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The Schoolgirl Famicom Detective, Ayumi Tachibana for Smash Switch (Famicom Detective Club Remakes Coming to the Switch)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2018
Utah, USA
Giving constructive criticism, thos legs and that style looks awful.

Competition. Why do fans of retros always have to fight each other? Can’t they support each other?
Oh i hope my post didnt sound hostile because that wasnt my intent. I was just wondering why he kept talking about the Lip board when the conversation was about Ayumi fan arr.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Oh i hope my post didnt sound hostile because that wasnt my intent. I was just wondering why he kept talking about the Lip board when the conversation was about Ayumi fan arr.
Smashkiby just think a commission of Lip will help make people like her more. Since it's a good way of free publicity.

Can't blame him since like Ayumi, Lip hardly gets much fanart in the West.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I've been watching this thread for awhile now, and although I have no experience with Ayumi, I have been curious about her ever since I saw her trophy in Melee. Is it alright if I become a supporter?


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
What? I still don't understand. Why do the people at lip thread care if i have enough money to order another commission of Ayumi?
Smashkiby just think a commission of Lip will help make people like her more. Since it's a good way of free publicity.

Can't blame him since like Ayumi, Lip hardly gets much fanart in the West.
Thank you, Yomi's Biggest Fan Yomi's Biggest Fan . That's what I was just about to say. I'm having a power outage at my place, so I couldn't say anything before. Heck, I'm typing this at my campus right now.

Basically, Lip (the main character of Panel de Pon for Super Famicom) is in a bit of a 'limbo', so to speak in regards to publicity worldwide. All of her games (whenever they're released in the West) ALWAYS end up getting a reskin of some sort, with the most prominent examples being Yoshi's Tetris Attack and Pokemon Puzzle League/Pokemon Puzzle Challenge.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2018
I've been watching this thread for awhile now, and although I have no experience with Ayumi, I have been curious about her ever since I saw her trophy in Melee. Is it alright if I become a supporter?
Hey same here.
I still haven't played the game yet but give her game a try. I will too once I get settle down here and get a copy.

Deleted member

51st actually. It seems I wasn't clear enough previously because, after looking at the OP, I'm not on the list, but I do support Ayumi. Been supporting her more or less silently since I've known about her. Even tried making a model of her because the only one that exists is a really high poly and not t-posed one from Melee, which makes it pretty much useless for everything. But... making a realistic looking human character is a bit more difficult than a more chibi one like Lip, so it's been shelved until I improve a bit more.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Hey same here.
I still haven't played the game yet but give her game a try. I will too once I get settle down here and get a copy.
That's a bit of a problem though. I don't have any way to actually play the games. However, if anyone is aware of a good Let's Play on YouTube, let me know. That's how I got into Danganronpa, so it should work for Famicom Detective Club, too.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
51st actually. It seems I wasn't clear enough previously because, after looking at the OP, I'm not on the list, but I do support Ayumi. Been supporting her more or less silently since I've known about her. Even tried making a model of her because the only one that exists is a really high poly and not t-posed one from Melee, which makes it pretty much useless for everything. But... making a realistic looking human character is a bit more difficult than a more chibi one like Lip, so it's been shelved until I improve a bit more.
My apologies, will make sure to add you too.

And that fact you were close to making a model of Ayumi is interesting and I can see that stuggle of making a good model of a realistically proportioned human. I'm sure one day, someone else would take the helm and make a good mod.

That's a bit of a problem though. I don't have any way to actually play the games. However, if anyone is aware of a good Let's Play on YouTube, let me know. That's how I got into Danganronpa, so it should work for Famicom Detective Club, too.
Even if emulating Famicom Detective Club II is not that hard, I will tr and find a good Let's Plan of the game that you can watch. I seen some that don't even finish the whole game because of lack of interest.

But I found this one and it's good enough parts to cover the main story. Have fun.

Deleted member

And that fact you were close to making a model of Ayumi is interesting and I can see that stuggle of making a good model of a realistically proportioned human. I'm sure one day, someone else would take the helm and make a good mod.
Oh don't get me wrong, I did stuff and still have it so it's not like I was merely about to start. As I said, it's simply shelved until I improve some more, but a basic template is already there:

As you can see, it's still very early and the only part that actually textured is her skin, due to simply taking the base I made a while ago and changing it to match a normal human girl. Some of the proportions are still off, like her shirt needs to be quite a bit shorter while making the skirt go higher on the waist. The sleeves need also more wrinkles, as her school uniform is pretty baggy. And lastly, I'm a bit unsure what to do with her decollete/undershirt looking thing. Right now she has a white one as placeholder but the actual game has none and the Melee trophy (thus likely how she'd have looked ingame) gave her a blue one.

