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The Official Zero Suit Samus Discussion


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
I understand your point of view fully now. I can see where you are coming from about the adding depth, more females, and flavor into a game that is already great. I have considered what you said, and I respect it as the opposing argument in this debate, now that I know that you fully understand and respect your own opinion.

However, I still choose to stand on my opinion on the case as well. And before we continue with more back-and-forth, I hope you can accept and respect that I will not back down from my perspective either.

On to other things, to answer Caael and the rest....I'm tired. We'll just have to wait until Sakurai tells us more about the topic, be it on my side of the debate or Vali's. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go yell at GreenKirby or whoever it was for his incorrect Pattern Theory for the website.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Of course I respect your opinion, and to my mind it actually does seem a bit of a waste of the character with a full moveset to include only by the transformation but as I said with that possibly being the entire point of the character, that is the only way I can see it happening. It's all just analysis and guesswork until proven right or wrong. It might end up being hold A for great justice, we just don't know.

About not backing down, if everyone backed down then there'd be no more debating, and where would the fun in that be? It's so incredibly rare on the internet that any sort of change in opinion actually happens that it's pretty much the norm for people to stick to the side that they go in on. All you can hope for is a decent, non-circular argument along the way, and that seems to be the case for the moment at least :).


So holding A is fine but holding Z (or Z+A) is rediculous? Hmph!

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Zamus= Sheik with a gun but you can't transform back. Look at Smashbros.com Zamus has a whip simular to Sheik's.
everyone says this same line all the time and though i partly agree, i dont think sexy suit samus will be doing any disappearing act for an up+B anytime soon. and if shes considerably weaker than samus, then she wont have the godsmack (foward aerial A) either. you never know though, every character usually at the very least one or two strong finish smash attacks or aerials

Lord Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2006
we can all say snake = cfalcon, but we dont cuz we noe there will be a big difference. same to zamus and shiek. besides, her final smash remains unknown...to most of us.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2005
yeah... zamus is looking pretty shiekish, i mean look

shieks bair...

sheiks down smash

shieks side b

Lord Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2006
oh she'll have one. she cant just grab a smash ball and...do nothing with it. in time you'll know her final smash. why, its actually a little obvious...*beep*...*rocket boost sound from afar*

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
yeah... zamus is looking pretty shiekish, i mean look
agreed, the images show the similarilities, i just wonder what the up+B will be and also i dont she'll be as top-tier godly as sheik because of the strength decrease.

its the snake = c. falcon that equals WTF

maybe her arm comes off as well with the suit

and no im not being serious


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
You know, in previous posts I've said that I was scared that Samus' final smash transformed her into ZSS, because they didn't have seperate profiles. Well, unfortunately, the FS does transform Samus into ZSS, but now they DO have seperate profiles?!?!
Before Samus' final smash was posted, I was scared that ZSS and Samus were in the same character slot because ZSS didn't have her own profile, but now that she does, I'm utterly confused.
Does this mean ZSS will be playable without the FS? Or did Sakurai just want to give us some background info?

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
You know, in previous posts I've said that I was scared that Samus' final smash transformed her into ZSS, because they didn't have seperate profiles. Well, unfortunately, the FS does transform Samus into ZSS, but now they DO have seperate profiles?!?!
Before Samus' final smash was posted, I was scared that ZSS and Samus were in the same character slot because ZSS didn't have her own profile, but now that she does, I'm utterly confused.
Does this mean ZSS will be playable without the FS? Or did Sakurai just want to give us some background info?
thats basically the big debate of the day and kinda of yesterday too. sakurai definitely wanted to give us background info. as far as what hes told the, sexy suit samus is only available through FS. however, a couple of us (myself included) believe there to be a cheat workaround like sheik's in melee, to get SSS playable without the FS. and this makes logical sense because samus and SSS make different movesets and playing styles. only time will tell if we're right


Smash Lord
Jun 11, 2005
If the only way to play as ZSS is through Samus's FS, then I bet that ZSS doesn't have a complete moveset. I.e., limited/no special moves, no FS, ect...

