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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2014
Mt. Cornet
I give up ridley will be the pyrosphere boss here are my reasons.
1.is shadow is shown at pyrosphere.
2. Its been confirmed that you can play all star mode from the start.
3. The leak is real and it is the full roster.
4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
5. Ridley is not going to be dlc
I love ridley but im facing facts )':
....Whaaa? :confused:

Ridles the Space Pirate

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2014
I give up ridley will be the pyrosphere boss here are my reasons.
1.is shadow is shown at pyrosphere.
2. Its been confirmed that you can play all star mode from the start.
3. The leak is real and it is the full roster.
4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
5. Ridley is not going to be dlc
I love ridley but im facing facts )':
1 and 2 are the only facts there, and 2 has nothing to do with Ridley.
3 the roster on the leak was already proven to not be final.
4 Not enough time? the roster was finalized years ago.
5 is your own opinion.
Oh, ye of little faith.
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2014
I give up ridley will be the pyrosphere boss here are my reasons.
1.is shadow is shown at pyrosphere.
2. Its been confirmed that you can play all star mode from the start.
3. The leak is real and it is the full roster.
4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
5. Ridley is not going to be dlc
I love ridley but im facing facts )':
Whats wrong with you boy?
1. Shadow is shown at pyrosphere in an ambigious manner, telling us nothing about his status but only implying something.
2. So? You can play it even if characters arent unlocked.
3. The leak is real, but it isn't the full roster.
4. Don't.
5. No, he'll be in the main roster, and if not then Sakurai really needs to look into some stuff.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I give up ridley will be the pyrosphere boss here are my reasons.
1.is shadow is shown at pyrosphere.
2. Its been confirmed that you can play all star mode from the start.
3. The leak is real and it is the full roster.
4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
5. Ridley is not going to be dlc
I love ridley but im facing facts )':
What have you been smoking? Yesterdays PoTD PROVED that it wasn't the final roster!

The King of Skulls

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2014
In the threshold of time and space.
I give up ridley will be the pyrosphere boss here are my reasons.
1.is shadow is shown at pyrosphere.
2. Its been confirmed that you can play all star mode from the start.
3. The leak is real and it is the full roster.
4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
5. Ridley is not going to be dlc
I love ridley but im facing facts )':
M8, those are some of the dumbest reasons ever, I'm sorry...
1. Subjective, but reasonable.
2. So...?
3. Leak said it wasn't full roster.
4. Implying Nintendo can't postpone.
5. Subjective.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I give up ridley will be the pyrosphere boss here are my reasons.
1.is shadow is shown at pyrosphere.
That theory has been analysed to hell and back. Check out the OP for full details.

2. Its been confirmed that you can play all star mode from the start.
If anything, that's in favour of Ridley. You can play All-Star Mode from the start, but until you unlock every character, a white padlock will be displayed on the mode select icon. That's why we're theorising that the roster leak isn't final and why Ridley doesn't appear in the All-Star screencaps.

3. The leak is real and it is the full roster.
The leak is real, but is it the final roster? We don't know. Evidence suggests it isn't, but even the original leakers have admitted they don't know themselves.

4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
Sakurai decides these things at the beginning of the game's development. Sonic in Brawl was a huge exception and clones are added later on as they take very, very little time and effort to add into the game's cast of chatracters. If Ridley is in the game, he would have been included at the game's initial conceptions and been worked on from there. He isn't going to be added out of the blue because fans want him.

5. Ridley is not going to be dlc
Baseless speculation. We don't know if there is going to be DLC, much less if Ridley will be included in it at all, but even that's presuming he isn't playable to begin with. We don't know one way or another, so saying he is not going to be DLC is just speaking without thinking. There is no cogent reason to believe he will be any more than there is to believe he won't be.

I love ridley but im facing facts )':
I respect your attempts to quantify your arguments with logical data, but I don't think you're being very rational at all. Don't be so down on yourself: there's still time before we know Ridley's fate for sure.
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Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
Since the others above pretty much have all bases covered I just want to add something about No.4

There's a slight problem there, Ridley is already made (he's been made a while now), pretty much all supporters and detractors acknowledge that the shadow in the teaser is Ridley, It's if he's a playable character or a boss that divides most people.
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Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
It's speculation, not a leak. And after thinking about it, Impa is also related to that theory
I think it's a bit of a stretch to say it's mere speculation that he got so much specific information correct. He correctly "speculated" that Shulk had 5 different modes, that Bowser Jr and the Koopalings are in, DHD shulk doctor mario dark pit are in, Bowser Jr fights in a clown car that shoots things and ejects things from its mouth, every character has 8 costumes/colors. All of this has been confirmed via PotD or the roster/video leaks over August.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I think it's a bit of a stretch to say it's mere speculation that he got so much specific information correct. He correctly "speculated" that Shulk had 5 different modes, that Bowser Jr and the Koopalings are in, DHD shulk doctor mario dark pit are in, Bowser Jr fights in a clown car that shoots things and ejects things from its mouth, every character has 8 costumes/colors. All of this has been confirmed via PotD or the roster/video leaks over August.
I'm talking about the four trophies. It was shown by Nintendo, they only thing they leaked was Ganondorf. The 4 trophies were in the smash direct and then we all starting speculating

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I don't really see a reason to dive too deep into a random text leak. Even if it does hint at Ridley, there's thousands of those text leaks. We got a few legit video leaks and anything less than that won't impress many people.

