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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Deleted member

If you've paid even a sliver of attention that you claim we haven't, you would realize your points are full of ****.

It's not about win or lose. It's about weeding out pathetic arguments formed from an asinine sense of logic full of holes and contradictions from an individual with an blinding overinflated ego.

But most importantly, I thought you were done? :troll: Why are you still here?


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
I won't argue for a character just because I want him. I could be making all of these same arguments in favor of Ridley that all of you have been making. How many of you could or would do the opposite?

Me, easily. I do it all the time. I even agreed with you on at least one point.

Jus' saying.

'course, as I've said several times now, after literally hundreds of pages, there's not much inherent value to playing devil's advocate, now is there?


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
If canon power mattered, why can everyone survive being eaten by Kirby?
That's not just canon, it's logic.

Deleted member

If canon power mattered, why can everyone survive being eaten by Kirby?
That's not just canon, it's logic.
Well you see, the thing is, canon only matters when it applies to Ridley. And only certain degrees of it.
Every other character can simply **** off. :troll:


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Well you see, the thing is, canon only matters when it applies to Ridley. And only certain degrees of it.
Every other character can simply **** off. :troll:
"Every other character has an average size. Ridley's size attributes to his character and alludes to his personality. Olimar isn't the same though. So Ridley is the only one who gets this exemption".

Just responding for him...

Deleted member

"Every other character has an average size. Ridley's size attributes to his character and alludes to his personality. Olimar isn't the same though. So Ridley is the only one who gets this exemption".

Just responding for him...
"You would know this if you actually paid attention to what I say".



Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Well, come on now guys, we shouldn't treat him like he's some sort of hater.
Sure, he came into this support thread to provoke us and pretend that he's here for some civilized discourse.
Sure, he repeatedly ignored our counter-points and constantly accused us of doing that very same thing.

But, I mean...
It's not like the vast majority of his posts are Ridley bashing.
Or like he specifically made an anti-Ridley thread or anything.

Seriously guys, just because practically every point he made can be easily countered by simply pointing to another character already in Smash, it doesn't mean we need to be needlessly mean to this guy. Who, again, came in here to insult us.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Well it's been fun debating in the Ridley thread, but for tonight, I must leave. i shall return tomorrow for more of the lulz.

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
If you've paid even a sliver of attention that you claim we haven't, you would realize your points are full of ****.

It's not about win or lose. It's about weeding out pathetic arguments formed from an asinine sense of logic full of holes and contradictions from an individual with an blinding overinflated ego.

But most importantly, I thought you were done? :troll: Why are you still here?
My arguments were not pathetic, they were logical and my points were not full of ****. I didn't consider most of the arguments here to be either. There were indeed a lot of contradictions both ways though, and no one had a perfect answer. That was the point of the discussion. At least I can see that and admit it.
How is it fair if you accuse us of ignoring your posts? You act like the only reason we disagree with you is because we're stupid. You've basically ignored our reasoning.

I'd go through a list of things we replied with, but it's 2 am and I work at 9, so i'll list one.

You stated that Rayquaza would not fit because of his size in Smash Bros., as if that was the only size he's ever been. I replied with the fact that Rayquaza is a much smaller size in Pokemon Collosseum. However, now that I think about it, if we're only basing it off of Smash sizes, Ridley's size shouldn't matter, as in the Melee intro, he isn't too much larger than Samus.

Also, I thought you were done.
That is not how I'm acting. I don't understand why you see it that way. I've made it clear repeatedly I respect every argument and most have been very good.
That wasn't my argument. Rayquaza's size was only a fraction of what I was talking about.
Just cleaning up the diarrhea feedback I'm getting from those like Golden who can't settle this maturely. I'm not arguing about Ridley anymore.

Well, come on now guys, we shouldn't treat him like he's some sort of hater.
Sure, he came into this support thread to provoke us and pretend that he's here for some civilized discourse.
Sure, he repeatedly ignored our counter-points and constantly accused us of doing that very same thing.

But, I mean...
It's not like the vast majority of his posts are Ridley bashing.
Or like he specifically made an anti-Ridley thread or anything.

