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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?

Are you all expecting a Megaman update on a SUNDAY!?

Come on guys. I'm as anxious for Megaman as the next guy (well... maybe not bluebomber22 or error_alt_delete), but let's not get our hopes up. This is a bit rediculous.
well, there are plenty of reason to get our hopes up:
1.the secret message
2.megaman 20th annaversary
3.no characters announced in 3 weeks

I cant help it, but I wont be devisated if he isnt announced, he still has plenty of other chances/times times to be announced.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
no, we're not expecting an update on a sunday lol. thats how long the 20th anniversary event has left dyce
well, there are plenty of reason to get our hopes up:
1.the secret message
2.megaman 20th annaversary
3.no characters announced in 3 weeks

I cant help it, but I wont be devisated if he isnt announced, he still has plenty of other chances/times times to be announced.
Ohhh! Ok, I see.

And what secret message are you talking about e_a_d?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Street Fighter 4 looks so pwnsome.

I think playing SF Alpha 3 for 5 years is enough. We greatly needed a new SF game.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
u know waht, i never did see a decoding of that message either, im gonna go check....

@psycho-i havent found any site covering it yet, so i have no idea about any news there....


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Meh... Never got into Street Fighter to be perfectly honest - or Mortal Kombat for that matter...
Killer Instinct was where it was at for me. C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! :chuckle:

Anyways, how much you wanna bet this "special guest" is someone we really won't give a **** about?


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
Yea, that's what I thought. Though, I never actually did see the litteral translation to the "cryptic message".
as far as I know, the cryptic/secret message was never uncovered, I either have bad memory or just got something mixed up...or whatever.
in any case I am not big on the street fighter series, I hate arcade fighters, I just grew up with them being far too common, I got sick of their game play stiyle quikly...


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Yea, that's what I thought. Though, I never actually did see the litteral translation to the "cryptic message".
That whole cryptic message was about Street Fighter 4.

I wish I could get that game, but it'll probably be just for X360 or PS3. Meh, I'll just wait for Super Street Fighter 4 EX Plus Alpha Extreme: Third Strike World Champion Deluxe: Director's Cut Platinum Collector's Edition, Now with 60% Less Pulp. Which will probably come out in the next year or so.

Anyways, if Megaman is ever to be revealed, the time is now.


Smash Cadet
Nov 13, 2007
Santa cruz, California
I was told to post this here

Mega man for Brawl!!
Here are some ideas for Mega man's move set and special moves that I came up with while I was bored at home. This is alot of stuff so if your the type of person who hates long posts leave now. For the rest of you enjoy. WARNING: I'm a forum noob so my lay out may be... well, noobish. =P

  • First his A button moves:

  • His Neutral A attack can be a simple one two combo involving him punching once with each fist, like Fox's Neutral A without the flurry of kicks after the initial two punches, or he could shoot three small buster shots with a very short range. When I think of Mega man I think of his M buster... if possible all his attacks would come from his buster but it may not be the case since Samus, a ranged character in all her games, uses her fists and legs to attack in the smash series so there may be room for improvement or change in some of these attacks. * As a side note I never really played many of the older Mega man games. To be honest the first Mega man game I played was Mega man X. However I did play Mega man 7 and 8 along with Rockman and Forte(Mega man and Bass.) With those games alone his move set can be as easy as one two three!

  • His forward tilt would be a kick, one similar to the kick he does when he used his ball attack in Mega man 8.
  • His forward smash could be a simple punch with his arm cannon or fist, somewhat like Samus' but perhaps a little slower with more knock back or visa versa. Another idea is he shots a fully charged shot with minimal range, think of Mario's f smash in melee where the damage/knockback comes from the fire his hand shoots out, and not his actual hand. Another idea is he shoots a saw blade, Metalman's attack, that draws you in, does some damage, and sends you flying, or maybe he can do a jump kick putting his big robot boots to good use.

  • His down tilt could be a leg sweep that only covers the direction he is facing., or he shoots a mid chaged shot at the ground, again similar to Samus'.

  • His down smash could be the same thing only instead of a mid charged shot he shoots a fully charged shot and deals damage in front and behind his hit box. Or a more physical attack could be a spinning sweep kick that covers both sides but that might be to similar to Samus' down smash.

  • His up smash could be the same as his down smash where he shoots a fully charged shot but instead it would be above him. Or maybe he shoots a stream of ice directly above him, it would be cool if he could change into the color of the attack like in the Mega man games but that might be difficult to do, however if he did it would be a light blue and yellow or white combo. Another idea could be an upper cut that leaves the ground slightly and uses his M buster, after the initial hit with his fist it turns into his M buster and he shots a charged shot that deals damage and nice knock back.
  • His up tilt would be an uppercut that leaves the ground slightly. No M buster shots here.
  • His dash attack could be his slide move from the game. Pretty simple.

  • His neutral air could be a sex kick, or maybe Beat appears next to him and circles Mega man acting as a shield/attack. Beat would be spinning around like a drill His forward air would be the same as his forward tilt except, well, in the air! Or maybe a downward kick that could be used as a spike.

  • For his back air he would throw both legs behind him, More big robot boot action!

