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the reason why everyone should visit a mental hospital.


May 31, 2005
okay, so i'm very drunk right now. that's why i feel comfortable sharing this information with a bunch of relatively random folks from the internet. i'm not looking for sympathy, i just think the whole scenario is completely bizarre and hilarious. i don't want you to worry about me. i just hope you folks can find the humor in this. i'll everything's going to be fine now. anyway, here's how it started.

well, i've always been prone to terrible fits of terrible thoughts of suicide. at the end of winter break this year, i decided it would be a good idea to take my life. so yeah. a few years back, i bought a tanto, which, for the uninitiated, is a samurai ritual suicide sword. the last night of my winter break, after getting terribly drunk and doing lots of drugs, i went home, and i thought, "you know what? i'd be better off dead. i hate everyone with the exclusion of my very close friends and the members of smashboards.com." so, i went and got my tanto. i then drove to a lake that my friends and i used to chill at quite a bit because it's an awesome lake.

next, i got out of my car. i took of my overcoat and scarf, then i took off my sweater and shirt. so yeah, i was topless in the middle of january in nj. then i retrieved the tanto from my car. i lit up one last marlboro red, and i got down on my knees. i unsheathed the tanto and began to press it against my stomach. i was completely prepared to eviscerate myself, despite that in real samurai suicide, they have a second who cuts off his head when the pain becomes too extreme. i figured, "whatever, i'm ****ed up as hell. i can take the pain." as i was finishing my cigarette, and just about ready to impale myself with the sword and have my inards spill out all over the gravel, but what happens, at 5:30 in the morning on a sunday night, but cars start pulling into the parking lot. i don't mean just one car, either. it was a parade of five or six cars. so here i am, topless in the middle of january, with a sword in my hand, desperately fumbling to unlock my car and get the hell out of there. i can only imagine what the drivers of the cars thought. i imagine it was infinitely amusing.

so yeah. eventually, i hop back in my car and drive away as quickly as possible. i couldn't think of anywhere else nearby that i could eviscerate myself and scream a whole bunch as i bleed to death without disturbing anyone, so i headed back home. still not satisfied, i got a bottle of aspirin from the medicine cabinet. i then drank the better part of a fifth of glenfiddich and took about fifty aspirin. then i put on side 2 of my vinyl of slint's "spiderland" and drifted off to sleep, believing i would never wake again.

alas. i woke up at around 11 am and started vomitting all over the place. the first thing that went through my mind was, "why the **** am i still alive?" so i started debating over whether or not i needed more aspirin, but i passed out again before i could take anymore. i woke up again at around 2 pm and started vomitting even more violently. at this point, i decided that i did, in fact, want to live. so i called my parents and told them the deal and asked them to take me to the hospital.

after about another hour or so, my dad showed up and took me to the hospital. my mom met us there. i told the people in the emergency room that i had a tooth ache and kept waking up throughout the night and taking more aspirin, and that i may have accidentally overdosed. yeah, i can make up lies on the spot pretty well, even when i'm high on aspirin, aparently. and yes, you apparently can actually get high on aspirin, but it was not at all a fun high. i was super confused and i kept vomitting all over the place. i know my body, though, and i knew i was going to live.

so yeah, after a couple hours, they admit me to the hospital and hook me up to a bunch of sensors and made me drink activated charcoal. which tastes worse than anything i've ever tasted. the doctor was like, "whoa! you drank all that charcoal that quickly!? most people can't drink all that, especially not that quickly!" anyway, they made me get in one of those gowns, so my arms were exposed. when all the doctors and nurses came to take my blood and talk to me and what not, they all started asking what happened and why i had severe scars all over my arms. i should have just told them i'm a masochist and i like it rough, but i couldn't bring myself to that because i'm actually much more of a sadist. but part of me is still masochistic. so yeah. i told them that i used to hurt myself a long time ago. i could tell they didn't really believe me, and they pretty much knew it was a suicide attempt, but i didn't want that going on any sort of record.

so the main doctor eventually told me he wanted a psychiatrist to see me. i agreed. they still weren't sure i was going to survive because of the amount of time the aspirin was in my system, and they were debating putting me on dialysis, but i knew **** well i was going to survive and be swell because i know my body and my limits quite well. also, for some reason, they wouldn't let me drink or eat anything, and i remember feeling like i was lawrence of arabia or something my mouth was so dry. i would have killed princess diana for a drink of water. so then they made various people stay on suicide watch in my room with me and eventually my parents left and i passed out.

