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The Rebooted Evolving SSB Roster Game


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes:

Pupp135 Pupp135 4
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 11
BowserKing BowserKing 2
nirvanafan nirvanafan 5
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 7
HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64 3
Louie G. Louie G. 10

BritshGuy54 won this round, Louie G. got second, and DragonRobotKing26 got third. Britishguy54 wins five points, Louie G. wins three points, and DragonRobotKing26 wins one point.

1. BritishGuy54 68
2. Louie G. 50
3. DragonRobotKing26 41
4. Pupp135 34
5. Ninjahmos 23
6. Nirvanafan 15
7. BowserKing 5
8. HyperSomari64 1

Round 24: Add 3 Full Clone Characters, and state who the clone would have been an alt of.
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultpikachu::ultcharizard::ultsquirtle::ultlucario::ultgreninja::ultfalcon:(Blood Falcon):ultfox::ultfalco:
:ultvillager:(Tom Nook):ultness::ultolimar:(Barista Dog):ultmiifighters::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultpacman::ultmegaman::ultsonic:
Additions: Dark Pit (Pit Clone), Lucina (Marth Clone), Blood Falcon (Captain Falcon Clone)
Blood Falcon is a clone that I brought back after being cut from my Alternate Brawl roster, assuming that he would have a popular moveset given that he was a Captain Falcon clone. I’m fine with keeping Lucina and Dark Pit as is given that Awkening and Uprising were relevant at the time of For’s release. Alph does get an honorable mention, however, and he should be able to fit into alternate Ultimate with Daisy and Dark Samus already being selected in a prior entry.

For those who’d like to select Melee clones cut from Alternate Brawl rosters, here were the ones added.

Pupp135 Pupp135
:ultyounglink::ultroy:(Blood Falcon):ultpichu:
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54
(Ayumi Tachibana)(Celica)(Black Shadow):ultpichu:
BowserKing BowserKing
nirvanafan nirvanafan
:ultyounglink:(Celica)(Jody Summer)(Gooey)
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26
:ultdaisy:(Donkey Kong Jr.)(Celica)(Ninten)
HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64
:ultluigi:(Wart):ultdaisy:(Dark Link)
Louie G. Louie G.
(Donkey Kong Jr.)(Glass Joe):ultyounglink:(Poo)

Round 25: Select a Bonus DLC character and two cut (semi)clones
Round 26: Select two third party characters, an open ended character, and a promotional Nintendo character
Round 27: Select Six Newcomers
Round 28: Select Five Echo Fighters
Round 29: Select a Bonus DLC fighter, Four Third Party characters from separate companies, and a character from a 2019 Nintendo game.
Final Round: Select 3 third party fighters from separate companies and two characters from the Switch era.
Unranked: Make a priority list for a hypothetical SSB6 from your roster
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Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
:ultmario:(Paper Mario):ultpeach::ultbowser::ultwario:(Ashley):ultdk:(:ultdiddy:/Dixie):ultkrool::ultyoshi:(Birdo)
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede:(Bandana Dee):ultpikachu::ultmewtwo::052::212:(Garchomp)(Golurk)(Braixen)
:ultgnw::ultrob::ultduckhunt:(Mach Rider)(Takamaru)(Ayumi)(Isaac):ultolimar:(Karate Joe):ultisabelle::ultshulk:
:ultpacman:(Goemon)(Black Mage)(Arle)(Amitie)
  • Birdo (Yoshi)
  • Chrom (Ike)
  • Amitie (Arle)


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
Round 24:

Additions: Pichu, Lucina, Alph

Not much to add here. Alph nearly got added as a clone in the real Smash 4. Lucina makes sense, though I did consider Chrom. And Pichu because after all, why not?
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Peach
  4. Daisy (Peach clone)
  5. Bowser
  6. Rosalina & Luma
  7. Donkey Kong
  8. Diddy Kong
  9. King K. Rool
  10. Yoshi
  11. Wario
  12. Link
  13. Zelda
  14. Ganondorf
  15. Midna
  16. Toon Link
  17. Samus
  18. Zero Suit Samus
  19. Ridley
  20. Pit
  21. Dark Pit (Pit clone)
  22. Palutena
  23. Marth
  24. Ike
  25. Lucina
  26. Kirby
  27. Meta Knight
  28. King Dedede
  29. Fox
  30. Falco
  31. Wolf
  32. Pikachu
  33. Scizor
  34. Gardevoir
  35. Lucario
  36. Braxien
  37. Ness
  38. Captain Falcon
  39. Black Shadow (Captain Falcon clone)
  40. Olimar
  41. Villager
  42. Yuka
  43. Mr. Game & Watch
  44. Takamaru
  45. Ayumi
  46. Sonic
  47. Mega Man
  48. Pac-Man
  49. Cloud
  50. Shovel Knight


