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Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
Wanted to quote Andiminda's post since apparently some stuff from the direct are being used as more excuses to believe Miis could not be playable
Yes, the direct hurt their chances significantly
That's definitely something right
I am attempting to look at miis as unbiased as possible.
I suggest you do the same.
I somehow have a feeling that Franchise icons don't nearly matter as much as they seemingly did in Brawl.
Are you sure? You don't sound very sure in your "feeling"
(And even in Brawl there were a few series that got an icon but no playable characters like Electroplankton or the DS symbol for Pictochat did).
This is an argument against Miis. Having a stage doesn't guarantee a playable character. Are you sure you understood my post?
The icon argument is irrelevant because of this.
Not if it has absolutely no relation to that specific argument about icons.
If I was saying a Find Mii character is definitely playable, you could say this. But I'm not. At all.
They could easily give Miis their own symbol while still having Find Mii having the Crown, Pilotwings having a plane, Wii Fit Trainer having a silhouette of herself for her icon, and even if Tomodachi Collection has it's own icon that isn't straight up a general Mii icon.
Wii Fit and Pilotwings are prominent enough to be their own series. I wouldn't consider them Mii series at all, Pilotwings has it's own characters, and Wii Fit content is in the game because of Wii Fit Trainer. So I won't address anything involving those series' content, as it is not there for Miis.

I don't think you understand that a series is all represented by 1 icon.
What if 3d Mario content was represented by an icon of Mario's hat, then Mario Bros platformer content was represented by the mushroom, then Mario Kart content was represented by an icon of the standard medium kart, and Mario Sports was represented by an icon of a tennis racket?
That's simply not how it works.
That won't matter either. In Brawl there are examples of both Stages with icons without a playable character (Electroplankton, Pictochat, and Smashville (At the time at least)). And also at least one character without a single stage for them (ROB)
Do you seriously think that there going to add a bunch of Mii stages yet not have them represent Miis if they were a playable character?
How come every other series gets 1 icon, but Miis come in with 3+ icons? What is there not to understand here?
That's completely illogical. If Miis are playable and Miis have stages, they will be part of the same series icon.

As much as it probably would of made more sense to have at least Find Mii and Wii Fit Trainer having a Wii/Mii series icon,
Wii Fit Trainer is the center of the Wii Fit content and represents that specific series.
The Mii icon literally says Mii.
we can't rule out the possibility that this logic of previously known stages and characters must have an icon indicating them in order for a character to be considered could be made an exception with the Miis.
I think I know what you're saying here, but it's worded oddly...
And no, this logic is prevalent in Smash 4, where it's been shown off specifically, with every assist and stage so far. No reason to change this for Miis.
The Mii series is rather expansive enough, so it's definitely a possibility they just had separate icons for any games that feature Miis to indicate the particular series.
That doesn't make sense.
That would be like Zelda representation getting divided into icons of a Fused Shadow, a train, Fi's head, and the lorule triforce for non-character representation, and the playable characters having triforce icons.
While the Mii's general icon will show up if/when the Miis are revealed.
There isn't multiple icons for series. You're acting like there is, but there's not.
If Miis were playable, the Find Mii stage would have the Mii icon.
Miis have there series of games and appearances and it's always represented by the Mii symbol.

In-game example:

