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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
Yeah, I still have to print out those certificates for the last two tournaments. It will be worth the wait... they're so good!

Anyhow, we might as well have a tournament this Friday, or maybe change it up and have a 2v2 tourny...


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
we had a tournament the last week didn't we?
not that i'm against the idea cause tournies are awesome
but just fyi wes and kevin will not be there i think @_@).. unless i am wrong..
they're in Italy and France respectively

to Alan:
yes, you are probably the only one @_@)..


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2006
2) The comments regarding our videos - I took notice of the few posts mocking our videos and players, so I decided I'd shed some light on them. When we do Smash Rankings night it's not a night to lavish the greater players with attention and footage-time on the site. There are several ranks and the night is meant for players of all skill to have fun. With that being said we have out share of really good players and we have our share of... well, not-so-great players. We don't upload the matches between the very best players every week because it'd get boring to the other 20-some people who attend the event every week and want to see themselves on the site. To keep everyone interested and show appreciation to everyone who attends, we upload matches from all ranks (Wannabes, C, B, A, etc). This is why you've seen the "aerial Falcon kick." That was a Wannabe match. There normally isn't wavedashing in wannabe matches, so the stuff you'll see posted on the site wont consistently be of our wavedashers/shinespikers/etc. We have our share of great players and they're all really cool guys so the insults and stuff really aren't necessary.
We arent that horrible of people. : ) We just like poking fun sometimes, as everyone does.
Yeah we were just joking around lol (at least I was). There's no need to take it so seriously.
And I watched most of the vids not just your "wannabe" stuff and even the highlights didn't really wow me or anything :\.

On one final note, I think it'd be great if some of our better Smashers here could get some matches with some of your better players. While I'm not trying to put anything in motion this very second, it's simply something to consider as a possibility in the future. Don't let the Falcon Kicks decieve you, we've got some players sure to give you guys a challenge. :chuckle:
Lols I already chanced into playing Lisa last night :laugh: so it's clear at least most of you seem like nice people, maybe i'll play against more of you later. :laugh:

As for a tourney/doubles tourny this week.... whatever you guys want is fine with me, I'm just surprised Rob didn't suggest a low tier tourney :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2005
Charleston, WV
Oh crap.

I am so incredibly stupid, and ashamed of myself. :(

I *knew* I should've told at least one of the Rankings guys I was posting that link on here. It was kinda like, a blatant advertisement, just wating to be made fun of and stuff.

I can't believe I did that. What WAS I thinking? X_X

To be honest, I just figured the guys wouldn't mind. I didn't think there would be any flaming, insults of AIP smashers, or anything bad as a result of that off-topic post I made (on several threads).

Darn, I should just stop posting on Smashboards altoghether. I seriously feel like I don't belong here, considering my Pikachu sucks horribly anyway (yes, it does!!). >_<

Vividity, if you're reading this:

Tell the guys I apologize for everything.

If you or someone else involved in the Rankings site feels like taking me off the Smash list, as a "punishment" for my cruel deeds, - you can go ahead and do so.

I realize now that advertising your Smash project WITHOUT your permission was a very big deal, because it caused you guys so many insults to you, your characters and the whole site itself.

Therefore, as punishment for my actions, you can take me off the list. Seriously, I won't care (let me know if you plan on doing this, okay?).

Now, I'm not saying you *have* to do this, I'm just giving you a suggestion.

However, If you don't take me off the list, that's fine too and I would be happy about that, because that means that I DO still have room for improvement in Smash.

You see, when it comes to Smash, I have these so-called "confidence" issues. It happens whenever someone beats me up, horribly, using my own character (or when I get utterly defeated in a very bad way). That always makes me feel like I suck horribly at the game.

Anyway, again, I know that what I did was very wrong, and I should've asked you guys about posting that in the first place. I'm stupid. Seriously, don't deny it, I am stupid.

No one else would've done such a horrible thing, especially not without contacting one of you first.

And besides, it's not like I'm any good at Smash anyway. Yeah, I know I'm not the *worst* SSBM player. There's a few of my friends, outside AIP, who I beat every single time I play against them.

But at the same time, I'm not *good enough* to fight against anyone with actual skills at the game (Wavedashers, shinespikers, regular spikes, people who use mind-games, etc).

It's just always been a simple dream of mine, to do the best I can with my best character. And it's already been proven to me, in many ways, that I'm probably the worst Pika player out there.


Smash Rookie
Feb 17, 2007
Lisa, just forget it. It's not a big deal, and what you did wasn't that wrong, it's just what came of it that annoyed some of us. Anyway, don't mention it and just assume it didn't happen.

