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The ~New~ SWF GYM! Newbies and New Years Resolution Peeps Wanted!


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
What do you mean by "protect"? Knee braces or wraps? Or are you referring more to form?
Was talking wraps. Kinda assumed you'd have decent form since you've been working out a while.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I used to wear an sleeve that was open patella. Helped quite a bit. After digging it up after a few years, turns out it no longer fits around my knee anymore xD.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
I use to be 300+ pounds. I got down to 176 then currently I stopped going to the gym now I'm at 206ish.

My goal is to get into shape. I'm pretty doughy irl. I suck at the gym to. Get sick of it after a while. btw I'm a dude.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
its directed towards a specific type of "running" which seems more like jogging/speedwalking. seems like an interesting topic though

on another note, I remember seething this topic around when I just started lifting seriously last January, and not wanting to post in it because I was ashamed of where I was physically. Likewise, I initially hated going to the gym because I felt weak, knew I was week, and felt that I would be judged for lifting light as **** weights with awful form. I actually had to wrestle with the idea of skipping gym every time it came up, but I'm lucky that I have 2 excellent friends (coincidentally also smashers) that dragged my ass there every time. Now, 1.5 years later, its become obvious that very few people at the gym, if any at all, will judge you negatively for wanting to improve yourself at the gym; not to mention nobody has time for that kind of ****. Progress also has helped with confidence, but I've still got such a long ways to go before I can hit the goals that I've laid out for myself. It's definitely always exciting to see people wanting to start working out now, and being able to play a part in getting them started on their physical fitness journey or whatnot.

So truck on, get to the gym, and crush that weight!

Swole at Every Height: The GZCL Method for Powerlifting

What do people think about this? I've recently started a 6 day split and have been trying to implement his philosophy into my workout, with some decent results thus far. Guy's numbers are ****ing impressive for the brief period of time that he's been lifting.

Wow never thought this thread would exist, congrats guys!

Well my story is that Ive always been skinny, but Ive always workout ( sprinting, jogging, sometimes going to the Gym or doing exersise @ home) But ive never been to consistent.

At least I dont have shame on taking my shirt at the beach cause Im some what ripped ;)

But Im tired of being skinny Im 6'1'' - 6'2'' and only weight 140

My first goal is to reach 160, do you recomend using specifics products like protein shakes and stuff like that??

Also they've told me to eat at least 4 times a day, I saw someone who posted he consumed 3,500 calories daily, how do you keep count?

I would like help on diet, at least I can cook :) Also Im from Puerto Rico we eat a lot of Rice & Beans , does that help? Heard beans are good protein source, but Rice isnt.

My workout schedule is the following

Mon: Chest
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Shoulders and trapezius muscle??
Thursday Biceps and triceps
Friday: Back ( espalda in spanish, dont know if said this correctly )

Should I try to combine more muscules during the week? That way I exersise them twice a week?

Please any help and tip I would be gratefull
I'd suggest doing something like Starting Strength or Stronglifts until you linear gains peter out, which should take anywhere from 3 - 6 months, after which you can move on to a more intermediate program. Make sure you do the big compound lifts for each respective day: Bench on Chest day, Squats on Leg day, Deadlift on back day, and OHP on shoulders/arms or something like that. Basically compound lifts are ownage cause they train all of your muscles; also I wouldn't worry too much about accessories till later after your noobgains (linear gains) taper off and you can't progress linearly anymore.

about diet: Make sure you get enough protein, which should be approx 1 gram per pound of bodyweight. This is where whey protein really helps; chicken is also a fairly cheap source of protein that is simple to prepare. You can just cook a whole week's worth at a time, and freeze/refrigerate what you don't immediately need. Milk is also really helpful for hitting your caloric goals for the day, and its a decent source of proteins and fats. Beans + rice are awesome though, keep eating that stuff, cause you're going to need some carbs to power your body when you're burning through that much energy. When I'm bulking (as I still am now), I try to eat at least 4000 calories day, and its not uncommon for me to hit 5-6k.

lastly MAKE SURE YOU GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Resting + eating is how you get your gains!

following this basic stuff saw me go from 5'10 130 to 150 in that period of time, even though I tore my shoulder in september :(


Sep 30, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
Every time I see someone mentioning isolated workouts or using machines, I cringe.

Everyone should just do 5x5 or starting strength, then do something more intermediate when they stop hitting consistent strength gains.

Sent from my Event using Tapatalk 2


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Nothing wrong with machines. I see them as a great tool for beginners, and those trying to feel their way around a new exercise.


Sep 30, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
Wrong. Machines put you in unnatural positions and are biased. Beginners should always lift the regulation Olympic bar without weights.

