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The Lucario Shrine

Saor Gael

Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2007
Lucario Moveset!

I made another moveset for Lucario! I have enjoyed a lot of the other ideas people have presented and have tried to make mine unique from theirs.

I have aimed to show his physical movepool more, so as to make it very obvious he has plenty of potential to be different from Mewtwo. :D

Lucario moveset:

Speed: ****
Weight: ***
Jump: ****

B – Aura Sphere
Lucario charges a ball of energy and then hurls it forward a decent distance. The move can be shielded against, but hits even those who dodge. It flies in a straight line, and takes about as long to prepare and fire as Samus’ Super Missile. It does not have huge knock-back, but is fairly strong.

Bv – Me First
When Lucario uses it, a yellow glint of light goes in his eye. If the opponent attacks him while he is doing this, then he dodges behind them automatically and strikes one and half times the damage they would have dealt.
This seems easily abusable, but there is a catch; if used too often, the move gets a higher and higher chance of failing. In the event that it fails, Lucario takes one and half times as much damage from the opponent’s attack. A failed Me First can be told because the glint in his eye will be red instead of yellow.

B> - Reversal 1-35% (Option 1)
Lucario lunges forward at the opponent, spinning and lashing out wildly. The power of the move is greatly influenced by how much damage Lucario has.

B> - Extremespeed (Option 2)
Lucario shoots forward at breakneck speed, much like Fox’s Fox Illusion. The move has similar range, but more power to it, but longer recovery. Opponents who Lucario hits seem okay for a moment, then take a strong hit. The move can be aimed slightly up or down after activation to make Lucario gain a little air or go lower down. However, like a recovery move, he cannot do anything after using Extremespeed in the air.

B^ - Hi Jump Kick
Similar to Mario’s recovery, Lucario shoots up and forward slightly, leg held out ahead of him. If it hits someone he will rebound off, but then he can perform the move again, thus gaining height, and making meteor smashes against him a risky proposition. If it misses, he takes 5% damage upon landing, and is stunned momentarily.

A – Front Kick
Lucario raises his leg and does a forward snap kick

A (2nd) – Double Kick
Lucario spins on the spot, leaving the ground totally for a moment and doing a second kick in the air as he spins around.

A (3rd) – Low Jab
Ducking lower, Lucario jabs out a clenched paw

A (rapid) – Bullet Punch – Lucario’s arm becomes an invisible blur, striking in the same spot over and over again like a piston, only the base of his arm and a silvery fist visible as it hits (similar to how the middle of Kirby’s arm is invisible while doing jabs)

A> - Force Palm
Taking a step forward, Lucario extends his arm palm-first, a small flash of orange light at the end, which delivers good damage and a pseudo-electric stun effect, but is slightly slow, and has a slightly slow recovery.

Av – Low Kick – 4-18%
Leaning back on one arm, he extends his leg downwards towards the shin level and delivers a kick. This move has the odd property of becoming stronger against heavier opponents.

A^ - Metal Claw
Looking up, Lucario does a swipe in front and above himself, covering a broad arc, but being rather slow in execution.

A Dash – Vacuum Wave
Dashing forward, he makes a punch so fast it sends out a shockwave slightly in front of him that is invisible except for the air that is rushing about it. It is extremely fast, but not particularly strong.

Smash A> - Blaze Kick (Option 1)
Lucario does a fast side kick, his foot becoming orange and making a burning effect (like Captain Falcon’s old Smash in 64).

Smash A> - Close Combat (Option 2)
Lunging forward, Lucario delivers a 5-hit combo that is exceedingly fast; each hit may be one or a couple frames long. It sucks the opponent in, so it’d be very rare for only some to hit; the final blow has great knock-back and the move does great damage.
The move is fast, strong and has KO potential – but it has a very long recovery, making it easily punishable if it misses.

Smash Av – Split Kick
Dropping down to let his hands catch him, his legs shoot out to either side at a low level, hitting both sides of him at the same time. Decently fast, decent damage and speed, but not a power KO move.

Smash A^ - Sky Uppercut
Crouching slightly, Lucario then jumps back up, his fist rising into the air in a massive uppercut, similar to the famous Street Fighter move, but without raising him into the air. It has strong priority and hits in front and above him, but doesn’t cover him from behind at all.

Nair – Jump Kick
Lucario sticks his leg out with his other leg tucked underneath it, similar to many other basic air moves.

Fair – Bite
Lucario snaps his head forward and bites at the opponent. Fast and low recovery, but not the greatest power.

Uair – Sky Kick
Lucario rolls and kicks straight up, the move being fast, but having a specific sweet spot to hit for good damage and knockback.