If Ridley is playable, we might see him when the 3DS version drops. Or a little earlier, in the same way we saw the last forms of the Starters in Pokemon X and Y. If not, then oh well. Can't help but wonder who the last few characters are though. Things could get interesting.

That All-Star thing does at least confirm more characters are to be expected. If the leaker didn't get the padlock removed, despite the amount of characters he has. If I had to guess, they'll be like 4 more characters at the end of this. Don't know who'll they will be though.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2014
I have to say I don't think we will get anything from the direct but its not impossible! The japan only direct was about the 3ds and we still got a reveal for smash. I don't think its the same but its at least somewhat comparable.
Smash is a 3DS game, and launches in Japan in a few days. Of course it was going to be featured in that direct.


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
I give up ridley will be the pyrosphere boss here are my reasons.
1.is shadow is shown at pyrosphere.
2. Its been confirmed that you can play all star mode from the start.
3. The leak is real and it is the full roster.
4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
5. Ridley is not going to be dlc
I love ridley but im facing facts )':

Ok, with weird outbursts of dumb reasons to deconfirm Ridley (seriously, wth?), when can we gather a possible date from Ridley to get announced? Some say it could happen before the JP release, some say after. I think it's gonna happen before release (most likely last day before JP release) but what do you guys think?
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014

Ok, with weird outbursts of dumb reasons to deconfirm Ridley (seriously, wth?), when can we gather a possible date from Ridley to get announced? Some say it could happen before the JP release, some say after. I think it's gonna happen before release (most likely last day before JP release) but what do you guys think?
The only way I see Ridley being a "last character before Japanese launch" release is if we've got a Big 3 trailer, otherwise I think he'll be saved to hype up the western release instead.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
I give up ridley will be the pyrosphere boss here are my reasons.
1.is shadow is shown at pyrosphere.
2. Its been confirmed that you can play all star mode from the start.
3. The leak is real and it is the full roster.
4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
5. Ridley is not going to be dlc
I love ridley but im facing facts )':
Put some glasses on for the all-star potd your as blind as a bat

1. http://smashboards.com/threads/the-...tes-dont-falter.324284/page-637#post-16728288 read that and tell me if it was not a illusion of size.

2. http://smashbros-miiverse.com/pic-of-the-day/2014-09-02 READ THE QUOTE AGAIN!!!!

«This time, you can challenge every fighter in All-Star Mode from the moment you turn on the game!! This is a survival battle with limited recovery items and no option to continue. However, this mode will be incomplete until you've unlocked every fighter... Until then, you can only play against characters that are already available. This is a picture of the bottom-screen menu, with a padlock indicating that the mode is still incomplete.»

3. Same as above and the leaker did a leak picture of all star mode with the lock with all 48 characters there (5 missing slots)


Do you realize sakurai started after kid icarus upspring got released and thats in 2012 , so what your saying is 2 years is not enough time for ridley when he probably started the pyrosphere on possibly 2012.

5. Oh hes in just not as dlc hes in as playable non dlc you'll see

And if you refuse to believe all this

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Smash Hero
May 12, 2014
Planet Urtraghus
I don't think people should talk about DLC with Ridley or DLC in general yet, considering the game isn't even out yet.

Once SSB4 is released and Ridley is somehow not on the roster, only then can we talk about the possibility of DLC (and we'd need to make our voices heard to Nintendo).

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Even if he doesn't see Ridley being playable, it doesn't mean we have to berate the guy. I can understand why plenty of people don't think he's not going to be a fighter. If you want to correct him on something he messed up on, you could do it a nicer way.

I don't think people should talk about DLC with Ridley or DLC in general yet, considering the game isn't even out yet.

Once SSB4 is released and Ridley is somehow not on the roster, only then can we talk about the possibility of DLC (and we'd need to make our voices heard to Nintendo).
I agree. We don't even know the whole roster yet. Once we do, then perhaps we can try and vouch for whatever characters that aren't in.

But all we can really do is wait a little while longer.


Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2014
Let us keep the leak talk to a bare minimum! Because, you know what happened when it escalated here before...

Man, the things I come across sometimes.

huh, I didn't know the bouncer for smash bros was Stan Lee

I don't know if its been said, but the POTD shows again that characters can have multiple roles, sort of, with dark samus being an AT and being a color pallet for samus

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
huh, I didn't know the bouncer for smash bros was Stan Lee

I don't know if its been said, but the POTD shows again that characters can have multiple roles, sort of, with dark samus being an AT and being a color pallet for samus
I guess. But it's not quite on the same level as Riki.

We're not too sure if this'll pertain to Ridley. I think he's going to be a fighter or a boss, one or the other, not both. I'm hoping playable. But I'm denying either option.


Smash Rookie
Sep 2, 2014
I'm pretty sure that's not the dark Samus suit in the picture, it looks more like the dark suit from Metroid prime: Echoes. Anyways back on topic.