  • His up air would be a head butt attack, putting his over- sized head to use.

  • Ok, now for Mega man's B moves, at first one would think its a no brainer to give him a charged shot but since Samus already has one and people don't want a copy character maybe tapping into his vast number of aquired attacks from his games would be best. Plus if his A moves used his charged shot giving him a charged shot as a B move wouldn't make much sense... Well, here goes.
  • His neutral B could be a flame thrower, like the one from Mega man and Bass, he turns red and yellow then shoots fire in a cone in front of him. He can move around while using this ability but shortens over time, like Bowser's fire breath from melee, It recharges the same way. Another idea could be shooting weak plasma shots that deal very minimal damage and have minimal knockback, think of Falco's blaster or Fox's 64 blaster but that may be to slow for Mega man's buster... hm. Of course if we went with this it would also charge up by simply holding B, depending on how long you hold it he will either shoot a medium shot or a fully charged shot, however, whether or not it would be an attack he could run around with(like Samus) is something else. Probably not to avoid copy characters. To compensate it could possibly charge faster or have a bigger shot size or more damage.

  • His forward B could possibly be he shoots a fan thingy on the ground that makes a tornado that sucks you in, does damage and throws you into the air. When Mega man jumps in it he floats up. A move from Mega man 8 and Rock man and Forte i believe. It must land on the ground to activate!! Only one can be up at a time. He would change into a teal and green combo.

  • His forward smash B would be instead of a fan thingy he shoots an actual tornado that sucks its enemies in and pushes them back a bit. It wouldn't work like Mario's new down b, the tornado would actually deal damage. Mega man would change into the same color combo as his forward b.

  • For his down B Rush teleports next to Mega man and he jumps over Mega man in a very dog like manner, if he hits someone it becomes a grab, dealing a small amount of damage and holding them down for a short amount. After that he teleports away. If this attack hits someone in the air it just does damage and not grab his opponent. It can't be used again until Rush vanishes from the screen.

  • For his up B Rush and Beat come to Mega man's aid, Mega man rides Rush like a skate board, in this case a sky board, while Beat flies around him spinning himself like a drill. Another idea could be he gains the Rush armor from Mega man 7 allowing him to fly upward for a short amount of time dealing damage to anyone who touches him.

  • Now its time for his grabs.

  • His grab would be the lightning claw ability he gains after defeating Clown man in Mega man 8. His color combo would be yellow and orange or maybe black.

  • For his forward throw he would kick his enemy forward. It would probably look like his forward tilt.
  • For his back throw he would plant a grenade, one that resembles the grenades he gains after killing Grenade man in Mega man 8, and toss his enemy behind him. The grenade would explode shortly after. He would change into a Grey and teal combo during this throw.
  • For his up throw he would throw his opponent in the air and quickly upper cut him/her.
  • For his down throw he would toss his opponent to the ground and shoot him with a charged shot, the size of the charge shot would probably be a mid charge.

  • And now for Mega man's final smash. I had many ideas for this one but the one that made the most sense would be he uses the ability he gains from killing Astro man in Mega man 8 and Rockman and Forte. He would jump in the air slightly, change his colors into a purple/violet combo and rain down giant meteors onto his enemies. He of course would be invincible during this time since in the games he was invincible while using this attack.
Well, there you have it. I'm pretty sure I covered everything. Feel free to toss in ideas or simply flame me. I'm sure I'll post a Mega man X move set if I am bored enough in the future since I personally think that X would fit in better with the rest of the Brawl cast. Also my color combinations for his moves are most likley off since I haven't played those games in awhile. Feel free to correct me.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
@Koji123-your moveset has no mega buster. that automatically makes me not like it. A for effort though..
****. I heard that cold shoulder all the way in the Ridley thread, Bluebomber.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
-insert moveset just posted here-
I dont like the idea of the B move being similar to bowser's, it should just be the mega/X buster.

his buster gun would be chargable, but he can move WHILE charging it, samus has to charge then move.

you kinda based his moveset a little to much of of samus with your comparisons, we want to avoid similarity.:ohwell:


Smash Cadet
Nov 13, 2007
Santa cruz, California
Of course he has his M buster. Its just that some of my idea's involved him using his buster in a different way. Also, I did give him an M buster AND a charge up. I just didn't want it to be similar to Samus' charge up ability. As far as his A attacks are concerned I did mention his M buster.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
I think Megaman would be a good addition to Brawl. I would like to see either the Original or X version, I think both are alright. And if he could have a partner, I think Zero would be most suited in his original version. I haven't really thought about his attacks. I imagine they would be similar to Samus.

Megaman for Brawl


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2006
Chesterfield, Michigan
The guest list

I just looked at the translated anniversary site. These were the special guests (try to make out the names as best as you can. The translator wasn't the greatest)

Special guests are these people.

