[23:37] ax2ronsilver: BAM!
[23:37] ax2ronsilver: beat you

[23:37] Suspect074: lol
[23:37] Suspect074: oj
[23:37] Suspect074: ok*
[23:37] Suspect074: so i had this weird *** dream last night
[23:38] Suspect074: i was at this bar/lounge place with this half naked girl
[23:38] Suspect074: talking to her and what not.
[23:38] Suspect074: next thing i know i ****ted all over myself, but i had a change of clothes in the car
[23:38] Suspect074: so i go to YOUR house and just your mom and dad is there, Dad outside, Mom downstairs
[23:39] Suspect074: Some how i sneak up the side of your house and use your shower then change rofl
[23:39] Suspect074: I make it out without your mom catching me, but she caught me later cause i left my underwear on the floor and SOMEHOW she knew it was me LMAO
[23:40] Suspect074: she then goes off on me about how just cause i go over alot doesnt mean i can go over whenever i want and do stuff like that
[23:40] Suspect074: k story done
[23:40] Suspect074: :-)
[23:41] ax2ronsilver: you left your underwear in my house when its covered in ****?
[23:42] ax2ronsilver: WHAT THE HELL MAN!?!?
[23:42] Suspect074: LOL
[23:42] ax2ronsilver: and my mom would NEVER say that
[23:42] ax2ronsilver: shed like
[23:42] ax2ronsilver: MICHAEL
[23:42] ax2ronsilver: lemme buy some food
[23:42] ax2ronsilver: you look hungry like 24/7
[23:43] Suspect074: lolwut
[23:43] Suspect074: odd thing to say after sneaking in ones house to shower
[23:43] ax2ronsilver: cuz how everytime i have smashers over, she HAS to feed them
[23:44] ax2ronsilver: nikes mom :/
[23:44] Suspect074: uh huh, skinny jokes! lol jk
[23:44] ax2ronsilver: suspect your hella skinny
[23:45] Suspect074: :-D
[23:45] ax2ronsilver: but effing tall
[23:45] ax2ronsilver: i wanna be a baller
[23:45] ax2ronsilver: i always thought youd main dr mario just to be like KOBE after dthrow
[23:45] Suspect074: i used to play dr mario in melee, i still do but not really
[23:46] ax2ronsilver: i played melee today with greyfox
[23:46] ax2ronsilver: after a few joke friendlies, i went marf
[23:46] ax2ronsilver: and of courseeeeeeeeeee
[23:46] ax2ronsilver: MEWTWO
[23:46] ax2ronsilver: LINK
[23:47] ax2ronsilver: DR MARIO
[23:47] ax2ronsilver: BOWSER
[23:47] Suspect074: i dont mind being skinny actually, maybe a lil more weight
[23:47] Suspect074: lmao
[23:47] Suspect074: u mad
[23:47] ax2ronsilver: you dont need weight
[23:47] ax2ronsilver: yes I MAD
[23:47] ax2ronsilver: SO MAD that
[23:47] ax2ronsilver: after half an hour
[23:47] ax2ronsilver: i put it on unlimited timer
[23:47] ax2ronsilver: went to FD
[23:47] ax2ronsilver: and FORCED HIM to use falco
[23:48] Suspect074: brb lol
[23:48] ax2ronsilver: the count afterwards was like me +41 and him -70
[23:48] Suspect074: skype with sexy girl
[23:48] ax2ronsilver: sexy girl more important than nike?

[23:48] ax2ronsilver: FINE
[23:48] ax2ronsilver: just do it
[23:48] ax2ronsilver: ima post this
[23:49] ax2ronsilver: so that everyone will see you leave me like that