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
(F. Spike):ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultyoshi::ultdk::ultdiddy::ultwario::ultgnw::ultlittlemac:(Urban Champ)
:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:(Ravio)(Impa):ultsamus: :ultridley:(Omega Metroid)
:ultfox::ultfalco::ultpikachu::ultcharizard:(Grovyle)(Piplup)(Meloetta)(Ray Mk II)
:ultvillager:(KK Slider):ultolimar::ultalph:(Isaac)(Chibi Robo)(Yuka)
(Mii Athlete):ultpacman::ultsonic:(Tails)(Dante)


Sami (Andy)
:ultalph: (:ultolimar:)
:ultfalco: (:ultfox:)


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultrosalina:Fawful, :ultdk::ultdiddy:Dixie Kong, :ultyoshi:
Birdo,:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:Midna, :ultsamus::ultridley::ultkirby::ultmetaknight:
Dark Meta Knight, :ultkingdedede:Bandanna Dee, :ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:Krystal, :ultpikachu::ultjigglypuff:
:ultmewtwo::249:Sceptile, Archeops, :ultgreninja::ultmarth::ultlucina:Lyndis, :ultduckhunt:
:ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultolimar::ultvillagerf::ultisabelle::ultlucas::ultfalcon:Issac :ultwiifittrainer: :ultrob:
:ultsonic:Tails and :ultmegaman:
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach:(Toad):ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultyoshi::ultwario::ultdk::ultdiddy:(Dixie Kong)
:ultlink::ultzelda: (Tetra):ultganondorf::ultsamus::ultridley::ultpit::ultpalutena::ultlittlemac::ultgnw: (Excitebiker)
:ultpikachu::ultmewtwo: (Blaziken) (Genesect) :ultgreninja::ultmarth:(Lyn):ultike::ultrobin::ultness::ultshulk:
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultfalcon:(Black Shadow) :ultolimar:(Tom Nook)
:ultwiifittrainer: (Rhythm Girl) :ultsonic::ultmegaman::ultpacman::ultdaisy::ultalph: (Shadow) :ultmiifighters:

New: Princess Daisy (Peach), Alph (Olimar), Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic)
So as its understood, the clones that made it into Smash 4 were originally intended to be costumes. So I tried to remain true to that, and choose characters who could have feasibly lined up with that philosophy. Daisy is already an echo fighter in Ultimate, and Alph is already a costume. Perhaps being added in Smash 4 would allow Daisy to be differentiated just a bit further than she was in our reality, particularly altering her stats, while Alph would hopefully receive Rock Pikmin as part of his moveset (reskins are possible - Electroshock Arm proves as much. I anticipate that Rock might replace Purple here).

Shadow would likely require a bit more fine tuning, but could theoretically land around echo level of mostly simple animation changes and new effects. Perhaps he adopts a Teleport move from another character as well? This marks our first secondary character for a third party series, and it seems fitting enough that Sonic is the one to ring this in. Shadow has never really been my first choice, but I know he would make a lot of people happy.

As clumsy as the real Smash 4's roster organization is, I decided to throw them all the way at the bottom to keep its novelty.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the rosters:

Pupp135 Pupp135
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultpikachu::ultcharizard::ultsquirtle::ultlucario::ultgreninja::ultfalcon:(Blood Falcon):ultfox::ultfalco:
:ultvillager:(Tom Nook):ultness::ultolimar:(Barista Dog):ultmiifighters::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultpacman::ultmegaman::ultsonic:

BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54

BowserKing BowserKing
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultrosalina:Fawful, :ultdk::ultdiddy:Dixie Kong, :ultyoshi:
Birdo,:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:Midna, :ultsamus::ultridley::ultkirby::ultmetaknight:
Dark Meta Knight, :ultkingdedede:Bandanna Dee, :ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:Krystal, :ultpikachu::ultjigglypuff:
:ultmewtwo::249:Sceptile, Archeops, :ultgreninja::ultmarth::ultlucina:Lyndis, :ultduckhunt:
:ultsonic:Tails and :ultmegaman:

nirvanafan nirvanafan
(F. Spike):ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultyoshi::ultdk::ultdiddy::ultwario::ultgnw::ultlittlemac:(Urban Champ)
:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:(Ravio)(Impa):ultsamus: :ultridley:(Omega Metroid)
:ultfox::ultfalco::ultpikachu::ultcharizard:(Grovyle)(Piplup)(Meloetta)(Ray Mk II)
:ultvillager:(KK Slider):ultolimar::ultalph:(Isaac)(Chibi Robo)(Yuka)
(Mii Athlete):ultpacman::ultsonic:(Tails)(Dante)

DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultbowser::ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultrosalina::ultdk::ultdiddy::ultkrool::ultyoshi::ultwario::ultlittlemac::ultfalcon:(Black Shadow)
:ultmarth::ultike::ultlucina::ultkirby::ultmetaknight::ultkingdedede::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ultness::ultolimar:(Ayumi Tachibana)
:ultpikachu::212:(Gardevoir):ultlucario:(Braxien):ultvillager:(Yuka):ultpacman::ultmegaman::ultsonic::ultcloud:(Shovel Knight)

HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64
:ultmario:(Paper Mario):ultpeach::ultbowser::ultwario:(Ashley):ultdk:(:ultdiddy:/Dixie):ultkrool::ultyoshi:(Birdo)
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede:(Bandana Dee):ultpikachu::ultmewtwo::052::212:(Garchomp)(Golurk)(Braixen)
:ultgnw::ultrob::ultduckhunt:(Mach Rider)(Takamaru)(Ayumi)(Isaac):ultolimar:(Karate Joe):ultisabelle::ultshulk:
:ultpacman:(Goemon)(Black Mage)(Arle)(Amitie)

Louie G. Louie G.
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach:(Toad):ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultyoshi::ultwario::ultdk::ultdiddy:(Dixie Kong)
:ultlink::ultzelda: (Tetra):ultganondorf::ultsamus::ultridley::ultpit::ultpalutena::ultlittlemac::ultgnw: (Excitebiker)
:ultpikachu::ultmewtwo: (Blaziken) (Genesect) :ultgreninja::ultmarth:(Lyn):ultike::ultrobin::ultness::ultshulk:
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultfalcon:(Black Shadow) :ultolimar:(Tom Nook)
:ultwiifittrainer: (Rhythm Girl) :ultsonic::ultmegaman::ultpacman::ultdaisy::ultalph: (Shadow) :ultmiifighters:

1. Nirvanafan
2. Louie G.
3. BritishGuy54

Vote for your three favorites, where yours is not first.
Round 25: Select a Bonus DLC character and two cut (semi)clones
Round 26: Select two third party characters, an open ended character, and a promotional Nintendo character
Round 27: Select Six Newcomers
Round 28: Select Five Echo Fighters
Round 29: Select a Bonus DLC fighter, Four Third Party characters from separate companies, and a character from a 2019 Nintendo game.
Final Round: Select 3 third party fighters from separate companies and two characters from the Switch era.
Unranked: Make a priority list for a hypothetical SSB6 from your roster
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Pupp
2. Me
3. BritishGuy

By the way, is the next job still going to be specifically cut semiclones? I know in the reimagined roster game we've been doing we loosened up the reigns to allow the DLC semiclones to be newcomers. Just wondering if that freedom will extend here, or if we're gonna be playing it fully by the books.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
1. Pupp
2. Me
3. BritishGuy

By the way, is the next job still going to be specifically cut semiclones? I know in the reimagined roster game we've been doing we loosened up the reigns to allow the DLC semiclones to be newcomers. Just wondering if that freedom will extend here, or if we're gonna be playing it fully by the books.
I’ll change it so that it better reflects our Alternate Series Roster thread, but I’ll need to add extra restrictions during the Ultimate rosters on a case by case basis, so that everyone’s base Ultimate rosters end up with 76 fighters.

Here are the votes:

Pupp135 Pupp135 6
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 4
BowserKing BowserKing 3
nirvanafan nirvanafan 5
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 5
HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64 5
Louie G. Louie G. 14

Louie G. won this round, I got second, and nirvanafan, DragonRobotKing26, and HyperSomari64 got third. Louie G. wins five points, I win three points, and nirvanafan, DragonRobotKing26, and HyperSomari64 wins one point.

1. BritishGuy54 68
2. Louie G. 55
3. DragonRobotKing26 42
4. Pupp135 37
5. Ninjahmos 23
6. Nirvanafan 16
7. BowserKing 5
8. HyperSomari64 2

Round 25: Submit one Bonus DLC fighter and 2 Semi-Clones
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultpikachu::ultcharizard::ultsquirtle::ultlucario::ultgreninja::ultfalcon:(Blood Falcon):ultfox::ultfalco:
:ultvillager:(Tom Nook):ultness::ultolimar:(Barista Dog):ultmiifighters::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultpacman::ultmegaman::ultsonic:
Additions: Mewtwo, Lucas, Dark Samus
Like with the real SSB For situation, I’m going to use this opportunity to bring back some cut veterans. Mewtwo was the Melee veteran that I wished to keep in Brawl, and I held off on Roy for the moment just to manage the quantity of Fire Emblem fighters more or less, and I don’t have a Samus or Ness semi-clone at the moment, but I have a Marth clone.

