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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
The problem here is that these people have been desperately asking for a link to the leak thread but nobody is giving it to them. So really, they don't know where to go. Don't say that they could "go looking for it" because they asked politely for the past 10 pages for it and, to my knowledge, nobody has given them a thread link.
It's a leak social group, not a thread. And not finding a place to discuss it doesn't give them the right to ignore forum rules and hijack other threads to discuss it.

I think what makes the leak convincing is how disappointing it is, with unwanted clones, DLCs, and plenty of cuts. So much for the "best character game in the world".

But I've thrown in my lot, so I can say that the lack of Ridley here makes the whole thing fake. That or an incomplete roster, but mostly fake.
Did I miss ANOTHER leak? Or are we still talking about the same one?
You know what? I'm done. I'm out. To hell with Ridley. I don't want him any more.

I came to this thread hyped about the possibility of a villains trailer. I was amazed at the active, fun, and hopeful fanbase I found. That's why I started supporting Ridley.

One frelling leak comes along and all of a sudden it's the end of the world. Not only that, but after hundreds of pages of meaningful discussion, we've broken down to just analyzing or giving our opinions on a leak. Remember when people talked about Ridley on here? When they discussed movesets, Final Smashes, what appearance he would have, what his alt skins would be, what his specialties would be? Yeah, that was awesome. This? This discussion is pathetic drivel that I can find on GameFAQs or YouTube.

If the Ridley fans can be distracted from talking about their awesome space dragon by three stupid pictures, I'll be glad if he doesn't make it into the game. Ciao.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 21, 2014
It's spelled "," you know. :p

Also, daily reminder that Ridley is in. We know Ridley is in. The question is whether Sack of Rice knows. :seuss:
Oh, I believe he's in too. I'm tired of the pain and detractions you guys have to deal with :sadeyes:. I find it pretty messed up honestly and it's time to get the ultimate reward you guys deserve. We are being tested big time.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Right here with you guys, were all going to see this thing through to the end.

That's cheating, that scene had a happy ending.

Not that I'd dare imply that Purple Space Dragon's chances are any less than 100%...
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2014
not behind you thats for sure...
Wow, quite the rampant going around the smash world eh guys? I'm really sorry for all the stuff that I'm not going to talk about that you guys are trying to fight off. I'm honestly trying to ignore it and waiting to see what else develops. Just cross your guys fingers for an Ice Climbers or Lucas reveal.

Back to Ridley discussion, I don't think this buildup to him would be all for not since it comes off as immature and just downright cruel, which just adds fuel to the fire if were to be all for nothing. I really do think they're on to something with the buildup Ridley is getting. We just need some space pirate soup to cool our nerves and to just ignore any of those I'm not going to mention them gematsu 2.0's.

We can do this guys, we can pull through till the end! And at least put up a great fight trying.
Perhaps we can feed the Ridley haters this space pirate soup you speak of.

Wise Multishine

Jul 23, 2014
Central New York
You know what? I'm done. I'm out. To hell with Ridley. I don't want him any more.

I came to this thread hyped about the possibility of a villains trailer. I was amazed at the active, fun, and hopeful fanbase I found. That's why I started supporting Ridley.

One frelling leak comes along and all of a sudden it's the end of the world. Not only that, but after hundreds of pages of meaningful discussion, we've broken down to just analyzing or giving our opinions on a leak. Remember when people talked about Ridley on here? When they discussed movesets, Final Smashes, what appearance he would have, what his alt skins would be, what his specialties would be? Yeah, that was awesome. This? This discussion is pathetic drivel that I can find on GameFAQs or YouTube.

If the Ridley fans can be distracted from talking about their awesome space dragon by three stupid pictures, I'll be glad if he doesn't make it into the game. Ciao.
My god, you're melodramatic. If you have something unique to add to the thread then post it.
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
You know what? I'm done. I'm out. To hell with Ridley. I don't want him any more.

I came to this thread hyped about the possibility of a villains trailer. I was amazed at the active, fun, and hopeful fanbase I found. That's why I started supporting Ridley.

One frelling leak comes along and all of a sudden it's the end of the world. Not only that, but after hundreds of pages of meaningful discussion, we've broken down to just analyzing or giving our opinions on a leak. Remember when people talked about Ridley on here? When they discussed movesets, Final Smashes, what appearance he would have, what his alt skins would be, what his specialties would be? Yeah, that was awesome. This? This discussion is pathetic drivel that I can find on GameFAQs or YouTube.

If the Ridley fans can be distracted from talking about their awesome space dragon by three stupid pictures, I'll be glad if he doesn't make it into the game. Ciao.
Eh, give it a week. Everyone's just high-strung because Brawl convinced them that Sakurai is the devil.