5x5 has a lot of information on why machines are Garbo.

Sent from my Event using Tapatalk 2


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I feel like there was a discussion about this some pages back that I'm too lazy to pull up. Not disagreeing that free weights and compound movements are better. I even recommend exercises like Starting Strength to beginners. However, I also do remember reading there being some benefits to machines.


Sep 30, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
I feel like there was a discussion about this some pages back that I'm too lazy to pull up. Not disagreeing that free weights and compound movements are better. I even recommend exercises like Starting Strength to beginners. However, I also do remember reading there being some benefits to machines.
Any benefits to machines are severely outweighed by the cons, and the significant benefits of free weights.

Sent from my Event using Tapatalk 2


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
imo beginners should just stick to the compound lifts and not even bother with any isolation till they're at least at an intermediate level


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
I completed my 2nd Marathon (Glass City) today. It was a lot of fun and I'm already in the mood for another next year. I'm anxious to get into training for it for a much improved time; for today I went 4:10:09. My current Marathon PR is 3:30:27 from 2011. I did terrible this year in training for this, and for that reason it kicked my butt, especially between miles 17-23 where I felt like I was dragging a piano. I got what I deserved, and I actually feel like I performed better than I deserved based on terrible training.

I've already got a 2 month plan in place beginning in May and am ready to get started. Next year I badly want to go under 3:00:00 and I know I can do it if I train correctly with enthusiasm. I lacked it over the past 6-8 months, but the Glass City Marathon today brought it back. I'll start keeping a log of my runs on a weekly basis. Who knows, maybe others who run on here as well will do the same and we can help one another out, just like we do with weight-lifting. Are there quite a bit of runners on this forum?

I also intend to train for other races that are long overdue for a PR, such as my:
5k (17:33 on 7/14/2007)
10 Miler (1:05:47 on 1/8/2012).
1/2 Marathon (Never ran one. I will do one this Fall or next Spring.)

Other records I would like, but likely won't get are:
400: (61.4 seconds on 3/29/2005)
800: (2:12.6 on 4/29/2005)
1 Mile: (5:11 on 4/22/2006)
2 Mile: (11:14 on 5/20/2006)

Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
Heya droogs. An update:

I can now squat with 35lb on each side. Working on 40lb now.
Benchpressing 20lb on each side now but I'm working on 25lb now.
Deadlifting 50lb on each side.
Still need to work on overhead, seems to be where I lack.

I also need to learn some dumbell routines. Still though, my legs have never looked better.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Keep it up! Nice to see those steady gains. Be sure to take some "before" and "after" pics lol.

When your abs are sore...sneezing is the worst...


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I need to buy straps for shrugs. =/


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2011
Roanoke, VA
doing a 5k this weekend. cant get any outside running done because it may rain all week :(

and running on a treadmill gets boring for me after 10 minutes :/


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
A friend of the family lives in an apartment complex where the gym has TVs.

It remember running the treadmill watching an episode of Smallville in 2002. Good times.


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
doing a 5k this weekend. cant get any outside running done because it may rain all week :(

and running on a treadmill gets boring for me after 10 minutes :/
Good luck on your 5k this weekend. I'll be running some 5k's this summer myself. My first likely won't be until July.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
After 9 months...I only drop 1% in BF ;_;. Also, I was probably weighing 162, given the fact I was starving >_>. But yeah, I need to find ways to drop that BF and put on 10 lbs.



Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
I noticed that my dress shirts that I wear to work now hug me around the chest and stomach more. I haven't gained any weight. The only thing different in my life is that I do A LOT more deadlifts and squats and I superset pushups in between every exercise. Would these exercises explain my results?

Also I can finally do pull ups. =)


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
congrats, NKB! isn't a great feeling to be able to do pullups? i remember last year when i could do sets of 8...

well, i'm definitely getting back on track. two weeks ago i started working out for serious again. no school, only work so i know i can handle it. the first week, i skipped one day. the second week, i skipped two days. this week, i didn't skip any days! yay! and i'm also doing bikram yoga every sunday. it's seriously spiritual for me. it's like going to church haha. oh, and i also am doing a "nofap challenge." no fapping for me until i find a nice warm cave to settle in lololol. i'm on day 7 and i feel great!


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2011
Roanoke, VA
I walked 40 mins home from work for the past 3 days to make up for being unable to go to the gym in the past 2 weeks.


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
On Saturday I did a 1600m, 400m, and 100m time trial on a track. It was fun running these again since I haven't done an all out run for these since high school. 1600m was 6:00, 400m was 1:10, and the 100m was 16.16. I'm going to do an 800m time trial soon as well. The 800m hurts the most.