Would people like to see Ridley have custom textures on his skins? Like for robo-ridley they could have extra metallic details instead of just the grey color scheme, and for a classic Ridley they could make his face look different, while still using the same model.

EDIT: whoops my bad didn't see the second post.
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
By the way a just a little warning about the leaks group

75% of them are so heartless on the roster and don't look at facts too much and choose rosters by leaks

(For example even from yesterdays potd some still think that 48 roster is the whole roster.)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2014
I was looking at stuff on the big three, thanks to JonesGamer, but I ended up on a gamefaqs thread and someone said that the big three should be Ridley, Meta-Ridley, and Wailord....

All I have to say is thanks for this great site with an incredible Ridley thread, because everyone else would troll the hell out of any Ridley posts.


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I was looking at stuff on the big three, thanks to JonesGamer, but I ended up on a gamefaqs thread and someone said that the big three should be Ridley, Meta-Ridley, and Wailord....

All I have to say is thanks for this great site with an incredible Ridley thread, because everyone else would troll the hell out of any Ridley posts.
Ridley, K. Rool, and Mewtwo.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
By the way a just a little warning about the leaks group

75% of them are so heartless on the roster and don't look at facts too much and choose rosters by leaks

(For example even from yesterdays potd some still think that 48 roster is the whole roster.)
Given the information from both the leak and from Mr. Sakurai himself. I would assume that there's at least one last character to be in the game we haven't seen. This could be anyone, Ridley or not.

There's a rumor going on that Ridley, Impa, Mewtwo, and Dixie Kong are the remaining characters, and this could be true. But I'm remaining skeptical until we see further proof.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2014
How do you guys think the Dark Samus palette swap affects Ridley's chances of being playable?

I think it would be strange to have Dark Samus as an alt AND as an AT when Ridley would be much more suitable to represent the series in that position. Right now, I'm convinced that Ridley won't be an Assist Trophy - so it's either playable or hazard, imo.


Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
I give up ridley will be the pyrosphere boss here are my reasons.
1.is shadow is shown at pyrosphere.
2. Its been confirmed that you can play all star mode from the start.
3. The leak is real and it is the full roster.
4. There is not enough time to make ridley.
5. Ridley is not going to be dlc
I love ridley but im facing facts )':
Wait what.

1. Yes, his shadow was shown. It helped his chances more than it hurt them, considering it's very small for a stage boss.
2. That doesn't hurt Ridley's chances.
3. Not a fact! Actually, the leak also had that All-Star Mode picture with the lock on it. In other words, the roster was probably not finished!
4. Ridley is clearly already in the game, so time has already stopped being an issue.
5. But Ridley is in the game! Also, why not?

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
How do you guys think the Dark Samus palette swap affects Ridley's chances of being playable?

I think it would be strange to have Dark Samus as an alt AND as an AT when Ridley would be much more suitable to represent the series in that position. Right now, I'm convinced that Ridley won't be an Assist Trophy - so it's either playable or hazard, imo.
Not much. Other than the fact that Ridley and Dark Samus are from the Metroid series. These two characters don't effect each other in Smash. If you want a better example of a character having multiple roles, you could Riki. But even then both of these roles are non-playable roles.

And on top of that, what works for one character, might not work for the other, so there's not a lot to go on.


Smash Master
Aug 27, 2014
A crossroads in my life
Wait what.

1. Yes, his shadow was shown. It helped his chances more than it hurt them, considering it's very small for a stage boss.
2. That doesn't hurt Ridley's chances.
3. Not a fact! Actually, the leak also had that All-Star Mode picture with the lock on it. In other words, the roster was probably not finished!
4. Ridley is clearly already in the game, so time has already stopped being an issue.
5. But Ridley is in the game! Also, why not?
^ This.

(Also, is it me or is your signature gif getting progressively faster as the days go by?)
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
By the way a just a little warning about the leaks group

75% of them are so heartless on the roster and don't look at facts too much and choose rosters by leaks

(For example even from yesterdays potd some still think that 48 roster is the whole roster.)
I hope you're joking.

No really, are you really not kidding and you didn't made an hyperbole or any intended exagerations?

I really can't believe this. The same source you use to make roster is the same that proved by himself that it's not final.

It doesn't matter the Sakurai's roster at the time of the pic because it's just simple logic:

leak shows a roster and we know for several reasons that it's real.

Same leaker shows a picture of a lock in allstar.

We see the same lock in a potd confirming that it was there because the roster he had wasn't final.

Since the leak got a version of the same picture AND showed this roster,

I made the terrible conclusion that the roster from the leak is not final.

I can understand being a believer, but that's contradicting your source.

I can't believe it screws up this support here and others because I still think this thread deserves props for still enduring this while it's really annoying now.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2008
Some people on the leak thread have jokingly theorized Little Birdie being playable.

Since there's no transformations, it wouldn't be possible to go from Little Birdie to the lizard to Ridley as the match progresses. But when taking Final Smashes into account, maybe you could start off as Little Birdie or the lizard and then mature into Ridley for the final smash.
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