In short, she's still very early and needs lot of work. She's untextured, the proportions need adjustments and details are missing like the wrinkles and her breast pocket (also the entire head, but eh... details). Think of it as a sketch you do when drawing which then gets fine-tuned later.

Thing is, I'm not only working alone on my projects due to being a hobby (which includes modeling, texturing and maybe rigging as well as I've learned to do with my Lip model), but I wanna give quite a few forgotten retros a 3d model to hopefully bring them into the modern times so there's always some internal "competition" on who or what gets my attention now, Doesn't help that I lose focus easily, thus constantly switch back and forth. I admit it's not a good habit, but I simply can't work for too long on the same thing without a break.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Oh don't get me wrong, I did stuff and still have it so it's not like I was merely about to start. As I said, it's simply shelved until I improve some more, but a basic template is already there:

As you can see, it's still very early and the only part that actually textured is her skin, due to simply taking the base I made a while ago and changing it to match a normal human girl. Some of the proportions are still off, like her shirt needs to be quite a bit shorter while making the skirt go higher on the waist. The sleeves need also more wrinkles, as her school uniform is pretty baggy. And lastly, I'm a bit unsure what to do with her decollete/undershirt looking thing. Right now she has a white one as placeholder but the actual game has none and the Melee trophy (thus likely how she'd have looked ingame) gave her a blue one.

In short, she's still very early and needs lot of work. She's untextured, the proportions need adjustments and details are missing like the wrinkles and her breast pocket (also the entire head, but eh... details). Think of it as a sketch you do when drawing which then gets fine-tuned later.

Thing is, I'm not only working alone on my projects due to being a hobby (which includes modeling, texturing and maybe rigging as well as I've learned to do with my Lip model), but I wanna give quite a few forgotten retros a 3d model to hopefully bring them into the modern times so there's always some internal "competition" on who or what gets my attention now, Doesn't help that I lose focus easily, thus constantly switch back and forth. I admit it's not a good habit, but I simply can't work for too long on the same thing without a break.
I see, that's a lot to take in. But reading though this, I can quite understand. And those unfinished models have decent progress.

I do admire your goal to try giving classic Nintendo's chaacters some notability by making mods. Especially with how big the moving community is.

And no problem, we all needs breaks once in a while. I have no modding expericee whatsoever, but I am a growing artist and do understand that struggle. And I tend to lose focus quite a bit too, and lacking in materials to really do more of my own works.

Deleted member

I see, that's a lot to take in. But reading though this, I can quite understand. And those unfinished models have decent progress.

I do admire your goal to try giving classic Nintendo's chaacters some notability by making mods. Especially with how big the moving community is.

And no problem, we all needs breaks once in a while. I have no modding expericee whatsoever, but I am a growing artist and do understand that struggle. And I tend to lose focus quite a bit too, and lacking in materials to really do more of my own works.
Ah, reading this, I'm afraid there's a small misunderstanding? I'm simply making models, not mods for Smash. I mean, sometimes I make simple stages, sure, but no character . That's way too time consuming for me. So, if you thought I was planning on making an Ayumi import, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, sorry. Although I do try to stay on the lower end of the poly count so that Brawl could in theory handle them.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Ah, reading this, I'm afraid there's a small misunderstanding? I'm simply making models, not mods for Smash. I mean, sometimes I make simple stages, sure, but no character . That's way too time consuming for me. So, if you thought I was planning on making an Ayumi import, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, sorry. Although I do try to stay on the lower end of the poly count so that Brawl could in theory handle them.
That's just my misunderstanding. It's alright. Just a model alone is enough to give her some notablility. Just like the commissioned fanart that was posted her earlier. Even the littlest things can at least make someone acknowledge that Ayumi exists to those that never heard of her.

With you, it's clear what you are good at and that's great. I think it looks good and a completed version would look amazing. But you are the artist (or creator) and it's all up to you in the end.

Not that we have new subjects worth talking about ATM.