To be honest, despite WFT getting it's own Icon. I kinda consider WFT our first Wii/Mii series represenative anyway. And having Wii Fit Trainer + Miis together would probably be the most proper representation of the Top 3 most successful (in terms of sales) Wii Games. (Which were Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Wii Fit). Smash 4 for the exception of Greninja and maybe Mega Man, the other Newcomers were borrowed from successful Wii games. Wii Fit, Animal Crossing: City Folk, Punch-Out Wii, and Super Mario Galaxy.
With all this representation already, it's almost pointless for representation.
The Wii era didn't NEED representation in the first place.
Miis wouldn't be added for representation, they'd need other qualifications to be made into playable characters.
Wii Fit is definitely Wii, and Super Mario Galaxy is definitely Wii.
Rosalina is sort of represents the "new Mario games" on Wii, 3ds, and Wii U. Don't forget she was used to advertise a Wii U game.
Villager has had a long series of games, and while it appears a good amount of his moves come from City Folk, he did somewhat advertise New Leaf.
Wii Fit Trainer also somewhat advertised WIi Fit U.
If Little Mac only had that Wii game, he wouldn't be in Smash. He was a really big deal back in the NES/SNES days, but his Wii game must not have done too well, at least in Japan, as I've heard he often gets referred to as a retro character there.
And yea, Mega Man and Greninja have nothing to do with the Wii.
It's not like every character is going to relate to the Wii. This portion of the post makes it sound like you think characters are added for representation. Which is usually not the case, but has happened.
Hey, what happened to "1. They're your profile indicator for online.
There they are. Right where they belong. They just show who you are and... well, not much to say here.
It doesn't hurt them terribly."
It's illogical that they would fill both roles. It is.
However, I could see them allowing this, despite not making much sense.
Also thanks for going back to "My opinion is enough to keep this character out of Smash Bros." territory :p
If one of us are biased, it's you. You just denied what you saw.
Deny, deny, deny.
1. No series has ever had more than 1 icon
2. The icon's point is to show what series things are from. If they were to have different icons it would look like they're different series.
3. Every playable character has been part of a series.

Even ROB has been in various games including Mario Kart, but you don't see the rules bending for him or anyone so far.

I'll believe it when I see it. But right now, it makes no sense and has never happened.

Edit: sorry I couldn't write more
But I'm already late for something.
I won't be back here for a while so I can't respond to your other post yet.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Now, I'm reading your post in scrambled bits and pieces, so my responses will be just as erratic. But I want in, nonetheless.

With the icons, I think Sakurai is trying to acknowledge each Mii stage as what it is: an independent series with Miis as the main characters. If you slapped the Mii logo on every stage from a Mii game, that would be absolute overkill.

It's the same reason that the Wii Fit Trainer has her own unique logo, despite being apart of the Wii/Mii series. It may be debatable, but yes, that's true.

I mean, think about it: if every Mii game were to have the Mii logo assigned to it, we've already got two stages per console. Like I said: overkill. Not even Mario has that much confirmed.

The Mii series is just such a weird exception that Smash has never seen. You've got Wii Sports, Wii Play, the Wii in general, Wii Fit, Find Mii, all the other stuff on the Mii Plaza, Nintendo Land, and Tomodatchi Life. And I know for a fact I'm missing some. Yep, Wii Music and Wii Party. 3DS gamers may also associate Pilotwings with Miis. Those are all under a certain banner due to their shared main characters, but they're different franchises, altogether. It just goes to show you that the Miis have garnered countless familiar titles since their debut pre-Brawl.

Now, about the Wii-repping: that's not why Miis are eligible.

Let's take a look at the fact that, despite existing for less than a decade, the Mii series(es?) has become the third best-selling franchise(s?) under Nintendo's belt. That, and their "casual" appeal make it safe to say that they are more than recognizable characters.

All of these best-selling games put Miis in a multitude of situations. They are a species of characters who are known for putting on more costumes and taking on more personas than King K. Rool. They've been everything from partiers, to athletes, to segway drivers, to cow riders, to boxers, to amusement park visitors, to baseball players, to the insides of a bubble, to warriors, right on down to whatever the heck is going to be available in Tomodatchi Life. Not only does this speak volumes about what they can pull from, but about what role(s) they could serve in Smash. Miis could easily be both a background element (the Mii in the cage on Find Mii) as well as a fighter and a representation of online play because people are used to seeing them by the boatloads fulfilling different purposes. Take Mario Kart 7, for instance: Miis are the player's online caricature, background elements (if my memory serves correct), and a playable character. So why can't it be done in Smash?

