Why'd you decide to quit?
Don't really enjoy the game anymore.
do u still play melee or 64 smash? do u play brawl+ or balanced brawl?
All of the above when I'm bored and in the mood.
do u play any other game competitively?
Everything I do, I do it competitively.
What would do if you saw your avatar in real life?
Probably die. I'd go crazy and make it think I was nuts if I didn't die.
What advantages and disadvantages do you see in never approaching?
Advantages? They approach more which is always better in this game. It pisses a lot of people off because if there's 5 minutes left and they have the lead, I still won't approach.
Disadvantages? If they're patient they win. I have to approach eventually if they have the lead and they're camping. :[
How often do you play brawl+?
As often as I play any other smash, so like once every few months?
How often do you go to tournaments for brawl+?
Once ever.
What do you do alone @ home to practice? (and I mean like watch vids or like jump into training to try stuff out)
Neither. I don't practice alone, there's no point. In Melee there was tech skill, the tech skill ceiling in Brawl is so low that I can get it all just from trying it in match.
What is the name Sudai stand for?
To me? It's something I made up when I was 10. It was for a forum role playing game. In reality? I'll answer next question
What language is it?
A number languages, but all translations involve sweat. Mostly in latin languages if you want to look some up.
Why did you chose it to be your Smash name?
I continued using it for logins, then eventually like 90% of the MMO's I played..so a lot of people already called me Sudai, so why not?
Do you, on occasion, sing in the shower?
No. I love humming though. I do that in the shower.
What is your controller setup when playing ROB?
Tap jump off. Nothing else.
Do you change this when you play other characters?
Tap jump back on for any character that seriously benefits from USmash/Up-B OoS.
How many gamecube controllers have you gone through just by playing Melee/Brawl?
A lot. At least 20-25. Not because I break them though. I keep losing them or they keep getting stolen. XD
Which do you prefer: Hard ice cream/frozen yogurt or soft ice cream?
Soft ice cream.
Do you have (or have you ever had) any pets?
I have a dog now. I had a few frogs I raised at one point too.
If so, please describe them in the form of haiku:
Petty oh Petty
How old will you live to be
Seventeen year old dog.
Frogger jump the road
Do not get hit, like the toad
Five more syllables.
Do you enjoy eating kettle-cooked chips over other brands of potato chips?
What is your least favorite color?
Depends on hue and intensity really. Puke green though. In any hue or intensity, it looks pretty bad...especially when someone decided to put that color on ROB. x.x
What is the name of the high school that you went to and what was its mascot?
2 high schools:
Hahnville High School - Tigers (Huge LSU rip off, used their fight songs and were even Purple/Gold)
Dutchtown High School - The Fighting Clogs. No really, the Griffins.
What is the name of the middle school that you went to and what was its mascot?
J.B. Martin Middle School. Bulldogs I think.
What is the name of the elementary school that you went to and what was its mascot?
Lakewood Elementary. Alligators
Mimosa Elementary. Dolphins
Have you ever owned a trampoline?
No. Best friend had one, I had the pool.
Boxers or briefs?
Briefs for comfort. Boxers when I'm planning to uhn ch uhn ch uhn ch.
If you have ever asked for Coke at a restaurant and gotten the response "Is Pepsi O.K.?" do you settle for Pepsi? If not, what beverage do you choose instead?
No. I don't even like Coke. I go Dr. Pepper >= Sprite > Lemonaid > Water
What are some of your career goals?
To be awesome. No real "career goals." I'm motivated enough to push myself without that and it sets me up for less disappointment/more surprise and excitement.
If you were to wear the Sorting Hat, which House would you be sorted into?
Slytherin probably. I have a lot of deep seated anger, aggression, and hatred I simply don't let out.
Do you eat a large breakfast? Regardless of this answer, what is your favorite cereal?
No. Trix and Lucky Charms
Which musical instruments, if any, do you play?
Trumpet, Guitar, Piano
Have you ever worn a toga?
When you were younger, did you ever search the grass outside to find a clover with four leaves?
What is your favorite fairy tale or bedtime story?
The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy. Little dog named Petty looking for a boy to own him. So cute. XD Consequently, named my dog after him.
Are you right-handed?
Without looking the answer up, if I told you that I had perogies for dinner, would you know what I was talking about?
Not at all.
There are three trees in a park, each of which is a different age. At this moment, the combined age of these trees totals exactly one thousand years. From the following information, please determine the age of each tree: When the youngest tree has reached the (current) age of the middle tree, the middle tree will be the (current) age of the oldest tree. The middle tree, at that time, will also be four times the current age of the youngest tree.
I'm on break and just woke up. Don't feel like doing this.
Do you have a favorite sports team? If so, what is it?
Dislike sports.
How do you prefer your burgers/steak/other meat or beef products?
Have you ever eaten escargot?
When you go trick-or-treating on Halloween and you see a closed door with no lights on and a bowl of candy on the front mat with a hastily scribbled note that says "take one" (and it is clear that nobody else is around), do you only take one?
