Well, here's an argument that I've had for a while.... I'll let it go now.
Oh wow. Looks like you guys hate Daisy, how cute, you don't like getting knee deep like you do with Space Peach, so let me get this shiz started.
*hair flip*
"She's already in the game, a Peach recolor."
Excuse me? We have Female Marth, Fire Marth, Unwashed Pit, Dr. Drugs, Falcondorf and... galactic bird. All these characters are fan favorites and such, but What's the difference? It's annoying to see people okay with having Doctor Mario in but saying no to Daisy? How funny. Daisy is a separate person from Peach. Second, Daisy is WAY more rowdy and strong than Peach and Rosalina. She's got a personality, she's loud and cheerful and fun, Rosalina is just so monotome and Peach talks like she is reading everything off a script. What's more, Daisy has seniority, and apart from having a completely different attitude than Peach, Daisy can hold her own in a fight.
"She has no potential for a moveset!"
You guys really crack me up! We have a famicon, duckhunt, Wii fit trainer, Villager and RosaLuma. All these characters had no actual potential to fight or a moveset in general. Don't tell me you saw Wii Fit or Vilager coming! They have nothing remotely related to smash or violence / fighting at all, and they where added. The team could start her moveset up from scratch and take advantage of her plant powers and stuff, her final smash could be her mega strike from Mario Strikers Charged, down B her crystal smash from the same game and her side B could be her throwing a dice from mario party or even her flower bed swing. There's a lot to work with since she is present in most spinoffs.
"She's too similar to Peach! "
Did you read anything I said above? And if the physical similarities are such a big deal, Daisy could be added in with her Mario Strikers Charged or sports outfit to distinguish from peach, it wouldn't very odd since Wario uses his wario ware outfit and his classic overalls as an alt, so there shouldn't be a problem here .
"Too Many Mario reps. "
Seriously? Mario Bros. Is Nintendo's #1 franchise, you can't be serious.
"Too many Princesses!"
Wha???? We have 3 (4 if you count Rosalina ) Princesses... and what.. 8? 9 swordsman???? You guys are funny.
"Rosalina has a backstory and she's appeared in cannon Mario games"
Backstory? Rosalina was made a character to be loved by the fans, and That's not a BAD thing, but using that as an argument...? Not even MARIO , the world famous plumber and Nintendo's #1 mascot has a Backstory either, Rosalina was just kinda made like that. And BECAUSE she was made like that, she was liked by the fanbase, therefore the result in her appearance in cannon Mario games , easy math.
If it helps you clear your vision, Daisy would be to Peach what Sheik is to Zelda.