Dair - Brick Break
Lucario performs the classic ‘karate chop’ slightly in front, but mostly below him. This move can spike, but requires good timing.

Bair – Iron Tail
Lucario’s tail takes on a silver sheen and he spins in a circle, primarily striking behind him, but also doing some damage in front of him a moment later (similar to Link’s forward aerial).

Grab -
Throw> - Kick Off
Holding the enemy in his paws, he raises a foot between them then shoves them off with a hard kick.

Throw< - Crunch
Biting onto his opponent, he flings them over his shoulder and lets go, sending them hurling away to bounce against the ground.

Throw v – Step Up
Grabbing the opponent’s shoulders, Lucario jumps up and brings his feet up, then slams them face-down into the ground while rising slightly into the air.

Throw^ - Lucario slams his tail up into the opponent, sending them skyward.

Hold Attack – Spiked Fist
Lucario jabs his spiked fist into the enemy’s belly.

Final Smash – Aura Wave Bombardment
Glowing for a moment and closing his eyes, Lucario then begins shooting Aura bombs in quick succession. These are different from his normal B moves in that they are much larger and will home in on enemies. They can be air-dodged, but are somewhat difficult to avoid. They do much more damage than Aura Sphere, but move slower.
Lucario is free to move while performing this Final Smash.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 27, 2007
California (NorCal)
Personally, I'd love to see Lucario in Brawl. Don't see a single thing wrong with him as a (potential) playable character. He has plenty going for him that's for certain. Like any other Pokemon he possesses extremely good move-set potential, and introduces two new "types" to the game (Fighting and Steel). On top of that he's a 4th-gen rep and a fairly recognizable one at that. Plus, he's the only non-legendary Pokemon to have a movie featured about it. From what I can tell he has a solid fan-base as well, and his humanoid design makes him less awkward in the Brawl environment than many other Pokemon.

Of course, I've heard a number of people complain about the amount of Pokemon reps we have already, and the amount we'll most likely have with the probable return of Mewtwo and Jiggs, but I don't think that's too big of a problem if one at all. I'm just hoping his potential as a playable character isn't passed up.


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Ah, good old Lucario shrine... I will be always be waiting out for a Lucario update on the Dojo, because the longer we go without getting him as a Pokeball update, the likelier he is (Sakurai is on a roll deconfirming the most plausible choices)...

One thing I have realized is that a 4th gen rep wont be included on account of request because 4th gen Pokemon were rather unknown at the time the polls were conducted. Rather, it will be Gamefreak's influence that will primarily determine the inclusion of Lucario as playable. So if Lucario is confirmed on the 15th or after, that will be my answer to the shocked and appalled: Sakurai went to Gamefreak, thats why!

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Ah, good old Lucario shrine... I will be always be waiting out for a Lucario update on the Dojo, because the longer we go without getting him as a Pokeball update, the likelier he is (Sakurai is on a roll deconfirming the most plausible choices)...

One thing I have realized is that a 4th gen rep wont be included on account of request because 4th gen Pokemon were rather unknown at the time the polls were conducted. Rather, it will be Gamefreak's influence that will primarily determine the inclusion of Lucario as playable. So if Lucario is confirmed on the 15th or after, that will be my answer to the shocked and appalled: Sakurai went to Gamefreak, thats why!
December 15th might only be the Starting Roster, and Lucario most likely wouldn't be in the Starting Roster.

And of course Sakurai went to Game Freak. That's almost certain.


Smash Cadet
Oct 30, 2007
Dont' Get your hopes up for Lucario to be on it though because he will probably be unlockable and definitely in the game

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I hope he's a pokeball. I hate the idea for lucario in brawl as a PC. You would know how much I hate the idea for him as PC if you saw the threads I've posted in related to lucario lol :]
Mar 21, 2007
The problem is that some people aren't fans of him. I'd personally would like to not see him in any shape or form in the game. He's definitely worthy of being in a pokeball but I'd just like to not see him. I hope he becomes a sticker or something.

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Lol if it makes people feel better, he could be the best pokeball pokemon there :] (pulling out some chuck norris moves in there lol)


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
Mid-State NY
I hope he's a pokeball. I hate the idea for lucario in brawl as a PC. You would know how much I hate the idea for him as PC if you saw the threads I've posted in related to lucario lol :]
The problem is that some people aren't fans of him. I'd personally would like to not see him in any shape or form in the game. He's definitely worthy of being in a pokeball but I'd just like to not see him. I hope he becomes a sticker or something.
Seriously, why to you hate Lucario soo much, atleast give a reason for your hatred


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2007
MPLS, Where Californians go to die.
lol. Many Pokemon starred in a freakin movie dude.