If no one can see me, dump the whole bowl in my bag if it's candy I like.
How did you decide to go to Louisiana for college?
Family lives here. Getting paid to go to the college I go to, but the money flies fast. x.x
Which are you more attracted to, Eve or Vaporeon?
Vaporeon. Easily.
Hint to the tree problem: The oldest and youngest trees are exactly 400 years apart from each other
K. Still don't feel like doing it. X)
Have you ever gone to a fast food drive-through area and played a joke on the person taking your order?
I once drove backwards through a drive through. That was fun. The people "behind" us were flipping out too.
Have you ever been tempted to make a giant ASCII visual of ROB?
What is your least favorite evolution of Eevee?
Leafeon. **** that hoe.
Did you ever actually evolve your Eevee (if you couldn't clone it and you only had one)?
I had 2 GameBoys (colors, 2 advances too, actually) so yes and no. I always kept original Eevee but traded myself another from a different game for Vaporeon.
On a similar note, did you pick Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan when given the chance?
Lee. Much prefer kicks.
What is your favorite movie?
Not sure.
Are you double-jointed/Can you twist your body in an unusual, unintended, or unique way?
I can bend my fingers all the way back to my hands. Excess cartilage thing.
Can you do a fake burp?
Do you enjoy spicy foods?
I live in Louisiana. Lmao. YES!
When you were younger, did your birthday parties have themes? (Bowling, movie, amusement parks, etc.)
Had "pool parties" but usually no.
When playing "Truth or Dare," which do you normally pick?
Truth. Don't trust my friends with dares. I camped in that game too. XP
A lot of people don't use the search function on smashboards, but to be honest, it's in an awful spot for a large majority of people, many of which do not see it. On the default settings with a standard-size window, the white word "search" is small and is hidden if any of the other tabs are being used. The actual search box is not only half-hidden on the upper-right but can be hard to see because of the grey vs black mix. Do you have any ideas on how it could be made more obvious? (a lot of people don't read stickies either, unfortunately)
Hmm. I'm not really sure. I'm going to bring that up in the staff shack, actually.
Which do you prefer, "/" or "\"?
Depends. Both are nice. :]
If you added your current age to the current age of the youngest tree in the tree problem, how old would you be?
19+that tree's age.
Can you understand/write/speak any other languages besides English?
Used to know Spanish. Don't care enough to know it know. I understand enough Japanese to watch anime with no subs.
Please rank, from best to worst, the following flavors of Lays Potato Chips: Barbecue-flavored, Sour Cream & Onion, Cheddar and Sour Cream, Jalapeño, Salt and Vineagar, Cool Ranch, and Regular.
Sour Cream & Onion, Regular, Cool Ranch, Cheddar and Sour Cream, Barbecue, Jalapeno, Salt and Vineagar.
Does this order change if they are baked Lays?
What about if they were Ruffles or Pringles?
Original would be the very top on those.
How many times can you say "Sudai" quickly and out loud before the "d" sound goes away?
I ran out of breath trying and the D stayed the whole time. Took a breath, still stayed. Ended the experiment there.
Describe an awkward moment in your life.
It was rather awkward.
Have you ever actually tried using ROB's side B to greatly slow your knockback in a game?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Half-brother. I love him though.
How many out of the 50 states do you know whose names are 12 letters long?
None off the top of my head. Not something I feel like figuring out either.
What is your favorite element's abbreviation on the periodic table, and what is its atomic mass?
Ag, 47
Why are you and I so similar yet different? <3
-Ran Iji
Ehhhh. **** happens.
Why in God's good name do you enjoy Pokeymanz?
I don't. I enjoy cute things. Not all Pogeymanz is cute, but some are. :]
What is this... O__O
I don't even... O__O
the only question i have right now is: why arn't you my friend on AiB?
I don't go to AiB often? Add me and I'll add you next time I go?
oh and what do you think of my sig? nobody here has said anything about it.. =(
Pretty ballin. It gets hidden for most people though. There's a line limit to sig size.
inb4sudai answers, will u drop ur mod status and stop visiting smashboards in the near future (mainly because u quit)
Been there, done that. It really depends on my mood. One day I'll prolly get bored with y'all and give up mod ship. XD
What is you new years resolution?
Don't do new years resolutions.
1) Melee or Brawl+?
2) What's your Melee character? And why did you choose him?
Ness, Fox, Doc, YLink, Marth, Shiek, Ganon, Samus, Link - They're all fun
3) Wy did you choose ROB?
He's fun.
4) What do you prefer? vBrawl's ROB or Brawl+'?
5) What's your Brawl+ character? And why did you choose him(if it's ROB, answer this
question in the #4 one and don't in this one)?
TLink, he's too fun.
what is it like being heartless?
Quite satisfying
will you suck my roboballs?
would you rather main Sonic or Yoshi?
Yoshi seems like more fun and off the wall things.
will sudai ever answer these questions?