So that guy replied to my well-thought out arguments pretty much exactly the way I predicted he would (in-post, even). I'll let you guys have a look.
Me (yesterday):
Thanks for the laugh, bro.
I'll be sure to come back and comment again when I'm playing as Ridley in Smash 4. <3
Him (today):
Me (today):
Woah, dude, you slammed me with an incomplete sentence, hell, it was barely a thought! You sure got me, man. I am so burned, LMFAOOOOOOOOOO. You're like, totally hilarious! I bet your video with a whole fifteen hundred views will change the opinions of literally millions of fans who want one of their favorite characters in a game!
Get off your ****ing high horse. Nintendo and Sakurai don't give a **** about your idiotic video. They'll put Ridley in Smash if they want to, and, surprise! Your video full of hatred for a group of people you've never met or know nothing about will be on here, a permanent reminder of your stupidity and bigotry.
You talk about how we've never played a Metroid game, then go on to list a bunch of one-shot characters that got killed in their first game as better suggestions. You also talk about how Ridley's size is who he is, which also isn't true. He's about being a cruel ************ that killed and ate Samus's parents in front of her. He didn't need to be any specific size to do that.
Here's a better suggestion: Stop acting like you're the king of the world because you can make a YouTube video yelling at strangers. I'd bet my house that if you were looking at Ridley's millions of fans face-to-face, you wouldn't be calling them ******s. You're just a generic internet tough guy, hiding behind your precious webcam, yelling at people with opinions that differ from yours.
You're not special. I'm not either. We're all just numbers on a whiteboard in some company's boardroom, and guess what? The numbers that want Ridley in the new Smash are a lot bigger than the few idiots who make videos about how "HE'S TOO BIG LMFAO LOLOLOLOL IMHO".
Now, I'm sure you have some highly-intelligent response for me, like calling me a ****** because I want a character from a video game in another video game, or saying that I'm an idiot (wow, look, I totally called it!) or whatever, so I'm sure you'll want to get right on that. I'll just sit here, content that I made it clear to everyone that the Ridley fans aren't the ones calling people who don't want him ******s.
Oh, and here's this.
It's how Ridley will look in the new Smash, and it's perfect. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
LMFAO WHAT AN IDIOT XD A big ass huge college essay on dumb ****. Imagine 4 Ridley characters on stage. Case closed. Why are you even trying again? XD
Me: Completely ignored my actual argument, eh? Yeah, that's about what I expected. You sure you don't wanna throw *** in there, too? Might make you seem like less of an angry 13-year-old losing an argument.
(just added this bit)
As per your "rebuttal", yes, I can imagine four Ridleys on stage, just like I can imagine four Bowsers, because he's just barely larger than him in that mock-up I posted in my previous reply. It's not a big deal. Have you ever seen four Bowsers on Battlefield? It's awkward as hell. Having Bowser but slightly larger is no huge game-changer.
Oh, and look, another "LMAO". I think that brings the count up to 5/5 for each of your posts (referring to his posts throughout the comments section). Also, two "XD"s, wow, you must really find this **** funny, eh? I personally don't see the humor, because I can really only see you calling perfectly decent people ******s and idiots because of their opinions.
But hey, that's just me. And well, anyone with eyes, really.
I gotta say, I
really like arguing with this guy. It makes me feel so smart.