I'm hoping I've covered everything, and voiced it the way I intended.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014
Take Mario Kart 7, for instance: Miis are the player's online caricature, background elements (if my memory serves correct), and a playable character.
I haven't play MK7 but I'm defiantly sure they are playable characters, background elements, and hazards in MKWii

Edit: also Online GUI
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Wanted to quote Andiminda's post since apparently some stuff from the direct are being used as more excuses to believe Miis could not be playable

That's definitely something right

I somehow have a feeling that Franchise icons don't nearly matter as much as they seemingly did in Brawl. (And even in Brawl there were a few series that got an icon but no playable characters like Electroplankton or the DS symbol for Pictochat did). The icon argument is irrelevant because of this. They could easily give Miis their own symbol while still having Find Mii having the Crown, Pilotwings having a plane, Wii Fit Trainer having a silhouette of herself for her icon, and even if Tomodachi Collection has it's own icon that isn't straight up a general Mii icon. That won't matter either. In Brawl there are examples of both Stages with icons without a playable character (Electroplankton, Pictochat, and Smashville (At the time at least)). And also at least one character without a single stage for them (ROB)

As much as it probably would of made more sense to have at least Find Mii and Wii Fit Trainer having a Wii/Mii series icon, we can't rule out the possibility that this logic of previously known stages and characters must have an icon indicating them in order for a character to be considered could be made an exception with the Miis. The Mii series is rather expansive enough, so it's definitely a possibility they just had separate icons for any games that feature Miis to indicate the particular series. While the Mii's general icon will show up if/when the Miis are revealed.

To be honest, despite WFT getting it's own Icon. I kinda consider WFT our first Wii/Mii series represenative anyway. And having Wii Fit Trainer + Miis together would probably be the most proper representation of the Top 3 most successful (in terms of sales) Wii Games. (Which were Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Wii Fit). Smash 4 for the exception of Greninja and maybe Mega Man, the other Newcomers were borrowed from successful Wii games. Wii Fit, Animal Crossing: City Folk, Punch-Out Wii, and Super Mario Galaxy.

Hey, what happened to "1. They're your profile indicator for online.
There they are. Right where they belong. They just show who you are and... well, not much to say here.
It doesn't hurt them terribly."

Also thanks for going back to "My opinion is enough to keep this character out of Smash Bros." territory :p
I hate to say, but I don't think your logic holds up too well. For starters, you say you have a feeling that icons don't matter as much, and immediately say that the icon argument is irrelevant because of this. There's no point being proven there, that's your opinion.

Now, as for your examples of icons, here's what I'm gathering from this:

1.) We've had stages without playable characters to go with them (Smashville and Pictochat) but got their own icons.
2.) We've had characters that don't have a stage to go with them (R.O.B., Fire Emblem in Melee) but got their own icons.
3.) Wii Fit Trainer has an silhouette of herself as an icon. ...Wait, what does that have to do with anything? I'm afraid I don't see a connection.

So, my big question is how does any of this actually prove that the icons have no effect on the Miis? If Miis were playable, they'd more than likely have their own unique icon (perhaps the word Mii could work), and not one that's limited to only a single appearance, like the Find Mii Crown. In other words, it would be an instance of a character being playable AND having a stage to go with them, but without matching icons. This would be unprecedented, and thus the past examples of the relations between stages, characters, and their icons don't provide any answer as to why this would be the case. And frankly, there's no reason for the icons to be different, at least for Find Mii. Pilotwings is understandable due to it's history as a series before the Miis came along, but Find Mii is a game that is entirely based around Miis. This is the closest thing the Miis could possibly have to a home stage, even more so than the Tomodachi Life stage. If Miis are playable, why would this stage have an icon that doesn't fit the Miis? Of course, you could argue that the Mii games are expansive and could use multiple symbols for their stages, but how likely is that, really? After all, all the various Mario stages in Brawl, including Luigi's Mansion and the Mario Kart stage, all use the same mushroom symbol. Why should the Miis be exceptions, especially since this likely means that the Miis wouldn't get a stage bearing their symbol?

At this point, I do legitimately think the Miis have been harmed by the Direct. I don't think they're out of the question, but I do think that they're less than likely. Contrary to what the majority of Smashboards thinks, I know, but that's what the evidence in game would seem to suggest.
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Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Considering how the development team reskinned an entire stage to hide Little Mac's presence, I don't think it is impossible that someone could mock up different stage icons, knowing the fanbase would dissect the direct in this way.

I'm not claiming this is what they have done, I just thought to point out that this kind of misdirection is not beyond them.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Considering how the development team reskinned an entire stage to hide Little Mac's presence, I don't think it is impossible that someone could mock up different stage icons, knowing the fanbase would dissect the direct in this way.

