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The Lucario Shrine

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
Aura Sphere Aka Shadow Ball
Close Combat... what the heck will this be? A bunch of A moves?
Bone Rush Aka Link's Boomerang
Hi Jump Kick - Another A Move
Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse- Probably the only original move he could muster up
Sky Uppercut- Dolphin Slash
extreme Speed- Fox Illusion
Detect/Counter- Marth and Roy's counters
Let's now use some more logic:

Marth and Roy's counters- Peach's Toad
Spinning Kong- Whirling Fortress
Skull Bash- Green Missle
Falcon Punch- Kirby's Hammer
Yoshi Bomb- Bowser Bomb



Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Shiek and Zelda are separate characters because you can use them independant of each other.
That is not the case with PT's pokemon.
. . . If thats directed at me than I have no idea how you can play Sheik without picking Zelda (as in, IDK how they are "separate" in that way or "independant of each other").

Point, PT is of 3 playable pokemon. . . if thats all the new playable pokemon we get than you know why.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2007
Durango, Mexico.
. . . If thats directed at me than I have no idea how you can play Sheik without picking Zelda (as in, IDK how they are "separate" in that way or "independant of each other").

Point, PT is of 3 playable pokemon. . . if thats all the new playable pokemon we get than you know why.
You can play with Sheik all the time just by selecting Zelda and holding the A button at the start of the battle, you don't need to transform into Zelda again, making her independant from the other. With PT you are almost obligated to change of pokemon in order to not get some bad consequences as Sakurai states, making them dependant from the other.

Also Sakurai counts PT has one character profile even though he has three diferent movesets, different from Zamus and Samus, and PT uses the same Final Smash with any of his pokemon which makes them considered as one character.

BTW, I think that if we get another PC of pokemon, without doubt that is going to be Lucario.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
. . . If thats directed at me than I have no idea how you can play Sheik without picking Zelda (as in, IDK how they are "separate" in that way or "independant of each other").

Point, PT is of 3 playable pokemon. . . if thats all the new playable pokemon we get than you know why.
And if it's not, then you'll also know why. Because they are considered one character. I think we could easily get another pokemon rep. It could go either way though.


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Yeah, PT's Pogeys are a unique case and cannot be compared to Shiek or Zero Suit Samus. Reasons being listed already, such as lack of own profiles, Final Smash, and the whole stamina system that means you can never play as one of them alone without becoming handicapped and crippled unlike any other character.

Simply put, Squirtle Ivysaur and Charizard are a single unit, tied by the trainer in the background. They may each have their own moveset, but each will never be utilized to win on its own...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
You can play with Sheik all the time just by selecting Zelda and holding the A button at the start of the battle, you don't need to transform into Zelda again, making her independant from the other. With PT you are almost obligated to change of pokemon in order to not get some bad consequences as Sakurai states, making them dependant from the other.

Also Sakurai counts PT has one character profile even though he has three diferent movesets, different from Zamus and Samus, and PT uses the same Final Smash with any of his pokemon which makes them considered as one character.

BTW, I think that if we get another PC of pokemon, without doubt that is going to be Lucario.
Zelda and Sheik are not "separate" as in, you can't get one without the other in melee. You can't select Sheik alone (she is apart of Zelda in the sense that Zelda's Bv changes her into Sheik which is why they are together).

Well we are looking at the site, it was also said that PT is 3 playable pokemon in one by Sakurai (or atleast the skinny white guy that translates his post for us). And it was never stated that you couldn't play as one pokemon all you want. . . just that something happens if you change either too much or not enuff.

" But they also have another stat, which you might call stamina.
If you keep fighting with the same Pokémon, or if you change them out too often, it’s not so good for the Pokémon.

If you want to be a good Pokémon Trainer, you’ll need to learn these kinds of ins and outs."

