I've talked to GCS already about this in a private conversation but I'd prefer a second opinion.
I have a nice little limited edition clear controller. I want to install 4 or so LED's.
2 in the handles of the controller where there's a lot of space. These will activate when rumble is active.
1-2 in the bottom center of the controller, and potentially 1-2 on top of the controller. These will normally be active.
I'm lost on what materials I specifically should use, or what wires to connect where.
I'm going to be using either Red or Purple for the always on, and White or Green for the rumble ones.
Do I use 47 ohm resistors for all 4? Does it change depending on how many LED's or which color LED I use? What wire would you recommend for it? and What would you recommend for use to protect the wires (duct tape, etc..) ?
I'm excited for this to be my first controller mod done myself besides removing rumble paks before, so all the help I can get is appreciated.
If anyone wants to whip up a visual representation of how it would work, that would also help a whole lot.
GCS lathered on wayyy too much super glue for me to even have a clue what's going on, and this is as far as I've gotten: