I predict Tom will be late again due to a combination of internet and world of warcraft
Last time I was "late," you guys were busy not earning money by helping a "newbie."
Heres how everything went down:
Evil Eye and Mediocre were the two creative players. I had them both send me the name of a film, song, book, and video game. Once they had sent them to me, they played 6-guess hangman for points with those categories.
Mediocre's film was Ghost World, book was The Eyre Affair, song was Fool the Hill, and game was Psychonauts. Two words with "the" in them made this easier for Evil Eye, but short titles and complicated ones like Psychonauts made this challenge fairly hard for Evil Eye. Evil Eye guessed 1/4.
Evil Eye's film was Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, book was Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, song was Everlong, and game was Kane & Lynch. The combination of a title with an apostrophe, a title with an ampersand, and a title with a question mark, as well as long titles with many letters, made this challenge fairly easy for Mediocre. Mediocre guessed 4/4.
Handorin and Rockin were the two active players, who were given 36 hours to spam up a topic as much as possible. Handorin made 214 posts and Rockin made 61 posts, totaling to 275 posts.
The catch was that then smashbot, spam_master, and KevinM, the three inactive players, were given 36 hours to beat the active total of 275. KevinM made 88 posts, smashbot made 7 posts, and spam_master made 0 posts, totaling to 95 posts.
Apparently Atlantic South spams the hell out of Atlantic North. It seems that the inactive players were never able to bounce back from their handicap of a late (as they didn't notice their job while they were inactive) start even though they had an extra teammate.
Eor was asked to predict whether Mediocre would succeed in his individual event, whether Evil Eye would succeed in his individual event, and whether the active/inactive group would succeed in their event. He guessed that Mediocre would succeed, and he was right. He guessed that Evil Eye would succeed, and he was wrong. He guessed that the active/inactive group would not succeed, and he was right.
Drab was given the job of dividing up the rewards for successful events. He had to assign a monetary value of $0 to one event, $15k to another, $25k to a third, and $30k to the last. He assigned $0 to the future predictor, $15k to the active/inactives, $25k to Mediocre, and $30k to Evil Eye.
The results:
Mediocre wins 100% of a possible $25,000 for the pot, adding $25,000.
Evil Eye wins 25% of a possible $30,000 for the pot, adding $7,500.
The active/inactive players win 0% of a possible $15,000 for the pot, adding $0.
Eor wins 66% of a possible $0 for the pot, adding $0.
The group adds $32,500 of a possible $70,000.
Overall, you did okay in this challenge. I never expected the group to make the full amount of money due to the guessing nature some of the jobs, the twist in the active/inactive challenge, and the extent to which some of you know each other. And, of course, the intentional sabotage by the mole.
Where did the mole sabotage this game? Did he make himself in charge of the money? Did he give himself a solo job, like predicting the future? Did he assign himself as an active or inactive player, and make as many or as few posts as possible? Did he play hangman? For this next execution exam, I would think about that.
Did Eor not trust the active/inactive groups to succeed? Did Drab not trust Eor's ability to predict the future? Has he not read The Fog? Did Mediocre or Evil Eye know to intentionally choose certain words for hangman?
The exam will go up tonight, and you will have until Sunday at Noon. I hope to see no late exams this time around, but you never know.