Meh, I don't believe it meant "Stage Hazardley". By the time that magazine was printed, there's no way in the underworld

that Ridley's role as a stage hazard is still vague. Ridley should have been WAY pass completed and implemented as a hazard and posted information about his role. I believe with the alluding of saying his name, like Sakurai has refused to do as well, makes me think Stage Hazardley isn't a thing, instead the opposite, as a playable Ridley.
I know it's possible that they (Nintendo Dream or whatever) may not know anymore than us on the matter currently, and were just saying what was already gathered from the direct, but I can't help but get a bad feeling about it still, with the way they alluded to Ridley was worded and all.
Ever since Pyrosphere and especially the shadow I've just never been as optimistic about his inclusion on the roster as most of you, so leave me be plz. :u I mean for all we know, Stage Hazardley's the real deal, and the vagueness/mystery to his status is just a marketing tactic until the game's release so they can use up and abuse our hype, then leave us at a point when our disappointment will just be overshadowed by the praise of everyone else whose just hyped and ready to play/buy the game on launch. Perfect way to help quell/diminish the backlash of any deconfirmation.
Another user here XKan posted their translation.
I've got a bad feeling...
See? I knew I couldn't be the only one. I'm not saying to give up on Ridley completely, but it's just that that I have now; a rather bad feeling.
Actually, that makes me feel pretty good. If the stage isn't that complicated, then its boss (assuming it has one) would have to be very simple. And why would you tease and build up a very simple boss, especially as that is a downgrade from the Ridley of old.
By "the Ridley of old", if you mean him in Brawl, even his boss fights there were really simple; Stage Hazardley wouldn't be anything new in that regard.
Not trying to invalidate your feelings on the matter though. In fact I sorta wish I had your kind of optimism again.
So I think what we can gather from this is that they know just as little as the rest of us regarding Pyrosphere. Which is odd, considering that we seem to know everything about all the other Wii U stages, and we've gotten some new pictures that we've never seen before in that magazine.
Seems to me that this is what we expected Corocoro magazine to cover earlier this month, only to be let down by their false hype.
I never really believed Corocoro after they claimed they were gonna do the same thing pre-Brawl, only to not deliver. Shame on those that did, despite being told of their bogus hype before.
And yeah, using classic/Brawl Ridley design on that "roster" kills any credibility. =(