I'm sorry this took long
AGAIN LOL, I know that the discussion has moved on to Falco,but I'm making this anyways haha. Anyways, here are my 2 cents on the Diddy Matchup.
Game Start:
Like always, use a projectile. Predict where Diddy will be when he tries to get his bananas out (he'll prolly turn around an jump and then whip em out). Using a Gyro would be just for stage control, u wouldn't be close enough to hit him. Whether you wanna go for stage control or distrupt his bana game is up to you, they are both good start up options.
Long Range:
Diddy needs a lot of pressure kept on him. Staying at long range simply allows him to start generating bananas and set up his banana game which is very very bad. The only thing that can hit him at this range is a laser. Once you use ur laser, and distrupt his game, approach him. Middle range is a pretty nice place to be (explanation below). You can also toss out ur gyro if he has his bananas all set to go. With the gyro out, he can't throw bananas from the ground because they will just hit the gyro, and push it back. It acts like a wall for you, allowing you to continuously laser. He will have to jump then throw. This is where you short hop and then catch it when it lands beneath you, and now you have the stage control, yet you have to get closer for it to be any effective.
Middle Range:
A very crucial area in this match-up. Diddy's Bananas can hit you, ur uncharged gyro can hit him. At this range be careful when Diddy is holding a banana. If you don't have a gyro out, then you wont have time to use it. using a laser can help if he has thrown the banana as the hitbox on ur face can stop it from harming you, or you can disrupt his throw animation. If he shield's the laser tho, he can glide toss the banana at you, and more than often it will hit you, the only thing you can do is shield and hope it comes out in time to block the banana. I suggest retreating while throwing out a projectile in this situation (that would be short op backward and then fire away). Even if it means going off stage, you will have to against Diddy in this situation because Bananas are just too good. If your Gyro is out, he can't throw bananas from the ground, they will only get blocked, so he will prolly jump to throw it. Make sure if he does hit your Gyro, that it doesn't fall offstage. If it does, you will need to be aggressive as you have just lost your shield. This means catching the banana that just hit the gyro in a manner that is safe so that you will not get punished by another banana or Diddy himself. These are all the defensive tactics we have, and the point of these tactics are to either stop Diddy's banana game or take control of it. With these options, you should be able to take control of the banana game or at least avoid it. With a banana in your hand, its Diddy's 1 projectile vs your 3. Don't throw back the banana immediately as he will be trained to catch it. Us your other projectiles instead. Mix it up also, you can throw the banana if you think he isn't expecting it. When tossing the banana, make sure you glide toss it towards the Diddy. You have quite a few options from here. You can Fsmash which is the best killing option with a banana in hand, you can Dsmash, which is nice, and might get him if he drops his shield expecting something else, or you can grab then throw away, and pick up banana and repeat. Only camp Diddy when you have a banana in hand, otherwise, your camping lets him setup. You also can't camp him forever, you have to eventually use one of these glide toss options to keep the pressure off him. He still has one Banana to use at his disposal after all. The ultimate goal is to get both Banana's off of Diddy, so that you are 4 projectiles to his 0. this should guarantee Diddy being off stage, and should also make killing him several times easier.
Close Range:
When close to Diddy, use Ftilts to get him away. Be careful if he has a banana as the ending lag n Ftilt is long enough to get punished. If he s going for a banana, Ftilt is a good way for you to attack him while covering the area where the banana is. If Diddy is holding a banana, your to close to retreat, so you would have to take aggressive action on him. attempt to predict when he will throw the banana and catch it. Rush him and grab, then toss him. Predict the banana toss, then shield it, and either Ftilf his approach or catch the banana or shield grab his dash attack. If he is shielding, and ur uber close, jab his shield, or gab him. Beware of the glide toss down when approaching Diddy from a close range however. Its better to take action on a Diddy when he is holding a banana in close range before he can take action. Its a mind game also, and ideally you wanna get him off stage or at least off the ground. Being in close range against Diddy isn't bad though. He doesn't have broken tilts, or a stupid high priority jab haha.
Above the opponent:
This is where Diddy throws banana's up at you while you are recovering with ur upB, making them hard to catch/stop. Either that or you are just trying to come back on stage. You must land far enough way as to not get hit by Diddy's bananas Go for a platform. Its one of the safest areas to land. that or the ledge (if ur on FD =_=). Diddy wont chase you himself in the air, so just watch the Banana's he throws at you, if ur not in ur upB stance, you can try air dodging or z catching them (or w/e ur grab button is). This helps get momentum when ur back on stage, but Diddy would have 2 banana's out so you will still have to land somewhere safe.
Some Diddy's will chase you with a spike/Fair in an attempt to kill you. Go for the edge, and use Nairs if Diddy is coming at you. Fair and Uair are also good. Going above the stage is good if there are platforms to land on, otherwise go for the edge and then continue from there. From the edge, you can use all of the standard ledge options/mixups to make your way back on stage.
Edge Guarding:
When holding an item, and Diddy is recovering from below, try to throw the item down, in an attempt to hit him out of his upB. Otherwise, drop down and try to Fair him out of his upB. A Diddy that is high above the stage while recovering is hard to stop because he gets his side B back every time you hit him. You will stack damage on him, but more than likely wont kill him. Don't use projectiles vs Diddy when stopping his recovery, go there and intercept him (unless you just hit him away, in that case use ur laser then chase him down). When holding a banana and he is on the ledge, don't drop them close to the edge, unless u are predicting that he will double jump and catch the banana while your ready to punish him (with a Nair or something). Bairs will also work in an attempt to stop him from coming back on stage. If he has a Banana in hand while he is on the edge, use a gyro and place it right on the edge in order to negate plenty of his options. Nair right when he is about to run out of invincibility frames as the gyro will hit him, and if he decides to roll/rump/something from the edge, he may end up getting hit.
If Diddy grabs ur gyro:
You will always have your laser no matter what happens. You can laser the Diddy in an attempt to stop him while he throws the gyro, or to stop the gyro with the hit box on your face, but then if he shield it, ur face will just eat ur own gyro. Shield the gyro, or sidestep it (make sure it goes off stage) or something. Get rid of it essentially, that way, u get it back

Ban FD, No brainier lol. Jungle japes is a very good CP vs Diddy. Better than Rainbow cruise, and frigate, imo. Brinstar is also really good (just make sure the Diddy player doesn't have a pocket Snake/MK haha. I prefer Smashville over Battlefeild for neutrals because of the platform going off the stage, which helps you when off stage, and if bananas land on the platform, they get carried away. They will strike PS1 (good for us cause of stage changes and crappy ledge for them), Yoshi's, and Lylat more than often anyways, but they also work well for us.
55-45 adv for ROB. ROB are effective at all ranges, and can gimp the guy, and can take control vs him pretty well, and has the tools to stop his banana game.
thats all for now ROBros