Ok, this isn't tonight's prediction, but one to come, with a bit of info to support it. AGAIN, IT'S JUST AN OPINION.
If you look in today's music update (Mother: Porky’s Theme) you will see that Sakurai states "It’s one of the songs representative of Mother 3." He says it represents Mother 3, not the Mother series as a whole. This COULD both confirm and "deconfirm" a lot of things.
First of all, if it only represents Mother 3, sorry, Ness is out. Hell, even without this quote, he's out. Sorry.
Secondly, this quote could also bring further representation of other Mother 3 Characters, Items, and Stages. Personally, I would like to see Kumatora, Flint, or Claus as playable characters. Any agrees or disagrees? Tell me if I should post this in another thread, or make an entirely new thread.