Seriously guys, just because practically every point he made can be easily countered by simply pointing to another character already in Smash, it doesn't mean we need to be needlessly mean to this guy. Who, again, came in here to insult us.
I did come here for civilized discourse, I've gotten only some in return.
I didn't ignore any of your counter points. You ignored mine. Yes, you did. Said counter points were rehashed things that I had repeatedly answered in earlier posts.
You're right, I'm not bashing Ridley, and the anti-Ridley thread has nothing to do with hating on Ridley.
I did not come here to insult you. I'm guessing now that most of you just seem to see it that way because of how threatened everyone here gets at the mere suggestion that Ridley may not fit as a Smash character. I was actually suggested to come here in the very thread you linked to. By the mod who locked it, no less.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
I did come here for civilized discourse, I've gotten only some in return.
I didn't ignore any of your counter points. You ignored mine. .
you ignored all my posts you will probably ignore this one


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC

"It's so nice to have the family together for dinner."

Also Oasis if you're reading this, you should edit the list of supporters on the first page to includebe MorbidAltruism.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Nope. Maybe your posts were already answered. Maybe that's why I skipped them.
That kind of attitude is why people think you are an asshole. Why don't you just reiterate? Chances are that you didn't specifically answer his point. You just answered something similar. You were doing that with me. I brought up a specific question about Ridley's appearance in Melee. You just assumed you answered my question because you talked about Melee Ridley. You didn't though.

Deleted member

My arguments were not pathetic, they were logical and my points were not full of ****. I didn't consider most of the arguments here to be either. There were indeed a lot of contradictions both ways though, and no one had a perfect answer. That was the point of the discussion. At least I can see that and admit it.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

But let me end this discussion with this:
You do not come into this thread, make a bunch of flawed points, treat them as fact, use more flawed points and idiotic hypotheticals to try to counter glaring holes in those previous points, repeat the same points over and over again, insult our intelligence by claiming we didn't pay attention to those flawed points you treat as sheer fact, make biased excuses as to why your points are not contradictory to existing examples, be a hypocrite and ignore points given while ******** that we are ignoring yours, and fail to so much as admit your faults and expect any sort of civility.

All you're doing is tying steaks to your body while in a lion cage and sealing your fate by drenching yourself in blood. Followed with kicking them in the face.

So my advice before I really tear into you? Just leave and never post here again.

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
That kind of attitude is why people think you are an *******. Why don't you just reiterate? Chances are that you didn't specifically answer his point. You just answered something similar. You were doing that with me. I brought up a specific question about Ridley's appearance in Melee. You just assumed you answered my question because you talked about Melee Ridley. You didn't though.
I had to reiterate so frequently I couldn't keep up. I did read the posts completely and most of the time I had fully answered them. No one bothered to check. I answered yours too. I did specifically respond to the things I had not answered yet. I covered as much as possible.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

But let me end this discussion with this:
You do not come into this thread, make a bunch of flawed points, treat them as fact, use more flawed points and idiotic hypotheticals to try to counter glaring holes in those previous points, repeat the same points over and over again, insult our intelligence by claiming we didn't pay attention to those flawed points you treat as sheer fact, make biased excuses as to why your points are not contradictory to existing examples, be a hypocrite and ignore points given while *****ing that we are ignoring yours, and fail to so much as admit your faults and expect any sort of civility.

All you're doing is tying steaks to your body while in a lion cage and sealing your fate by drenching yourself in blood. Followed with kicking them in the face.

So my advice before I really tear into you? Just leave and never post here again.
That is grossly inaccurate. I know I made good points. Others did too. I didn't ignore anything. This was a good discussion even if it got a little out of hand. But what you just wrote at the end there? That's not what I came here for. Thanks for being an asshole this whole time when at least everyone else was well mannered and talked with me about the subjects that were brought up. You've just been clawing for an opportunity to insult me at every pass.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I had to reiterate so frequently I couldn't keep up. I did read the posts completely and most of the time I had fully answered them. No one bothered to check.
And now you know how we feel on a daily basis. Huh. This came full circle.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
I did come here for civilized discourse, I've gotten only some in return.
I didn't ignore any of your counter points. You ignored mine. Yes, you did. Said counter points were rehashed things that I had repeatedly answered in earlier posts.
You're right, I'm not bashing Ridley, and the anti-Ridley thread has nothing to do with hating on Ridley.
I did not come here to insult you. I'm guessing now that most of you just seem to see it that way because of how threatened everyone here gets at the mere suggestion that Ridley may not fit as a Smash character. I was actually suggested to come here in the very thread you linked to. By the mod who locked it, no less.

It'll help you to know where I'm coming from.