Deleted member

With you, it's clear what you are good at and that's great. I think it looks good and a completed version would look amazing. But you are the artist (or creator) and it's all up to you in the end.
Aw, thanks, but you know how it is with artists, they are never satisfied, Everytime you think you're done, you find another issue... and another. Nor do I think it's that good, to be honest. But I guess it's passable for being self-taught.

Not that we have new subjects worth talking about ATM.
Yeah, that's the issue when rooting for Nintendo franchises that aren't Mario, Pokemon or Zelda. It's a shame as well, because they have such a varied catalogue of games that never even got the chance of becoming a franchise. Mach Rider could tap into that vehicle destruction genre people love, like Twisted Metal (without the whole running people over), or Gas Guzzlers. something that seems pretty lacking on Nintendo consoles. Ice Climber, I think, would work very well as a 3d exploration game. Murasame Castle could be rebooted into a speedier, more arcade like Zelda, mayebe a hack n'slash. I mean, they had no issue making Kid Icarus a pseudo on-rails shooter, so why not? More variety is always good. Speaking of, we got one Kid Icarus game after ~20 years, wanna bet the next one takes 20 years again? It already was a small wonder when they brought back Pilotwings.

With Mario Kart 8 they seem to try and replace F-Zero with the anti-gravity gimmick and 200cc without realizing that MK and FZ are fundamentally different. Hell, all three of Nintendo's racing franchises could co-exist without issue: Mario Kart as the casual, item based kart racer, F-Zero the more hardcore and skill based one and lastly Excitebike somewhere in between.

Then there are the Visual Novels/Adventure games from the Famicom era, like, well... the game our very own Ayumi comes from. But also Shin Onigashima or Yuyuki. Not only them though, Wario Land died off to make way for WarioWare and Intelligent Systems is stuck making Fire Emblem after Fire Emblem (the last Advance Wars was released 10 years ago).

Even worse, Nintendo has the ability to release games digitally, making old games available in regions they weren't before, but they only do this once in a blue moon. And now with the VC being dead, the chances have grown even worse. Like, I kinda get not releasing Famicom Tantei Cub, those games are very text heavy, but why keep Joy Mech Fight in Japan? It had several re-released on the VC there, yet it was never brought over. Same with Panel de Pon. Like yeah, sure,it probably can't be re-released due to the Tetris name, but yet they refuse to simply use the Japanese version. I can count the amount of notable games being brought over with their VC service on one hand: Sin & Punishment, Murasame Castle, Kirby's Dream Land 3 (for us Europeans) and... that's it. Sure there were MOTHER and the original SMB2 but, let's be honest, M1 was already 100% finished so there was effort involved and SMB2 was already released in the west for the SNES years ago. Sure, it was a remake, but to me it makes no difference. In fact, it kinda makes it worse to me, because they should've just picked a game that wasn't already released in the west.

Ah sorry for rambling on, I get kinda passionate about retro games sometimes. Especially when looking at all that wasted potential.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Aw, thanks, but you know how it is with artists, they are never satisfied, Everytime you think you're done, you find another issue... and another. Nor do I think it's that good, to be honest. But I guess it's passable for being self-taught.

Yeah, that's the issue when rooting for Nintendo franchises that aren't Mario, Pokemon or Zelda. It's a shame as well, because they have such a varied catalogue of games that never even got the chance of becoming a franchise. Mach Rider could tap into that vehicle destruction genre people love, like Twisted Metal (without the whole running people over), or Gas Guzzlers. something that seems pretty lacking on Nintendo consoles. Ice Climber, I think, would work very well as a 3d exploration game. Murasame Castle could be rebooted into a speedier, more arcade like Zelda, mayebe a hack n'slash. I mean, they had no issue making Kid Icarus a pseudo on-rails shooter, so why not? More variety is always good. Speaking of, we got one Kid Icarus game after ~20 years, wanna bet the next one takes 20 years again? It already was a small wonder when they brought back Pilotwings.

With Mario Kart 8 they seem to try and replace F-Zero with the anti-gravity gimmick and 200cc without realizing that MK and FZ are fundamentally different. Hell, all three of Nintendo's racing franchises could co-exist without issue: Mario Kart as the casual, item based kart racer, F-Zero the more hardcore and skill based one and lastly Excitebike somewhere in between.

Then there are the Visual Novels/Adventure games from the Famicom era, like, well... the game our very own Ayumi comes from. But also Shin Onigashima or Yuyuki. Not only them though, Wario Land died off to make way for WarioWare and Intelligent Systems is stuck making Fire Emblem after Fire Emblem (the last Advance Wars was released 10 years ago).

