I'm going to tell you all about my not so hot and amazing weekend.
Actually that's an understatement.
My vacation to Otokon f*cking sucked. Let's do a run down.
1) I payed for Chloe's train tickets and mine online. After I payed fror hers I payed for mine and the price immediately went up by 22 bucks for the same train ride. So it went from 150 dollars to 172 dollars. Awesome.
2) People were as*holes on the train and refused to let us sit down giviing us crap and saying that the seat next to them was taken when it clearly wasn't and there was no extra luggage to show that there was an extra person. Luckily a conductor saw us and made two people cut the crap and let us sit down.
3) When we get to the hotel everything is cool. At first. But we had to share the room with 8 other people. A two bedroom with 8 f*cking people! When me, Chloe, Alexstrife, and crismas were just in the room, it was nice and neat. Then when the others showed up it all went to hell. All their crap was thrown all over the place and the room was a mess. And one of the guys was so f*cking hairy that his hair clogged the drain in the bathtub. So whenever someone took a shower the water would take 45 minutes to drain and you had to wait if you wanted to shower after someone else. Disgusting.
4) One of the people in the room was this loud mouth, bossy, rude b*tch. When she came in she want Alexstrife to get more blankets. I'm thinking, WTF? If he does that then the hotel will know we got extra people and you're supposed to be discreet about this type of thing. Why the f*ck couldn't she do this herself? Eventually she did, but d*amn b*tch WTF?! Oh, yeah crismas hated her too and said she was a b*tch. Not to her face though. Too bad.
4) At anime conventions there are panels and video rooms where you can discuss different anime/manga/ different things of interest and watch anime respectively. The panel I wanted to go to was 20 years of Megaman. Sounds awesome right? Yeah I thought so too. Apparently so did all the other people who sat through the panel right before the Megaman one and stayed for it. So everyone that wasn't already in that room for the previous panel, didn't get in because no one got up. Gheyness.
5) Everyone knows that at anime conventions you have a game room right? And in the game room you have game tournamets for popular games. Well we all know SSBM is one of the most popular games out there. So of course there is a 1v1 tournament for it. So of course I decide to enter. On the day of the tourney though I decided to go to the bath room since the line for the SSBM tourney hadn't fromed yet. I was in the bathroom for a total of 4 MINUTES. I came back out, and the line was full. There were only going to be 64 participants. I was number 67. Basically anyone that was in line for the Guitar Hero 2 tournament left the line and waited just beyond the rope and then rushed back in line when it was time to line up for SSBM. Once again, I was in the bathroom for a total of 4 minutes. Wow.
6) I wanted to see the Devil May Cry anime. It was packed in the room so there was no way I was getting in. Did you think this was gonna be another long one? Nah, short and to the point. Moving on.
7) So the day we are going to leave we are checked out of the hotel and we leave our bags with the hotel. They are required to watch our bags if we stayed there. When we come back to the bags so Chloe can change her clothes, I notice that my bag is gone. My bag with my Gamecube, my PS2, GC controller, PS2 controller, memory cards for both systems, my SSBM, Street Fighter Anniversery collection, Capcom vs SNK 2, Street Fighter Alpha Anthology, my car keys, my TRAIN TICKETS. All of it is gone.
And it didn't help that those hotel bell hop pr*cks were idiots who barely spoke english. They weren't idiots because of that fact. Thier idiocy and and thier lack of ability to speak the language of the country in which they are employed are completely independent of one another. But when put together it makes an amazingly ******** combination. They all just kept asking me and Chloe to search the room again and again and again. We searched the room at least 50 times. They just didn't want to deal with thier screw up.
When I pointed out the guy that actually took my backback and put it in the consier room, he denied it. Afterwards when I pointed him out in the security video, I proved that he did infact take my bag.
F*cking as*bag lied to my face.
And the manager I was dealing with was just completely incompetent. He just kept telling us to look for the bag and try to find it. I was thinking, f*ck it. My bag is gone. Write me a d*mn check right now. It seemed like he wasn't doing anything. I mean until I actually pointed out the part in the video that showed that my bag was given to the bell hop, they were talking to me like I was insane. But even afterwards when I had proof, all I heard was oh let's look for the bag some more. No, motherf*cker. Get your as* in gear and call your insurance company and tell them the situation so I can get my f*cking check. Or go open the safe in the hotel and give me cash a*shole.
FYI I was halfway through Dragon Quest 8 and at the final dungeon in Baten Kaitos. I'm going to LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE playing through those games again. I really wanna physically abuse something right now.
8) So, you're thinking it can't get worse right? lol. Ya got nubsauce written all over you if think that. I came back to find that my car had two parking tickets because the meter wasn't paid for my spot. Chloe's mother said she would pay for me. So she totally screwed me over and now I have two tickets to show for it.
So essentially I wasted about 400 dollars on this trip to Otakon.
Didn't I tell you that not so hot and amazing was an understatement? I bet you believe me now.