon Fansub group, starting off as a Timer. My job is to nitpick the speaking lines out of the show and use a program to time it precisely to when the subtitles come on and off the screen when a character speaks. I've already done two projects so far. Geez, it's harder than I thought.

It takes me about an hour to two hours doing a 30 minute episode. There was one where I had to time a 16 minute bonus video with real actors, and that took me four hours because everyone was speaking different things at once throughout the video.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
Being a Timer is really the easiest job you can have on the staff, but it's probably the most annoying one too.

You don't need to know the language to time it - you just need to be able to grab the line when a character speaks, and stop it when they're finished talking. If the line seems too long, you try to find where you can make a clean break and do it then. Because all you're looking for are the lines, I don't necessarily need to know Japanese. Though not fluently, I happen to know the language, so its a plus for me to know where I can make my breaks in a long line.

You always start as close to the beginning of their line as possible, but a little bit of buffer at the end. The annoying problem is listening to the line over and over again to make sure you have it right. Second is when more than one character speaks at once, and third is if the line you're trying to grab has low volume, either because they're somewhere far away on the screen or if some kind of other noise is polluting their lines.

The program requires a wav of the audio and not the actual raw video itself. I need a set of headphones and listen in carefully to the lines.

The way TV-Nihon does it, Timing comes first. Using the program they supplied to me, I just look for their lines, and put placeholders where that line is going to be. The placeholder I use is a bunch of dots, mixing between "..." and "....." Doing it this way, when I look at the video, when a character speaks, I'll see those dots, and I'll know if I timed it correctly or not. Most of the time, they don't send me the actual video, but if they do, I test it on the video after I'm done. If not, I use a different video with the wav audio file along with the subtitles and just listen to the audio while I look on the screen for the timing.

Then there are the translators, who take the lines that I've grabbed, and turn it into english. They create a script out of it, then send it to the typesetters. The typesetters are the ones who get the script, create the font, choose the coloring, makes the effects in the font, and actually put the lines in the show. Usually, if it looks like a line I've grabbed doesn't time well with the translation given along with syncing to the video, they'll adjust the timing slightly to make it look better. Finally, it goes to the editor, who watches the whole thing, corrects the mistakes, and then finalizes the video.

There's a separate Karaoke typesetter, who does the same thing as normal typesetters except they do it strictly for the songs in the show. In this case, they do both the timing and the typesetting, though I believe the translators still hand them a script of the lyrics - otherwise, it might be possible they translate it themselves until the OST with the lyrics come out. This is probably the hardest job since it requires precise timing and ingenuity.

After I've mastered timing, I'm going to try to look into typesetting. It takes a little bit of visual creativity, especially since TV-Nihon is best known for using pretty colored fonts that match the sequences of events in the shows they do.

Once they release the projects I've done, I'll put them here and see how good (or bad) of a job I did as a Timer.

Edit: Actually, I have a video here that I've done as a tutorial that came with a script that I practiced timing on. It was an opening to an old anime, but I didn't do the karaoke since it didn't teach me how. I'll upload that when I get home so you can see it.
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