Even worse, Nintendo has the ability to release games digitally, making old games available in regions they weren't before, but they only do this once in a blue moon. And now with the VC being dead, the chances have grown even worse. Like, I kinda get not releasing Famicom Tantei Cub, those games are very text heavy, but why keep Joy Mech Fight in Japan? It had several re-released on the VC there, yet it was never brought over. Same with Panel de Pon. Like yeah, sure,it probably can't be re-released due to the Tetris name, but yet they refuse to simply use the Japanese version. I can count the amount of notable games being brought over with their VC service on one hand: Sin & Punishment, Murasame Castle, Kirby's Dream Land 3 (for us Europeans) and... that's it. Sure there were MOTHER and the original SMB2 but, let's be honest, M1 was already 100% finished so there was effort involved and SMB2 was already released in the west for the SNES years ago. Sure, it was a remake, but to me it makes no difference. In fact, it kinda makes it worse to me, because they should've just picked a game that wasn't already released in the west.

Ah sorry for rambling on, I get kinda passionate about retro games sometimes. Especially when looking at all that wasted potential.
Now now, these are actually god points of criticism towards Nintendo as in hw the treat their D-C tier series. F-Zero is a GOOD example. We haven't had a new game in a long time because Nintendo don't know what to do with it and we have them slowly trying to get rid of it through Mario Kart being the new fast racer while still being balanced. It's the things like this that hinder old series from ever growing. Meanwhile, Intelligent Systems keep churching out Fire Emblem since it's now a "bigger series". We would all want the same thing to happen to other series by some miracle.

Nintendo killing off VC in favor of a Netflix like renting system is a big risk. Of all the old series that had some spotlight like Sin & Punishment and such, they will never see the light of day until Nintnedo adds more than the same NES games. Famicom Detective Club is stuck in limbo since it would be impossible forrrr them to trrrrrry making a translation using the modern tech. Nintendo should just look at the success of the Ace Attorney games and know that those same fans would support something like Famicom Detective Club, localization or new translated remake. It's probablyyyy the one thing holding Ayyumi's series back far as bth the West and modern da times. This is the same Nintendo fine with making a gacha series on a mobile device.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Aw, thanks, but you know how it is with artists, they are never satisfied, Everytime you think you're done, you find another issue... and another. Nor do I think it's that good, to be honest. But I guess it's passable for being self-taught.

Yeah, that's the issue when rooting for Nintendo franchises that aren't Mario, Pokemon or Zelda. It's a shame as well, because they have such a varied catalogue of games that never even got the chance of becoming a franchise. Mach Rider could tap into that vehicle destruction genre people love, like Twisted Metal (without the whole running people over), or Gas Guzzlers. something that seems pretty lacking on Nintendo consoles. Ice Climber, I think, would work very well as a 3d exploration game. Murasame Castle could be rebooted into a speedier, more arcade like Zelda, mayebe a hack n'slash. I mean, they had no issue making Kid Icarus a pseudo on-rails shooter, so why not? More variety is always good. Speaking of, we got one Kid Icarus game after ~20 years, wanna bet the next one takes 20 years again? It already was a small wonder when they brought back Pilotwings.

With Mario Kart 8 they seem to try and replace F-Zero with the anti-gravity gimmick and 200cc without realizing that MK and FZ are fundamentally different. Hell, all three of Nintendo's racing franchises could co-exist without issue: Mario Kart as the casual, item based kart racer, F-Zero the more hardcore and skill based one and lastly Excitebike somewhere in between.

Then there are the Visual Novels/Adventure games from the Famicom era, like, well... the game our very own Ayumi comes from. But also Shin Onigashima or Yuyuki. Not only them though, Wario Land died off to make way for WarioWare and Intelligent Systems is stuck making Fire Emblem after Fire Emblem (the last Advance Wars was released 10 years ago).

Even worse, Nintendo has the ability to release games digitally, making old games available in regions they weren't before, but they only do this once in a blue moon. And now with the VC being dead, the chances have grown even worse. Like, I kinda get not releasing Famicom Tantei Cub, those games are very text heavy, but why keep Joy Mech Fight in Japan? It had several re-released on the VC there, yet it was never brought over. Same with Panel de Pon. Like yeah, sure,it probably can't be re-released due to the Tetris name, but yet they refuse to simply use the Japanese version. I can count the amount of notable games being brought over with their VC service on one hand: Sin & Punishment, Murasame Castle, Kirby's Dream Land 3 (for us Europeans) and... that's it. Sure there were MOTHER and the original SMB2 but, let's be honest, M1 was already 100% finished so there was effort involved and SMB2 was already released in the west for the SNES years ago. Sure, it was a remake, but to me it makes no difference. In fact, it kinda makes it worse to me, because they should've just picked a game that wasn't already released in the west.