If she has a complete moveset then there will unquestionably be a way to start as her.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
I have an idea how samus/zamus works. You start out as samus normally, but if you press A, you start as zamus.
-If you when with the first, when samus gets her smash ball, she uses the zero beam and loses her armor. then if you grabb another, all of her armor reappears on her, and if you get another, the armor falls off again.
-If you chose the second, when zamus gets the smash ball, she does her final smash and puts her power suit on, and when she gets another, she loses her armor.

This would allow for her to have two styles and final smashes to chose from, and an ablitity to change between the two.

Samus would have her basic ssbm style while zamus would have a more speed oriented and less projectile oriented style. Samus' FS is powerful and would leave any survivors to the speed of zamus to finish them. Zamus' would probably be fast or stun the foe, leaving them open to samus' power.
Did everyone completly forget this! I feel like no one even read this.
Zamus' whp would be too good to be just a side B. It would probably be maybe the dash attack, some aerials, and a few more. The whip is just to cool to only be a side B, and if you noticed, she's swinging the whip around herself, which sould iliminate the idea it would be like sheiks whip.

EDIT-this Idea of swaping is slow, but since both zamus and samus have particular strategies, it shouldn't be a problem being stranded in one form. Maybe in the next game they'll seperate them after so many fans choose one but not the other. Just a thought.

Samus and zamus would probably be both there on the select screen in the same slot like how zelda was. Anyways it would be weird to use the final smash and then be attacked by your alternate self.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2007
just like sheik would have a seperate profile when presented it dosen't mean she will have her own spot. (i dont think she is in though :(. ) they introduced samus and her transformation into zss but dosen't mean she will be in her own slot. She is a diff character so they have to introduce in diff profile.

chiyo-chan' dad

Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2007
On the Dojo web, Zamus is not part of the characters. I do think that she will be a play able character, but i've been wong before. :(


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2006
Magna, UT
on topic:
i have faith that she will be playable someway other then samus fs. we all just need to have faith in sakurai. he does know what he is doing.

off topic:
i made some zamus stuff you can add text or w/e to them.





Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
I'm not so sure at all about ZSS' Paralyzer-whip being the same as Shiek's Side-B. If you recall, the second trailer (that was the first one to have no pre-rendered scenes, just straight up fighting) had a short scene where we see Zamus fiddling with her gun, switching from gun, to whip, to gun again, while standing in one spot, and not using any attacks from either form as she is switching between them. I think there will actually be a move that causes Zamus to switch the way she uses her gun, and may even have a series of moves based on different whip attacks. I know, this would mean another set of alternate moves for this already split character, but I do not think it would change all of Zamus' moves, just some. Like, say, one of her air moves is altered to become that areal whiplash we saw in that screen shot. Also on the topic of her gun, Sakurai calls it the Paralyzer, and I've been told that in Zero Mission, all it did was charge enough to paralyze Samus' foes. Perhaps that's one of her B moves, a long ranged, projectile-based disabling attack (which would be pretty darn lethal as an edgeguarding technique).

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Did everyone completly forget this! I feel like no one even read this.
Zamus' whp would be too good to be just a side B. It would probably be maybe the dash attack, some aerials, and a few more. The whip is just to cool to only be a side B, and if you noticed, she's swinging the whip around herself, which sould iliminate the idea it would be like sheiks whip.
yes i did read that. hence the multiple "sexy suit samus = sheik" posts. try reading other people's posts


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2007
I just had a random thought...

if you're zero suit samus and you grab a smash ball, and activate it,
your ship zooms down, you hop into it, start blasting the stage randomly, and then come out with your armour back on.

Also, I'm really stuck on whether you would turn back to normal samus or not after dying.
After all, you could potentially see a smash ball for every life you have, if it's frequent enough...


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
I just had a random thought...

if you're zero suit samus and you grab a smash ball, and activate it,
your ship zooms down, you hop into it, start blasting the stage randomly, and then come out with your armour back on.

Also, I'm really stuck on whether you would turn back to normal samus or not after dying.
After all, you could potentially see a smash ball for every life you have, if it's frequent enough...
Great idea about zamus' FS, using the fact that you'll be able to control your ship in MP3, but I would think that there would be no blasting if you started out as samus.