I’ll provide the fighters up to alternate Brawl for reference for those who want to bring back cut veterans.
Pupp135 Pupp135
64 Fighters: :ultmario::ultdk::ultlink::ultsamus::ultmarth::ultyoshi::ultkirby::ultfox::ultness::ultpikachu:|:ultluigi:(Mach Rider)
Melee Fighters: :ultbowser::ultpeach::ultganondorf::ultfalcon:|:ultgnw::ulticeclimbers::ultsheik::ultmewtwo:(xBrawl)|:ultdaisy::ultyounglink:(xBrawl):ultroy:(xBrawl)(Blood Falcon)(xBrawl):ultfalco::ultpichu:(xBrawl)
Brawl Fighters: :ultwario: :ultzelda::ultpit::ultkingdedede::ultsnake:| :ultridley: :ultike::ultpokemontrainer::ultsonic:| :ultdiddy::ultolimar:|:ulttoonlink::ultdarksamus::ultlucas:|:ultmetaknight::ultlucario:
For Fighters::ultlittlemac::ultvillager::ultmegaman:
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54
64 Fighters: :ultmario::ultdk::ultlink::ultsamus::ultyoshi::ultkirby::ultfox::ultpikachu::ultmarth::ultfalcon:|:ultluigi::ultyounglink:(xBrawl)
Melee Fighters: :ultbowser::ultpeach::ultzelda::ultness:|:ultgnw::ultwario::ultcharizard::ultmewtwo:|:ultdaisy:(Ayumi Tachibana)(Celica)(Black Shadow):ultfalco::ultpichu:
Brawl Fighters::ultganondorf::ultpit::ultmetaknight::ultolimar::ult_terry:|:ultdiddy::ultridley::ultike::ultkingdedede:(Isaac):ultsonic:|:ultzss:(Lyndis)|:ulttoonlink::ultwolf:(Plussle & Minun)|:ultbowserjr::ultlucario:
For Fighters: :ultvillager:(Yuka):ultmegaman:
ninjahmos ninjahmos
64 Fighters: :ultmario::ultdk::ultlink::ultsamus::ultyoshi::ultkirby::ultfox::ultpikachu::ultmarth::ultfalcon:|:ultluigi::ultfalco:
Melee Fighters::ultbowser::ultganondorf::ultkingdedede::ultness:|:ultgnw:(xBrawl):ultpeach:(Ayumi Tachibana):ultmewtwo:|:ultdaisy:(Mach Rider):ultyounglink::ultroy:(Black Shadow)(Paula)
Brawl Fighters::ultwario::ultpit::ultike::ultmetaknight::ultsonic:|:ultdiddy::ultlittlemac::ultduckhunt::ultzelda::ultridley::ultryu:|(Isaac):ultolimar:|:ultdarksamus::ultwolf::ultlucas:|:ultcharizard:
For Fighters: (Takamaru):ultvillager::ultmegaman:
BowserKing BowserKing
64 Fighters::ultmario::ultdk::ultlink::ultsamus::ultyoshi::ultkirby::ultfox::ultpikachu::ultmarth::ultduckhunt:|:ultluigi::ultjigglypuff:
Melee Fighters::ultbowser::ultpeach::ultzelda::249:|:ultgnw:(xBrawl):ultdiddy::ultkingdedede::ultmewtwo:|:ultdaisy:(xBrawl)(Dixie Kong):ultyounglink:(xBrawl):ultroy:(xBrawl):ultfalco::ultpichu:(xBrawl)
Brawl Fighters: :ultwario::ultpit:(Lyndis):ultmetaknight::ultsonic:|(Midna):ultridley:(Krystal)(Sceptile) :ultolimar: :ultpacman:|Cynthia (Garchomp, :ultlucario:)|(Birdo):ultdarksamus::ultwolf:|:ultfalcon::ultvillagerf:
For Fighters::ultfalcon::ultlucas::ultmegaman:
nirvanafan nirvanafan
64 Fighters::ultmario::ultlittlemac::ultlink::ultsamus::ultmarth::ultfalcon::ultkirby::ultfox::ultness::ultpikachu:|:ultluigi::026:
Melee Fighters::ultdk::ultzelda::ultkingdedede::175:|:ultgnw::ultpeach::ultyoshi:(Ray MK II)| (Urban Champion):ultyounglink:(Celica)(Jody Summer)(Gooey):ultwolf:
Brawl Fighters::ultbowser::ultganondorf::ultridley::ultmetaknight::ultsonic:|:ultpokemontrainer:(:ultcharizard:, Grovyle, Piplup)(Andy):ultvillager:(Crash)|(Krystal):ultolimar:|(Forman Spike)(Twili Midna)(Black Shadow)|(Isaac)
For Newcomers::ultpit::ultrobin::ultpacman:
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26
64 Fighters::ultmario::ultlink::ultsamus::ultpit::ultmarth::ultfalcon::ultkirby::ultfox::ultpikachu:|:ultluigi::026:(xBrawl)
Melee Fighters::ultpeach::ultdk::ulticeclimbers::ultzelda:|:ultgnw::ultbowser::ultganondorf::ultridley:|:ultdaisy:(Donkey Kong Jr.)(Mach Rider)(Celica):ultfalco:(Ninten)
Brawl Fighters::ultwario:(Ayumi Tachibana):ultmetaknight::212::ultcloud:|:ultdiddy:(Mach Rider):ultike::ultkingdedede:(Isaac):ultsonic:|:ultyoshi::ultlucario::ultolimar:|:ulttoonlink::ultwolf:(Gardevoir)|:ultness::ultsnake:
For Fighters: (Takamaru):ultvillager::ultmegaman:
HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64
64 Fighters::ultgnw::ultmario::ultbowser::ultwario::ultlink::ultsamus::ultmarth::ultkirby::ultpikachu::ultmewtwo:|(Seliph):026:(xBrawl)
Melee Fighters::ultpeach::ultganondorf::ultkingdedede::212:|:ultzelda::ultridley:(Ayumi Tachibana):052:|(Paper Mario):ultluigi:(xBrawl)(Wart)(xBrawl):ultdaisy:(xBrawl)(Dark Link)(xBrawl)(Gooey)
Brawl Fighters: :ultdk::ultrob::ultike::ultfox::ultpacman:|(Mach Rider)(Celica)(Blaziken)(Isaac):ultolimar::ultryu:|:ultkrool:(Krystal)|(Donkey Kong Jr.):ultwolf:(Felix)|(Ashley)(Garchomp)
For Fighters::ultyoshi::ultisabelle:(Goemon)
Louie G. Louie G.
64 Fighters::ultmario::ultpeach::ultdk::ultwario::ultlittlemac::ultlink::ultsamus::ultfalcon::ultkirby::ultfox:|:ultluigi::ultfalco:
Melee Fighters::ultbowser::ultsheik:(xBrawl):ultkingdedede::ultpikachu:|:ultgnw::ultmarth::ultness::ultmewtwo:|(Donkey Kong Jr.)(Glass Joe):ultyounglink:(Black Shadow)(Poo):ultpichu:
Brawl: :ultyoshi::ultganondorf::ultridley::ultmetaknight::ultcloud:|:ultpit::ultike:(Krystal)(Tom Nook):ultolimar::ultsonic:|:ultdiddy:(Tetra)|:ultdarksamus:(Lyn):ultlucas:|(Blaziken)(Garchomp)
For Fighters: (Toad):ultwiifittrainer::ultmegaman:

