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The Menacing Bull: Black Shadow charges in!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2014

"The coward's way...? You make it sound so noble. I just plan to eliminate anyone who stands between me and the prize. Simple as that."

You dare bring light to my lair, you must die!

Who's Black Shadow, you may ask? Allow me to explain to you a little bit about the bull himself and some backstory behind the character as well, Black Shadow formerly known to be a racer, and a badass villian with an interesting motive of his evil deeds.

Let's begin with a little bit about who Black Shadow is, Black Shadow has recurred as a prominent villian throughout the F-Zero franchise, he's been playable in F-Zero X, F-Zero GX and F-Zero GP Legend. He's been a very important character to the plot and he's been the biggest threat to Captain Falcon himself. Despite being a man who's hungry for chaos and mayhem, he's got an interest in creating things as well. As shown with his evil invention that is Blood Falcon, who's a clone of his arch-nemesis.

The history with Black Shadow started off in F-Zero X, where he was the main villian and he had a huge role in the game. He's always had a feud with Captain Falcon, since Captain Falcon was the one that ruined most of his plans. And because of that, he's always had a hatred for the bounty hunter. And that's not all. His main motive as a racer has always been to rule over the world and keep those who serve him as his underlings.

He has a vehicle which is based on a Bull, and is also called the Black Bull, the main car that he uses in every race he enters.

Black Shadow's personality is evil, cold-hearted and cruel to those who oppose him. He's psychotic and very cunning. And he finds it amusing to destroy other machines and he's always had a thing for destruction in general, he's pretty much a pyromaniac. His shadowy figure can scare any common citizen, as seen with Mr.Zero in an interview with Black Shadow in F-Zero GX. Not even a bribe can change his mind, and he couldn't care less about the law, ruling out his dark idealism as his goal for domination. Never ask him to take off his mask, because he'll burn you to ashes if you do.

Now with all the talk about his backstory and personality out of the way, allow me to move on to my next point, the reason why including him in Super Smash Bros would be a fantastic idea.
To start things off first, I believe its in due time for a new representative for the F-Zero franchise. For quite sometime now, after several installments of the game, we've been stuck with Captain Falcon and Captain Falcon only. Which to me is upsetting to see, but also hard to understand.

While F-Zero is not one of Nintendo's most popular ips it's still been relevant throughout the years, despite it not having many games after GX, it has had a lot of small cameos as well as interesting crossovers with other franchises, such games include Mario Kart 8 with two stages called Mute City and the other one is called Big Blue, as well as a vehicle called the Blue Falcon. And they were also in Super Smash Bros Melee as stages. There was also another cameo featuring F-Zero in Nintendo Land with one of its attractions called Captain Falcon's Twister Race.
Black Shadow also has his own trophy and a sticker in Super Smash Bros Brawl and in Super Smash Bros for 3DS/Wii U he had only a trophy.

But wait, these are just cameos you might say, and F-Zero has no chance of making a triumphant comeback because of that. However, in a January 5th 2015 Video from Smosh Games, Miyamoto was featured as guest star where he confirmed that the F-Zero franchise was not dead just yet stating that a new installment in the franchise could be possible if Nintendo were to develop a unique controller interface for one of their upcoming consoles ( the Switch?) that would be suited for a new game.

Either way, with that said. I'll move to my next point which is his moveset.
Now allow me to explain his moveset, since his features are mostly resembling a bull, I took ideas out of idealistics from a regular bull. Because they share the same features, so most of his moveset will be based on that.
Anyway, allow me to begin.

B - Bull Charge, based on the move Ganondorf does, Black Shadow charges his horns and the more you tap on the special the longer and stronger his charge attack gets.
Up B - Rising Bull, this is a move which Black Shadow jumps upwards with his horns and if he hits the bottom part of a stage, he gets stuck and has slight climbability which helps help maneuver in the corners of the stage, or even below a floating platform like in Battlefield. He can only stay climbing or in the magnetic horn idle position for about 5 seconds. If he doesn't move after that, he ends up falling.
Side B - Bind, Black Shadow releases a bind attack which stuns enemies that goes near the attack, it works similiar to the way Zero Suit Samus shoots from her plasma gun.
Down B - Stomp, he stomps on the ground causing an enemy to get trapped if he goes near him. But it affects the enemy very little if they're further away.

