Smash Champion
Id really prefer it if u gave an instance where either my or dj's arguments have not been supported. I supported all of my points with a quote of yours and then proceeded to give a plethora of examples and real-life examples to support my points and claims.Hahaha, you're mad and it's funny.
Let's just take this one step at a time as well then.
As I have said, ONCE AGAIN, the panel should listen to the people and try to at least revisit any questionable issues. There is no need for a revolution though if the panel is willing to be understanding and take a little time to respond to people.
Sarcasm in serious discussions is fun huh!!?!!!??!!?
Okay I honestly don't know what your next point was about because you just bolded pronouns and sounded mad. I guess you want everyone to have the same valued opinion and you think democracy ***** for PR panels, which is backwards logic because the panel has to have a higher authority than the people in order to keep their lists final.
Wow theo, I'm going to break some of this down again.
I. Like. Feedback. Feedback is good. I am glad you all have expressed your opinions. Let's get that out of they way right now. And let's remember it.
NOW THEN, just because you all disagree with what has happened and have brought it to the attention of the panel, doesn't mean that you should at least get a fair response from them or try to overthrow them. I have said that I will talk to all of the panelists and determine what went wrong here, and if it seriously looks like a panelist is unqualified/unfitting of a second chance from that point onward, then I will not hesitate to tell him so and work on getting a replacement for him.
Don't put more words in my mouth(regarding DJ at this point). Actually, that's probably my entire response to this it looks like, but I'm going to keep working through this.
Rofl back up your arguments please.
So it's my job to defend every panelist now? Questionable light has only been brought onto Foxy, so your only beef should be with him. Regardless of what you think, Foxy does a pretty good job gathering, organizing, AND interpreting the data.
This isn't about government. This isn't a society. This is a panel that views data and listens to the people when questionable decisions are made. Does it really have to be harder than that?
You said you liked to listen to popular opinion, and emphasized it, which made me think you might listen to them too much, though equally may have been overdoing it.
Forgive me but I can't even read your next to last last paragraph without wincing. It's mostly a rehash of your disapproval anyway.
It honestly seems like an unnecessary position. It's like we can't trust the panel to do its job so we need a guy to make sure the list looks well enough to put out to the public. That just feels like the panel isn't taken seriously at that point, and honestly it's probably embarrassing. You're leaving soon anyway so I'm not sure why it bothers you so much, but I guess I probably came off a little too harshly since I didn't like the campaigning so it's whatever. My bad for being mean in my response I guess.
Edit: nvm fixed the text.
In a democracy, the government DOES have more authority than the people. Again, Locke's theory of government: the people give up some autonomy so that the elected governing body will have the power to make prudent decisions for the good of everyone.
Its funny how you juxtaposed this:
"Don't put more words in my mouth(regarding DJ at this point). Actually, that's probably my entire response to this it looks like, but I'm going to keep working through this.
Rofl back up your arguments please. "
when you gave no instance of my putting words in your mouth OR me not backing up my arguments. All I have done is exploit flaws in your own logic with quotes coming only from you in each instance.
"This isn't a society"
so·ci·e·ty [suh-sahy-i-tee] Show IPA noun,plural-ties, adjective
an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.
a body of individuals living as members of a community; community.
The whole u mad thing is funny, but again, u provided no justification for that either, lmao; how am i mad again?