i ended up staying in the hospital for three days before my kidney function returned to a level they were sure i would survive at. after the first day, i saw the psychiatrist, and made sure everything was confidential and i told her what went down. she started me on paxil, xanax, and ambien. i have to say, i've abused ambien only a handful of times before, but they gave me two pills each night to help me sleep. and so i stayed up and fought the urge to sleep and i just started hallucinating. it was really cool. in one room i was in, i just zoned out on this picture in my room, and i started hallucinating that it was in 3d and moving and changing. it was really ****ing awesome.

eventually, after my parents pleaded with me, i agreed to be checked into a mental hospital. as much as i want to, i can't really say too much about the mental hospital because it's confidential and all that. let me just say this. there was one person there who had a terrible fear of bananas because when he was young, a man kindnapped him and ***** him with a banana. so, since i had thrown up a whole bunch and lost a lot of potassium, i got a couple bananas delivered to my room each morning. i usually ate them midday or so, so they were in my room for a good while. and so yeah, whenever this guy came into my room to talk to my roommate, he would start freaking out for a couple of minutes before my roommate could calm him down. i was never there, but it sounded funny as hell the way my roommate described it. the guy would apparently start punching and kicking the wall and screaming and ****.

anyway, after a couple days there, they diagnosed me as having bipolar I disorder, social phobia, anxiety, and insomnia, ontop of the add that i was diagnosed with my sophomore year of highschool. so right now i'm on a ton of drugs. paxil, depakote, vistiril, trazodone, and adderall. i feel like i have aids or something, and that if i don't take my drug cocktail, i'll drop dead immediately or something. it's kind of funny. also, my arm got infiltrated from the iv and swelled up with water and got infected, so for a while i was also on quite a bit of cipro.

so yeah. after a week, they released me and so now i'm going for therapy 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. it's quite troublesome because i have to wake up at about 8:30. for reference, i have a very hard time waking up, so i haven't taken classes before 12 since my first semester freshman year of college.

anyway, yeah. that's my completely absurd story. it's also the reason i'm back at home in nj and not in berkeley ca this semester. there's no way i could balance school with concentrating on my recovery. i still can't even imagine what the **** those cars driving by me at the lake thought. that's the funniest part. i mean seriously, who the **** commits suicide like that? what the **** was i thinking??

anyway, now i'm happy i'm alive and severely medicated and i met a lot of great people at the mental hospital. i'm actually dating a girl i met there. she's so cool, i think i might lose my virginity to her. seriously.

after hearing that i met a hot, cool as hell girl in the mental hospital, and telling him my story, valoem as like, "holy crap! i wanna go to a mental hospital now! how do i get in? i'm going to cut my wrists and then go to the hospital and say, 'oh god, i'm soooooooo depressed. please institutionalize me!'"

oh gerry. you're a funny man indeed.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
all i gotta say is awesome story, sir. =)
and u should make a follow up post after u hit that.


May 31, 2005
lol. kaos. you just made me laugh so hard i think i gave myself a hernia.

and thanks, cyphus. i'm glad you can destroy walls of text with your lvl. 29 reading ability.

also, here's something else that's kind of funny. i just went down stairs and saw a paper my sister left for my folks to sign. apparently, because my sister (who is a senior in high school) is an athlete, she has to consent to random steroids testing. i just thought that was ridiculously hilarious. i mean, seriously, what high school athlete takes it so seriously that they take steroids? protip: don't take steroids. take blow.


Magical Love Gentleman
Aug 21, 2005
Sex Cauldron
Awesome story, dude. The thing that I find interesting about the cars that showed up, moreso than what they were thinking as you were getting back into your car topless with a sword in hand, is what they would have been thinking if they came just a little later or you came a little earlier and actually had the chance to commit seppuku (well, half seppuku, seeing as you weren't exactly losing a battle or anything).


Smash Rookie
Feb 23, 2007
nice story. it's kind of crazy how some of the coolest people anyone will ever meet are met at mental hospitals and placements. like I met two of my best friends at a placement and I haven't been to a mental hospital but lots of people at my placement had stories of all these cool people they met there.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2005
I havn't posted in your last thread, but I enjoy your "the reason..." topics. Somehow, your writting style hooks me from the beginning and I just keep on reading until it's finished.