Now onto his tilts, jabs, air attacks, throws and smash attacks, taunts as well as the rest of his moves.
A - Punching Bag, he uses three attack a regular punch a second punch and his horns.
Side A - Cape, he uses his cape which has a sharp edge and does a high amount of damage.
Down A - Horn Attack, Black Shadow uses his horns downwards as he attacks.
Up A - Sucker Punch, he uses a fiery purple attack in an upward direction.

Now for his air attacks.
Neutral Air - Umbra Twirl, he uses his cape as he twirls around once.
Forward Air - Horn Sting, Black Shadow uses his horns in the same manner Captain Falcon uses his knee, but it's harder to hit and has a high amount of damage if you hit its sweet spot.
Back Air - Elbow Blackout, he has an attack with his elbow which he hits backwards if enemies are behind him.
Down Air - Onyx Cape Cast, you slowly see a shadow cast from above and as soon as it ends, Black Shadow strikes down.

And onto his throws.
Pummel - he simply grabs the opponent and pummels them with his fist.
Foward Throw - while he holds the enemy he uses his horns to ram into them.
Back Throw - as he holds the opponent, he throws them backwards and kicks them with both of his feet sorta like a horse.
Down Throw - he places his opponent on the ground and stomps on them.
Up Throw - he throws them upwards and spikes them with his horns.

And now for his Smash attacks.
Forward Smash - Charcoal Charge, he uses his shoulder as an attack, similiar to Wario's old Forward Smash attack. The more you charge it, the harder it becomes and it has super armour.
Up Smash - Ebony Knuckles, he uses both of his knuckles and hits them upwards sorta like Ryu's Up Smash, but this attack has him standing and uses both of his fists.
Down Smash - Phantom's Trap, Black Shadow uses his bracelet with one fist to put out a trap, but if you charge the attack. He uses both fists to put two traps.

Now for his taunts,
Side Taunt - Laughing Manically, Black Shadow folds his hands and laughs manically like he usually does.
Up Taunt - Insult, he shows his palm in a menacing manner and says one of his quotes from the game. "Are you prepared to die?" "This is beginning of the reign of evil!" "Bow down before my power."
Down Taunt - Autograph, he writes down an autograph and throws it at the opponent. It does only 1% damage.

And then lastly, it's his Final Smash.

Final Smash - Pyromania Apocalypse
Black Shadow calls for his car and shouts out "Come out Black Bull!", as he enters his backdrop he gets his car to transform into a mechanical bull and once he has it transformed, he rides ontop of it and controls it through the match but it's only avaliable for a limited time and it's a lot slower too but it does a great amount of damage if you strike someone with it.

And that's all of his movesets. There's also more stuff to mention, like his victory animations, losing animation, idle animation, music tracks, items etc. Although, I'd love to hear you guys offer your suggestions for that part, even though I have a few ideas myself. I am willing to listen to your ideas and suggestions. I'll be happy to hear what you all have to share.

Black Shadow's Theme:
Devil's Forest Theme:
Mission Theme:
Phantom Road Theme:
Casino Palace Theme:
Credits List:
Super Smash Bros 4 Fanfiction Wiki
Elemental-Aura (Deviantart)
The Legend of Falcon (Anime)
Black Shadow Supporters List:
Mr.J Mr.J
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Sir Ridley XII

Smash Cadet
Aug 3, 2014
Yes, why didn't we get a villain newcomer in Smash 4? Support all the way. Samurai Goroh would be a good candidate, but it seems Takamaru is the popular samurai these days.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Absolutely yes, F-Zero needs another character and nobody would be better than the big bad villain himself. Hope they don’t make him a Falcon clone, it would be awesome to see what the mindset behind Falcon’s legendary moveset would come up with if given the same amount of freedom to create another one.

lady_sky skipper

Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2017
Count me in as a supporter. It would be cool to add to the roster of playable villains in Smash. (And F-Zero needs a little more exposure anyways.)


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
You can count me in as a supporter as well. I would love to play as Black Shadow in Smash 5 all the way! Wouldn't even care if he was a clone of Captain Falcon, I'd still play as him.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I support.

He is not only a cool villain, but I am all for more F-Zero characters.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2012
A friend suggested that Black Shadow becomes an EXACT clone of Ganondorf, thereby allowing Ganondorf to have his own Zelda-inspired moves.

It sounded like blasphemy at first, but it makes sense. Shadow is a tough, burly guy like Ganondorf. He's Falcon's rival, so it only be fitting he has the same moves, but only slower and more powerful.