I'm not claiming this is what they have done, I just thought to point out that this kind of misdirection is not beyond them.
That's possible, I suppose. But at the same time, the Boxing Ring's design was used to hide the identity of the stage's origin. From first glance, it looked like a generic Smash stage. If it used it's Punch Out design, then that would have been a near giveaway that Little Mac was in the game.

Find Mii is still a Mii stage. There's nothing to really hide here. In fact, the stage could have gotten a generic Mii icon and no one would have batted an eye. At least, the icon probably wouldn't be taken as further proof that Miis would be playable. The stage itself would have already done that. It's only because the icon is different that some people think that Miis won't be in.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014
Maybe the Mii's icon is the crown, I mean we had a random gear for MegaMan's icon

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Maybe the Mii's icon is the crown, I mean we had a random gear for MegaMan's icon
I can't really speak for Mega Man, since I'm unfamiliar with his games, but the idea that the Miis would use the crown as their symbol seems very odd to me. As many have pointed out, the Miis have quite the extensive library of games and appearances, to the point where some are saying it's justified for the Find Mii stage to have a different icon then the Miis themselves. It would seem very odd to flip that around and have the Miis be identified by a symbol that only applies to one of their numerous iconic appearances.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Just real quick MegaMan's icon the gear has no iconic status within the games at all.
Huh. Well, I guess because he's a robot...

I don't think that really changes anything about the Miis icon situation.

Deleted member

Considering how the development team reskinned an entire stage to hide Little Mac's presence, I don't think it is impossible that someone could mock up different stage icons, knowing the fanbase would dissect the direct in this way.

I'm not claiming this is what they have done, I just thought to point out that this kind of misdirection is not beyond them.
I doubt Sakurai would go for this level of deep subterfuge to obscure an icon, pulling the same trick as the Punch-Out!! stage.

Technically, he never lied about the boxing stage, it is two stages. This steps over the line unless there are again two stages here, which I find doubtful. I don't believe Sakurai would create a false icon just to fool the fans, that's not fair to the speculators. Once Sakurai begins outright telling lies, there's no fun in speculation.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
Cloud Cuckoo Land
I think that there isn't a definite icon to be placed on these Wii/Mii games because the franchise is composed of very loose patchwork. But that shouldn't stop the Miis, anyhow. They can still have their own logo.

I don't see their chances as crushed. But I'm sure Sakurai just didn't want to associate every game with Miis in them as a Mii game...because there are a lot. It's sort of like the Mario Universe, where it's split into four categories: Mario/Spinoffs, Donkey Kong Country, Yoshi, and Wario. If you just coupled every Mario character with the iconic mushroom, we would be sitting at eight Mario characters right now.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I think that there isn't a definite icon to be placed on these Wii/Mii games because the franchise is composed of very loose patchwork. But that shouldn't stop the Miis, anyhow. They can still have their own logo.

I don't see their chances as crushed. But I'm sure Sakurai just didn't want to associate every game with Miis in them as a Mii game...because there are a lot. It's sort of like the Mario Universe, where it's split into four categories: Mario/Spinoffs, Donkey Kong Country, Yoshi, and Wario. If you just coupled every Mario character with the iconic mushroom, we would be sitting at eight Mario characters right now.
I can understand that, but I'd still like to know why Find Mii, of all stages, doesn't have a symbol that really suits the Miis. I think the Pilotwings and Tomodachi Life stages can get away with having their own symbols, but Find Mii? I mean, if there is any one stage to directly associate with Miis, that would be it. But it isn't. So, why?
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
Cloud Cuckoo Land
I can understand that, but I'd still like to know why Find Mii, of all stages, doesn't have a symbol that really suits the Miis. I think the Pilotwings and Tomodachi Life stages can get away with having their own symbols, but Find Mii? I mean, if there is any one stage to directly associate with Miis, that would be it. But it isn't. So, why?
That's a good question that I'll have to think about because, frankly, when I logged on to Smashboards today, I didn't think I'd be spending this much time on the Mii Thread.

I guess it kinda ties back to the whole "everything being Mii is overkill" theory I keep bringing up. Yes, Find Mii is definitely a Mii-centric game, but I don't know if I would say it is the Mii game. After all, it's a free RPG feature on the 3DS created years after the Mii. If anything, it's more Streetpass-centric than Mii-centric, since it was created to showcase the 3DS' Streetpass and Play Coin features. The only game that honestly comes to mind as the core of the Mii series is Wii Sports, which was created to shove on consumers and force them to see what the Wii was capable of, Miis included.

So, you might be asking yourself," Then why haven't we seen anything Wii Sports-related?" I think that's because Sakurai is choosing the most interesting iconic spots from the Wii universe. The same way we've gotten three completely different Mario stages from three completely different Mario games, we've gotten a slew of interesting Mii-centric stages. However, only one of them actually starts with the word "Wii", as the most Mii-shoe-horning-est games do (Sports, Play, Fit). Other such games, like Nintendo Land and Find Mii, are like Pokemon, in the regard that, yes, Pikachu is present, but it's only the focus if you happen to catch one.

So, games like Wii Sports, Wii Play, and, debatably, Wii Fit, are definitely more purely associated with Miis. But when Wii Fit Trainer was put in, perhaps Sakurai didn't want to put her and Miis in the same franchise due to the fact that they really aren't. WFT is a WF-exclusive character, but Miis aren't, as is the case for a lot of characters, scenarios, and locales in Mii games. Miis sort of transcend their own games in that regard.

I really hope that makes some sense. I literally came up with that explanation while sitting at the computer drinking a cup of milk a few minutes ago.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
That's a good question that I'll have to think about because, frankly, when I logged on to Smashboards today, I didn't think I'd be spending this much time on the Mii Thread.

I guess it kinda ties back to the whole "everything being Mii is overkill" theory I keep bringing up. Yes, Find Mii is definitely a Mii-centric game, but I don't know if I would say it is the Mii game. After all, it's a free RPG feature on the 3DS created years after the Mii. If anything, it's more Streetpass-centric than Mii-centric, since it was created to showcase the 3DS' Streetpass and Play Coin features. The only game that honestly comes to mind as the core of the Mii series is Wii Sports, which was created to shove on consumers and force them to see what the Wii was capable of, Miis included.

So, you might be asking yourself," Then why haven't we seen anything Wii Sports-related?" I think that's because Sakurai is choosing the most interesting iconic spots from the Wii universe. The same way we've gotten three completely different Mario stages from three completely different Mario games, we've gotten a slew of interesting Mii-centric stages. However, only one of them actually starts with the word "Wii", as the most Mii-shoe-horning-est games do (Sports, Play, Fit). Other such games, like Nintendo Land and Find Mii, are like Pokemon, in the regard that, yes, Pikachu is present, but it's only the focus if you happen to catch one.

So, games like Wii Sports, Wii Play, and, debatably, Wii Fit, are definitely more purely associated with Miis. But when Wii Fit Trainer was put in, perhaps Sakurai didn't want to put her and Miis in the same franchise due to the fact that they really aren't. WFT is a WF-exclusive character, but Miis aren't, as is the case for a lot of characters, scenarios, and locales in Mii games. Miis sort of transcend their own games in that regard.

I really hope that makes some sense. I literally came up with that explanation while sitting at the computer drinking a cup of milk a few minutes ago.
Yeah, I can see what you're saying. And I like milk, so that's always a plus.

I think my response to that would be that despite Find Mii not being "the" Mii game, it is definitely "a" Mii game. It's the closest thing Miis have to their own game, at least in terms of the games being represented in Smash. So it would make sense for the Find Mii stage to be the home stage of the Miis, and thus share their symbol. Basically, my line of thinking is that if Miis are playable, why would the stage that's closest to them not have an icon they can share? It's still definitely a Mii-centric game (and stage), so why not share an icon? And it's not like having it share an icon with the Miis is overkill; as I've stated before, I think the Pilotwings and Tomodachi Life stages can get away with having their own icons. At the very least, Pilotwings is confirmed to have it's own icon. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that having, at most, two stages associated with Miis through icons wouldn't be overkill. It'd actually be perfectly reasonable given the scope of games Miis have been the focus of and considering past trends of stages in Smash Bros. So, again, why does Find Mii not have a symbol Miis can use?

My explanation is because they don't need to use it, because I think they aren't playable.

...Does that make any sense?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Yeah, I can see what you're saying. And I like milk, so that's always a plus.