Once again, sorry for all the mixups guys, if you guys are interested in a friendly smash meeting I'll be in touch (via this thread, if you all don't mind) assuming I can get the necessary people on our end.

TSK - Haha yeah I know what you mean, while I'm not saying our best players would blow you away, our highlights aren't really about them either. We play in a crowded room with 20-30 people and a big screen tv, so whenever something crazy happens or something entertaining (regardless of how much skill was involved) you'd hear a lot of "DAAAAYUM!"s and the like. That's the kind of stuff we include in highlights, not particularly displays of great skill. :laugh:

If you're interested in footage of the top-player stuff I can try to get the people together and throw some on Youtube. =)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2006
You see, when it comes to Smash, I have these so-called "confidence" issues. It happens whenever someone beats me up, horribly, using my own character (or when I get utterly defeated in a very bad way). That always makes me feel like I suck horribly at the game.
You're really not that bad at the game, you just need a bit more practice and more experience playing different people. If I got frustated/gave up everytime I get beaten, I'd of quit long ago. Heck not too long ago, I couldn't wavedash or anything but then I started practicing and playing more people to get better. So in other words stop being too hard on yourself.

Putting more vids up is up to you as it takes quite a bit of time/effort.. but if you want i'll play you guys whenever just pm/IM me or something.

Sheik... stop being so gay ;D


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2005
Charleston, WV
Lisa, just forget it. It's not a big deal, and what you did wasn't that wrong, it's just what came of it that annoyed some of us. Anyway, don't mention it and just assume it didn't happen.
Oh, okay.

So you guys aren't mad at me, then? O.O (woah, I'm surprised - I thought some of you would be very angry about that!!)

Thank goodness! That's a relief! ^_^

Seriously, after that horrible incident, I was afraid that you guys wouldn't want to associate with me anymore. lol XD

Anyway though, I'm glad that everyone was able to forgive me and forget this little incident happened.

You guys are very nice indeed! :)

I had no idea I had such great friends! ^^o

Aww shucks, now I'm in a hugging mood all of a sudden. XD

Group hug!!!! :chuckle:

*hugs everyone in the AIP Rankings group*

And by the way, Vividity, you can read the extra-long-post I made on the Rankings site if you want (I posted on the Activity Room Invasion update - check it out). I posted that *before* I saw your post on the Smash boards, lol. XD

It's similar to the long-post I made on *here*, except it's much longer and goes into more detail about everything.

You're really not that bad at the game, you just need a bit more practice and more experience playing different people. If I got frustated/gave up everytime I get beaten, I'd of quit long ago. Heck not too long ago, I couldn't wavedash or anything but then I started practicing and playing more people to get better. So in other words stop being too hard on yourself.
Oh, I see.

Well, now that you put it that way, I don't feel as bad as I did before.

Thank you, TSK.

And I'm so happy I got to play against you at Cyberconxion the other night. Your Samus is very, very good!! ^_^

We had some excellent matches. :)

Also, I have to say that I did quite a good job of defending myself, and *trying* to K.O. you. LOL. XD Heck, I think I even K.O.'d you two times, in one of our matches. XD

And by the way, you're right, I *am* being too hard on myself. Heh, I do that a lot when I play Smash, and even my one friend - Sherwood - has noticed this.

But anyway, you're right TSK! I *am* good at Smash!

All I really need is more practice (maybe even learn Wavedashing, or at least a few good mind-games), and I'll do GREAT!!!! ^______^


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2007
"All I really need is more practice (maybe even learn Wavedashing, or at least a few good mind-games), and I'll do GREAT!!!! "

.......if only it where that easy.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Hmmm, well catching up on the last 2 pages of this thread was interesting to say the least...

I agree with Rob maybe we should have a doubles tourney this Friday. If we have time (which I think we will because a Doubles Tourney would take a fraction of the time a sinlges would seeing as there are have as many sets that need to be played) we should play a singles tourney too as some sort of a welcome back to Duquesne Fridays type thing. Just my personal opinion you know.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I would have gone today, but between finding out last minute, having the potential to go next week, and already arranging some long-needed smashing with Jason and Jeff, I thought I'd pass it up this once.

Also, Roy is absolutely amazing. Just wanted to throw that out there.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2005
Charleston, WV

Having a friday this friday, that was hilarious. XD!!