Being alcohol, craziness or drugs related, this was really interesting. Loved the part about charcoal water, knew a friend who couldn't swallow that **** lol.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Wow I've thought about suicide too but each time I remind myself that so many people would want to be me and stay alive, plus I don't want to screw up my family more than they are screwed up now.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Not exactly a happy story, but definitely an interesting one. I enjoyed reading it.

Also, the last person that I've heard about committing ritual samurai suicide was Yukio Mishima. He was a Japanese author, he wrote some really great stories. He did a quadrilogy called The Sea of Fertility. The day he turned in the manuscript for the last book, he made a speech about how American occupation needed to end in Japan (this is post-WWII). After he made the speech, he committed suicide, having someone in his personal army (of like 100 guys, seriously) cut off his head.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Here's a tip. If you have thoughts of suicide, go volunteer at a homeless shelter or something like that. You'll be amazed by what you learn.


Nov 26, 2004
You mean the the homeless people that have blue beards from spray paint?


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
u might wanna change ur profile, megavolt...
your biography may be..misleading w/ ur story, hehe =)

The Mad Hatter

Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2006
Arkansas (UofA)
I take adderall, ambien, welbutrian, and was once on thorazine. I wonder where I would be with out those drugs... Im also bipolar.

Funny thing, my cousin met his current girlfriend in a psych. hospital. She is crazy as hell but he likes it.

I have some crazy stories, but I dont think they could come out as kick *** as yours. Maybe I should tell them to you and you write them in your way.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
You told me not to worry but I can't help but do so. I really don't have any advice since you didn't clarify why you have thoughts of suicide so I can't console you with your problems.

I actually think about suicide frequently. There were times where I thought "eh, I'll never think about it again" but I end up doing so anyway. After thinking and trying to commit suicide, it isn't as simple as, "eh, nothing big, it's funny too".

I could tell you some stories about myself but unlike you, I don't care to share that with everyone. If you would like to know, we could always talk about it on PMs or AIM.

As for mental institutes, my best friend ever was sent to one for trying to kill his mother. The reason he was a close friend of mine was because he was a lot like me. Now I'm trying to figure out how it is that I haven't snapped yet or how I should prevent it.

My friend was like a reflection of myself and now he's in a mental instiute for attempted murder of his own mother. It's hard for me to think about that.

In fact, if I didn't have my dreams of becoming a writer, I would have nothing left to hang on to. That's why I feel so strongly about writing. It gives me a reason to stay alive. I just wish my friend could find a reason himself.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
OMG, i thought i was the only one going through sh*t like this.... And like Kenny said, if it werent for my dreams and my one true best friend and girlfriend, i wouldnt be here. It's cool how people's lives can relate so well and then they dont...


May 31, 2005

thanks for the nice comments, everyone.

uncle kenny, i'm sorry to hear that. i feel like i kind of offended you. i'm sorry, i wasn't trying to offend anyone or make light of what happened, it's just that humor is the method i prefer to use to deal with bad incidents. also, maybe you should try and get some therapy. insurance companies are pretty good about paying for it. even if you don't have insurance, one of my best friends found a psychologist that was willing to prorate the session charges based on his income, because he was talking a semester off of school and just working. the reason that i had intense thoughts of suicide is because i have bipolar i disorder. conversely, however, i also used to go into states of mania where i would feel invincible and that my life was wonderful. i would go out and spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothing or records or other things, and it just seemed okay at the time. the medication and therapy is really helping me now though, and i rarely find myself falling into depression or mania.

i have dreams of becoming a physicist and going to grad school and getting a phd. for the last several years of my life, i constantly put my happiness on hold (except when i was manic) until i got past a certain point in my life. for instance, my junior year of high school, i thought, "oh, i'll be happy when i get a good score on my sats." then it was ap exams, college apps, getting into a good school, getting past my ap exams again, finishing my calc courses with stanford online, then finding a girlfriend, then getting past the separation anxiety from my friends and girlfriend (i live in nj and berkeley's in ca, so it's not like i could just go home on a whim), then getting good grades. i got past all of this, good test scores, got into uc berkeley, found a girlfriend that i thought i was going to marry, got good grades, had a sure direction in life, but still, i wasn't happy. what i'm saying is that dreams and getting closer to achieving them can make you happy, but if you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, you may not be able to overcome it without help.