I know exactly how you feel. Being fresh blood is annoying as all hell when Sakurai or some leaker takes an inch from the miles you've walked.
"Oh, this faulty piece of evidence implies Ridley's not in. It's over guys, game over, we might as well give up hope now!"
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Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
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Smash Cadet
Aug 19, 2014
I agree with skyblade not the flipping out part but we got to get back on the topic of the space pirate leader we all love


Smash Apprentice
Jul 21, 2014
Perhaps we can feed the Ridley haters this space pirate soup you speak of.
Agree so much with this image. I just want to see the reaction of Shokio when Ridley is to be confirmed. It would just be priceless and we would be kings of the mountain and in glorious space pirate paradise.

Also, I don't trust 4chan at all and I think they're doing this as part of a nasty troll just to laugh at the reactions of people. I don't know the answers myself, but I just feel iffy about it... Stay strong Ridley thread.


Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
It's a leak social group, not a thread. And not finding a place to discuss it doesn't give them the right to ignore forum rules and hijack other threads to discuss it.

You know what? I'm done. I'm out. To hell with Ridley. I don't want him any more.

I came to this thread hyped about the possibility of a villains trailer. I was amazed at the active, fun, and hopeful fanbase I found. That's why I started supporting Ridley.

One frelling leak comes along and all of a sudden it's the end of the world. Not only that, but after hundreds of pages of meaningful discussion, we've broken down to just analyzing or giving our opinions on a leak. Remember when people talked about Ridley on here? When they discussed movesets, Final Smashes, what appearance he would have, what his alt skins would be, what his specialties would be? Yeah, that was awesome. This? This discussion is pathetic drivel that I can find on GameFAQs or YouTube.

If the Ridley fans can be distracted from talking about their awesome space dragon by three stupid pictures, I'll be glad if he doesn't make it into the game. Ciao.
Let's be honest here. What else is left to discuss for us? We are in a perpetual state of regurgiating regurgiated conversational material. We've been over pretty much everything. The leak is a welcome respite, if a somewhat controversial and intimidating one, even though it's clearly off-topic and will earn us more infractions than it's probably worth.
Ok, it's not a welcome respite at all, but it is new material for us to talk about. To be honest, I'm surprised the thread hasn't been locked yet already, and if that direct isn't announced soon that lock will eventually happen.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Warning Received
It comes from 4CHAN and ANYONE thinks this could be real? Just... wow.
Yeah, /vp/ was the most accurate place for leaks prior to X&Y's release. 4chan has a bad rep but it's not all wrong.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
It's a leak social group, not a thread. And not finding a place to discuss it doesn't give them the right to ignore forum rules and hijack other threads to discuss it.
You see, I wouldn't have known that because nobody here told anyone where to go.

You know what? I'm done. I'm out. To hell with Ridley. I don't want him any more.

I came to this thread hyped about the possibility of a villains trailer. I was amazed at the active, fun, and hopeful fanbase I found. That's why I started supporting Ridley.

One frelling leak comes along and all of a sudden it's the end of the world. Not only that, but after hundreds of pages of meaningful discussion, we've broken down to just analyzing or giving our opinions on a leak. Remember when people talked about Ridley on here? When they discussed movesets, Final Smashes, what appearance he would have, what his alt skins would be, what his specialties would be? Yeah, that was awesome. This? This discussion is pathetic drivel that I can find on GameFAQs or YouTube.

If the Ridley fans can be distracted from talking about their awesome space dragon by three stupid pictures, I'll be glad if he doesn't make it into the game. Ciao.
I'm getting the same way. I'm about to straight up leave this thread. I'll still support him, but I may just not come on here. Some people here get the entire thread derailed or just flat out manage to completely piss me off. I originally came here because I enjoyed how lighthearted this place was. It wasn't all serious and people could have fun. People wouldn't refuse to answer a question and then blame the person for not knowing. Seriously. What the **** happened. THIS IS NOT THE LEAK THREAD. I almost completely agree with you.

I'm not leaving, though. Not yet.

Can we make this thread the lighthearted place it used to be? The place where I actually felt welcomed instead of immediately being shot down upon bringing up an idea. The place where people didn't get all serious about a joke.

I'm not sure why you quoted me a second time when that part didn't have to do with the leak. It was an open opinion on Ridley's stance.

Let's be honest here. What else is left to discuss for us? We are in a perpetual state of regurgiating regurgiated conversational material. We've been over pretty much everything. The leak is a welcome respite, if a somewhat controversial and intimidating one, even though it's clearly off-topic and will earn us more infractions than it's probably worth.
Ok, it's not a welcome respite at all, but it is new material for us to talk about. To be honest, I'm surprised the thread hasn't been locked yet already, and if that direct isn't announced soon that lock will eventually happen.
Anything will be better than what's been being discussed. Let's talk about a down special. That hasn't been talked about much. What do you all think his down special will be?