The Depraved Optimist
Jun 23, 2012
San Marcos, Texas
This thread is so motivational!

Decided to get fit last year.I was 180 pounds and now I'm 135 pounds! Running is the best way to lose weight plus I can eat more because I'm burning all the food off! I'm not really going for a six pack or big arms, I want practical muscles! Plus I don't think I could starve myself or lift weights everyday.

So like, how often and far do yall run?I was able to run 10 miles everyday in winter doing each mile in 7 to 8 minutes, but now that it's Summer in Texas I feel like my flesh is melting and can only go 4 miles max, and it takes me like 10 minutes each mile! Now I'm just doing crunches and pushups indoors...I don't like weights...


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
This thread is so motivational!

Decided to get fit last year.I was 180 pounds and now I'm 135 pounds! Running is the best way to lose weight plus I can eat more because I'm burning all the food off! I'm not really going for a six pack or big arms, I want practical muscles! Plus I don't think I could starve myself or lift weights everyday.

So like, how often and far do yall run?I was able to run 10 miles everyday in winter doing each mile in 7 to 8 minutes, but now that it's Summer in Texas I feel like my flesh is melting and can only go 4 miles max, and it takes me like 10 minutes each mile! Now I'm just doing crunches and pushups indoors...I don't like weights...
Nice work getting down from 180 to 135 Ibs! I have no idea what that must feel like, but it must be awesome. From 2005-2012 I was always at 150 pounds give or take 2-5 Ibs over and under. I now weight 160, but a part of that might be from lifting weights a little bit more than usual. I kind of doubt it because I have not been running the way I used to and my eating habits haven't been the greatest.

That is cool you love to run. Running is my favorite hobby. I have been itching to get back into a nice running routine so I can get back into the prime running shape I was once in. For the last 2 years I've been basically off and on with it, and it has been agitating to notice my running ability slipping. It's been my own self-destruction more than anything because I've let dumb things get in the way. If you've read my posts from the beginning of 2013 you can see how I've started out decent and then dropped off the map. I even screwed myself up by not training much after running the Glass City Marathon on April 28th.

The 2nd half of 2013 has me very inspired, and I'm going to be in a running routine starting July 1st. I'm craving to break all my running records in the 400m, 800m, 1600m, 3200m, 5k, 10 Mile, and Marathon (I've never ran a straight up Half-Marathon, but I'm going to on August 31st this year.) This June I ran time trials on the track in the 400m, 800m, 1600m and 3200m and had a lot of fun doing so. It just felt great running these again after neglecting them since basically the end of my senior year of high school in 2006. I was also way off my PR's in these distances. I have a goal to break my PR in all these distances by 12/31/2014. Here is how they went:

400m: 6/15/2013: 1:10.00
6/22/2013: 1:09.70ish (Just glanced at watch after crossing finish line.)
6/28/2013: 1:09.30ish (Just glanced at watch after crossing finish line.)
PR: 1:01.9 on 3/29/2005

800m: 6/22/2013: 2:38.00
PR: 2:12.6 on 4/29/2005

1600m: 6/15/2013: 6:00.00
PR: 5:11.00 on 4/22/2006

3200m: 6/28/2013: 12:51.00
PR: 11:14.00 on 5/20/2006

I also got away from lifting. I've got friends and family members who lift, and they are doing well getting stronger. I don't want to get left behind, but more importantly I just want to be stronger myself because I'm scrawny. My cousin showed me some nice free-weight exercises about a week ago. I implemented them a few times and it feels great in terms of working chest, back, and arm muscles.

I apologize for the long post and going on about myself. I just got very inspired, and because July 1st officially starts the 2nd half of the year, I want to just state what I want to do. I wish I knew where the collapse tag is so I could condense this post.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
Dude. Idk what the **** to do. I go to the gym three times a week and swim six times a week. I'm putting up more weight on a few of my lifts, but I'm not really noticing a difference in my overall physique and it's ****ing infuriating. I personally think I eat pretty well. I eat three meals a day, with Eggs and high-protein meats such as Chicken always being staples in my diet. I eat Yogurt, Peanut Butter, Bananas and all kinds of other great food. I drink two protein shakes a day (granted I only drink 8 oz shakes, but it's still 20g per 8 oz). I drink Milk. I'm starting to get really annoyed. I literally have the most simple, little goals and I can't ****ing reach them. I'm 145 pounds and I want to be over 150 pounds. That's all I ****ing want. I also can't go above 70 on my incline bench. I've tried stretching, less sets, everything.

Sorry for rage and bad grammar. If anyone could shed light on this, it would be amazing.