Anyway though, I hope that they actually have a low-tier tournament at some point. That'd be awesome!!!! ^_^

As a low-tier player, I feel sorry for all the characters in that group. They just don't stand a chance against the higher-tiers and all that. It's sad. I wonder why the makers of Smash made it that way? In my opinion, they should've made all the characters equal to each other (except for maybe, Mario and Luigi, obviously).

I'm just saying that, if they had made the game like that, then the low-tier characters would stand a MUCH better chance against those higher-tier charcters.

I hate how it seems "unfair" for some characters, with like, how the game was made (in relation to the tier lis). I don't understand why they classified the characters like that, and it seems kinda unbalanced, in my opinon.

Do you even read your pm's :p
Yes, I do.

Hehe, and I just now replied to your PM. XD

I was multi-tasking, by the way. ^^

I'm on several different forums at the same time.

(it's funny how I've made over 4,000 posts on the Pokemon forums that I go to, lol) :laugh:


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Mike, you missed out today. : ) Lots of crazy **** happened.

So are we having a friday this friday?
A lot of good matches today and a lot of good shiz Nakas stepping up his game. I've never been slammed by so many JC shines before XD

Mike didn't come!!.... a Sheik player afraid of a ganon player that doesn't happen!


congrats on doing well on one of the best in CT now come get some more practice with me.
to keep things interesting.. $5 MM set best 2/3.

anyone else up for some MM's with me?

"All I really need is more practice (maybe even learn Wavedashing, or at least a few good mind-games), and I'll do GREAT!!!! "

.......if only it where that easy.
I sincerely hope that was a joke.. ;) some people just aren't cut out to play the game others should MM me


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
As a low-tier player, I feel sorry for all the characters in that group. They just don't stand a chance against the higher-tiers and all that. It's sad.
Tell that to my GnW whenever i play a marth. Tim, renth, and others can vouche for that. Same goes for Rob's Y.link when he spanks falcos.

Just being low tier doesnt mean that they can't win. Sheesh.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Tell that to my GnW whenever i play a marth. Tim, renth, and others can vouche for that. Same goes for Rob's Y.link when he spanks falcos.

Just being low tier doesnt mean that they can't win. Sheesh.
Agreed. you stupid dummy head!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2005
Charleston, WV

So how far up your character is on the Tier List doesn't matter?

That's very good to hear. ^_^

Hehe, I'll keep that in mind for whoevever I go up against next.

Yeah, I was wondering about that for a while.

Because, when I first found out there was a Tier List for Smash, I didn't understand that at all. Needless to say, I was quite confused how some characters are apparently, very overpowered - while some are said to be very underpowered.

But now, I finally understand that it's just a simple list to compare characters to other characters, and how they match-up in combat against other characters. I think the list is supposed to represent how they're automatically matched-up in the game, in terms of power and speed.

And of course, it's up to the person *playing* a character to actually make a difference with their skills, and prove that the Tier List really doesn't mean anything where there specific character is concerned.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea

what did i miss? @_@)...

(psst... what is a JC shine @_@)...)

Sheik needs teammate @_@)...
i got dibs on swift :D


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2006
so, chances of someone bringing recording equipment this week?


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
--Vids of what you missed will be up soon. Also me falcon punching Renth's illusion, and scaring the piss outta him twice. ^^

Looks like i'm gonna have to go lvl 9 luigi again. :/


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2007
A lot of good matches today and a lot of good shiz Nakas stepping up his game. I've never been slammed by so many JC shines before XD

Mike didn't come!!.... a Sheik player afraid of a ganon player that doesn't happen!


congrats on doing well on one of the best in CT now come get some more practice with me.
to keep things interesting.. $5 MM set best 2/3.

anyone else up for some MM's with me?

I sincerely hope that was a joke.. ;) some people just aren't cut out to play the game others should MM me

Yea it was a joke, i will mm you renth, except your gannon because samus vs. ganon is like mutilation. I'll mm your falco?


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I'll add that one to the translator:

Evan says: "I love playing Alan."
Evan means: "I love killing Alan."

Evan says: "I'm out to kill Falcos."
Evan means: "I'm out to kill Alan."

Evan says: "I've improved my anti-Falco game."
Evan means: "Oh god, I hope Alan sucks today."

Evan says: "My game has improved 50%."
Evan means: "I sure hope Rob didn't tell him about all the Ken combos..."

Evan says: "You look like Falco."
Evan means: "I'm desperate for attention."

And now...

Evan says: "Next time we play you are getting four stocked."
Evan means: "Next time we play I really freakin' hope I don't get crushed like usual."
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