Was wondering why they were holding off so long on her, and it looks like Micaiah got the better end of the tellius stick, she gets both Thani and Sacrifice
Thani Grants Res+3. Effective against armored\nand cavalry foes. Against armored and\ncavalry foes using bow, dagger, magic, or\nstaff, damage from first attack received\nby unit during combat reduced by 30%.
Sacrifice Converts penalties on target into bonuses.\nRestores target's HP = unit's current HP -1.\nUnit's HP reduced by amount restored.
It makes me hope that Ragnell gets Def+3 at some point, If I had to guess they were holding her for the games powercreep like so. Because Thani looks like it has the most abilities of anything I've seen so far. And I suppose they were waiting for exclusive abilities to be released, so they could give her Sacrifice
Since we're on the subject of Micaiah I don't think this is the end of things to come for her. I've seen requests for tellius remakes for the switch around the net so it's possible we could see this in the later lifecycle of the switch, Aswell as the potential for FE warriors 2 to include her, Since they literally said they'd put Ike in it they're likely to include Tellius in it, Much like how fates has hoshido and nohr, I see no reason to not include the Dawn Brigade in it alongside the Greil Mercenaries.