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The Official OMG Tonight Prediction Thread


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
Although the text box is paying homage to Pokemon Stadium, I still think they are overusing the text box thing (Resetti was enough.)

I think we could do without the text box for the trainer, but oh well.
This text has existed in ALL pokemon games (the regular battle ones anyway), not just Stadium.

And I think a lot of people expected this to be the PT final smash.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
It's cool, but expected, which makes this update not very special. Tomorrow is the last update of the week, and there hasn't been an update that makes everyone go crazy. I assume we might get a character update or a subspace update.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Doesn't this officially make PT the most-updated so far? Sakurai loves his pokemon!
I think that they've actually updated all of Link's special moves and final smash already though...so technically he's the most updated character on the site what with actually being complete. Unless Sakurai has other types of updates that'll go in the character section (Alternate Costumes?).


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Viridian City
We still have yet to see the Mario Grand Prix stage and the Metal Gear Solid stage. Also we haven't gotten updates for Mewtwo, Luigi, Jigglypuff, Mr. Game & Watch, Captain Falcon, Falco, Ganondorf, Sheik, Ness and Young Link, assuming they all return. Pichu and Dr. Mario I doubt are coming back. Also there are plenty of items and "how to play" updates he could do.
Also many characters haven't received a special moves update or a Final smash update. New character is a possibility as well.

I hope tomorrow is a new character. :Crosses fingers for Lucario:


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
I'm hoping for Zelda's specials/Final Smash (three in a week? MADNESS!) and/or a Sheik character update tomorrow. I MUST know if Sheik returns.


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
I'm so sick of these final smashes, I wanna see some characters, I'm hoping for mewtwo or lucario, I know that mewtwo sucked in the last one, but they can easilt fix him up for this one, and hes one of the most popular pokemon, if Ice Climbers can make it back, its only fair hes there too, I mean, tehy cant be serious about leaving him out, or putting him in a pokeball. Finding out if sonics in would be nice too. I think its gonna be big, there are only approximately two months and a few days before the game comes out, they gotta show something


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
Part of me thinks it looks like they're going for a routine character update on fridays. But that's only speaking from two past fridays, which isn't enough to make a pattern off of, and also a bit of hopefullness.

If tonight isn't a character (I'm pretty sure it will be) it'll probably be a stage. Or Sakurai will mindgame us all as usual and give us something no one is expecting.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
I want a new challenger...

But I think it'll be a Veteran.

And I think it MUST either be Captain Falcon or Ness (I mean, they're all that's left for starters.)

And many people think Lucas is taking Ness's place. I don't think he will.

But either way. I call Falcon.

(Watch Sakurai-san decide to **** with us all and put a completely useless How to Play update tonight and be like, "lulz you ken crawlzors.")

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
And many people think Lucas is taking Ness's place. I don't think he will.
Trust me, he will, all facts and reasoning point to it, and a lot of people are going to be very butthurt when they learn that Ness will be replaced by Lucas most likely.

I call a character update. Hopefully newcomer, but a vet would be fine too.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
Trust me, he will, all facts and reasoning point to it, and a lot of people are going to be very butthurt when they learn that Ness will be replaced by Lucas most likely.
I hope Sakurai realizes that we don't WANT Ness to leave. I'd be willing to bet that 99% of Lucas supporters, only support him because they know how close he was to being in Melee. So they support him, knowing that it's a healthy gamble, instead of supporting someone they actually want to see like MegaMan, Ridley or even Geno.

Ness IS a Smash Brother. I'm sure a ton of gamers were introduced to Ness through Smash 64; he was that game's WTF Character.

I believe we will get specials though, since we havent gotten that in like, 3 weeks.
Didn't we just get Diddy's last week sometime? Or was that the week before?


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
I hope you people are done wanting FS's for awhile now... seriously that was painful...

Anyways, tommorows Friday, I expect a character!

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Trust you?

Yeah.. Jesus for Brawl and all that..
This is coming from someone who supports Lucario, so I'll just pretend you never tried, 'kay?
Fanewgie said:
I hope Sakurai realizes that we don't WANT Ness to leave. I'd be willing to bet that 99% of Lucas supporters, only support him because they know how close he was to being in Melee.
That isn't true, most Lucas supporters want him to take Ness' place simply because they actually played the games unlike pretty much of all the Smash community. They know who both Ness and Lucas is, and realize that Lucas is just an upgraded version of what Ness was kinda like how TP Link is an upgraded version of OoT Link, and realize if they were both in that they wouldn't fit very well together since they're pretty much the exact same character to the core as the role of the Mother main character. They also know that Lucas is almost necessary to be in for Mother 3 to come to the states, or at least be recognized by the masses. Not to mention, unlike Ness, Lucas actually has a very strong backstory that would fit perfectly in his Subspace mode.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
This is coming from someone who supports Lucario, so I'll just pretend you never tried, 'kay?

That isn't true, most Lucas supporters want him to take Ness' place simply because they actually played the games unlike pretty much of all the Smash community. They know who both Ness and Lucas is, and realize that Lucas is just an upgraded version of what Ness was kinda like how TP Link is an upgraded version of OoT Link, and realize if they were both in that they wouldn't fit very well together since they're pretty much the exact same character to the core as the role of the Mother main character. They also know that Lucas is almost necessary to be in for Mother 3 to come to the states, or at least be recognized by the masses. Not to mention, unlike Ness, Lucas actually has a very strong backstory that would fit perfectly in his Subspace mode.
How likely is MOTHER 3 to come to the States anyway what with the creators not working on MOTHER stuff anymore...? Granted, NOA could always do the localization...