Round 26: Select three third party characters, and a promotional Nintendo character
Round 27: Select Six Newcomers*
Round 28: Select Five Echo Fighters*
Round 29: Select a Bonus DLC fighter, Four Third Party characters from separate companies, and a character from a 2019 Nintendo game.
Final Round: Select 3 third party fighters from separate companies and two characters from the Switch era.
Unranked: Make a priority list for a hypothetical SSB6 from your roster
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
Round 25:
DLC: :ultmewtwo::ultyounglink::ultwolf:

Additions: Mewtwo, Young Link, Wolf

Mewtwo missed out on the Smash 4 roster, even after being in my Brawl roster. But Mewtwo is back now, alongside other veterans.

Young Link returns. In this world, there is nothing sacred about the original 12, but with the OOT remake, he’s relevant again.

Wolf is okay. Not much else to say.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
:ultmario:(Paper Mario):ultpeach::ultbowser:(Wart):ultwario:(Ashley):ultdk:(:ultdiddy:/Dixie):ultkrool::ultyoshi:(Birdo)
:ultkirby:(Gooey):ultkingdedede:(Bandana Dee):ultpikachu::ultmewtwo::052::212:(Blaziken)(Garchomp)(Golurk)(Braixen)
:ultgnw::ultrob::ultduckhunt:(Mach Rider)(Takamaru)(Ayumi)(Isaac):ultolimar:(Karate Joe):ultisabelle::ultshulk:
:ultpacman:(Goemon)(Black Mage)(Arle)(Amitie)

  • Blaziken
  • Wart
  • Gooey


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultrosalina:Fawful, :ultdk::ultdiddy:Dixie Kong and :ultyoshi:
:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:Midna, :ultsamus::ultdarksamus::ultridley::ultkirby::ultmetaknight:and Dark Meta Knight
:ultkingdedede:Bandanna Dee, :ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:Krystal, :ultpikachu::ultjigglypuff::ultmewtwo::249:
Sceptics, Archeops, :ultgreninja::ultmarth::ultlucina::ultroy:Lyndis, :ultduckhunt::ultgnw::ultpit:
:ultsonic:Tails and :ultmegaman:

Also forgot to add R.O.B and Wii Fit Trainer in my roaster above.

Update: added those two to the above roaster.
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Peach
  4. Daisy
  5. Bowser
  6. Rosalina & Luma
  7. Donkey Kong
  8. Diddy Kong
  9. King K. Rool
  10. Yoshi
  11. Wario
  12. Link
  13. Zelda
  14. Ganondorf
  15. Midna
  16. Toon Link
  17. Samus
  18. Zero Suit Samus
  19. Ridley
  20. Pit
  21. Dark Pit
  22. Palutena
  23. Marth
  24. Ike
  25. Lucina
  26. Kirby
  27. Meta Knight
  28. King Dedede
  29. Fox
  30. Falco
  31. Wolf
  32. Pikachu
  33. Scizor
  34. Gardevoir
  35. Lucario
  36. Braxien
  37. Ness
  38. Captain Falcon
  39. Black Shadow
  40. Olimar
  41. Villager
  42. Yuka
  43. Mr. Game & Watch
  44. Takamaru
  45. Ayumi
  46. Sonic
  47. Mega Man
  48. Pac-Man
  49. Cloud
  50. Shovel Knight

