And what about the horribly clipped stages? And Wario hands clashing with G&W? And Wario's missing pupil?
I haven't looked the stages, regarding wario, by the way its placed Game and Watch, the "hand" you see overlapping is just an image build in your mind due to teh continuity of a very strong diagonal and some white pixels that give you an insinuation of a known form in Game and watch hand. perception and optical illusions work that way, that "hand" could just be warios jacket, and wario's pupil is just behind his big nose. there are some pixels that indicate this.
My posture regarding the leak, is that if it is fake is actually amazingly made. with a some serious manwork hours put into it, so it's higly unlikely (not imposible) someone would spent the time to do it. (and I would still be amazed at the quality of shulk and ness images)
Sadly most reasons i've seen against the leak aren't actually good (specially making sense of teh roster and stuff, if anything, someone who would do a fake roster probably would choose a safe bet as mewtwo and wouldn't cut a safe bet as Ice Climber) (or clones being grouped together (if anything I think this makes more sense).
Regarding the whole players don't have levels, let me ask you, what do we know about Amiibos and the exact way they work and you select them? almost nothing. if there is at least one confirmed variable of what we know very little about, what makes us think that we know all the quirks and details that will be new on this game? thats why that is hardly any conclusive evidence.
while Dr mario and bowser jr renders look very similar to actual officials renders, the fact that they are official renders but still not completly the same (at least bowser junior isn't) wouldn't be that strange considering the posture could have been used as a source while creating the posture.
With that i want to point the singlest stronger piece of evidence against the leak that is a source image of the DhD render that isn´t official. with that said, the problem is that how it was posted, the source haven't been cited, its pretty bad quality (to the points that looks faker than the leak itself) and was created AFTER the leak, (google image search doesn't point anything) So if the source of that image don't appear, That evidence is as good as nothing. ( I personally see some familiarity with that image, but i don't recall where the **** i would have seen it, and since the way memory work, I only need to have seen a "similar" image and not remember it well, for my brain to "fill teh gaps" and tell me that was the same image I saw). so yeah, we still need proof there

Regarding teh clearly fake gameplay screens taht also surfaced, do we have proof they come from the very same leaker?
Please be noted that even if the leak turns real i won't be dropping either Mewtwo not Ridley support. in teh context of the leak in fact mewtwo is still a mistery.and If ridley isn't in, then we need to be fierce on a DLC campaign. but I won't adhere to sloppy arguments if i see them, being them pro ridley or not ._.
EDIT: since, with reason, this discussion shouldn't be held here, if you want to reply this post feel free to PM me