I'm no game designer, but even I could come up with this -
A: Punch
AA: Punch, punch
AAA: Punch, punch, uppercut
Dash A: Diving head butt
Tilt Forward A: Side kick
Tilt Up A: Big Uppercut
Tilt Down A: Low kick
Air Neutral A: Flying kick
Air Forward A: Flying head butt (meteor smash)
Air Back A: Back kick
Air Up A: Backflip kick
Air Down A: Double foot stomp
Forward: Chomp
Up: Big Head butt (like Mario’s)
Down: Handstand double-kick
A: Chomps (like Bowser)
Forward: Puts in mouth, then spits out
Back: Backwards toss
Up: Puts in mouth, spits upwards
Down: throws down, then does a butt-bounce
B: Pac N’ Roll (like Jigglypuff’s roll)
Tilt B: Pellet Machine Gun (Sends out five pellets rapidly, each causing minor damage. On random occasions, you will shoot out a power pellet instead, which causes much higher damage.)
Up B: Pac-Man Glider (hops into the air and then takes out a hang glider, floating to the ground slowly…..like Peach’s umbrella)
Down B: Ghost Attack (sends out ghost, which is randomly either Blinky, Pinky, Inky, or Clyde. If an opponent is near, the ghost will then pursue it for a few seconds, causing moderate damage if successful.)
TAUNT - Gives a thumbs up and winks.
FINAL SMASH - (obvious)
Eats a Power Pellet, causing him to glow and get enhanced speed, and all of the opponents turn blue. If Pac-Man comes into contact with an opponent, the opponent is immediately eaten and killed. When eaten, the body disappears leaving just the eyes, which then float down quickly to the respective damage meter. Of course during all of this, Pac will be making his famous “Waka Waka” noise.