Perspective please, people. Let's say you play Halo or Call of Duty 4 or Resistance online (popular games on supposedly advanced online systems). You play on the standard ranked server. Not a private match with your friends. Can you vote on a specific map? Can you vote to ban certain guns? Can you veto a game type if multiple are in rotation? Generally not.
I know that Halo has a way of skipping stuff, but haven't played it enough to know if you can continually or not. Call of Duty 4 lets you vote to skip a map, and if the vote passes you MUST play the replacement map/game type (or leave the game server). Resistance doesn't let you pick anything in ranked games, other than a general option of FFA, Team Deathmatch, or Team Objective.
We get to vote on the stage, vote on items, and likely a few other things. Generic games that people go to by default almost never have tons of customization. It makes it simpler so it doesn't confuse people. You wanna customize? FRIEND MATCHES. And room would not make sense (by which it'd be random people can join) as it'd only be three others. In FPS games you can have dozens, so it works. Not so much for a 4-person max per battle.
Not only is this fine, but we're getting more than the standard amount of choices. Friend matches will always be there for your 1 on 1, no items/particular items only, specific stage matches. So stop freaking out. It's amusing to watch idiotic behaviour to be sure, but it's getting old.