Nintendo has done quite a number of stupid things as of late. In case anyone didn't hear the breaking news, in summary, Nintendo is corporate scum and they don't care who they screw over just to squeeze more money out of consumers and their investors.
I don't disagree the part where you said Nintendo has done stupid things lately... or do they? Business man's idea are always different than ordinary people's idea. Here an example, many investor's used to thought that iPad was a stupid idea since it's way bigger than an iPhone. But of course Nintendo is a way more different company than Apple, and their promotion for the Wii U is just terrible.
If I there's one thing that I really want to scold Nintendo for, is how Nintendo makes it's business in Taiwan. I am sure that many of you guys think will that Taiwan is not a big market for gaming, well your're wrong to some extent. Taiwan has a solid gaming community and market, not mention it's esports team for LoL. Did I also mention that it was because of Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Chinese gamers who started the petition of demanding Game Freak to localize Pokemon in Chinese? But Nintendo never really did a good job in Taiwan, they leave Taiwan market in 2014 when they closed NoT, leaving Taiwanese Nintendo fans only Japanese Nintendo imports. Wii was a big hit in Taiwan, and that's it. If you ask any Taiwanese, they will also think that Wii U is just Wii. Even most of my friends think that as well...
I will only scold how Nintendo treated Taiwanese fans, but not company as a whole,yet.
The Wii U is quite possibly one of the worst investments I have ever made in my life. Even after buying it in 2014 when there were plenty of hit titles, I still feel the buyer's remorse from it. Nintendo didn't even try to make this system look like it could hold up on its own. Such an incompetent way to capitalize on a brand most well known as a dust collector. And if this video is accurate when talking about the Wii U's "marketing," which wouldn't be hard to believe, then it just goes to show that there was absolutely no heart put into this thing, and I honestly feel deceived and cheated as a consumer.
Not breaking to you but I don't really so. You can have your own opinion on the Wii U, but hey, my brother bought the MK8 bundle Wii U back in summer 2015. And we had a great time with the console by playing the games we love. Smash Bros, Splatoon, MK8, Mario Maker, FE virtual console games. Even though Wii U doesn't have many library of games compare to other consoles, it's actually good for us cuz that means we don't have to buy that much of games.
I am also tired of my sister scolding my brother saying it's stupid for him to buy a Wii U due to it's lack of sales. Geez, why not I buy PS4? It's because PS4 only have a few game that interests me (Hell, these games only interests me, I haven't even want to buy it.). Why would I buy a console that has only a few games that interests me and it's more expense when I could buy Wii U that has more games I like and cheaper? If you are buying video game consoles just ffrom "Sales wise", you are just going hurt yourself.
And then this happens. Nintendo publicly admits that the Wii U is not their future. Sure, Kimishima said the Wii U would likely cease production by March 2018, which is five years and some change for the system. But does that really count as its true life span? Wii U has had numerous droughts that lasted months, and you can combine that and deduct about two years off the system's "life" cycle. So it's safe to assume Nintendo put no effort in making the system perform better.
Hey, suppose it ends in 2018, 2017, or even this holiday. I still say Wii U has an average life span. And Wii U definitely had lived way longer than Virtual Boy, so those idiots who call Wii U as "Virtual Boy 2.0" should rethink about that.
And life span counts how long the console is still in production, so yeah, it still counts. And at least most of those games are god-like games, the games I can play for months without a new one.
Even the PlayStation Vita of all things is outselling the Wii U! That's how badly Nintendo ****ed up. It's not only the quantity of Nintendo games leaving fans dry, but even the quality in some cases has taken a decline. I don't think I can put anymore faith into this nostalgia-driven company.
Not really, PS Vita only sold like less than 5 million.... ironically, the games on PS Vita, you can already play it on PS3 and PS4...
There are even cases where they are practically neglecting fans' demands and expectations when Nintendo tries to shove "innovation" down our throats at every turn. My expectations for the NX were already very low. Like, VERY very low. But I couldn't even imagine something like their investor meeting could go this horribly. If I end up buying an NX, which I would try to get as cheaply as possible, it would be just for Smash because I want to continue supporting Sakurai and his masterpieces, it's just that he's only making games on Nintendo platforms. **** Nintendo!
Never place your bets that soon. That's all I can say.
I am glad that Sakurai still makes games on Nintendo consoles. They still understand the meaning of "fun", whereas Sony and Microsoft doesn't, who would want a game where many of it's awesome content are only limited on one console and DLC?