I understand not wanting to upset fans, but players can still have their pick--either they keep the moveset or they keep their character. Zelda battles become more epic, and F-Zero gets a quick, new character to promote the franchise and hopefully any new games.

I'm at the point where I'll be disappointed if this doesn't happen.
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Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
A friend suggested that Black Shadow becomes an EXACT clone of Ganondorf, thereby allowing Ganondorf to have his own Zelda-inspired moves.

It sounded like blasphemy at first, but it makes sense. Shadow is a tough, burly guy like Ganondorf. He's Falcon's rival, so it only be fitting he has the same moves, but only slower and more powerful.

I understand not wanting to upset fans, but players can still have their pick--either they keep the moveset or they keep their character. Zelda battles become more epic, and F-Zero gets a quick, new character to promote the franchise and hopefully any new games.

I'm at the point where I'll be disappointed if this doesn't happen.
This is the only way I see him getting in, and is the only way I want to see him in.

Sir Ridley XII

Smash Cadet
Aug 3, 2014
It's interesting to note that Black Shadow is voiced by Norio Wakamoto, who also voiced M. Bison in Street Fighter and Cell in the Dragon Ball Z series. So it's no doubt that even in Japanese there should be no trouble for suitable, tense and engaging lines from Black Shadow during combat.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 20, 2018
It's interesting to note that Black Shadow is voiced by Norio Wakamoto, who also voiced M. Bison in Street Fighter and Cell in the Dragon Ball Z series. So it's no doubt that even in Japanese there should be no trouble for suitable, tense and engaging lines from Black Shadow during combat.
IIRC Wakamoto said that he'd love to reprise his role as Black Shadow if the character got into Smash.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2015
Oh yes, you can count on me as a supporter. Smash could really use some villains and Black Shadow is a perfect fit.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
My vote for Black Shadow depends entirely on what they do with Ganondorf this time around.
If he gets changed as much as Link by making his moveset closer to his in-game counterparts, while Black Shadow gets all his original moves, I'm all for Black Shadow. I'm sure others feel the same way

The Animator

Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2014
Chicago, Illinois
My vote for Black Shadow depends entirely on what they do with Ganondorf this time around.
If he gets changed as much as Link by making his moveset closer to his in-game counterparts, while Black Shadow gets all his original moves, I'm all for Black Shadow. I'm sure others feel the same way
Everyone I've ever talked to about it has agreed with this, and that it really should have happened already. It makes no sense for Ganondorf to fight like C. Falcon .


Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2014
Yes, why didn't we get a villain newcomer in Smash 4? Support all the way. Samurai Goroh would be a good candidate, but it seems Takamaru is the popular samurai these days.
Certainly, and you know what they say. The more the merrier. But I do agree on that front, we have been lacking in villians for quite sometime now and I think it is in due time that we add more of them, so that there can be more menacing feuds between good and evil.

As for the Samurai Goroh part, I wouldn't say just because Takamaru is the popular samurai that Samurai Goroh has no shot, I mean what's the harm in having two samurai's instead of one? I'm sure Goroh is a-okay when it comes to moveset potential, so including him wouldn't harm the franchise as well as the "samurai" characters.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2014
Absolutely yes, F-Zero needs another character and nobody would be better than the big bad villain himself. Hope they don’t make him a Falcon clone, it would be awesome to see what the mindset behind Falcon’s legendary moveset would come up with if given the same amount of freedom to create another one.
Yes, that absoutely what I thought as well, and what other way than to include Black Shadow. It be perfect, since we'd get more representation of villians as well as more characters from the F-Zero franchise, an unpopular franchise but a big one nonetheless. So I say give him a chance and I'm sure he won't disappoint.

And I also agree with the clone aspect, if he's a newcomer the excitement would drop drastically if he'd end up as a clone, so making him more original than a Falcon clone would only lead to better ways of seeing him in Smash. I think clones are bad in general to have, with so many of them in Super Smash Bros 4, I feel that, it has to stop somewhere. And Black Shadow can be one of the corner stones of having an original moveset as a newcomer.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2014
Count me in as a supporter. It would be cool to add to the roster of playable villains in Smash. (And F-Zero needs a little more exposure anyways.)
Sure thing, I'll be sure to add you as a support as soon as possible.
And yes, I agree, F-Zero is way underrepresented and adding one more character to it would possibly make it a little more popular than it already is now.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
Mr.J Mr.J if you press "+quote" instead of "reply" then you can reply to more than one person in a post by pressing the insert quotes button that should appear below the text box at the bottom.