If you disclude all the pokemone already decomfirmed, all the pokemon already in the games and all the pokemon that make little sense who is left? Not Mewtoo or Pikachu since well they already in. None of the legendary birds since they make little sense and they have been pokeballs for a while and are unlikely to change. The legendary dogs have a chance but they don't make quite enough sense and are already pokeballs. Deoxys is a pokeball. Celebi, Mew and Jirachi have a shot I suppose but I don't think they would work very well. Who does that leave?
Mar 21, 2007
Seriously, why to you hate Lucario soo much, atleast give a reason for your hatred
I do not like lucario because his design is a copy of mewtwo's. I don't like lucario because of the fact that he's pushed on everyone as a 'cool' pokemon. I don't like Lucario because of how he's not good in the pokemon games. I do not like Lucario because he looks really ugly to me. I do not like Lucario because he's too slow and has bad defenses. I do not like Lucario because I just don't.

Is that enough? >_>; Anywho... Lucario's chances are high I'm not gonna doubt that but I'm hoping for the best and the best is no lucario in brawl for me.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
If you disclude all the pokemone already decomfirmed, all the pokemon already in the games and all the pokemon that make little sense who is left? Not Mewtoo or Pikachu since well they already in. None of the legendary birds since they make little sense and they have been pokeballs for a while and are unlikely to change. The legendary dogs have a chance but they don't make quite enough sense and are already pokeballs. Deoxys is a pokeball. Celebi, Mew and Jirachi have a shot I suppose but I don't think they would work very well. Who does that leave?
I was just saying. There are many Pokemon that star in the movies.
Mar 21, 2007
If you disclude all the pokemone already decomfirmed, all the pokemon already in the games and all the pokemon that make little sense who is left? Not Mewtoo or Pikachu since well they already in. None of the legendary birds since they make little sense and they have been pokeballs for a while and are unlikely to change. The legendary dogs have a chance but they don't make quite enough sense and are already pokeballs. Deoxys is a pokeball. Celebi, Mew and Jirachi have a shot I suppose but I don't think they would work very well. Who does that leave?
Darkrai... He'd be a good represenative of the fourth gen, he's really popular in japan and it'd be a nice way to reveal him to the united states maybe even include a darkrai present for those who have diamond and pearl

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Why don't you tell me the reasons you like him, I don't have to defend myself for why I hate him if you don't for why you like him.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
The info, along with the links provided near the beginning, are part of th reason people like him.

Who'd like if Lucario got a costume that looked like a orange fighting Gi, like in Street fighter or DBZ?


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
I don't think you should have responded to my post. Someone asked me to explain why i don't like lucario and I did. You shouldn't try to counter point someone's opinions especially in a mocking manner.
Who said I was counterpointing you?
And you can't argue opinions anyway.
I was just giving my opinions.
Also, I wasn't mocking you.
Mar 21, 2007
Who said I was counterpointing you?
And you can't argue opinions anyway.
I was just giving my opinions.
Also, I wasn't mocking you.
Oh yeah going "LOL WUT" to all of the reasons why i don't like lucario wasn't mocking at all. I had no idea all your opinions were lol wut, and if you weren't counterpointing me and unless your opinion is LOL WUT then you made a post that had no point


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2007
Lucrio Sucks He Won't Be Playable. What A Bad Thread. You Don't Even Give Reasons Why He Should Be In Other Then "oh Well Hes A Fighting Type" Which Is A Total Bull Crap Reason Screw Th


Smash Cadet
Nov 22, 2007
Learning dual-sword wielding to OWN Sakurai if roy
Wow... Talk about trolling

Lucrio Sucks He Won't Be Playable. What A Bad Thread. You Don't Even Give Reasons Why He Should Be In Other Then "oh Well Hes A Fighting Type" Which Is A Total Bull Crap Reason Screw Th
1. No Need For Capitals To Begin Every Word
2. If you hate him then why are you wasting your time posting here?
3. Your last sentence seems to end before... well... it ends.
4. Where's your punctuation?

Now I shall eat pudding.

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
1. No Need For Capitals To Begin Every Word
2. If you hate him then why are you wasting your time posting here?
3. Your last sentence seems to end before... well... it ends.
4. Where's your punctuation?

Now I shall eat pudding.
Because when people see this thread, we want them to know that not everyone likes lucario. Not to mention when we make a thread, they say there's already an official lucario thread.
Mar 21, 2007
Because when people see this thread, we want them to know that not everyone likes lucario. Not to mention when we make a thread, they say there's already an official lucario thread.
Exactly... Although i feel a bit hypocritical cause of the ashley thread and what not but then again I don't really tell people not to post if they don't like ashley. >_>; Anyway that's besides the point...

Lucario for no appearance in brawl!
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