I'm getting really tired of you.
1. Please stop posting with the flaming smilies and yellow text.
2. Stop blaming everything on drugs. Have you ever considered that people might actually put some thought into the creation of things, drawing inspiration from other sources that they might be fond of?
3. Stop trying to over-analyze everything to a ridiculous extent when you know very well you can go no where with it. After all of your rants, you fall back on your default "they had to have been on drugs" excuse. I've come up with many ideas here in the PC and throughout many places on SWF regarding games and what have you, creating original content inspired by already existing sources that I'm fond of. Does that mean I smoke pot because my ideas may be a bit farfetched?
The fact that Link travels through time period warrants him a title of "time traveler", despite him not having it as a natural power. You have it in your mind that in order for Celebi to be based off of Link and Navi, then they have to match up perfectly with one another. Star Wars is based off of Greek mythology, Beowulf, and Akira Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress" among many, many other influences, but does it resemble them all perfectly? Of course not! Stop being unnecessarily analytical because you waste your time, our time, and make eyesores of posts in threads.
Thank you.
1st, the Yellow Text and Flames are just my thing. I'm not doing it for this post because I don't intend on being a straight up jerk.
2nd, No, I never once thought that Nintendo had borrowed ideas from old sources and used them the way they wanted to, both paying homage to said source and making new ideas. It's all about the Blow, man. *scratch scratch*.
And 3rd, Over-Analyse? We're talking about Video Game Character Origin Relationships. I think it might be a litle bit late for that, don't you think? And after all of my remarks (my rants usually take up a few Microsoft Word Pages, not a few paragraphs), I realised that I was wrong. tThe last time I made the "I still think that if they planned it, they were on pot" was suppost to imply a hint of sarcasm. I don't think that a person needs to be tweaked out of their head inorder to be origonal. And I'd be the last person to judge anything just because it is far-fetched.
And dude, I honestly don't know what is going on half of the time in my mind. I'm quite random. Again, Nintendo is still just f#$%ing with us right now, is what I currently think. .... IT'S A CONSPIRACY! THEY'RE TRYING TO MOLD US! But seriously, no, I don't think Link+Navi and Celebi have to be Carbon Copies of eachother inorder for their to be a simularity. Infact, wouldn't it require more of the latter before the former could be a possibility? Lastly, .... huh? I'm honestly not trying to start anything bad here, but how would Starwars be connected to Greek Mythos?
I don't see Link being Celebi's father. They might share ancestory somewhere, though. But I'm sorry that I've been causing problems here. Forgive me.