Mada Mada Dane
"Tonight Im gonna have myself a real good time
I feel alive and the world turning inside out yeah!
And floating around in ecstasy
So don't stop me now don't stop me
Cause Im having a good time having a good time
- Queen
I think that most of the smash community can agree that "Dont Stop Me Now" by Queen is the theme music/national anthem of the smash community. As It Should. This song says it all.
The Most Important Thing To Remember While Playing Melee Is........
To Have Fun.
This is something that we have been told since we were young by parents, teachers, coach, just about everyone. Without fun there really is no point in playing the game. Sometimes I think a lot of smashers forgot this and either quit or don't advance in skill. Shouldn't matter if someone gets 4 stocked in a match as long as its fun. Recently Ive heard people say how Mangos not taking the game seriously anymore cause he doesn't use Puff anymore. My opinion is that he got bored of Puff and decided to play other characters. Which is the best thing to do, just because you don't win with another character doesn't mean you don't have fun with him. Hey when I main Fox, but every time I go to a friends house we always start off with Falcon dittos cause of how fun they are. I know the game can become stressful at times but just means you need to change it up. Losing can be just as fun as winning. Whether people wanna believe that or not that's their choice but I remember a time where I know it was, how my friend enjoyed losing so much he played about 30 straight matches where he knew would lose.
Me and 3 other friends used to go to a small gaming store in Scranton, Pa for lock-ins and melee tournaments. After a while we found our what we call "Smash Buddy". Someone we enjoyed playing with and who helped us advance in skill. I myself played a smasher named Devl, who was a great fox main from PA, my friend Sephy played TheCape which I'm sure everyone knows for his Mario. Another found his buddy in a Marth main named Javi. Now my last friend found a his buddy in someone we were very surprised to see. It was none other then Mew2King. He played at least 30 straight matches with him losing every single one. After wards I asked him how were the matches, he replied with "They were the best matches I ever had, SOOO FUN" and yes he did yell the last part, it was kind of funny.
Now I'm sure I'll get some people saying how Winnings the most important, being focused, using the best character, tech skill, or whatever. But in my opinion its having fun. I never go to a tourney expecting to win, nor do I go expecting to lose. I expect to have fun and learning what I can and getting the most out of the experience.
This was just what was on my mind and decided to post it, I don't really care if people don't like it, Ill be happy if one person thinks its a good post. :D
I feel alive and the world turning inside out yeah!
And floating around in ecstasy
So don't stop me now don't stop me
Cause Im having a good time having a good time
- Queen
I think that most of the smash community can agree that "Dont Stop Me Now" by Queen is the theme music/national anthem of the smash community. As It Should. This song says it all.
The Most Important Thing To Remember While Playing Melee Is........
To Have Fun.
This is something that we have been told since we were young by parents, teachers, coach, just about everyone. Without fun there really is no point in playing the game. Sometimes I think a lot of smashers forgot this and either quit or don't advance in skill. Shouldn't matter if someone gets 4 stocked in a match as long as its fun. Recently Ive heard people say how Mangos not taking the game seriously anymore cause he doesn't use Puff anymore. My opinion is that he got bored of Puff and decided to play other characters. Which is the best thing to do, just because you don't win with another character doesn't mean you don't have fun with him. Hey when I main Fox, but every time I go to a friends house we always start off with Falcon dittos cause of how fun they are. I know the game can become stressful at times but just means you need to change it up. Losing can be just as fun as winning. Whether people wanna believe that or not that's their choice but I remember a time where I know it was, how my friend enjoyed losing so much he played about 30 straight matches where he knew would lose.
Me and 3 other friends used to go to a small gaming store in Scranton, Pa for lock-ins and melee tournaments. After a while we found our what we call "Smash Buddy". Someone we enjoyed playing with and who helped us advance in skill. I myself played a smasher named Devl, who was a great fox main from PA, my friend Sephy played TheCape which I'm sure everyone knows for his Mario. Another found his buddy in a Marth main named Javi. Now my last friend found a his buddy in someone we were very surprised to see. It was none other then Mew2King. He played at least 30 straight matches with him losing every single one. After wards I asked him how were the matches, he replied with "They were the best matches I ever had, SOOO FUN" and yes he did yell the last part, it was kind of funny.
Now I'm sure I'll get some people saying how Winnings the most important, being focused, using the best character, tech skill, or whatever. But in my opinion its having fun. I never go to a tourney expecting to win, nor do I go expecting to lose. I expect to have fun and learning what I can and getting the most out of the experience.
This was just what was on my mind and decided to post it, I don't really care if people don't like it, Ill be happy if one person thinks its a good post. :D