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
Dude. Idk what the **** to do. I go to the gym three times a week and swim six times a week. I'm putting up more weight on a few of my lifts, but I'm not really noticing a difference in my overall physique and it's ****ing infuriating. I personally think I eat pretty well. I eat three meals a day, with Eggs and high-protein meats such as Chicken always being staples in my diet. I eat Yogurt, Peanut Butter, Bananas and all kinds of other great food. I drink two protein shakes a day (granted I only drink 8 oz shakes, but it's still 20g per 8 oz). I drink Milk. I'm starting to get really annoyed. I literally have the most simple, little goals and I can't ****ing reach them. I'm 145 pounds and I want to be over 150 pounds. That's all I ****ing want. I also can't go above 70 on my incline bench. I've tried stretching, less sets, everything.

Sorry for rage and bad grammar. If anyone could shed light on this, it would be amazing.
I would think what you are doing would be beneficial towards what you want. I'm not sure how to help, but I'm sure someone on here will have some good advice.


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
Dude. Idk what the **** to do. I go to the gym three times a week and swim six times a week. I'm putting up more weight on a few of my lifts, but I'm not really noticing a difference in my overall physique and it's ****ing infuriating. I personally think I eat pretty well. I eat three meals a day, with Eggs and high-protein meats such as Chicken always being staples in my diet. I eat Yogurt, Peanut Butter, Bananas and all kinds of other great food. I drink two protein shakes a day (granted I only drink 8 oz shakes, but it's still 20g per 8 oz). I drink Milk. I'm starting to get really annoyed. I literally have the most simple, little goals and I can't ****ing reach them. I'm 145 pounds and I want to be over 150 pounds. That's all I ****ing want. I also can't go above 70 on my incline bench. I've tried stretching, less sets, everything.

Sorry for rage and bad grammar. If anyone could shed light on this, it would be amazing.

how long have you consistently been on the lifestyle you described?


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
Since september. The only difference is that I added a swimming and lifting session. I swim on Monday, Tuesday/Thursday morning and night, and Saturday morning.

I lift on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Eat more fruits and vegetables too, especially stuff like spinach.


Sep 30, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
For gains you should be eating a little differently. Lots of whole milk/cream/red meat.

Chicken and protein drinks are kinda low tier.

Fruit is inefficient. Its high in sugar and lower in fiber than foods like tree nuts, kale, collared greens, pinto and black beans, etc.

Sent from my SPH-L300 using Tapatalk 2


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals not found in the other stuff. Also sugars found in fruits are much better than other sources. You should be getting everything if you want to make gains, just stuffing your face with protein is only half the battle.

Also should be swimming less and lifting more, also the largest gains in mass come from back and leg exercsises, so squats, deadlifts, blah blah. Compound lifts in general are the way to go. High weight, low rep, maximum intensity.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals not found in the other stuff. Also sugars found in fruits are much better than other sources. You should be getting everything if you want to make gains, just stuffing your face with protein is only half the battle.

Also should be swimming less and lifting more, also the largest gains in mass come from back and leg exercsises, so squats, deadlifts, blah blah. Compound lifts in general are the way to go. High weight, low rep, maximum intensity.

Well, I'm a competitive swimmer, so swimming less is out of the question. How is Peanut Buttter as a food? I know that you want to maintain a diet of carbs, protein, and fat. So how is it?


Smash Cadet
Jan 9, 2010
Hey Guys, New poster here.

Quick Story: Been lifting weights for just shy of a year now. Always been athletic, not strong. Started with a friend who has been lifting for a couple years, so I had a good training partner. I have caught up to him in many lifts, although certain muscle groups are quite a bit stronger for him. I feel better than ever!

We started with a powerlifting hybrid routine, got tired of that and switched to German volume training. Volume training really helped with my legs. Right now, we are transitioning out of the volume training and going back to a powerlifting routine.

Our schedule now:
Monday: shoulders/bicep/tricep (I do spinning for 55 minutes, he doesn't)
Wednesday: chest/back (spinning)
Friday: legs/bicep/tricep
Sunday: chest/back

We also play racquetball a lot and randomly throughout the week.

Where I am at now (157 lb morning weight, just some stuff):
Chest: 200 lb barbell max, 95 lb dumbbell max, 6x5 75 lb dumbbell
Back: 320 lb deadlift max
Legs: 10x10 squats 190 lb, 5x10 leg press 450 lb
Bicep: 120 lb strict curl

Some of my goals:
Chest: 225 lb barbell maxa, 100lb dumbbell max
back: 350 deadlift
squat: look for a max (315???!), 225 for 10x10 squat (pretty far away)
Arms: 16 inch arms, 135 lb strict curl

Anyways, cool thread and thanks for reading. I'll come back and update this with progress.

Keep at it everybody, work hard and have fun.
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