We still have no idea what this "stamina" is but it looks to pick up where Zelda went wrong (as in, something actually happens if you abuse the ablity to use different move-sets by either sticking with the cheap one or changing too much). Theres nothing stating you can't be one all the fight, just that rapid changing or no changing has some effect on the pokemon.

Oh, and Zero most likely aint in Samus's profile because she is can only be played after Samus's FS (in which case she actually does appear in the profile). The character "Pokemon Trainer" is completely depindant on these 3 playable pokemon so theres no reason to have 3 profiles for them or 3 FS attacks. They are cleary a team.

As I said before, don't really care about how each of us sees terms like "reps/ slots/ what-makes-a-character" etc here, PT is composed of 3 playable pokemon. Therefore, with Jpuff and Mew2 coming back, you have 6 playable pokemon (and every important role of a series being fulled in the process) in which case I see no need to expect/ demand or even hold hope for any new playable pokemon. (and this is coming from a poke fan ;) )



Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Well, Sakurai said its "like" playing three characters for the price one, not that they really are three, but whatever. There will always be a difference in opinion here...

I just think its very likely that Sakurai (or Gamefreak, who Sakurai went to) will have considered a latest-gen rep, and I cant see Darkrai getting in over Lucario. We will just have to wait...

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Oh, and Zero most likely aint in Samus's profile because she is can only be played after Samus's FS (in which case she actually does appear in the profile). The character "Pokemon Trainer" is completely depindant on these 3 playable pokemon so theres no reason to have 3 profiles for them or 3 FS attacks. They are cleary a team.
Zamus should have an option, since her FS changes her back to regular samus.

Saor Gael

Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2007
Aura Sphere Aka Shadow Ball
Close Combat... what the heck will this be? A bunch of A moves?
Bone Rush Aka Link's Boomerang
Hi Jump Kick - Another A Move
Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse- Probably the only original move he could muster up
Sky Uppercut- Dolphin Slash
extreme Speed- Fox Illusion
Detect/Counter- Marth and Roy's counters

I seriously seriously cannot see any original moves on mewtwo
Aura Sphere could have homing properties and probably wouldn't be chargeable. To say they're the same would be the same as saying ANY projectile move is the same.

Close Combat would be a flurry of hits at close ranges.

Bone Rush is not a projectile move. It's a multi-hit rushing attack.

Hi Jump Kick is very powerful, but hurts the user if it fails.

Sky Uppercut does more damage against airborne opponents.

Detect is not at all similar to counter. It's a purely defensive move.

Counter is obviously similar, but the user still takes damage when using it.

I really can't figure out why you're so threatened by another pokemon character appearing in such a non-serious game as Smash. :chuckle:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Aura Sphere and Shadowball were completely different moves? Was shadowball an actual move on the game or was it just made up for smash?

If they are different moves then they could give them different properties. Maybe they can make Lucario's aura sphere controllable or homing?
Shadow Ball is a real move, it's actually a Ghost-type attack. Aura Sphere does have some hort of homing properties, I think, because in-game it never misses.

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I really can't figure out why you're so threatened by another pokemon character appearing in such a non-serious game as Smash. :chuckle:
I personally just dont want to see him as a playable character. I don't care about which pokemon rep it is, I'd just rather see one that everyone knows. Lucario would be great if it were a pokeball, I don't care about that, but not as a playable character. I mean come on.. Some of us havent seen the movies or played pokemon in a while. I only found out about lucario from the thread.

Besides, there's already tons and tons of representation for brawl, in basically every aspect of the game. SSE, playable characters, Stages, Trophies, Stickers, and items.

I'm not anti-pokemon in anyway, I'm just anti-lucario. I'm sorry it's the way I am and others are too. Wouldn;t it make sense to leave the spot for characters that are well known and well loved that represent their own series..?

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
No there are no rumours. The best thing they have is that gardevoir and all other expected pokemon to be PC (minus Darkrai) are confirmed as pokeball pokemon.