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Seriously, if that discussion will keep going here all about that we are doomed about a leak that has no proof that is is real except for 1 single thing, just like Gematsu leak, then this thread would better be closed. This is pathetic. I remember this thread being something glorious. This is simply insult to this thread. Looks like days of this thread's glory is over. Because of cowards and idiots that simply want to be safe. Congratulations! I am bored and mad here because of you. Its first time that happens when there is someone and there is no detractors. THIS is not the Ridley support thread.
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Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
The problem here is that these people have been desperately asking for a link to the leak thread but nobody is giving it to them. So really, they don't know where to go. Don't say that they could "go looking for it" because they asked politely for the past 10 pages for it and, to my knowledge, nobody has given them a thread link.

I'm very confident that Ridley will not be DLC. It's either in or out for him. Boss or playable. He can't work like Alfonzo either, it'd be too confusing. You really couldn't replace him with anyone other than another Ridley, which would be too confusing. People can't get the best of both worlds with Ridley. I'm very confident that the game will have some form of DLC, but it definitely won't be Ridley.
I'm saying that this whole thing got to his head and he made it up just to make people talk about it.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
It's a leak social group, not a thread. And not finding a place to discuss it doesn't give them the right to ignore forum rules and hijack other threads to discuss it.

You know what? I'm done. I'm out. To hell with Ridley. I don't want him any more.

I came to this thread hyped about the possibility of a villains trailer. I was amazed at the active, fun, and hopeful fanbase I found. That's why I started supporting Ridley.

One frelling leak comes along and all of a sudden it's the end of the world. Not only that, but after hundreds of pages of meaningful discussion, we've broken down to just analyzing or giving our opinions on a leak. Remember when people talked about Ridley on here? When they discussed movesets, Final Smashes, what appearance he would have, what his alt skins would be, what his specialties would be? Yeah, that was awesome. This? This discussion is pathetic drivel that I can find on GameFAQs or YouTube.

If the Ridley fans can be distracted from talking about their awesome space dragon by three stupid pictures, I'll be glad if he doesn't make it into the game. Ciao.
Eh, we're close to the 3DS game's launch in Japan, so I understand if most people here are worried. And besides, it's not just us that's worried, every other character thread that's not on that roster is scared ****less. Don't let the Ridley thread take most of the blame for what's a typical fandom reaction.

I'll give this "leak" discussion about a week before it rots away after the next character reveal.
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Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
Anything will be better than what's been being discussed. Let's talk about a down special. That hasn't been talked about much. What do you all think his down special will be?
Down B, armoured skin from Other M. Lasts for a set period of time, or until Ridley is hit in face or something. Decreases damage and knockback, reflects projectiles maybe? Needs some way to be not overpowered, like only being able to applied so many seconds after it is lost.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2014
Today is Wednsday So This Is the pics

So From Monday Some people say it will Be Phyrosphere Wednsday
So It is not Phyrosphere!!!! You Lie!!!


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
You see, I wouldn't have known that because nobody here told anyone where to go.

I'm getting the same way. I'm about to straight up leave this thread. I'll still support him, but I may just not come on here. Some people here get the entire thread derailed or just flat out manage to completely piss me off. I originally came here because I enjoyed how lighthearted this place was. It wasn't all serious and people could have fun. People wouldn't refuse to answer a question and then blame the person for not knowing. Seriously. What the **** happened. THIS IS NOT THE LEAK THREAD. I almost completely agree with you.

I'm not leaving, though. Not yet.

Can we make this thread the lighthearted place it used to be? The place where I actually felt welcomed instead of immediately being shot down upon bringing up an idea. The place where people didn't get all serious about a joke.

I'm not sure why you quoted me a second time when that part didn't have to do with the leak. It was an open opinion on Ridley's stance.

Anything will be better than what's been being discussed. Let's talk about a down special. That hasn't been talked about much. What do you all think his down special will be?
Eh, it's prolly not been fun because the artists are out to lunch. Andrea and SchAlternate are the lifeblood keeping the place together.

As I've said, don't quit the thread, give it a couple days to simmer.

Actually, I think that's what I'll do.



Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2014
It's even more funny how they gave him the Smash Ball to have...
Gold eyes...
with... Pupils...

oh my god your right...but if they went with the other m model his eyes wouldnt be yellow....unless sakurai made them yellow through the powers of technology!