Ah sorry for rambling on, I get kinda passionate about retro games sometimes. Especially when looking at all that wasted potential.
Just had to say, you’re damn right.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Just had to say, you’re damn right.
I think most would agree with this easily.

Nintendo just need better management of their massive collection of IP's. Some that had never seen the light of day in years. Hell, hire some new teams would have interest in working with these IP's.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I think most would agree with this easily.

Nintendo just need better management of their massive collection of IP's. Some that had never seen the light of day in years. Hell, hire some new teams would have interest in working with these IP's.
Even disregarding new games, just releasing some old games would make such a difference. Every time NES games get re-released it’s the same old classics, while the less-known ones fall into obscurity and unplayability. But they still crack down heavily on emulation. As someone who deeply cares about games preservation, I’d really like it if they acknowledged their responsibility in keeping old games available.

I’m not asking for a localization of Tokimeki High School or Marvelous: Another Treasure Island, but how much does it cost to release a game like Joy Mech Fight or Devil World on Virtual Console? Wouldn’t Nintendo Switch Online be more attractive if it offered Murasame Castle and Earthbound Beginnings rather than (or in addition to) the same old games every NES owner owns?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2018
Aw, thanks, but you know how it is with artists, they are never satisfied, Everytime you think you're done, you find another issue... and another. Nor do I think it's that good, to be honest. But I guess it's passable for being self-taught.

Yeah, that's the issue when rooting for Nintendo franchises that aren't Mario, Pokemon or Zelda. It's a shame as well, because they have such a varied catalogue of games that never even got the chance of becoming a franchise. Mach Rider could tap into that vehicle destruction genre people love, like Twisted Metal (without the whole running people over), or Gas Guzzlers. something that seems pretty lacking on Nintendo consoles. Ice Climber, I think, would work very well as a 3d exploration game. Murasame Castle could be rebooted into a speedier, more arcade like Zelda, mayebe a hack n'slash. I mean, they had no issue making Kid Icarus a pseudo on-rails shooter, so why not? More variety is always good. Speaking of, we got one Kid Icarus game after ~20 years, wanna bet the next one takes 20 years again? It already was a small wonder when they brought back Pilotwings.

With Mario Kart 8 they seem to try and replace F-Zero with the anti-gravity gimmick and 200cc without realizing that MK and FZ are fundamentally different. Hell, all three of Nintendo's racing franchises could co-exist without issue: Mario Kart as the casual, item based kart racer, F-Zero the more hardcore and skill based one and lastly Excitebike somewhere in between.

Then there are the Visual Novels/Adventure games from the Famicom era, like, well... the game our very own Ayumi comes from. But also Shin Onigashima or Yuyuki. Not only them though, Wario Land died off to make way for WarioWare and Intelligent Systems is stuck making Fire Emblem after Fire Emblem (the last Advance Wars was released 10 years ago).

Even worse, Nintendo has the ability to release games digitally, making old games available in regions they weren't before, but they only do this once in a blue moon. And now with the VC being dead, the chances have grown even worse. Like, I kinda get not releasing Famicom Tantei Cub, those games are very text heavy, but why keep Joy Mech Fight in Japan? It had several re-released on the VC there, yet it was never brought over. Same with Panel de Pon. Like yeah, sure,it probably can't be re-released due to the Tetris name, but yet they refuse to simply use the Japanese version. I can count the amount of notable games being brought over with their VC service on one hand: Sin & Punishment, Murasame Castle, Kirby's Dream Land 3 (for us Europeans) and... that's it. Sure there were MOTHER and the original SMB2 but, let's be honest, M1 was already 100% finished so there was effort involved and SMB2 was already released in the west for the SNES years ago. Sure, it was a remake, but to me it makes no difference. In fact, it kinda makes it worse to me, because they should've just picked a game that wasn't already released in the west.

Ah sorry for rambling on, I get kinda passionate about retro games sometimes. Especially when looking at all that wasted potential.
I mean you can't really blame them for them making more of what sells. When Nintendo does try making new IP's people will just say they don't count if they don't end up taking off and most say Pikmin was there last new IP before they made Splatoon when that's not true at all. I say they should see if any 3rd party studios want to make new games for there lesser known series there keeping in the vault. Spike Chunsoft would be a good developer for a Famicom Detective remake or new game and I'm sure Monster Games would work with them again if they got the chance to make something like a new Mach Rider game.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I think most would agree with this easily.

Nintendo just need better management of their massive collection of IP's. Some that had never seen the light of day in years. Hell, hire some new teams would have interest in working with these IP's.
This. Nintendo should just take more risks or even allow some third party teams work on these IP's. Which did work well for Samus Returns.

Even disregarding new games, just releasing some old games would make such a difference. Every time NES games get re-released it’s the same old classics, while the less-known ones fall into obscurity and unplayability. But they still crack down heavily on emulation. As someone who deeply cares about games preservation, I’d really like it if they acknowledged their responsibility in keeping old games available.

I’m not asking for a localization of Tokimeki High School or Marvelous: Another Treasure Island, but how much does it cost to release a game like Joy Mech Fight or Devil World on Virtual Console? Wouldn’t Nintendo Switch Online be more attractive if it offered Murasame Castle and Earthbound Beginnings rather than (or in addition to) the same old games every NES owner owns?
This. Even one of the first complaints I made about the NES games was the lack of Muasame Castle. I'd rather be exposed to new undercooked gems in favor of the same overrated classics people love. I would love the NES games much more if things were like that.

And about time people started calling out Nintendo's anti-emulation behavior. It's a good way to preserve these classics since people can't afford to get the real deal from a long time ago. Want to kill ROM's? Then give us good classic game support on the Switch.

I mean you can't really blame them for them making more of what sells. When Nintendo does try making new IP's people will just say they don't count if they don't end up taking off and most say Pikmin was there last new IP before they made Splatoon when that's not true at all. I say they should see if any 3rd party studios want to make new games for there lesser known series there keeping in the vault. Spike Chunsoft would be a good developer for a Famicom Detective remake or new game and I'm sure Monster Games would work with them again if they got the chance to make something like a new Mach Rider game.
This is true. I can name so much new Nintendo IP's that had flopped because of poor marketing or Nintendo not caring. Sushido Striker, Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Endless Ocean, arguably Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Eternal Darkness, Geist, Fling Smash, Steel Diver, etc. The problem isn't people not caring for these games but Nintendo not even trying with the marking.

And I also agree that Chun Spikesoft would be an excellent partenery for Famicom Detective Club. They are the kings of VN games IMO.
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Xevious 1

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2014
I don't understand why Sakurai dropped Ayumi because she lacked international support. So did Fire Emblem and Mother, but it didn't stop those characters from coming into Smash. Does he think that people are going to play Melee and go "I don't like them because I don't know who that is". Plus it does the opposite, people will see an obscure character in Smash and will be curious about what games they originate from, Mother and Fire Emblem's worldwide popularity is because people were introduced to the characters through Smash.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I love obscure characters from games I never played! I support.
Adding you now. Glad to have people like you aboard.

I don't understand why Sakurai dropped Ayumi because she lacked international support. So did Fire Emblem and Mother, but it didn't stop those characters from coming into Smash. Does he think that people are going to play Melee and go "I don't like them because I don't know who that is". Plus it does the opposite, people will see an obscure character in Smash and will be curious about what games they originate from, Mother and Fire Emblem's worldwide popularity is because people were introduced to the characters through Smash.
And this is another thing I don’t get about Sakurai. No one would know who Takamaru or Ayumi were, but Roy and Lucas get a free pass? Sure one can argue that Mother and Fire Emblem are bigger series than Murasame Castle and Famicom Detective Club, but that act of hypocrisy puts a massive hole in Sakurai’s “must be well known internationally” rule with most newcomers.

I feel that he can’t really have these limits anymore, because that will hurt Smash in the long run and most character choices would be too safe and predictable. LIke you said, people will be curious about where that character comes from if they are obscure. And it wouldn’t hurt Smash in any way. If obscurity is an issue, then we might as well get rid of a good chunk of the existing roster for that reason.
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Adding you now. Glad to have people like you aboard.