I think my response to that would be that despite Find Mii not being "the" Mii game, it is definitely "a" Mii game. It's the closest thing Miis have to their own game, at least in terms of the games being represented in Smash. So it would make sense for the Find Mii stage to be the home stage of the Miis, and thus share their symbol. Basically, my line of thinking is that if Miis are playable, why would the stage that's closest to them not have an icon they can share? It's still definitely a Mii-centric game (and stage), so why not share an icon? And it's not like having it share an icon with the Miis is overkill; as I've stated before, I think the Pilotwings and Tomodachi Life stages can get away with having their own icons. At the very least, Pilotwings is confirmed to have it's own icon. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that having, at most, two stages associated with Miis through icons wouldn't be overkill. It'd actually be perfectly reasonable given the scope of games Miis have been the focus of and considering past trends of stages in Smash Bros. So, again, why does Find Mii not have a symbol Miis can use?

My explanation is because they don't need to use it, because I think they aren't playable.

...Does that make any sense?
I think I get what you're saying. If I understand correctly, you're saying that some of the stages present are justified in not having a Mii logo, while others, like the Find Mii stage - which, as of now, would make the most sense to couple with Miis - is a standalone stage. And that's completely understandable.

The more and more I think about it, though, Miis don't really have a series, per say. They were basically created to be the face of a console's various files and be a fun little app for Nintendo consoles, Wii and beyond. This very nature granted them access to boat loads of games, which is why they have such a high status among Nintendo characters. However, they're far from the focus of games like Nintendo Land, which is one of those games where an independent logo would be completely understandable, should a stage be made (I really hope that happens). But it could be a case as it was with ROB in Brawl, where he had no matching stage, but still existed, nonetheless...the exception, of course, being the fact that there are quite a few stages, as of now, that could (arguably) represent the Mii, but with a different icon.

In short, I don't think that the Miis were dealt a fatal blow. Their role in gaming since their creation has been pretty bizarre, for video game characters, which is why I, personally, hold on to hope. I mean, as I've said in other threads, Miis aren't make-or-break characters, for me, but I definitely understand that they deserve a spot on the roster, and I'll probably hold hope for our simplistic caricature friends until Sakurai does something that just shouts "DECONFIRMATION".

So, uh, yeah...to answer your question, I'm not terribly certain why Sakurai chose the crown for the Find Mii logo.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I think I get what you're saying. If I understand correctly, you're saying that some of the stages present are justified in not having a Mii logo, while others, like the Find Mii stage - which, as of now, would make the most sense to couple with Miis - is a standalone stage. And that's completely understandable.

The more and more I think about it, though, Miis don't really have a series, per say. They were basically created to be the face of a console's various files and be a fun little app for Nintendo consoles, Wii and beyond. This very nature granted them access to boat loads of games, which is why they have such a high status among Nintendo characters. However, they're far from the focus of games like Nintendo Land, which is one of those games where an independent logo would be completely understandable, should a stage be made (I really hope that happens). But it could be a case as it was with ROB in Brawl, where he had no matching stage, but still existed, nonetheless...the exception, of course, being the fact that there are quite a few stages, as of now, that could (arguably) represent the Mii, but with a different icon.
I agree, the Miis aren't really limited to a single series. There are several games they appear in (like Pilotwings or Nintendo Land [and that actually is a pretty cool stage idea]) that could easily represent themselves rather than the Miis. However, I feel like Find Mii, a game based very much on the Mii system to the point of having Mii in the title, is not one of those games. I could be wrong about this, of course, but it does strike me as more... I guess intrinsically tied to the Miis than other games are. Thus, I think if any stage were to share an icon with the Miis, that would be it, as I've said.

In short, I don't think that the Miis were dealt a fatal blow. Their role in gaming since their creation has been pretty bizarre, for video game characters, which is why I, personally, hold on to hope. I mean, as I've said in other threads, Miis aren't make-or-break characters, for me, but I definitely understand that they deserve a spot on the roster, and I'll probably hold hope for our simplistic caricature friends until Sakurai does something that just shouts "DECONFIRMATION".
Oh, they aren't entirely out of the picture. Sakurai is pretty unpredictable with this sort of thing, so it's hard to give a definite answer on the matter. I mean, the fact that Miis appear as a background element doesn't entirely de-confirm them either (it's not helpful, though). But I do think that their chances got hurt by the Direct, perhaps moreso than a lot of people realize. They're not dead, but they aren't looking that good at the moment, I think.