I've told Ridley-playable supporters constantly and repeatedly that they shouldn't bash the people who are Ridley-boss supporters. It's just people who mutually love the same character and want to see him done justice. Some think that means granting him the playable status as the highest echelon of Smash achievement, others think that means keeping him as a monstrous beast who smacks away the Blue Falcon.

That's all cool, that's gravy.

The reason you're getting so much flak is because you're egotistical, hypocritical and you have a very poor understanding of what constitutes logic, despite your seeming reverence of it. You seem to think that when you make a point and someone else makes a point, you're by default correct and that if people are yet unswayed then they must have simply not read your words.

This does not demonstrate a solid understanding of reality.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
Nope. Maybe your posts were already answered. Maybe that's why I skipped them.
ok this all started on page 123 I shall go back and read all of your posts to make sure i'm not being an idiot

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
And now you know how we feel on a daily basis. Huh. This came full circle.
I suppose this really is nothing new lol. You've been a great neutral party sir thank you.
ok this all started on page 123 I shall go back and read all of your posts to make sure i'm not being an idiot
I appreciate that. I'm throwing in the Ridley towel for today. If you want to discuss this with me elsewhere though I'd like to know what I've missed.
Cut the bull****, cut the hypocrisy.
Cut it NOW.
Do you listen to yourself?


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
It'll help you to know where I'm coming from.

I've told Ridley-playable supporters constantly and repeatedly that they shouldn't bash the people who are Ridley-boss supporters. It's just people who mutually love the same character and want to see him done justice. Some think that means granting him the playable status as the highest echelon of Smash achievement, others think that means keeping him as a monstrous beast who smacks away the Blue Falcon.

That's all cool, that's gravy.

The reason you're getting so much flak is because you're egotistical, hypocritical and you have a very poor understanding of what constitutes logic, despite your seeming reverence of it. You seem to think that when you make a point and someone else makes a point, you're by default correct and that if people are yet unswayed then they must have simply not read your words.

This does not demonstrate a solid understanding of reality.
This. It could not have been summarized better.

ok this all started on page 123 I shall go back and read all of your posts to make sure i'm not being an idiot
Don't waste your time Shark.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
This. It could not have been summarized better.

Don't waste your time Shark.
wish I named myself Shark on this site wish we could change names

and I gotta give him the benefit of the doubt won't take me long to read every thing its mostly the same argument over and over


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
I suppose this really is nothing new lol. You've been a great neutral party sir thank you.

I appreciate that. I'm throwing in the Ridley towel for today. If you want to discuss this with me elsewhere though I'd like to know what I've missed.

Do you listen to yourself?

IsmarR is actually female. It would appear that you are working off of flawed assumptions. I'll let this stand as a very, very subtle metaphor.

Goodnight and good dreams, though, all the same. Sleep well.

Deleted member

Question is, do you?

I full-on know I'm being an ass right now. Assholes counter other assholes.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
God damn, all this HULLABALOO and we didn't even overtake the K. Rool thread in number of views.


Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
It'll help you to know where I'm coming from.

I've told Ridley-playable supporters constantly and repeatedly that they shouldn't bash the people who are Ridley-boss supporters. It's just people who mutually love the same character and want to see him done justice. Some think that means granting him the playable status as the highest echelon of Smash achievement, others think that means keeping him as a monstrous beast who smacks away the Blue Falcon.

That's all cool, that's gravy.

The reason you're getting so much flak is because you're egotistical, hypocritical and you have a very poor understanding of what constitutes logic, despite your seeming reverence of it. You seem to think that when you make a point and someone else makes a point, you're by default correct and that if people are yet unswayed then they must have simply not read your words.

This does not demonstrate a solid understanding of reality.
You've made a very good point here. Not as hypocritical as I'm being accused of and I do know what logic is and I do use it. I've not made assumptions about being correct though. I was not saying people are wrong because they were unswayed by what I wrote. The issue I had specifically was when a point would be brought up as if it hadn't even been brought up yet. I'm thinking this is due to the members who showed up later on. I can understand how that looks but please know that is not what I was doing.
IsmarR is actually female. It would appear that you are working off of flawed assumptions. I'll let this stand as a very, very subtle metaphor.

Goodnight and good dreams, though, all the same. Sleep well.
Bah ha very funny. Good night maam.

Now I'm forced to gamble who is what gender.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
God damn, all this HULLABALOO and we didn't even overtake the K. Rool thread in number of views.