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
How's that for size comparison
He's under the influence of a grand star, so personally I wouldn't count this as his regular size. I compiled a list of all of his influenced sizes for people who want to compare Bowser being huge to Ridley. Here:
The bad examples (and the ones they use against us) are:

- Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Grand Star)
- Yoshi's Island (Kamek's Magic)
- Super Mario 64 (and SM64DS by association) (Giant Star [presumably])
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Kamek's Magic)
- New Super Mario Bros. U (Kamek's Magic)
- New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Kamek's Magic)
- Yoshi's Island DS (Kamek's Magic)
- Yoshi's New Island (Kamek's Magic)
- Bowser's Inside Story (Pain Induced Growth)
- Dream Team (Technically not the Bowser)
- Super Mario Sunshine (Unknown, but shrinks afterwards)
I wouldn't use those if you're going to compare Ridley with Bowser.

Nintendo of Europe posted this today

you were saying?
Ew, why are his wings so...real. I get that it resembles Ridley but this does not look like something that MK should have...

Eh, it's prolly not been fun because the artists are out to lunch. Andrea and SchAlternate are the lifeblood keeping the place together.

As I've said, don't quit the thread, give it a couple days to simmer.

Actually, I think that's what I'll do.

View attachment 22360 Ciao!
Yeah, I'm not leaving. I've definitely been on less and less in the past week. Partially due to me getting FE:A and WWHD, but mostly because the leak is tearing this place apart. But yeah, great points.


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2014
It's a leak social group, not a thread. And not finding a place to discuss it doesn't give them the right to ignore forum rules and hijack other threads to discuss it.

You know what? I'm done. I'm out. To hell with Ridley. I don't want him any more.

I came to this thread hyped about the possibility of a villains trailer. I was amazed at the active, fun, and hopeful fanbase I found. That's why I started supporting Ridley.

One frelling leak comes along and all of a sudden it's the end of the world. Not only that, but after hundreds of pages of meaningful discussion, we've broken down to just analyzing or giving our opinions on a leak. Remember when people talked about Ridley on here? When they discussed movesets, Final Smashes, what appearance he would have, what his alt skins would be, what his specialties would be? Yeah, that was awesome. This? This discussion is pathetic drivel that I can find on GameFAQs or YouTube.

If the Ridley fans can be distracted from talking about their awesome space dragon by three stupid pictures, I'll be glad if he doesn't make it into the game. Ciao.
seriously!? what do you expect? we're in the last days before release, there are gonna be "leaks" and rumors popping up all over the place and people are going to want to talk about them. I don't understand why you're so put off by leak talk, i mean i understand it's annoying to have detractor's use them as baseless leverage for their arguments but have we really seen any of that in the thread lately? also, it seems to me most Ridley supporters here are staying strong, if anyone talks about the leak it's to point out flaws or reasons why Ridley can still be in even if the leak is true. so you go ahead and leave man, no loss here. i give it 2 days and it'll die down just like the other rumors.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2014
The lack of Ridley is making this thread sick.:c The new rumor is only worsening the symptoms. Hypothetical cure: Raw information straight from Sakurai himself.

...In all seriousness the thread is getting a little too heated for my tastes, and I just got back. *sigh* I hope a few days is all it takes for this whole "depression" spot to dissipate and the thread can go back to being fun...will still check in periodically...


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Skyblade12 biggest drama Queen NA
Aw, thanks.

It worked. That's all I really cared about. Since the mods are apparently not monitoring things right now (or the thread would have been locked after IsmaR's multiple warnings about exactly this sort of discussion), I had to find something.

It's even more funny how they gave him the Smash Ball to have...
Gold eyes...
with... Pupils...
I totally missed the eyes. Good catch.

Down B, armoured skin from Other M. Lasts for a set period of time, or until Ridley is hit in face or something. Decreases damage and knockback, reflects projectiles maybe? Needs some way to be not overpowered, like only being able to applied so many seconds after it is lost.
I figured the most iconic Down-B type attack would be the Pogo tail. Or would that just be a down aerial?


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
It's even more funny how they gave him the Smash Ball to have...
Gold eyes...
with... Pupils...
Yes exactly

I noticed all of the above, and since this picture leak matches the ninka leak, (if real) 3 others are in speculation and those guys are dixie kong mewtwo and ofcoarse ridley.


Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
I figured the most iconic Down-B type attack would be the Pogo tail. Or would that just be a down aerial?
Pogo tail wouldn't work on the ground, and I expect the tail to be involved in a down-smash or something similar so a generic tail attack wouldn't work either in that case. It seems better to have it as a Dair.


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
Speaking of B Moves, we should talk about a Side B. That isn't "Seizure".
My Idea would be kinda like SSF2 Black Mage's Side B, where he sorta runs on the spot, then if someone's infront of him in a certain range, he dashes towards them, pummels 'em, then chuck's the opponent forward as Black Mage boosts ahead.
It's a good recovery move (If you can master it, it does put you in freefall if you miss) and I think it'd suit Ridley well with the right modifications. :D
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