I just wanted to leave a comment about the smash 3 recolors.
Now, i gotta say, Falcos recolors are really juicy, they look so good... As for fox, his black costume looks very dull. I think in the next update, it should be more vibrant..
For pit, since in 3.6, pit has a new red recolor, a white scarf, red dress(?), and a teal colored pearl. In smash 3, Pits red recolor is all red, so you mind changing that up in the next update as well, Smash 3 Team?
And will you change up peaches recolors? I really dont like her red,green and blue ones to be honest, i think they should be like these:
If not, you can maybe leave them as Cbliss recolors.
Also, will roy get his gold recolor and FE:A recolor from Project M as well?