nah tutu I'll wreck you and I know you know it.
. I'm really of the opinion that you all messed up by saying the Lexington Ranbats would count for this if you were just going to doubleback and say "they don't count enough" and then use it as reasoning to bring Judo down.
1. Ralph Cecil
2. Mister Eric
3. Shadowphoenix
Inactive: Everybody else
The way you worded this makes it sound like that's a bad thing. Let me reword this to make it sound fantastic for myself instead. Judo and I outplaced every other Kentucky player at a large regional. You can't say me doing as well as him counts against him, it counts for me. And then the rest of your reasoning is his lack of results. That's the given reason I was listed as an HM last year, although I was clearly better than that. I don't have a good counter argument for "lack of results" other than it's stupidHis one out of state tournament, his results looked roughly on the same level as S2's. Outside of that, he only had the Lexington Ranbats, in which he did win both, but again, he only played people within his city.
It shouldn't take you that long. Judo, Kero, and myself will in all likelyhood be inactives for that because the season is, as it stands, literally 3 months long. Now that we're not counting the LexiRanbats, will KY even have a local tourney in that time?Also, for the next PR, expect it to be released much faster. Hopefully by May 4th, but if not, then by May 11th.
I'm inclined to agree. Except that if we expand the requirements for this, we're going to end up with a PR of something likeYour requirement is 3 tournaments which is more then ours, if you feel that's not enough to show consistency you need to expand the requirement. He came and won the requirements beating both of those that you put above him.
1. Ralph Cecil
2. Mister Eric
3. Shadowphoenix
Inactive: Everybody else