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
I personally just dont want to see him as a playable character. I don't care about which pokemon rep it is, I'd just rather see one that everyone knows. Lucario would be great if it were a pokeball, I don't care about that, but not as a playable character. I mean come on.. Some of us havent seen the movies or played pokemon in a while. I only found out about lucario from the thread.

Besides, there's already tons and tons of representation for brawl, in basically every aspect of the game. SSE, playable characters, Stages, Trophies, Stickers, and items.

I'm not anti-pokemon in anyway, I'm just anti-lucario. I'm sorry it's the way I am and others are too. Wouldn;t it make sense to leave the spot for characters that are well known and well loved that represent their own series..?
But see, heres the problem. Why should Sakurai cater only to those who dont play Pokemon anymore? The ones who recognize Lucario are the ones who still play and ensure that Pokemon in still successful, therefore having more characters in Smash. Yes, there are people who play Diamond/Pearl yet dont want Lucario in Brawl I know, but do those people really think playable Pokemon in Brawl should be restricted to the generation introduced 10 years ago?

Lucas was added because he is modern even though he is unknown to many outside Japan. Lucario would be similar - added to show that the Pokemon series has moved on. I just dont think it would be right for Sakurai to hold back a 4th gen rep because people who dont play Pokemon anymore dont know them. Its foolish reasoning...

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Gaah when I was fixing up some grammar [by editing], it ended up double posting [wtf] and the second post has the corrections so I'm changing this post.

Sorry :\.. It's taking me like 3 minutes to load everything and it;s getting on my nerves :(

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
But the fact is that Super Smash Bros brawl isn't just representing pokemon. It's representing everything that is nintendo (minus the third party characters). If Pokemon didn't become such a leading nintendo series, it wouldn;t affect SSB. All it would do is lower the amount of representation.

Also With Lukas, it's his game series that is unfamiliar ... not just the character. For us it has no effect if he changes the person, unless if people were fans of playing as Ness because they mained him. We don't know who Ness is or who Lukas is, unless if cet person had gone to Japan and bought the game and can read japanese (unless if there are games in north america, although I've never seen it).

Also the spot that lucario would take could be better used to represent other games, thus making them more popular. If people never knew about Ness when the first SSB came out, and started to main him, chances are they did some research on him and found out more about his series, and that's where they start their fascination for the Mother series. Of course I realise that others knew Ness before he joined the Smash community.


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
But Lucario/4th gen can show that the series is ever changing. All of the playable Pokemon being first gen sends a message that only the first games were good, and thats not true! Diamond and Pearl have sold extremely well, and it is generally agreed to be the best thing since the original GB games. It deserves to have a playable rep.

The Pokemon series icon was changed to be the same emblem used in Diamond/Pearl's touch screen during battles. That by itself would seem odd only used on 1st gen Pokemon. They went through the trouble of adding Pokeball 4th gens. Again why should Sakurai not have a character from the newer games? Should Micaiah and Midna and Lucas be excluded too because some might not know them? Pokemon sells more than all these series!


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Your Hero, if your favored characters were confirmed, would you still care that Lucario was in Brawl?

I think that regardless of your own feelings, you should try to look at it objectively. Do you guys really think that Lucario has a low chance of making it, or is it just that you don't want him in?


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Whats up with everyone and repping gens with characters? 4th gen already has rep. . . in the form of pokeyball pokemon. Pokemon is a series with a HUGGEEE list of possible characters. Sakurai doesn't need to have a random-but-populare pokemon from every gen (or even the newest) to show off said gen of pokemon. . . .he simply has to aim at the ones that best repersent the series as a whole which happen to be the first iconic ones like Pika/ RB starters/ Jpuff and Mew2.

