I'd just like to make a statement on the Choice Item Arguement.
I think that the Choice Item Holder should be able to have various moves and not be able to counter with all of them. Not even a five-year-old would make a mistake to use a bad matchup move. If the one move can counter the pokemon, then so be it. I say we should base counters on not just efficiency, but the idea tht the human has a bigger brain than a rat.
On the other hand, the COUNTER TO THE CHOICE ITEM HOLDER would have to be the one that must counter all the Choice Moves, seeing as, once again, sanity partakes in the counter choice. This lets people use counters with Choice Items, but not be harassed for the fact the the moves that WOULD HAVE NOT EVEN BEEN USED are counted in.
We should just use Sets like, as the most famous example, Eruption only Typlosion, seeing as even though they would get countered Easily, they would still qualify as the counters being looked upon.
I am only saying that the human mind is more capable of clicking a button than you guys may seem to think. Let them have their one move that counter, the rest filler ****. Then have something just counter that.
Now, to use this counter as an example.
Arcanine@Choice Specs
Dragon Pulse
HP Water
Yes, a terrible set, I know.
But the point is here, that it resists Fire Blast, and intimidate does its job on flail, the only real threat to Arcanine. HP water does 141 minimum damage on a 281 HP Torkoal, just barely enough to 2HKO Torkoal without having to fear flail getting to a fairly KO-able power. Fire Blast Also has to 4HKO, and Gyro Ball is almost the same. This shows an example of one move that counters a set. But, it wont take long to GET countered, will it?