And this is another thing I don’t get about Sakurai. No one would know who Takamaru or Ayumi were, but Roy and Lucas get a free pass? Sure one can argue that Mother and Fire Emblem are bigger series that Murasame Castle and Famicom Detective Club, but that act of hypocrisy puts a massive hole in Sakurai’s “must be well known internationally” rule with most newcomers.

I feel that he can’t really have these limits anymore, because that will hurt Smash in the long run and most character choices would be too safe and predictable. LIke you said, people will be curious about where that character comes from if they are obscure. And it wouldn’t hurt Smash in any way. If obscurity is an issue, then we might as well get rid of a good chunk of the existing roster for that reason.
Smash is a great way to promote and advertise obscure franchises to the publics' eye so that those franchises can get some well deserved love and recognition. So I don't see why Sakurai would pass on any Japan only characters getting a spot in the roster.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Smash is a great way to promote and advertise obscure franchises to the publics' eye so that those franchises can get some well deserved love and recognition. So I don't see why Sakurai would pass on any Japan only characters getting a spot in the roster.
That’s right. I can understand him not wanting to put too much characters no one knows. But when we have enough popular and well known characters already, there’s no excuses. Just imagine if we did get Ayumi in Melee at the time, then she would had been just as beloved as Marth and Mr Game & Watch to this day. Which is something we would want.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2018
I don't understand why Sakurai dropped Ayumi because she lacked international support. So did Fire Emblem and Mother, but it didn't stop those characters from coming into Smash. Does he think that people are going to play Melee and go "I don't like them because I don't know who that is". Plus it does the opposite, people will see an obscure character in Smash and will be curious about what games they originate from, Mother and Fire Emblem's worldwide popularity is because people were introduced to the characters through Smash.
While Nintendo likely had plans to being Fire Emblem to the rest and even back in the Melee days the series was about to release it's 6th game and for Mother someone who never heard about Mother 3 would likely just think they came from the game Ness is from. I think the rules might be slightly different when it comes to the 2nd lesser known retro character. The higher ups at Nintendo likely want it to be someone most of the hardcore fans know and for it to be someone who played a key in making the company what it is today.


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2018
Argentine "Backbreaker theory

I mean you can't really blame them for them making more of what sells. When Nintendo does try making new IP's people will just say they don't count if they don't end up taking off and most say Pikmin was there last new IP before they made Splatoon when that's not true at all. I say they should see if any 3rd party studios want to make new games for there lesser known series there keeping in the vault. Spike Chunsoft would be a good developer for a Famicom Detective remake or new game and I'm sure Monster Games would work with them again if they got the chance to make something like a new Mach Rider game.
A Spike Chunsoft Famicom Detective game... how have I never considered this. That would be the coolest thing.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
A Spike Chunsoft Famicom Detective game... how have I never considered this. That would be the coolest thing.
I would love this so much.

They would be the best option as far as reviving Famicom Detective Club.

While Nintendo likely had plans to being Fire Emblem to the rest and even back in the Melee days the series was about to release it's 6th game and for Mother someone who never heard about Mother 3 would likely just think they came from the game Ness is from. I think the rules might be slightly different when it comes to the 2nd lesser known retro character. The higher ups at Nintendo likely want it to be someone most of the hardcore fans know and for it to be someone who played a key in making the company what it is today.
I would say that the likes of Famicom Detective Club made way for making VN's a popular genre back in the day. If that isn't important enough to Nintendo, then they are limiting themselves.

So without Shin Onigashima and Famicom Detective Club, Ace Attorney and Fate wouldn't exist.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2018
I don't understand why Sakurai dropped Ayumi because she lacked international support. So did Fire Emblem and Mother, but it didn't stop those characters from coming into Smash. Does he think that people are going to play Melee and go "I don't like them because I don't know who that is". Plus it does the opposite, people will see an obscure character in Smash and will be curious about what games they originate from, Mother and Fire Emblem's worldwide popularity is because people were introduced to the characters through Smash.
It's just Sakurai not knowing what he's saying, or him being biased.
It's a dumb argument these days thanks to the internet with it's vast amount of information it can provide us.
Sakurai's mind is clearly stuck in the past.
Now that being said Ayumi's game was clearly less popular than both FE and Mother even in Japan. But that's even more reason to add her in Smash; to gain some recognition. It's absurd how many people in Nintendo, Sakurai included, do not realize this, while insisting they add already popular characters.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
It's just Sakurai not knowing what he's saying, or him being biased.
It's a dumb argument these days thanks to the internet with it's vast amount of information it can provide us.
Sakurai's mind is clearly stuck in the past.
Now that being said Ayumi's game was clearly less popular than both FE and Mother even in Japan. But that's even more reason to add her in Smash; to gain some recognition. It's absurd how many people in Nintendo, Sakurai included, do not realize this, while insisting they add already popular characters.