I mean, this is the main series I hear this about. . . I don't hear anyone saying that the woman from SMG should be in simply to show that mario has "moved on":ohwell:


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Pokemon shouldn't get in because they are the best from their given generation but the series in whole
But think about how advertisement could come into play and consider Roy. Wasn't Roy somewhat of an advertisement for the current FE game at that time? Lucario could do so as well, not to mention he seems to already be very popular among pokemon fans. He was the first pokemon I found out about in the fourth generation, and he's one of the first I think about when I hear Diamond and Pearl. Also, consider the fact that I haven't played pokemon since gold and silver, yet Lucario stands out to me.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
In you're head (You know who you are)
But think about how advertisement could come into play and consider Roy. Wasn't Roy somewhat of an advertisement for the current FE game at that time? Lucario could do so as well, not to mention he seems to already be very popular among pokemon fans. He was the first pokemon I found out about in the fourth generation, and he's one of the first I think about when I hear Diamond and Pearl. Also, consider the fact that I haven't played pokemon since gold and silver, yet Lucario stands out to me.
Is that really the only reason YOU want Lucario in the game, so their game get's advertised more?


...Yeah, that really makes a pokemon deserving....advertising...

The game HAS been out for a while, BTW


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
But think about how advertisement could come into play and consider Roy. Wasn't Roy somewhat of an advertisement for the current FE game at that time? Lucario could do so as well, not to mention he seems to already be very popular among pokemon fans. He was the first pokemon I found out about in the fourth generation, and he's one of the first I think about when I hear Diamond and Pearl. Also, consider the fact that I haven't played pokemon since gold and silver, yet Lucario stands out to me.
Roy and Lucario are 2 different things. FE had not gone out-side of Japan and Roy's game had not even been released yet. He was in not only to advertize a new non-released game from a Japan only series but to also expose the west to FE.

Pokemon DP, on the other hand, will have been out in the US for about a year by the time brawl comes out here (already been more than a year in Japan) and has been a world wide hit for the past 10 years. . . DP aint going to sell more because Lucario is in brawl (nor does it need a spike in sells) and trying to advertize DP simply for exposure at this point is like expecting Midna to get in simply to spike TP sells. (Midna has a list of real reasons to be in. . . advertizement aint one)


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Is that really the only reason YOU want Lucario in the game, so their game get's advertised more?


...Yeah, that really makes a pokemon deserving....advertising...

The game HAS been out for a while, BTW
No, I just said that that's a fairly good reason to have him in. I want him in because he looks badass. IMO what makes him deserving is the scale of his popularity. Yes, I know popularity isn't everything, but it's a good enough reason for why he should and could be in *cough*Sonic*cough*.

I will say that I can admit that there are a few reasons why he might not get in:

1. Similarity of Lucario's and Mewtwo's aura sphere and shadow ball. However, they could easily give them different appearances and properties.

2. the fact that I can see similarities between Lucario and Sonic and Fox based on speed, color and animal type. Lucario's frame and running style seem similar to Fox's. And we already have a speedy blue guy XD. But then again, look at Kirby and jigglypuff.

3. Pokemon doesn't necessarily need more rep, especially with pokeballs. However, I think pokemon a big enough franchise to have so much rep.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
No, I just said that that's a fairly good reason to have him in. I want him in because he looks badass. IMO what makes him deserving is the scale of his popularity. Yes, I know popularity isn't everything, but it's a good enough reason for why he should and could be in *cough*Sonic*cough*.
. . .Im sorry, but are you comparing Lucario to the 2nd most recognizeable video game icon in the world who is in the ranks of Mario and was also the most wanted character for this game? :ohwell:


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Roy and Lucario are 2 different things. FE had not gone out-side of Japan and Roy's game had not even been released yet. He was in not only to advertize a new non-released game from a Japan only series but to also expose the west to FE.

Pokemon DP, on the other hand, will have been out in the US for about a year by the time brawl comes out here (already been more than a year in Japan) and has been a world wide hit for the past 10 years. . . DP aint going to sell more because Lucario is in brawl (nor does it need a spike in sells) and trying to advertize DP simply for exposure at this point is like expecting Midna to get in simply to spike TP sells. (Midna has a list of real reasons to be in. . . advertizement aint one)
Ok, I admit, I'm no expert on advertisements, Fire Emblem nor the latest pokemon games, but I actually think Lucario as a playable COULD spark interest in pokemon D&P, though this could be of a smaller scale. I'm using myself as an example; he makes me interested in pokemon again.