now,the DLC characters
  1. Issac
  2. Mach Rider
  3. Celica


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
(F. Spike):ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultyoshi::ultdk::ultdiddy::ultwario::ultgnw::ultlittlemac:(Urban Champ)
:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:(Ravio)(Impa):ultsamus: :ultridley:(Omega Metroid)
:ultfox::ultfalco::ultpikachu::ultcharizard:(Grovyle)(Piplup)(Meloetta)(Ray Mk II)
:ultvillager:(KK Slider):ultolimar::ultalph:(Isaac)(Chibi Robo)(Yuka)
(Mii Athlete):ultpacman::ultsonic:(Tails)(Dante):ultwiifittrainer:(Twili Midna)(Felix)

Twili Midna (:ultzelda: )

Felix (Isaac)
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here was your roster from the last round:

:ultlittlemac::ultolimar::ultvillager::ultisabelle:(Takamaru)(Karate Joe)(Isaac)(Excitebiker)

Here were the jobs that you missed.

Submit 4 Veterans
Submit 3 Semiclones (I’ll note the choices below)
Add 2 fighters
Add 3 Full Clone Characters, and state who the clone would have been an alt of.
Current around: Submit one Bonus DLC fighter and 2 Semi-Clones

Here is your alternate Brawl roster, and here were the clones that you had cut from alternate Melee.

64 Fighters: :ultmario::ultdk::ultlink::ultsamus::ultyoshi::ultkirby::ultfox::ultpikachu::ultmarth::ultfalcon:|:ultluigi::ultfalco:
Melee Fighters::ultbowser::ultganondorf::ultkingdedede::ultness:|:ultgnw::ultpeach:(Ayumi Tachibana):ultmewtwo:|:ultroy:(Black Shadow)
Brawl Fighters::ultwario::ultpit::ultike::ultmetaknight::ultsonic:|:ultdiddy::ultlittlemac::ultduckhunt::ultzelda::ultridley::ultryu:|(Isaac):ultolimar:|:ultdarksamus::ultwolf::ultlucas:|:ultcharizard:

Semiclones: :ultluigi::ultfalco::ultroy:(Black Shadow):ultwolf:
cut Melee clones: :ultdaisy:(Mach Rider):ultyounglink:(Paula)


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
Here was your roster from the last round:

:ultlittlemac::ultolimar::ultvillager::ultisabelle:(Takamaru)(Karate Joe)(Isaac)(Excitebiker)

Here were the jobs that you missed.

Submit 4 Veterans
Submit 3 Semiclones (I’ll note the choices below)
Add 2 fighters
Add 3 Full Clone Characters, and state who the clone would have been an alt of.
Current around: Submit one Bonus DLC fighter and 2 Semi-Clones

Here is your alternate Brawl roster, and here were the clones that you had cut from alternate Melee.

64 Fighters: :ultmario::ultdk::ultlink::ultsamus::ultyoshi::ultkirby::ultfox::ultpikachu::ultmarth::ultfalcon:|:ultluigi::ultfalco:
Melee Fighters::ultbowser::ultganondorf::ultkingdedede::ultness:|:ultgnw::ultpeach:(Ayumi Tachibana):ultmewtwo:|:ultroy:(Black Shadow)
Brawl Fighters::ultwario::ultpit::ultike::ultmetaknight::ultsonic:|:ultdiddy::ultlittlemac::ultduckhunt::ultzelda::ultridley::ultryu:|(Isaac):ultolimar:|:ultdarksamus::ultwolf::ultlucas:|:ultcharizard:

Semiclones: :ultluigi::ultfalco::ultroy:(Black Shadow):ultwolf:
cut Melee clones: :ultdaisy:(Mach Rider):ultyounglink:(Paula)
Gotta ping him to don't miss it.
ninjahmos ninjahmos

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach:(Toad):ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultyoshi::ultwario::ultdk::ultdiddy:(Dixie Kong)
:ultlink::ultzelda: (Tetra):ultganondorf::ultsamus::ultridley::ultpit::ultpalutena::ultlittlemac::ultgnw: (Excitebiker)
(Black Shadow) :ultness: :ultolimar:
:ultpikachu::ultmewtwo: (Blaziken) (Genesect) :ultgreninja::ultmarth:(Lyn):ultike::ultrobin:
(Tom Nook) (Rhythm Girl) :ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultsonic::ultmegaman::ultpacman:
:ultdaisy::ultalph: (Shadow) :ultisabelle: (Poo) :ultdarksamus::ultmiifighters:

New: Isabelle
Returning: Poo, Dark Samus
Our bonus fighter in this version of Smash 4 will be Isabelle - one of Nintendo's biggest rising stars at this point in time, an immediate fan favorite after the very successful release of Animal Crossing New Leaf. Since I envision Tom Nook playing quite a bit differently than Villager, Isabelle wouldn't really be a semiclone of anyone and would maintain much of her playstyle that we saw in Smash Ultimate. Her debut was presumably too late to influence the base game roster, so she was a top priority addition once the next opportunity presented itself.

