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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
falco vs sheik....

sheik wins. josh understands things. a thinking sheik isn't nearly as hopeless as people seem to believe. i think KK's statement has merit, and may even be true, but any one of those things cannot be followed up to the level of sheiks.


Deal with it
Mar 18, 2008
wilmington, North Carolina
shiek wins.

dash attack under laser, tope chase, trade laser ftilt (leads to death), standing needle, power shield laser grab, gimps, nair oos, cornering power.

Sheik has tons of advantages and getting opportunities with her is Dependant on the player... and not the character... It's not too easy but shiek def wins the match up option wise. 55/45 imo. Extremely winnable but not a free win

ace I don't know what your talking about, sheik has tons of ways to deal with falco bull**** and so does most of the top and high tier people in generally just don't know the match up. Yeah it's done when falco gets a read but in sheik's case it's done when... sheik gets a grab , sheik lands a tilt, sheik hits you. It's done in many situations.

Shout outs to people who think falco is easy, main the character and play vs. good people then realize how badly you get ****ed up off one opportunity and how hard you have to work in neutral because getting an opening is hard when people actually know how to deal with lasers. Also have fun being slow and getting cornered 60% of the time having to find creative ways out that might end up killing you. One bad move and it's done, vs a lot of characters and the combos are a bit effortless depending on who your playing against.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
like ganon. lulz. that char is too easy sometimes.

dair. fair. *tech on platform* uair. profit.


falco controls horizontals, sheik controls diagonals (and horizontals if you really let her...). put sheik on battlefield and watch the needles fly.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Sheiks ftilt is overrated. You can CC it until like 50/60.

Sheik's pros:
Good PS game (lots of options out of it and her's is easy to do)
Grab often leads to death
She stays in the air for a long time so it's harder to shut her down with lasers
Aerials come out on like frame 3 so she can trade lasers for fairs/nairs unless they're spaced perfectly
Great gimp game
Needles can potentially make the falco approach you

Falco's Pros:
Much easier for Falco to establish a position on the level (lasers, sheik's air time)
At low percents you can CC sheik's aerials unless they are perfectly spaced (and sheik will often not have the opportunity to perfectly space them because falco is controlling space with lasers)
Great combos
Bair ***** sheiks from below

I personally think the matchup is pretty even. Who's easier to play overall really depends on the matchup. I think people complain about sheik's ease of play moreso than they do falco's, but I really think both are just as unwarranted. Sheik's hard to play. Everyone is. Even though sheik might have simple combos, she has to think about position a lot more than some characters do (at least more than they do at mid level play). Due to her high shorthop, she kind of gets stuck in the air and can get ***** for it. Knowing when to jump is really important with her. It's kind of like she completely ***** certain spaces around her, but is completely open from others, to a much larger extent than other high tier characters.


Deal with it
Mar 18, 2008
wilmington, North Carolina
Every character is hard in someway. I wish people would stop trying to knock people's mains down. Just play who you want and deal with it your strengths and weaknesses

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina


I like this quote


Sheik thinks Falco's easy. Everyone else thinks Sheik's easy. Everyone that plays this game that doesn't play either thinks both are easy. weoooooo

i kind of view Falco as the Phoenix of this game. he sets the pace of the matches really well and a solid one is hard to get in on. also, the longer you keep him alive, the worst it is for you.

For the most part, you aren't going to outdo him in the damage output department so your best bet is hit him and make it count(ie, snap phoenix in and kill her before you get five meters = gimping falco before he lands a dair, utilt, etc).

the only difference is with Pheonix, the storm comes at the end of the match where she has 5 meters. with falco, the storm is whenever you're not hitting him.

thankfully, he has the ability to be killed soon or else he'd really be a problem.

Mind you, I'm terrible at this game. XD
Sets the pace of matches because people can't handle him. Falco can get his own pace set but it requires a different mindset(much like puff before....anyone?).

Falco gets hard comboed and is an amazing combo weight. HDL's link was almost consistently 0-deathing me harder than I could combo him......

There are just so many things falco can do that sheik has absolutely no control over, its basically auto win when falco gets a read. gt


Fox and Falco definitely both die around the same point give or take. Fox is lighter(slightly) but has a better(slightly) recovery. but they both more or less fall for the same edgeguard gimmicks.

either way, Fox and falco are kinda two sides of the same coin. they more or less die to the same things but offensively they are different, anyways.
Fox can camp with lasers and Bairs. Falco can play defensive but his camp game is meh since combos have more emphasis now. That and he's slow. Fox is also fast so he's hard to keep up with and follow along with when reading. Falco is hopping up and down shooting lasers or looking at you waiting for mistakes. Fox has a useful DD.

shiek wins.

dash attack under laser, tope chase, trade laser ftilt (leads to death), standing needle, power shield laser grab, gimps, nair oos, cornering power.

Sheik has tons of advantages and getting opportunities with her is Dependant on the player... and not the character... It's not too easy but shiek def wins the match up option wise. 55/45 imo. Extremely winnable but not a free win

ace I don't know what your talking about, sheik has tons of ways to deal with falco bull**** and so does most of the top and high tier people in generally just don't know the match up. Yeah it's done when falco gets a read but in sheik's case it's done when... sheik gets a grab , sheik lands a tilt, sheik hits you. It's done in many situations.

Shout outs to people who think falco is easy, main the character and play vs. good people then realize how badly you get ****ed up off one opportunity and how hard you have to work in neutral because getting an opening is hard when people actually know how to deal with lasers. Also have fun being slow and getting cornered 60% of the time having to find creative ways out that might end up killing you. One bad move and it's done, vs a lot of characters and the combos are a bit effortless depending on who your playing against.
we're gonna get such a good rep.