I'll try to disregard my advertisement reason. But consider this: why not showcase such a popular pokemon from the most recent game/generation? Yes, there are pokeballs that have 4th gen pokemon, but once again consider his popularity and how easily they could make him playable.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
. . .Im sorry, but are you comparing Lucario to the 2nd most recognizeable video game icon in the world who is in the ranks of Mario and was also the most wanted character for this game? :ohwell:
My comparison was to illustrate that popularity was indeed a factor in determining who will be playable. I was not comparing the popularity of Sonic to Lucario's. This was to silence the people who will say "Sakurai thinks popular characters are boring" or "popularity is not a good enough reason."


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
In you're head (You know who you are)
My comparison was to illustrate that popularity was indeed a factor in determining who will be playable. I was not comparing the popularity of Sonic to Lucario's. This was to silence the people who will say "Sakurai thinks popular characters are boring" or "popularity is not a good enough reason."
The point of that is, popularity is NOT the only factor.

Sonic was the most logical choice in the first place


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
The point of that is, popularity is NOT the only factor.

Sonic was the most logical choice in the first place
Sorry, but you emphasized the wrong word. This is what you meant to say:

The point of that is, popularity is not the ONLY factor.

Yes, I'm aware of that, but the fact remains that it definitely plays a major role.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Boofer don't worry, you want him in, and that's all that matters. You don't need to explain your reasons.

Black/Light reeeeaaaallly needs to find something else to do, cause it's really sad.

And it seems DarkVision doesn't want him in because he "doesn't leik the Pokemans". Which is also a really bad argument.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
In you're head (You know who you are)
Boofer don't worry, you want him in, and that's all that matters. You don't need to explain your reasons.

Black/Light reeeeaaaallly needs to find something else to do, cause it's really sad.

And it seems DarkVision doesn't want him in because he "doesn't leik the Pokemans". Which is also a really bad argument.
What the **** gave you the impression that I don't like Pokemon, because I don't like Lucario?

Ooh, I don't like an overhyped Pokemon...That must mean I don't like Pokemon at all...

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
I for am for Lucario... he would be a bad*** playable, he has many moves which could be used for an awesome moveset..., not only that he is one of the most popular pokemon from the 4th gen, and he stars in a movie.. to me i think hes a lock for the game.. my only issue is what his fs would be but probably something from the movie i guess


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
But think about how advertisement could come into play and consider Roy. Wasn't Roy somewhat of an advertisement for the current FE game at that time? Lucario could do so as well, not to mention he seems to already be very popular among pokemon fans. He was the first pokemon I found out about in the fourth generation, and he's one of the first I think about when I hear Diamond and Pearl. Also, consider the fact that I haven't played pokemon since gold and silver, yet Lucario stands out to me.
This advertisement thing sure is used a bit too much when suggesting characters. Let's not do that.


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2006
I for am for Lucario... he would be a bad*** playable, he has many moves which could be used for an awesome moveset..., not only that he is one of the most popular pokemon from the 4th gen, and he stars in a movie.. to me i think hes a lock for the game.. my only issue is what his fs would be but probably something from the movie i guess
Isnt D/P the fastest selling pkmn game? Its not that hard to believe that they would give the 4th gen some representation.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Black/Light reeeeaaaallly needs to find something else to do, cause it's really sad.
. . .Umm wtf dude? How often do I come here? Rarely, thats how much (very lil do I even glance at the topic). And Im not even directly debating Lucario. . . looks like you really need to pay attention to something other than my actions on this forum cause it's getting sad to see soo many fan-boys refer to me as if I actually hate Lucario (You would be the 5th to do so):ohwell:
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