Curious Villager
Layton warriors might just be crazy enough to work, there are three separate era's in the series now with the original trilogy, prequels and LMJ era and the series has introduced a lot of different types of mook enemies with the Family, Targent, the Azran, Scotland Yard, the mooks from the anime etc and most of the cast have their own unique quirks going on too. A Layton musou game would certainly be something quite interesting to see play out, even if quite unorthodox.Layton Warriors? I love myself Warriors games, but had never considered that... It'd be interesting to see them take on a medium wherein everyone would have to be more of a trick character, without any ordinary weapons involved at all. It'd also be interesting to see if they added any unique puzzle mechanics, like how Fire Emblem Warriors had the weapon triangle or how Dragon Quest Heroes had the tower defence elements... I'd be very down for it if it happened, if not also somewhat confused...
Both of those would be pretty hype choices for crossovers. I believe WarioWare has also had them in the past already, with the ocassional third-party game entering 9-Volt's selections? It'd definitely be cool to see a full crossover with it and something else though. It would also definitely work with Layton, given how puzzles and microgames could be fused together.
I would really really really like those localized for sure. Also just random things would be fun to see - as I mentioned before, I'm still not opposed to bringing Layton's version of Ultimate Werewolf/Mafia back from the dead...
True, I'm sure that they wouldn't be the top picks, but it'd be nice to see them happen regardless. I would really like to know what happened to Flora as well, as it's just super weird. Obviously it'd be odd to put her in the prequels, but the decision to instead have a heroine who now also has an unexplained absence is... well, an odd one to say the least. Maybe we'll find out something next game, especially as we otherwise have a full Layton family reunion going on. I agree that the premise of LMJ would have worked with Flora, as would having made Aurora/Kat have more original designs, though obviously now it's hard to imagine anyone replacing Kat in the game we have gotten.
That would make sense and also be how it worked for Sm4sh. I do honestly wonder if we will get further DLC, given Sakurai's seeming dislike of the practices surrounding it...
Did it? I don't remember any third party microgames in Wario Ware but I'd certainly love to see a microgame or two based off the Layton series, would probably work pretty well too. Especially with some of the trunk minigames.
Do you mean Professor Layton Royale/The Phantom thief game? Yeah I'd like to see that brought back and localized for the west, Its a shame that most of them are gone now. Hopefully someone managed to save them and share the files online. I think the guy that datamined LMJ datamined one of the Layton spin off games fairly recently too, so that might be worth checking out.
I suppose they had their reasons for the prequels, although they could have let Layton and Luke tell her the events of Ambrosia in the movie instead of leaving her behind at the bridge for the rest of the movie. She could have also been given a cameo in the Ace Attorney crossover too as she was oddly absent there as well. I think the crossover could have probably done a bit more as far as fanservice went, but I guess we at least got Chelmey and Edgeworth in there.
Yeah Kat is pretty much a mainstay at this point, though it was very odd when they first introduced her as another adopted daughter type character for Layton when he already had one that they could have used instead. Its kind of like if Nintendo where to create a whole new Mario brother to look for Mario in Luigi's Mansion and then not also really acknowledging Luigi's existence either, it would feel very odd and jarring. At least if the datamines are anything to go by, Level-5 was planning to bring Flora back as well so hopefully we'll see her in the next game and interact with Kat (and hopefully Alfendi too) in a meaningful way.
Yeah that's more or less on Sakurai, then again, according to him, it was apparently Nintendo that planned and decided on the DLC beforehand so it may or may not be entirely up to them if they would go for another round or not. Knowing them though, probably not, even though it would be nice if they did. It might also give us a second chance in seeing the Prof make it in if he doesn't for this pass...