Ironically, despite how much I've just argued against the Miis within such a short span of time, I'm actually a Mii supporter. I think their significance to Nintendo overall in recent years makes them qualified as Nintendo All-Stars, and thus are worthy inclusions on the roster. I understand people don't really like them too much, but to me, they're such a big part of Nintendo now that they'd make a lot of sense, and I think they'd actually be kind of cool to have. But, in light of recent events, I just don't think they're more than likely, for reasons I've (hopefully) made clear. Kind of a pity really, but that's how I think things are going to end up. Plus their exclusion would disprove that stupid leak.

So, uh, yeah...to answer your question, I'm not terribly certain why Sakurai chose the crown for the Find Mii logo.
I suppose we won't really know until the games come out. Or never. Which ever comes first.



Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
Cloud Cuckoo Land

I agree, the Miis aren't really limited to a single series. There are several games they appear in (like Pilotwings or Nintendo Land [and that actually is a pretty cool stage idea]) that could easily represent themselves rather than the Miis. However, I feel like Find Mii, a game based very much on the Mii system to the point of having Mii in the title, is not one of those games. I could be wrong about this, of course, but it does strike me as more... I guess intrinsically tied to the Miis than other games are. Thus, I think if any stage were to share an icon with the Miis, that would be it, as I've said.

Oh, they aren't entirely out of the picture. Sakurai is pretty unpredictable with this sort of thing, so it's hard to give a definite answer on the matter. I mean, the fact that Miis appear as a background element doesn't entirely de-confirm them either (it's not helpful, though). But I do think that their chances got hurt by the Direct, perhaps moreso than a lot of people realize. They're not dead, but they aren't looking that good at the moment, I think.

Ironically, despite how much I've just argued against the Miis within such a short span of time, I'm actually a Mii supporter. I think their significance to Nintendo overall in recent years makes them qualified as Nintendo All-Stars, and thus are worthy inclusions on the roster. I understand people don't really like them too much, but to me, they're such a big part of Nintendo now that they'd make a lot of sense, and I think they'd actually be kind of cool to have. But, in light of recent events, I just don't think they're more than likely, for reasons I've (hopefully) made clear. Kind of a pity really, but that's how I think things are going to end up. Plus their exclusion would disprove that stupid leak.

I suppose we won't really know until the games come out. Or never. Which ever comes first.
The fact that this was probably one of the most civilized discussions I've ever seen on the Internet kind of led me to believe that you supported them. That, and the fact that you weren't actually arguing against them, but just showing a bit of pessimism, post-Direct.

While I am more than supportive of Miis, myself, and also find the negative reception they get from these boards to be nothing short of ridiculous, I understand that, if there ever was a shoo-in for Smash Bros, the Miis certainly wouldn't be it.

I don't argue that Miis definitely will be in - let's remember that they existed pre-Brawl, and didn't make it in, then - but that they are deserving Nintendo characters, like you said.

The fact that Wii Fit Trainer exists within this game just kind of supports the possibility, also. She gives a glimmer of hope to the people willing to rally behind the "casual" side of Nintendo. And even without that support, who doesn't know what a Mii is?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014
Hm, looking at both sides of this icon discussion I can see where both sides are coming from.

On one hand they could be using different icons for the "Mii" to represent the games themselves rather than just the Miis. The Pilot Wings stage has a plane, the Find Mii stage has a crown (possibly representing street pass games a whole), and the Tomodachi Life could possibly have a speech bubble icon. The Miis themselves could possibly have their own icons since it's not too uncommon; Ness and CF had icons but no stage in N64, Marth and Roy in Melee, and R.O.B. in Brawl.

But on the other hand games like Find Mii and Tomodachi Life are centered around Miis, why not have the Mii icon? Pilot Wings sort of has a pass because it's representing the series as a whole which didn't have Miis in the first two games but I guess it's still arguable because of how Wuhu island makes a large part of the stage. Anyway why make the stages with totally new icons if it could just share the Mii icon with the possible Mii newcomer.

At this point I'm not sure myself what all this means, I guess we just have to wait and see.

