'Ello. Hope you don't mind me jumping in to respond to this. I strongly felt the need to chime in on this one.
Would you all settle for a Daisy alternative of Peach, with unique model, name, announcer, and voice, etc.?
In the same vain as Alph?
Not that I'm saying Daisy can't have her own moveset, especially if you pull from various spin-offs. To be honest I'm surprised Daisy wasn't in this way, you'd think this would be the FIRST "alt" character in the game, rather than Alph or the Koopalings.
To be honest, I wouldn't be all that happy if she was an alt. or clone for Peach. It would go against her unique abilities and partially destroy future arguments regarding her uniqueness. Being an alt./clone would tell a general person that their abilities are pretty much the same. All that'd be different is the character's personality, etc. That's the last thing I want for Daisy. Wanting her in Smash Bros. is already quite a leap from spin-off character to important-enough-character-for-Smash-roster. I'd like her to become a more important character to the Mario series, rather than just the spin-off character Nintendo doesn't bother to tinker with.
I can understand choices like that with Alph/Lucina/Dr. Mario. In Pikmin, you don't do much but toss Pikmin and stuff. The characters are different, but their abilities? Not as much.
At first, even I thought Lucina was more unique than people put her down for, but after looking at her animations/attacks/etc. from Fire Emblem: Awakening, I see she pretty much stays true to Marth's style. Only her stats and character are different.
Dr. Mario is thoroughly the same Mario through and through. He tosses pills in Dr. Mario. There's not much else different.
Now, don't get me wrong; unique movesets can be made for every single character I mentioned. However, with Sakurai's decision to clone/alt. them, I acknowledge why. It makes sense.
Imagine if Daisy became an alt./clone. Sure, we'd get our wanted character in, but wouldn't it seem a bit awkward, to have a unique character (both personality and ability-wise) to just be in someone else's shadow (again)? Plus, imagine this:
"You know what? Daisy should have her own game!"
"Why? She's pretty much the same as Peach. Heck, Smash Bros. pretty much supports this. She's a clone of Peach. She's like a lesser Luigi. A 2.0."
I'd probably then argue the "They can flesh her out more as a character like Luigi was with Luigi's Mansion", but you can imagine how that'd go.

Paper Mario's my most-wanted DLC character, but if they wanted to make him a clone of Mario and nothing else, I would rather he not be in at all.
The Mario Strikers games are great examples for what else she can do.
Sadly I couldn't find pictures/footage, but she can apparently warp around set distances, too.