Also if you're new to this you can highlight parts of a post with your cursor and reply/+quote just that part
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lady_sky skipper

Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2017
Sure thing, I'll be sure to add you as a support as soon as possible.
And yes, I agree, F-Zero is way underrepresented and adding one more character to it would possibly make it a little more popular than it already is now.
Yeah, if Nintendo doesn't release a new game in the series, it might get as neglected as Pilotwings is these days. (F-Zero at least was popular with gamers, though I wonder if it might dip in popularity since it's a 'dead' franchise now to the point that new gamers might not recognize it at all.)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Switch FC
I've seen some people say that Black Shadow should take Ganondorf's moves so Ganon can have an original moveset. Do any of you agree to that?


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
I've seen some people say that Black Shadow should take Ganondorf's moves so Ganon can have an original moveset. Do any of you agree to that?
Also yes, could have a couple animations changed to reference the horns and change magical effects to stun/electric effects
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Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
Oh, come on.

Black Shadow has no value to himself as an actual character or a fighter. Literally everyone here will admit this.

The only reason people even want Black Shadow is to take Ganondorf's moveset. Not for any sort of merit to Black Shadow himself.

Would you want Dry Bowser to get Bowser's old kaiju moveset?


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I've seen some people say that Black Shadow should take Ganondorf's moves so Ganon can have an original moveset. Do any of you agree to that?
I want to see what crazy original moveset they come up with for Black Shadow, but if Ganondorf is going to change and Black Shadow can make it as a successor I’ll take it.


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2018
I have mixed feelings on Black Shadow. In the past I wanted him in the game, but since then I’m more 50/50 on it. Simply because the F-Zero series is basically dead. Unless Nintendo has something planned for F-Zero secretly it’s last new game was back in 2004, 14 years ago. I don’t really like the idea of having another character from a dying franchise making it over a character from a new franchise, retro game, or a popular franchise personally. Plus I could see Black Shadow easily being made a clone of Captain Falcon, although I wouldn’t mind this if they gave Ganon a completely new move set and just shifted his old move set to Black Shadow. But unless Nintendo decides to make another F-Zero I don’t know about getting another F-Zero character even though I do like the idea of Black Shadow making it in.

Pizza Robo

Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
I support Black Shadow for Smash Bros 5 also we need more F Zero Characters and Villains
Sign Me Up :D


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
The whole Black Shadow takes Ganondorf's cloneset thing has been parroted for over a decade at this point, back when there was more demand to get a second F-Zero character. It's such an obvious, objectively corrective idea that makes complete sense. Unfortunately, this is why it will never happen. Sakurai would never have such an insight.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
I understand the thought process around Black Shadow being an easy host character for Ganondorf's current move set, but a pure heavyweight powerhouse doesn't entirely fit him. It does to a point, but Black Shadow is a bit more cunning than mindlessly shoving his fists everywhere. It does fit his personality as a racer - story canon makes him out to be a ruthless offensive driver in essentially what is a tank, but he has some brains in there too I'd like represented.

But I suppose the only way we are getting him is if Sakurai does see merit in overhauling Ganondorf but keeping his move set elsewhere. Black Shadow has the physique and some logic (same series as Falcon) to be the perfect character for this role.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2014
You can count me in as a supporter as well. I would love to play as Black Shadow in Smash 5 all the way! Wouldn't even care if he was a clone of Captain Falcon, I'd still play as him.
That's awesome, I'll make sure to add you on the list as well.
And as for me personally, I'd be happy for him to have a unique moveset rather than see him as a clone. Only because, with newcomers. You would want something fresh and interesting to offer to the table of the current set of characters.

Adding a clone to that would give no distinct characteristics to Black Shadow, everyone would only see him as only a "clone". So by all means, you can support him either way you like.

I support.

He is not only a cool villain, but I am all for more F-Zero characters.
Appreciated, I'm usually surprised why there aren't many supporters for the F-Zero franchise in general. But I guess it's mostly due to the fact that they see the franchise as dead and not ever returning. But to be fair Kid Icarus was in a similiar spot, and look what happened to that?

I mean I think it's safe to say that only because the franchise hasn't had any games for a while, doesn't mean it's entirely dead. They get revived eventually, it's just in due time.

A friend suggested that Black Shadow becomes an EXACT clone of Ganondorf, thereby allowing Ganondorf to have his own Zelda-inspired moves.