After thinking a bit, If she changes back and forth using the smash balls, she should stay in her current form is she dies, anyways it would be ******** for the zamus mainers if they died and lost their strength.

I thought about her paralyzer gun, and I think it should reprisent zero mission. At the start when you fire it, it stuns the foe, wait a few seconds and it would stun the foe again. The stun would let zamus start up a combo or run (as you usually did in zero mission), but not keep a foe from returning to the stage. If you fired it rapidly, it would fire off weak shots that would act like samus' bombs when they hit the foe. Either way it would be more of a stalling/stun/defensive gun than an offensive one like samus' arm cannon.

Edit-to edgeswipe-they mean that zamus is in the newcomer section, seperate from samus in the veteran section, I believe.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2007
ya i was wondering the samething if u can play as one or the other. i don't think zss is seperate though


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2007
ya i was wondering the samething if u can play as one or the other. i don't think zss is seperate though
Zero Suit Samus, for the record, is the result of using NORMAL samus's Final Smash.

AS FAR AS WE KNOW, there is NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE to get to Zero Suit Samus.

As well, we DO NOT KNOW if you can turn back from ZSS into Samus, or if you can, what will initiate it.

I am making these statements based on facts that have been said on the website itself,
so that anyone who still doesn't know is up to date on what we're discussing.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Sorry, just didn't really sound like it to me when i was reading all of these countless post, also the fact that almost every post was incredibly long and made me want to stop reading this thread.
meh its all good

I just had a random thought...

if you're zero suit samus and you grab a smash ball, and activate it,
your ship zooms down, you hop into it, start blasting the stage randomly, and then come out with your armour back on.
creative idea, but controlling ships in smash bros? i thought wario's bike was bad enough


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
creative idea, but controlling ships in smash bros? i thought wario's bike was bad enough
I imagine when she gets the smash orb, she takes out some high tech watch or something and calls down her ship. She then jumps in and then you get control of the ship and get tho start flying around at a decent/fast speed, using a quick and powerful energy gatling gun, and when time is up, samus (not zamus) jumps out of her ship as it flies off.
what do you think?


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Id rather think that Zero Suit Samus can have a final smash in the form of the Crystal Flash from Super Metroid. Check it out:


Sakurai researches far back for character moves and history, so I wouldnt doubt it. As you can see, Samus envelops herself in an orb of energy that replenishes her suit. Now for Brawl, it can be translated as Zero Suit Samus enveloping herself in a huge orb of energy that damages nearby foes for a while and when it is done, Samus has her suit back on (reconstructed by Crystal Flash).

I think this would be perfect for Zero Suit Samus' potential final smash, and aesthetically would look great too. Notice that you can see Samus within the suit, in that video?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
I hope samus and ZSS are seperate. I think because ZSS is in the "playable characters" section of the page you can select her.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2007
i've previously posted that it isn't, to people's conter arguments. but i really want to be wrong :)


Smash Ace
May 15, 2006
Hiram, Ga
Id rather think that Zero Suit Samus can have a final smash in the form of the Crystal Flash from Super Metroid. Check it out:


Sakurai researches far back for character moves and history, so I wouldnt doubt it. As you can see, Samus envelops herself in an orb of energy that replenishes her suit. Now for Brawl, it can be translated as Zero Suit Samus enveloping herself in a huge orb of energy that damages nearby foes for a while and when it is done, Samus has her suit back on (reconstructed by Crystal Flash).

I think this would be perfect for Zero Suit Samus' potential final smash, and aesthetically would look great too. Notice that you can see Samus within the suit, in that video?
This seems logical to me.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
Anybody else have the feeling that Zamus is going to be like Pichu, fast and weak? (I'm not saying she's going to hurt herself with her own attacks)

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Anybody else have the feeling that Zamus is going to be like Pichu, fast and weak? (I'm not saying she's going to hurt herself with her own attacks)
i second that. but it wont mean anything if shes got more combos than....A BAG OF COMBOS


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
i second that. but it wont mean anything if shes got more combos than....A BAG OF COMBOS
Fast ZSS would make sense, she was **** fast with the suit on.. Not without she should be a quick beast. Zoom out those combos like nothing.
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