Popo Nana Power

Smash Apprentice
Dec 6, 2013
Well the Mii series symbol is just the word "Mii" right? So maybe they didn't use it because it's not really much of a symbol.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Well the Mii series symbol is just the word "Mii" right? So maybe they didn't use it because it's not really much of a symbol.
They could have also used something else, like maybe a generic Mii shape. And even then, I don't think a symbol not being "symbol-esque" enough would keep it from being used. I would think anything could work as a symbol, really.

Popo Nana Power

Smash Apprentice
Dec 6, 2013
They could have also used something else, like maybe a generic Mii shape. And even then, I don't think a symbol not being "symbol-esque" enough would keep it from being used. I would think anything could work as a symbol, really.
It could be confusing to players though, if there's a playable Mii.
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Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
EDIT: nevermind.

Also, i can see the Crown, Mii, Wii, or the Miiverse symbol being the Mii icon. I could even see the plane being their icon also since they're part of Pilotwings.
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
EDIT: Why do people think that the Miis chances were hurt by the direct? Because they weren't.
How so? I believe I just made quite a thorough analysis of why I think the Direct did, in fact, hurt their chances.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
How so? I believe I just made quite a thorough analysis of why I think the Direct did, in fact, hurt their chances.
Because appearing in the background and appearing as playables at the same time is something they've done in multiple games. Why should it affect them now? Also, the stage icons don't really mean much either. (The Crown is most likely their icon but it's possible that they can get something else)
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Because appearing in the background and appearing as playables at the same time is something they've done in multiple games. Why should it affect them now? Also, the stage icons don't really mean much either. (The Crown is most likely their icon but it's possible that they can get something else)
I never really argued about them appearing in the background, but I seriously doubt the Crown would be their icon. Why would the Miis, characters who appear in so many titles to the point where some are arguing that it's justified that these Mii stages have their own unique symbols, be limited to just one of their game appearances through their symbol? It'd be like the Mario Kart stage in Brawl having it's own symbol, and then all the Mario characters using that symbol. They've done so much more than that; why limit their symbol like that?


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I'm only saying it's the most likely since Find Mii is the only Mii centric game that has an icon at the moment. (Tomodachi Collection doesn't have a confirmed icon yet) That's why i'm saying that the crown is the most likely based on what we know so far.

Although it will probably end up being this or this. (Like people have said in earlier posts.)
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I'm only saying it's the most likely since Find Mii is the only Mii centric game that has an icon at the moment. (Tomodachi Collection doesn't have a confirmed icon yet) That's why i'm saying that the crown is the most likely based on what we know so far.

Although it will probably end up being this or this. (Like people have said in earlier posts.)
I would agree, the crown would be the most likely icon if they were to share an icon with the stage closest to them. However, this assumes that Miis are in the game to begin with. My question would be why the Find Mii stage doesn't have one of the other icons you provided for its own symbol, when those could have very easily worked for the stage in question and would allow the Miis to have a proper home stage?


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I would agree, the crown would be the most likely icon if they were to share an icon with the stage closest to them. However, this assumes that Miis are in the game to begin with. My question would be why the Find Mii stage doesn't have one of the other icons you provided for its own symbol, when those could have very easily worked for the stage in question and would allow the Miis to have a proper home stage?
Because Sakurai is going to Sakurai. Also Electroplankton and Pictochat. (I'm expecting the eventual Nintendo land stage to have the actual Mii symbol)
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Because Sakurai is going to Sakurai. Also Electroplankton and Pictochat. (I'm expecting the eventual Nintendo land stage to have the actual Mii symbol)
Electroplankton and Pictochat didn't have any characters associated with them, or any characters that could be associated with them. Find Mii is directly tied to the Miis. The situations aren't comparable, I'm afraid.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Electroplankton and Pictochat didn't have any characters associated with them, or any characters that could be associated with them. Find Mii is directly tied to the Miis. The situations aren't comparable, I'm afraid.
I'm listing those two as kind of a joke honestly.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
So... bottom-line, how were the Miis not hurt by the Direct, exactly?
Nothing shown has exactly affected them in any way. The icons are debatable but don't mean anything in the long run. The background appearances, of course, don't hold water either.

They aren't exactly hurt but they haven't been supported either in the direct.
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