It sounded like blasphemy at first, but it makes sense. Shadow is a tough, burly guy like Ganondorf. He's Falcon's rival, so it only be fitting he has the same moves, but only slower and more powerful.

I understand not wanting to upset fans, but players can still have their pick--either they keep the moveset or they keep their character. Zelda battles become more epic, and F-Zero gets a quick, new character to promote the franchise and hopefully any new games.

I'm at the point where I'll be disappointed if this doesn't happen.
Here's the thing though, by making Black Shadow an entirely Captain Falcon clone, not would that only ruin his introduction as a character, but it would not even make him the slight bit interesting. Because he'd end up as a clone that shares the same moveset as a character we already have, take for instance the current clones we have.

Dr.Mario, while people would argue that he's not entirely a clone, people do think his placement in the roster is a tad bit redundant. With him, people would rather see him as an alternative costume for Mario while Mario keeps the Dr.Mario moveset, but the only problem with this is that then he'd end up colliding with Luigi's moveset in regards to the cyclone and the down air where he twirls with his feet. And the reason why they changed Mario from that is because they didn't want them to work similar. And also because people don't generally like clones.

Dark Pit, now with him, we open a whole can of worms that people here agreed with. He's simply a clone which as seen as the others, offer nothing interesting what so ever. He's simply Pit, but with a different side special. And because of that it's been seen as something negatively for a character to share a similiar moveset. Most people see Dark Pit as an example that he is not seen as someone likable nor interesting because of the fact that he's very similiar to Pit, and not to mention the fact that they pretty much have the same speed and same movement in general, aside from the special as mentioned before.

Lucina, as for Lucina most people see her as Marth without the tipper. And for most part, not a lot of people wanted to see her end up as a clone in Smash, but she ended up becoming one considering her backstory and characteristics with her games being the same as Marth. So in her regard it sorta worked out, but in a similiar vain people have argued why she didn't end up as an alt to Marth in that case. And mainly because of Sakurai's reasoning with making them as separate fighters instead of alts.
But either way, not all are for Lucina's inclusion in the next Smash Bros, not because she's simply a Fire Emblem character, but the fact that she's a clone and she can be overlooked at as a simple alt to Marth. Which is why people are mostly not in favour of her as returning veteran but instead either cut or simply placed in Marth's spot.

Clones in general are a touchy subject, as not all people like having more clones in Smash Bros, while it is quite unavoidable to get most characters with original movesets for the most part, it is seen as more favoured to have less clones and more original movesets. I could include the fact that, when it comes to newcomers people are more interested in those that offer something new to the table rather than someone that looks and works exactly the same as someone that's already been in the roster of Smash Bros. Which is why, for better or worse.

I'd like to see Black Shadow as an original moveset, not only due to the fact that he does work differently from Captain Falcon, but also because he's downright menacing and somewhat threatening. And by making him simply a Falcon clone, that would take so much from him as a character, and only make him too close to what Captain Falcon is. Now with Ganondorf it's understandable that he ended being a clone, due to the fact that Melee had for the most part tons of them and the fact that Ganondorf's stature works in similiar vain like Falcons.

But that does not exactly mean he has to be a clone, it's simply the fact that people want him to be original from Falcon that it puts him on a grey zone, where there are people that prefer his moveset like it is currently, while others want him to be more unique. Which is why, I believe having them as clones would not help anything. But having them different from Falcon would not only make Captain Falcon good enough on his own with his unique moveset, but also because it would offer them a chance to shine in their own ways.

Now I would include more similiarities with other clones such as Wolf, Lucas, Toon Link and Roy.
But I think you get the point.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I have to be honest, but I've never played F-Zero before. But, definitely add me to the supporters.

lady_sky skipper

Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2017
I have to be honest, but I've never played F-Zero before. But, definitely add me to the supporters.
You should play it, it's very hard but pretty fun and the characters are awesome. Which is why we all want to see Black Shadow in the newest Smash game:)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2013
I don't think Sakurai is going to change Ganondorf at this point. Ganondorf in his original Melee form has lots of fans and he's probably too afraid to alienate them. As far as Black Shadow goes, F-Zero is such a dead series that he'll see no value in adding a second character from it. It seems like F-Zero and The Legend of Zelda are both screwed in terms of new characters.