Honestly, I read the upcoming jobs over again and noticed it said "three third party characters" and not two third parties and one character of our choice... so this throws a bit of a wrench in my plans of who I was going to add later on in this DLC cycle, but I think I'll stick with my guns on this for now.

Returning from Melee is Poo, who will see Roy-esque overhauls as DLC. Earthbound was added to Wii U Virtual Console in 2013, to much excitement from the Nintendo community. So it feels fitting enough to let Poo back in, and expand on his martial artistry to further differentiate him from Ness and the previously added Lucas. I kinda want to futureproof this now as well so Ness, Poo and Lucas don't all feel redundant next game. And returning from Brawl is Dark Samus, who similarly to Lucas doesn't get changed all that much. It's just nice to have them back.
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Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser:(Dry Bowser):ultdk::ultdiddy::ultkrool::ultwario:(Waluigi)(Geno)
:ultlittlemac::ultolimar::ultalph::ultvillager::ultisabelle:(Takamaru)(Karate Joe)(Isaac)(Excitebiker)

Additions: Luigi (:ultluigi:), Peach (:ultpeach:), Dry Bowser (Clone/Alt. of Bowser). King K. Rool (:ultkrool:), Ganondorf (:ultganondorf:), King Dedede (:ultkingdedede:), Falco (:ultfalco:), Mewtwo (:ultmewtwo:), Greninja (:ultgreninja:), Roy (:ultroy:), Dark Pit (:ultdarkpit:, Clone/Alt. of Pit), Alph (:ultalph:, Clone/Alt. of Olimar)
DLC: Shadow, Ken (:ultken:), Dante

Alright, this took me a little while, but I believe I've finally caught up.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultrosalina:Fawful, :ultdk::ultdiddy:Dixie Kong and :ultyoshi:
:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:Midna, :ultsamus::ultdarksamus::ultridley::ultkirby::ultmetaknight:and Dark Meta Knight
:ultkingdedede:Bandanna Dee, :ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:Krystal, :ultpikachu::ultjigglypuff::ultmewtwo::249:
Sceptics, Archeops, :ultgreninja::ultmarth::ultlucina::ultroy:Lyndis, :ultduckhunt::ultgnw::ultpit:
:ultsonic:Tails and :ultmegaman:

Also forgot to add R.O.B and Wii Fit Trainer in my roaster above.

Update: added those two to the above roaster.
Feel free to add one more fighter.

Honestly, I read the upcoming jobs over again and noticed it said "three third party characters" and not two third parties and one character of our choice... so this throws a bit of a wrench in my plans of who I was going to add later on in this DLC cycle, but I think I'll stick with my guns on this for now.
I‘m unsure what I want to do with the Bayonetta slot at the moment, and I may change it back.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the rosters:

Pupp135 Pupp135
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultpikachu::ultcharizard::ultsquirtle::ultlucario::ultgreninja::ultfalcon:(Blood Falcon):ultfox::ultfalco:
:ultvillager:(Tom Nook):ultness::ultolimar:(Barista Dog):ultmiifighters::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultpacman::ultmegaman::ultsonic:

BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54
DLC: :ultmewtwo::ultyounglink::ultwolf:

ninjahmos ninjahmos
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser:(Dry Bowser):ultdk::ultdiddy::ultkrool::ultwario:(Waluigi)(Geno)
:ultlittlemac::ultolimar::ultalph::ultvillager::ultisabelle:(Takamaru)(Karate Joe)(Isaac)(Excitebiker)

BowserKing BowserKing
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultrosalina:(Fawful):ultdk::ultdiddy:(Dixie Kong):ultkrool::ultyoshi:
:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:(Midna):ultsamus::ultdarksamus::ultridley::ultkirby::ultmetaknight:(Dark Meta Knight)
:ultkingdedede:(Bandanna Dee) :ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:(Krystal):ultpikachu::ultjigglypuff::ultmewtwo::249:
:ultsonic:(Tails) :ultmegaman:

nirvanafan nirvanafan
(F. Spike):ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultyoshi::ultdk::ultdiddy::ultwario::ultgnw::ultlittlemac:(Urban Champ)
:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:(Ravio)(Impa):ultsamus: :ultridley:(Omega Metroid)
:ultfox::ultfalco::ultpikachu::ultcharizard:(Grovyle)(Piplup)(Meloetta)(Ray Mk II)
:ultvillager:(KK Slider):ultolimar::ultalph:(Isaac)(Chibi Robo)(Yuka)
(Mii Athlete):ultpacman::ultsonic:(Tails)(Dante):ultwiifittrainer:(Twili Midna)(Felix)​

DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultbowser::ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultrosalina::ultdk::ultdiddy::ultkrool::ultyoshi::ultwario::ultlittlemac::ultfalcon:(Black Shadow)
:ultmarth::ultike::ultlucina::ultkirby::ultmetaknight::ultkingdedede::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ultness::ultolimar:(Ayumi Tachibana)
:ultpikachu::212:(Gardevoir):ultlucario:(Braxien):ultvillager:(Yuka):ultpacman::ultmegaman::ultsonic::ultcloud:(Shovel Knight)
(Isaac)(Mach Rider)(Celica)​

HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64
:ultmario:(Paper Mario):ultpeach::ultbowser:(Wart):ultwario:(Ashley):ultdk:(:ultdiddy:/Dixie):ultkrool::ultyoshi:(Birdo)
:ultkirby:(Gooey):ultkingdedede:(Bandana Dee):ultpikachu::ultmewtwo::052::212:(Blaziken)(Garchomp)(Golurk)(Braixen)
:ultgnw::ultrob::ultduckhunt:(Mach Rider)(Takamaru)(Ayumi)(Isaac):ultolimar:(Karate Joe):ultisabelle::ultshulk:
:ultpacman:(Goemon)(Black Mage)(Arle)(Amitie)​

Louie G. Louie G.
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach:(Toad):ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultyoshi::ultwario::ultdk::ultdiddy:(Dixie Kong)
:ultlink::ultzelda: (Tetra):ultganondorf::ultsamus::ultridley::ultpit::ultpalutena::ultlittlemac::ultgnw: (Excitebiker)
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco::ultfalcon:(Black Shadow) :ultness: :ultolimar:
:ultpikachu::ultmewtwo: (Blaziken) (Genesect) :ultgreninja::ultmarth:(Lyn):ultike::ultrobin:
(Tom Nook) (Rhythm Girl) :ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultsonic::ultmegaman::ultpacman:
:ultdaisy::ultalph: (Shadow) :ultisabelle: (Poo) :ultdarksamus::ultmiifighters:
Vote for your three favorites, where yours is not first.

1. DragonRobotKing26
2. Louie G.
3. Nirvanafan
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes:

Pupp135 Pupp135 9
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 4
ninjahmos ninjahmos 6
BowserKing BowserKing 2
nirvanafan nirvanafan 3
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 7
HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64 4
Louie G. Louie G. 13

Louie G. won this round, I got second, and DragonRobotKing26 got third. Louie G. wins five points, I win three points, and DragonRobotKing26 wins one point.

1. BritishGuy54 68
2. Louie G. 60
3. DragonRobotKing26 43
4. Pupp135 40
5. Ninjahmos 23
6. Nirvanafan 16
7. BowserKing 5
8. HyperSomari64 2

Round 25: Submit 2 Third Party Fighters, A promotional Nintendo character (2015/Q1 2016 game), and one newcomer of your choice.
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultpikachu::ultcharizard::ultsquirtle::ultlucario::ultgreninja::ultfalcon:(Blood Falcon):ultfox::ultfalco:
:ultvillager:(Tom Nook):ultness::ultolimar:(Barista Dog):ultmiifighters::ultwiifittrainer::ultshulk::ultpacman::ultmegaman::ultsonic:
Additions: Ryu, Cloud, Inkling, Bayonetta
I have no objections with the third party DLC fighters that we had in SSB For, and I feel like they contribute something important (Ryu and Cloud are poster children of their respective genres, and Bayonetta helps build a bridge between Nintendo and Sega). I went with Inkling as the promotional pick more or less to incorporate additional space for my Alternate Ultimate roster, and promoting a new franchise is nice to see.

Round 27: Select Six Newcomers*
Round 28: Select Five Echo Fighters*
Round 29: Select a Bonus DLC fighter, Four Third Party characters from separate companies, and a character from a 2019 Nintendo game.
Final Round: Select 3 third party fighters from separate companies and two characters from the Switch era.
Unranked: Make a priority list for a hypothetical SSB6 from your roster


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Peach
  4. Daisy
  5. Bowser
  6. Rosalina & Luma
  7. Donkey Kong
  8. Diddy Kong
  9. King K. Rool
  10. Yoshi
  11. Wario
  12. Link
  13. Zelda
  14. Ganondorf
  15. Midna
  16. Toon Link
  17. Samus
  18. Zero Suit Samus
  19. Ridley
  20. Pit
  21. Dark Pit
  22. Palutena
  23. Marth
  24. Ike
  25. Lucina
  26. Kirby
  27. Meta Knight
  28. King Dedede
  29. Fox
  30. Falco
  31. Wolf
  32. Pikachu
  33. Scizor
  34. Gardevoir
  35. Lucario
  36. Braxien
  37. Ness
  38. Captain Falcon
  39. Black Shadow
  40. Olimar
  41. Villager
  42. Yuka
  43. Mr. Game & Watch
  44. Takamaru
  45. Ayumi
  46. Sonic
  47. Mega Man
  48. Pac-Man
  49. Cloud
  50. Shovel Knight

  1. Isaac
  2. Mach Rider
  3. Celica
  4. Ryu
  5. Simon Belmont
  6. Inkling
  7. Bayonetta
Top Bottom