Sheiks ftilt is overrated. You can CC it until like 50/60.

Sheik's pros:
Good PS game (lots of options out of it and her's is easy to do)
Grab often leads to death
She stays in the air for a long time so it's harder to shut her down with lasers
Aerials come out on like frame 3 so she can trade lasers for fairs/nairs unless they're spaced perfectly
Great gimp game
Needles can potentially make the falco approach you

Falco's Pros:
Much easier for Falco to establish a position on the level (lasers, sheik's air time)
At low percents you can CC sheik's aerials unless they are perfectly spaced (and sheik will often not have the opportunity to perfectly space them because falco is controlling space with lasers)
Great combos
Bair ***** sheiks from below

I personally think the matchup is pretty even. Who's easier to play overall really depends on the matchup. I think people complain about sheik's ease of play moreso than they do falco's, but I really think both are just as unwarranted. Sheik's hard to play. Everyone is. Even though sheik might have simple combos, she has to think about position a lot more than some characters do (at least more than they do at mid level play). Due to her high shorthop, she kind of gets stuck in the air and can get ***** for it. Knowing when to jump is really important with her. It's kind of like she completely ***** certain spaces around her, but is completely open from others, to a much larger extent than other high tier characters.
Falco can't control space well on a Sheik that truly plays gay. Platforms and needles. Diagonals>>>>horizontals+slow movement speed forever. Twitch knows.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Falco can't control space well on a Sheik that truly plays gay. Platforms and needles. Diagonals>>>>horizontals+slow movement speed forever. Twitch knows.

I dunno. . . Bair and lasers combined are pretty good for controlling space. I did forget to add in though that level positioning is much less important for her than it is for other characters.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
falco might be the best character, but he's not very easy to play at all.

mid level marth on the other hand...lol.

edit: but really though, it takes a lot to be good no matter who you play (unless its ganon), so yeah...stuff.

double edit: yo i saw that match too. falco can pressure and then combo into ragequit on like the 3rd stock. ***** is definitely OP.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Bryan: Yeah, all that stuff. I don't even explain or argue match ups here anymore because no one listens or believe me. haha

Kevin: Sheik platform camping with diagonal needles on BF. Fffffffffffff

And to everything else you said....yeeeeeee

EDIT: Chris, it's definitely hard to be a top player with Ganon. He hits hard and he can live a long time with good DI and stage choices, but he can get shut down if you aren't on point....and anyone who is considered to be a high/top player definitely will be on point (hence why they deserve to be called "Pros").

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I dunno. . . Bair and lasers combined are pretty good for controlling space. I did forget to add in though that level positioning is much less important for her than it is for other characters.
If it's YS or the opponent is trying to approach(doesn't happen much anymore), then yeah Bair is more useful there. Otherwise it's merely a mildly threatening tool that Sheik can avoid by going to the other platform or needling or going through the platform and then hitting you(depends on the positioning Falco uses Bair for).


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Bryan: Yeah, all that stuff. I don't even explain or argue match ups here anymore because no one listens or believe me. haha

Kevin: Sheik platform camping with diagonal needles on BF. Fffffffffffff

And to everything else you said....yeeeeeee

EDIT: Chris, it's definitely hard to be a top player with Ganon. He hits hard and he can live a long time with good DI and stage choices, but he can get shut down if you aren't on point....and anyone who is considered to be a high/top player definitely will be on point (hence why they deserve to be called "Pros").
I don't know the whole story with PC Chris but I know he mained Ganon for 3 years and then he switched to Falco and then Fox. And then won tournaments... mmm.. lol.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
mind you, i wasn't calling either character cheap or easy. it's a stupid argument that shouldn't be relevant at all but some people still enjoy arguing about ease-of-use even though the game's been out for ten years.



Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
but ganon mains have no tech skill. all we have to do is punish a mistake and profit. falco mains have to actually have skill and push buttons and combo. we just have to think about what buttons you're gonna push and then hit like 2 buttons and you're dead.

ganon 2 good.


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I don't know the whole story with PC Chris but I know he mained Ganon for 3 years and then he switched to Falco and then Fox. And then won tournaments... mmm.. lol.
That was not 3 years LOL more like his first one or mayyybe two years playing.

Also he improved as a player during that time too so it makes sense that those characters would only show that better.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
awww here it goes.
Let's just say the stupidity and laziness of people baffles me. For example, I tell people there is going to be a weekly at Foonzo Cafe. And then they say where's Foonzo? And then I think is it that ****ing hard to type Foonzo on google? God... internet has everything!!

Edit: Or even when you are trying to pass by someone that is walking slower than you, can't you tell that there is someone behind you? Where are you right now? ****KKK, I'm raging so hard at these people!!


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
really though, you gotta buffer that **** or else you gotta go through the whole process of pounding them before the rest. God forbid they make it to a platform. then you have to techchase, as if jiggs can even do that.

in other news, i think its about time NC became falcon country again. discuss.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
I was strongly considering going all Falcon this weekend. I was doing some super hot stuff with him last night vs Chris and Lucas. I love shuffled first hit of the Nair going through them -> land right behind them and immediately pivot/DD to grab.

Also, Falcon's Uair is still my favorite move in the game. <3

EDIT: I love playing Falcon (or Falco) dittos with Kevin. Everything happens soooo fast.

EDIT2: Kevin, MM me in Douglas J fisticuffs?


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Yeah, Falcon vs Spacies or Sheik is fun in friendlies. Much less so in tourney. :[

And Falcon dittos with Kevin/Adam/Yay are something else. Sooo much fun. I get kinda bored with them after a while otherwise.

Kevin: Why won't you accept my money match request? Are you afraid?
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