I love F-Zero, particularly GX, and any newcomer would be nice.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
I'm usually surprised why there aren't many supporters for the F-Zero franchise in general. But I guess it's mostly due to the fact that they see the franchise as dead and not ever returning. But to be fair Kid Icarus was in a similiar spot, and look what happened to that?
For me it's the complete lack of any obvious moveset potential and the fact that F-Zero has a huge enough cast that most of them are irrelevant within their own series. Like, in GX, only Falcon, Black Shadow and Deathborn actually mattered to the story at all. The other roughly 40 racers were just kinda there.

I understand the thought process around Black Shadow being an easy host character for Ganondorf's current move set, but a pure heavyweight powerhouse doesn't entirely fit him. It does to a point, but Black Shadow is a bit more cunning than mindlessly shoving his fists everywhere. It does fit his personality as a racer - story canon makes him out to be a ruthless offensive driver in essentially what is a tank, but he has some brains in there too I'd like represented.
Black Shadow, from what I've played and seen, makes his schemes work (or not) through the tactical application of massive amounts of destruction. Perhaps some minor tweaks would be in order but throwing his fists around like Ganondorf would be absolutely fine as long as he could somehow be a thinking man's heavy as well.

If he's a newcomer the excitement would drop drastically if he'd end up as a clone, so making him more original than a Falcon clone would only lead to better ways of seeing him in Smash. I think clones are bad in general to have, with so many of them in Super Smash Bros 4, I feel that, it has to stop somewhere. And Black Shadow can be one of the corner stones of having an original moveset as a newcomer.
Sure, Black Shadow would lose a lot of appeal from being a clone but consider the following scenario:

Captain Falcon has just been shown to return in the obligatory Fire Emblem newcomer reveal. Then, out comes a new video. One that shifts the perspective slightly and suddenly, the latest lord isn't winning. Reference is made to the fact that the FE roster is already full. They can't call in any more of their friends for help. So who do they turn to? Why Falcon's greatest rival, of course!
Black Shadow is revealed and he looks bad@ss! People behind their monitors the world over go crazy as fists collide and even the mighty Falcon Punch is blown away!
But what's this, Falcon flips and lands on his feet, quickly sidestepping Black Shadow's choke hold. The FE lord performs a quick sword thrust and he jumps over it, only to be caught in... Wait, what? Is that a Doug Hug? Is Black Shadow really just another Falcon clone?!
There's a moment of disappointment, perhaps even outrage, at home before another voice is heard. Deep and resonant, from up above the fight. "You would dare to call yourself the lord of darkness?" it says, "The power I weild is the stuff of legends!"
And, as the combatants look up, down floats Ganondorf, effortlessly weilding his broadsword single handed, dark energy crackling in the other. We view the arena from Black Shadow's perspective now and our entire field of vision is consumed by Ganondorf's energy blast.
The CG trailer ends and perhaps just a little bit of gameplay footage rolls in fast cut montage form to really ram home the point of this reveal: That Ganondorf is the newcomer this time!

That is how you handle the hype for a veteran revamp.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2016
I would love Black Shadow in Smash Switch since he is F-Zero's Batman (I know he isn't really, but he looks like it).


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2015
i honestly want to see somebody to take the time and list all the source material (attacks, character traits, feats, and history) of Black Shadow so we can have a bit of a leg to stand on when talking about Mr. Megac*ck's chances on any Smash roster as a unique character

by source material, i mean "from X, GX, and, mostly, the GP Legend spinoff series" of course, lol
Black Shadow should be a ganondorf clo-.gif

this GX cutscene from the OP is a good start!
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
With Samurai Goroh disconfirmed and Blood Falcon's clothes still belonging to the Captain, looks like the series' meagre hopes of a newcomer hinges on this beefy fella.

Lost the potential to be an echo of Ganondorf due to the sword, and he doesn't have the same build as Falcon to work. Looks like its semi-clone or unique mvoeset for him. That's what I want, but that probably decreases his chances lol.


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2014
Parkville, Maryland
Chrom gave Black Shadow another chance. Also the 3ds Mute City got renamed to Mute City SNES, despite Mute City Melee not being in the game.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I didn't even notice this thread existed.
thumbs up from me


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
This went under the radar!
As you can see, I'm a supporter of F-Zero!

I'm a huge fan of F-Zero, and I'd love for the villain to show up, now that Goroh is out of the running!
My most wanted Echo fighter!


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Chrom definitely means he's possible as a last minute clone. Ganondorf's build, specials, aerials, and tilts but Falcon's smashes.

Better than nothing.
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