Don't worry!
If it makes you feel better I can't help but shake this feeling that this will all be repeated.

and again.

and again.

and again.

Deleted member


Don't worry!
If it makes you feel better I can't help but shake this feeling that this will all be repeated.

and again.

and again.

and again.
Phone call, Mr. qdMbp:

and again.

and again.

and again.

and again.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Well... there will always be people who think that Ridley is too big (that's what she said). I guess we just need to save our text walls in Microsoft Word and use them on anyone foolish enough to use that fallacious logic... or we could just type it out...
again and
again and
again and
again and again and again


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
ok Mr Lange going back and reading all your comments you kinda answered one of my questions but it was kinda vague and not answered well in my opinion
the 2nd thing I brought up you ignored

Deleted member

But if people just paid attention to them, they would know we're right already. :troll:


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Yeah, I'm officially exhausted.

G'night y'all. See you tomorrow.
And the day after.

And the day after that.

And the day... oh, you know.

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
ok Mr Lange going back and reading all your comments you kinda answered one of my questions but it was kinda vague and not answered well in my opinion
the 2nd thing I brought up you ignored
Send a PM I'll discuss it there.

You haven't seen the last of me.


Smash Apprentice
May 26, 2013

hoooooooraaaaaayyyyyy we did thing

... I have the most mixed feelings about this thread.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001



It's spelled canon.

Remember: it's just like Ganon is part of Zelda canon.
"But it would be unorthodox to do so because we'd have to wreck him as a character and completely undermine the design choices of the Metroid devs."
"Good thing the Zelda devs don't care if we completely ignore everything about how Ganondorf behaves though!"

The number one rule, I think, is the rule of fun. Ridley is popular, a major character, has plenty of move set potential and would give Metroid a much-deserved second character. I think he fits the criteria pretty well.

The issues I see that could get Ridley in trouble are 1. how COMPLICATED his character model would be which is related to 2. the SHAPE of his body, which even if he's shrunk down to a reasonable size, might be a little awkward and 3. if they don't think he's INTERESTING enough as a character (as in, not enough personality). Also, 4. the way he MOVES in many appearances (perhaps accounting for Sakurai's comment that Ridley might be slow as a playable character) and 5. the fact that he's only popular in the West.

I don't think Sakurai is going to reject him because of the size. It's really not that big of a deal. 2 is slightly related to his size, in that shrinking him down to a point where his body shape is not a problem makes him too small relative to Samus (as in that video that was posted earlier). But the Super Metroid design and the way he appears in the opening to Melee would have much fewer issues in that regard. But I think those are his main issues, not his size per se.

I personally think that those can all be addressed. But perhaps Sakurai disagrees. But the size problem has an easy solution: Just pull that stick out of your ass, make him smaller and remember it's Smash, it doesn't make any sense in the first place.
He's really not that powerful if Link can repeatedly take his energy blasts and still knock him out with a series of sword strikes. In that sense Ganondorf is surprisingly even against most of the other fighters.
Except Link has the Master Sword and Triforce of Courage, without which he'd be swatted away like a fly by Ganondorf. Which is, in fact, exactly what happens in the Wind Waker when you confront him without it. Link is not just some kid with just some sword.

Anyway, remember, we must respect the Zelda devs!
I'm not a Ridley hater, I'd like to see him in Smash too. Hope you guys get it.
According to you, it wouldn't actually be Ridley though. Kinda hard to believe that you think him being playable would ruin him as a character, but that you also support it happening.

Unless you're just playing devil's advocate. But it doesn't seem that way to me.

Also, sorry, but whether shrinking Ridley down would make him "just not Ridley" or not is subjective. So no matter how much logic you use, you weren't going to prove that that was objectively true (and Ridley supporters aren't going to prove the opposite either). Sorry.

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Guys.remember it's Smash, it doesn't make any sense in the first place.
They don't approach designing the game with that kind of mindset. There's a consistency with the individual properties that they add to the game. When combined, it becomes nonsensical, but there's an established design that we are familiar with for each individual piece of the game, be them characters, items, or stages. They're not going to crash our expectations by smearing and distorting the hell out of a character until it is not even the same character anymore. That "its Smash so anything can happen" argument doesn't apply. You might as well be saying they're going to replace Mario's overalls with a flowery dress and make him shoot rubber ducks and the only items in the game will be tennis balls because this is Smash Bros and its wacky and the devs don't give a **** and just do whatever they want. Doesn't work like that.
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