Uhh, well that was an anti climactic way to end this. GGs man, everytime I see your movement with your characters it reminds me of how slow Kirby is lol. I dont know if you could tell, but those couple of times you went Puff, I kept trying to go for the style than just straight up kill you on those missed Rests for some reason. My arrogance is too great!

. Then who was that, Blazer? Too bad i didnt get to get his FC so I could brawl him more often. I wonder if he knew that was me? Some of those matches I just got straight bodied, like my Marth and Peach lol. Then the teams... hilarious. We all couldnt figure out which team we were supposed to be on, then once we got a team we DC... lmao.
Good facing you again, we need to do some more some other time b4 May. Every time I play good people I can feel my Kirby growing in power. I still dont think Im as good as I was before I made the CV tho. About 90% there imo. I might drop Peach lol, I thought I was good with her.