*salt salt salt*
Just kidding, good games, Cons! Though, missing that crucial second Rest on that last game was pretty heart-breaking.
It was going pretty well aside from random input lag, but then dang, the game practically played out in slow motion for a few games. xD Man, I can't get that DK. Sometimes I get in and let Jiggs do cool stuff with Rest, and sometimes I get walled out and combo'd into oblivion. On a side note, Troll-out is actually hilarious for covering get ups, so much better than in Brawl.
Also, I hope you didn't mind my little tech-chasing game, lol. It has to be the most fun thing about Project M for me besides landing Rests (best thing ever, period), so I went a little overboard when we were messing around.
It's been fun, let's play again sometime.