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
How likely is MOTHER 3 to come to the States anyway what with the creators not working on MOTHER stuff anymore...? Granted, NOA could always do the localization...
Yes, and that's pretty much one of the strongest reasons why Lucas should be a character in Brawl somehow. Even if Sakurai implements both Ness and Lucas as separate characters, which I honestly can't see him doing so, Lucas still is necessary to at least give Mother 3 the mass attention it deserves.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
This is coming from someone who supports Lucario, so I'll just pretend you never tried, 'kay?
Of course I support Lucario. What gave it away? Could it have been that picture of him in my sig? And that bit that says Lucario for Brawl?

Wow, you're fast. :psycho:

And I'm pretty sure Lucario has a FAR better chance than Jesus. I can't believe I'm arguing with a racist with the intelligence of a 4 year old.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Of course I support Lucario. What gave it away? Could it have been that picture of him in my sig? And that bit that says Lucario for Brawl?
No sh-t, stop avoiding the fact that you fail alone for it.
And I'm pretty sure Lucario has a FAR better chance than Jesus. I can't believe I'm arguing with a racist with the intelligence of a 4 year old.
No, you just have a sh-t sense of humor.

But in a sense, I don't want to start sh-t with an idiot. It's useless, you'd basically be dull as hell to even get any concept, let alone you randomly start sh-t with me that wasn't even on topic, so this will be my last reply to you.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
No sh-t, stop avoiding the fact that you fail alone for it.
You fail for all of this:

No, you just have a sh-t sense of humor.
Here's a crazy idea, maybe your just not funny! :psycho:

"Mothaf-cka, I'll shoo' yo' head if ya dun givemesumofdat fried chicken!"
Wow, that's not racist in any way!

In all honesty, people only didn't find it funny just because they were butthurt and offended by it, even you. Unless you have a sh-t sense of humor, any regular person would easily find it amusing unless they're some Christian f-ggot.
Wow! Hilarious!

That says a lot, thanks for telling me your sense of humor is sh-t.

Then why was it not funny? It simply was quite satire on the concept of Jesus. It didn't need to be some stupid sh-t like, "OMG JESUS FOR BRAWL, WTFZORS??????" Would it be more funny just because of that? I honestly think not. What makes it geniusly funny is that is that it was made to seem like it was a joke that tried to be serious, in which a lot of people got very butthurt about it in various ways. Like, for example, the offended Christian. Or, the offended Christian who doesn't like to admit he's an offended Christian. And then there's the person who thinks the internet is very serious such as yourself and point out it's not funny. Obviously it wasn't, it wasn't meant to be, what was funny is what came out of it.

Anyone who doesn't see that is an idiot, and is basically a victim of trolling and making theirself look like an a-s.
Or maybe! You're just not funny! :psycho:

No, you're boring yourself, don't be in denial. I'm way better than you in all ways, obviously, saying that I'm boring you is a bad excuse, it doesn't even hold any merit.

I'm not a good comedian, I'm an amazing one.
Obviously not self centred or deluded in any way I see.

Yes, if you get butthurt just because of a Christian reason, then yes you are a Christian f-ggot. There's obviously nothing wrong with being a Christian, but being a total f-ggot about it makes you look idiotic and puts a really bad name on really cool Christians out there.
That's not contradicting! Boy was that funny though!

Lucario for Brawl!


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
We got TWO character updates this week guys, TWO (final smashes, that is). Expecting another character update is pretty crazy. We haven't had a How to Play update in a while either..

My guess is another major Subspace update or a How to Play Update, but I'm leaning more towards How to Play.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
We got TWO character updates this week guys, TWO (final smashes, that is). Expecting another character update is pretty crazy. We haven't had a How to Play update in a while either..
Psh, I hardly count Final Smash updates as character updates, they're more of just add-ons to character profiles, really. And if there's a How to Play update, it better be good and have a multiple update with something very epic. This is a Friday update, dammit, it's going to be something good.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Psh, I hardly count Final Smash updates as character profiles. And if there's a How to Play update, it better be good and have a multiple update with something very epic. This is a Friday update, dammit, it's going to be something good.
Final Smashes are character updates. Look at the symbols that come with the update. Red with the little symbol.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I'm hoping it's something good. Something to satisfy me on for the weekend. I wouldn't mind another FS, i have a FS thread anyway. So that means another update to it. I love updating threads ^_^
And i also update if a Newcomer or Returning character is confirmed.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 10, 2006
The internet
i am thinking an item or stage. cause it has been a very long time since the last item, and there have been many stages shown, but few discussed


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2007
You fail for all of this:

Here's a crazy idea, maybe your just not funny! :psycho:

Wow, that's not racist in any way!

Wow! Hilarious!

Or maybe! You're just not funny! :psycho:

Obviously not self centred or deluded in any way I see.

That's not contradicting! Boy was that funny though!

Lucario for Brawl!

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Now that Luke's lost, I can continue speculating without being aggravated by his hatred.
I promised not to reply to you but I'll reply to this comment since it's worth commenting.

No, I didn't lose, I'm content with knowing that I'm not immature to start an idiotic argument with you. I admit doing so in the past was immature of me, in terms of even continuing the argument on a large scale, but definitely no one lost or won, you were basically, in a sense, ignored by that, showing that your point has failed and you turned out to be an overall annoyance.


Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
I Want a Character update(Capt or Ness or Newcomer(Lucas)) but I think it will be a story mode update that deals with maybe another cutscene.

P.S. The only real way I will be Really really happy For Lucas in will be if under his trophy is says "Earthbound 2 Future Release" and not "Mother 3 Japan only" since that will Mother 3 will come to USA.
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