As long as Smash is diverse with both popular and niche chaactes, then it would do good to the franchise and others.

Think of all the people that would love Ayumi's design and even ask Nintendo to make a VC Famicom Detective Club. Sakurai just underestimate his fandom and the power of the Internet.

Deleted member

In Marth's (and Roy's) defense, they actually were supposed to be cut in the international version of Melee, but the testers liked them too much, make of that what you will. But let me point to one specific, often overlooked character which has always made the "international appeal" a joke since day 1: Ness. When Sakurai mentions "international appeal" he means "Japan and the US", but guess what, we never got Earthbound back then and due to the internet being still very young, no one knew who he was either. He was just some weird kid who could shoot fire and had an odd recovery. But did it bother anyone? No, not at all, if anything, him being such an unknown made him all the more appealing.

Just felt like venting about that for a bit, because to me Sakurai's definition of "international" means "NA". If we include the EU into the equation, we'd lose quite a few characters, like Duck Hunt (it never reached the cult status here that it had in the US) or ROB (who is famous for saving the US market, not EU). And to make it even worse for a lot of people, everyone's favorite doll (Geno) shouldn't get in either, due to us never getting SMRPG until the Virtual Console. But as we know by looking at Takamaru, VC releases don't count.

In short, either Sakurai should actually stick to his word and only include characters that were released worldwide during the time frame their actual games were released and not on VC... or drop that stupid rule and get over that weird self-imposed restriction. Either commit to your word or don't enforce it, but don't be so wishy-washy about it.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
In Marth's (and Roy's) defense, they actually were supposed to be cut in the international version of Melee, but the testers liked them too much, make of that what you will. But let me point to one specific, often overlooked character which has always made the "international appeal" a joke since day 1: Ness. When Sakurai mentions "international appeal" he means "Japan and the US", but guess what, we never got Earthbound back then and due to the internet being still very young, no one knew who he was either. He was just some weird kid who could shoot fire and had an odd recovery. But did it bother anyone? No, not at all, if anything, him being such an unknown made him all the more appealing.

Just felt like venting about that for a bit, because to me Sakurai's definition of "international" means "NA". If we include the EU into the equation, we'd lose quite a few characters, like Duck Hunt (it never reached the cult status here that it had in the US) or ROB (who is famous for saving the US market, not EU). And to make it even worse for a lot of people, everyone's favorite doll (Geno) shouldn't get in either, due to us never getting SMRPG until the Virtual Console. But as we know by looking at Takamaru, VC releases don't count.

In short, either Sakurai should actually stick to his word and only include characters that were released worldwide during the time frame their actual games were released and not on VC... or drop that stupid rule and get over that weird self-imposed restriction. Either commit to your word or don't enforce it, but don't be so wishy-washy about it.
Earthbound did make it to the US though. That’s why we call it Earthbound and not Mother 2.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
They're from Europe my dude, that's the whole point of their post.
Then that part of the post doesn’t make sense.

‘When Sakurai mentions "international appeal" he means "Japan and the US"’

If Sakurai only cares about Japan and the US, then Ness does fit into the whole international appeal.

Unless they’re contesting Sakurai’s criteria, in which case, good luck.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Then that part of the post doesn’t make sense.

‘When Sakurai mentions "international appeal" he means "Japan and the US"’

If Sakurai only cares about Japan and the US, then Ness does fit into the whole international appeal.

Unless they’re contesting Sakurai’s criteria, in which case, good luck.
Yeah it's an indictment of Sakurai's criteria. Smash was released in Europe but Earthbound wasn't, therefore Ness in Smash was an oddity that European audiences didn't know and people still accepted it. It invalidates the "known internationally" criteria from day one.

Deleted member

Yeah it's an indictment of Sakurai's criteria. Smash was released in Europe but Earthbound wasn't, therefore Ness in Smash was an oddity that European audiences didn't know and people still accepted it. It invalidates the "known internationally" criteria from day one.
Pretty much this, thanks for explaining for me while I was busy. It just really bothers me how he keeps going on about "international" reputation when it isn't so "international" at all.
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