- Executive producer Inefne Keiji
- Writer of "Lock man X" comic series Hiroshi of Iwamoto
- Teacher Hitoshi of writer Ariga of comic "Lock man remix" and "Roccmammegamiccs"
- Writer of comic "Lock man 8" and "Lock man & forte" Teacher of Detski of ..crowding.. ー


Smash Cadet
Nov 13, 2007
Santa cruz, California
-insert moveset just posted here-
I dont like the idea of the B move being similar to bowser's, it should just be the mega/X buster.

his buster gun would be chargable, but he can move WHILE charging it, samus has to charge then move.

you kinda based his moveset a little to much of of samus with your comparisons, we want to avoid similarity.:ohwell:
I only compared him to Samus on some attacks. When these similarites did appear I had alternate moves he could use(well at least for some of his moves). I also wanted these ideas to be different from what most people would think so I wouldn't sound like a broken record, "Mega man should have a charge shot." I was trying to come up with newer, fresher ideas. Thats all.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
I just looked at the translated anniversary site. These were the special guests (try to make out the names as best as you can. The translator wasn't the greatest)

Special guests are these people.

- Executive producer Inefne Keiji
- Writer of "Lock man X" comic series Hiroshi of Iwamoto
- Teacher Hitoshi of writer Ariga of comic "Lock man remix" and "Roccmammegamiccs"
- Writer of comic "Lock man 8" and "Lock man & forte" Teacher of Detski of ..crowding.. ー
Who the hell is this Lock Man? :chuckle:

Gotta be careful with the 'R's and 'L's when translating from Japanese.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
Looking for our princess in another castle.
I'm sorry, but your moveset just seems a tad...non-Mega Man. I personally don't think he should use punches and kicks. Rather, he should use hi RM weapons. And not just the ones from MM8 and MMB. Plus, there's the whole Mega-Buster thing. A tip: Brawl already has a good number of sword users, it even has two hammer users! Having two characters with blasters is ok.

Welcome to the boards!

EDIT: When does this event end?


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
I just looked at the translated anniversary site. These were the special guests (try to make out the names as best as you can. The translator wasn't the greatest)

Special guests are these people.

- Executive producer Inefne Keiji
- Writer of "Rock man X" comic series Hiroshi of Iwamoto
- Teacher Hitoshi of writer Ariga of comic "Rock man remix" and "Roccmammegamiccs"
- Writer of comic "Rock man 8" and "Rock man & forte" Teacher of Detski of ..crowding.. ー
lol a translation of a translation.
this tells me there was a guy from the X series and classic series there, but I still want more info.


Smash Cadet
Nov 13, 2007
Santa cruz, California
I'm sorry, but your moveset just seems a tad...non-Mega Man. I personally don't think he should use punches and kicks. Rather, he should use hi RM weapons. And not just the ones from MM8 and MMB. Plus, there's the whole Mega-Buster thing. A tip: Brawl already has a good number of sword users, it even has two hammer users! Having two characters with blasters is ok.

Welcome to the boards!

EDIT: When does this event end?
Well one of the reasons I pulled most of his B moves from MM8 and MMB is because those are some of the few original Mega man games that I played. I did mention in my move set post that I perfer MMX over the original and that if Mega man were to get in Brawl his X counter part would fit in much better with the rest of the Brawl cast. I also said that when I think Mega man I think pew pew laser guns( not exacly as I said it in my original post) and that if It were possible for all his attacks, A button attacks as well, would come from his M buster. But since Samus, a character who only fought with long ranged attacks in her games had( and still does) attacks that were punch and kick based in smash bros, giving Mega man punch and kick attacks for his A button moves isn't to far off. As far as giving him a charge up you did make a good point. There is more than one character with a sword and more than one character with a hammer, and the way his charge up would work would be completely different from the way Samus' works. But like I said in my response to Error, I was trying to think of something that was outside the box, that is all. Hell, if Mega man did have a charged shot I wouldn't be against it.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
Well one of the reasons I pulled most of his B moves from MM8 and MMB is because those are some of the few original Mega man games that I played. I did mention in my move set post that I perfer MMX over the original and that if Mega man were to get in Brawl his X counter part would fit in much better with the rest of the Brawl cast. I also said that when I think Mega man I think pew pew laser guns( not exacly as I said it in my original post) and that if It were possible for all his attacks, A button attacks as well, would come from his M buster. But since Samus, a character who only fought with long ranged attacks in her games had( and still does) attacks that were punch and kick based in smash bros, giving Mega man punch and kick attacks for his A button moves isn't to far off. As far as giving him a charge up you did make a good point. There is more than one character with a sword and more than one character with a hammer, and the way his charge up would work would be completely different from the way Samus' works. But like I said in my response to Error, I was trying to think of something that was outside the box, that is all. Hell, if Mega man did have a charged shot I wouldn't be against it.
Im going to go ahead and say megaman can be THE MOST versitile character out there hands down. he can have sword fighting (Z-saber if X), his mega/X buster gun with all its great bonuses, copy abilities(if incorperated), possible team ups for every form, ect. so I wouldnt worry too much about his moveset, but his B move has to be the mega/Xbuster, that is the most basic requirement to me.


Smash Cadet
Nov 13, 2007
Santa cruz, California
Thats fine. He can have his Mega/X buster. I was just thinking of newer stuff! AHH!! *head explodes* And I do agree with you on his versitility. He can do almost anything! If his copy ability was used he would be very very crazy.
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