and please don't worry about me, i mean it. i'm much more balanced and actually content and happy now. the only thing that makes me sad right now is how much hiemie hates me. but really, it may be truly beneficial for you to seek help. if you do, you're either going to realize you don't need it or it's going to help you out. either way, it's better than worrying about when you're going to snap. snapping is never good. also, i'm not on aim much, but my sn is m3gav01t if you ever wanna talk. it'll be easier to reach me on my cell. if you want, i can pm you my number. it's on all the time, and i'm usually awake at ungodly hours of the morning. same goes to everyone else, just pm me asking for my number.

mad hatter, haha, i'm quite flattered. if you want, go ahead and pm me some stories and we can work on them together. it should prove to be quite fun.

cyphus, haha, yeah, i do like to make up lies to tell unsuspecting strangers, but the story is completely true except for the banana guy. i didn't want to take the risk of actually writing about anyone in particular. but there was equally crazy stuff that went on there. it was funny as hell.

oh yeah, the only other thing i'm mildly concerned with right now is that when i have a family meeting with my therapist in a month or so, she's going to talk to my parents not only about my condition, but also about my drug use. i've tried just about everything from oxycontin to blow to dmt, but only a handful of times and the only thing i'm addicted to is cigarettes. i'm a responsible drug user, i just hope my parents understand that i go to uc berkeley and live in a coop and everyone does drugs (not that it's a reasonable excuse, just the way things are). the last day of last semester, like 16 kids went up on the roof and smoked a ****ing ounce of weed. it was by far the biggest blunt i've ever seen. i mean, it was rolled it a ****ing paper towel roll. it was quite impressive. i'm not a big fan of that substance in particular, though, so i didn't partake. i imagine they already have an inkling that i do drugs occasionally. when i first called my mom and asked her to take me to the hospital, the first thing she asked was, "what's wrong??? did you overdose on drugs???" and yeah, in a sense i did, but it wasn't the kind of od she was expecting.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
your stories are so interesting and your writing style enthralls me. :) im so glad i can hear these stories. cheers, friend.


Marsilea quadrifolia
Jun 6, 2003
Location: Location
Megavo1t, you have some **** interesting stories, a very interesting way of writing, and you seem like an interesting character altogether. I love characters, that is, people with interesting personality traits. I'm often one of those myself (though in a way totally different from yours).
You should eventually gather all these stories of yours, consolidate them, edit a little bit for grammar or clarity. It would make for a very cool read.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
You need not worry about me, m3gav01t. I was not offended in the slightess, I was just worried about you, that's all. You are right though, I need some kind of phycological help or something but I am still going through some hard times and I can't really find enough free time to do so. And besides, I already know what my problems are, I don't need a doctor to tell me what it is.

I don't take medication but I probably should. Every now and then I am prone to outbreaks of rage from the emotional build up from the lack of expressing myself. Eventually, I will seek help but I want to enjoy the last few years of my childhood while I still can. In just two years, I will be going to college. I figure, if I keep on holding on to my dreams and just ignore the pain for a little longer I can last long enough to get help later.

I haven't gone on SWF as much but I will be here for a fairly long time on weekends. If you ever need help or if you just feel like talking then by all means, don't be a stranger. I'm really glad you could overcome your pain.


Nov 10, 2001
Dipped in Gold
and please don't worry about me, i mean it. i'm much more balanced and actually content and happy now. the only thing that makes me sad right now is how much hiemie hates me. but really, it may be truly beneficial for you to seek help. if you do, you're either going to realize you don't need it or it's going to help you out. either way, it's better than worrying about when you're going to snap. snapping is never good. also, i'm not on aim much, but my sn is m3gav01t if you ever wanna talk. it'll be easier to reach me on my cell. if you want, i can pm you my number. it's on all the time, and i'm usually awake at ungodly hours of the morning. same goes to everyone else, just pm me asking for my number.
I honestly have no idea what prompted this...


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
I'm glad you're not dead.

And no, that's not sarcasm. I'm seriously glad you're not dead. I'm not going to comment on the drug use, or the attempted suicide, because I figure that's none of my buisness. But I'm glad you didn't go through with it.

And I'm glad you're feeling better.
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